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提问人:网友xiaogang0805 发布时间:2022-01-07

What's the policeman's biggest headache?A.He has to get the most desirable results without

What's the policeman's biggest headache?

A.He has to get the most desirable results without breaking the law in any way.

B.He has to justify his arrests while unable to provide sufficient evidence in most cases.

C.He can hardly find enough time to learn criminal law while burdened with numerous criminal cases.

D.He has to provide the best possible public service at the least possible expense.

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
更多“What's the policeman's biggest headache?A.He has to get the most desirable results without”相关的问题
What's the end of the story? A. The prisoner stole the policeman's notebook and gave
it to Mr. Green in return.

B. The prisoner was caught.

C. The prisoner robbed Mr. Green.

D. Mr. Green sent the prisoner to the police station.

What's the policeman's biggest headache?A.He has to justify his arrests while unable to pr

What's the policeman's biggest headache?

A.He has to justify his arrests while unable to provide sufficient evidence in most cases.

B.He has to provide the best possible public service at the least possible expense.

C.He has to get the most desirable results without breaking the law in any way.

D.He can hardly find enough time to learn criminal law while burdened with numerous criminal cases.

One day. a father and his little son were going home. At dds age. the boy wu interested in
all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now. be asked. "What's the meaning of the word 'drank' (喝醉了的). dad?"

"Well. my son. " his father replied. "Look. there are standing two policemen. If I regard the two pollcemea as four then I am drank."

"But. dad. " the boy said. "there's only one policeman!"

Two policemen were standing behind the father Md the son.



SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:Policeman: Now, sir, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. I had to look after the traffic on the road until some more police arrived. You're the driver of the blue ear, I believe.

Mr Simpson: Yes.

Policeman: Just a few questions, sir. Do you feel all right?

Mr Simpson: Yes, I'm...I'm fine now. I was a little shaken up at first.

Policeman: Well, I'll try not to keep you long. I just want a few details, and the rest of the information I can get tomorrow. Can I have your name and address, please?

Mr Simpson: Jeremiah Simpson, 15 Portland Crescent, Leeds.

Policeman: Have you got your driving license and insurance certificate with you?

Mr Simpson: Yes... Oh, here they are.

Policeman: M' Inn... Thank you... Oh... Yes, they're all right. Now, were there any passengers in the car?

Mr Simpson: Er yes, er my wife and a friend -- a young lady. My wife was sitting in the back and her friend in the front passenger seat.

Policeman: Where are they now?

Mr Simpson: The ambulance has just taken them to hospital. You spoke to the ambulance driver before he set off. Did he say anything about the young lady?

Policeman: He said that her injuries looked worse than they really were. The other woman --- that'd be your wife, I assume -- appeared to be suffering from shock.

Mr Simpson: Yes, I know. They advised her to go to hospital for a check-up, just in case...

Policeman: Mm. Was the young lady wearing her seat-belt?

Me Simpson: No, unfortunately. I told her to put it on, but she couldn't adjust it. I didn't think it was worth stopping the car because we were only going a few miles.

Policeman: Did she go through the windscreen?

Mr Simpson: No, she was very lucky. But she hurt her leg on the dashboard.

Policeman: Mm. It could've been much worse. Now, sir, will you tell me in your own words what happened?

Mr Simpson: Oh... Well, as you can see, I was travelling along this main road when suddenly er the other car came out of er that side street. It all happened so quickly. I just didn't see him until he hit me.

Policeman: I've just spoken to the other motorist and he says that you were speeding.

Mr Simpson: What?

Policeman: Is this true?

Mr Simpson: That's a lie. My wife and Becky'll tell you that I stopped at the pedestrian crossing just down them. You can see it's only fifty yards away. I could hardly have reached thirty miles an hour by the time I got here. Goodness knows what would've happened if I'd been going faster.

Policeman: The other driver said that he stopped at the junction. When he pulled out there was nobody coming, so you must at the junction. When he pulled out there was nobody coming, so your must have been speeding.

Mr Simpson: Well, it's not true. I've witnesses to prove it. He couldn't have stopped. The lighting is very good here along this stretch.

Policeman: Yes. He should have stopped. Why did you stop at the pedestrian crossing?

Mr Simpson: There were two old ladies on it. I'm always a bit careful with old people because they're likely to walk across the road without looking properly.

Policeman: I shouldn't worry, sir. We don' t think you were speeding -- even without measuring the skid marks.

Mr Simpson: Er, was he -- er, the other driver -- drunk?

Policeman: I don't know yet. He's admitted that he's had one or two drinks, but says it was only two half-pints. We're going to give him a breathalyser test to see whether he's over the limit. If he is, he'll be asked to have a blood test.

Mr Simpson: Well, I haven't touched a drop all night!

Policeman: No, sir. It's surprising how much a driver's b

A.A driver.

B.A passenger.

C.A policeman.


第三节 短文理解2阅读下列短文,从[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选择一个正确答案。One day Mr. and Mrs.

第三节 短文理解2


One day Mr. and Mrs. Green went shopping by car. They stopped their car near a shop. They bought many things from the shop and the things were very heavy. They wanted to put the things in their car. But Mr. Green couldn't open the door of the car. "Let's ask a policeman for help," said Mr. Green. They asked a policeman to help them. The policeman was very friendly to help them open tile door of the car, but he couldn't open it, either. At that time a young man came and shouted," What are you doing with my car?" Mr. Green looked at the number of the car. "Oh, dear! See what we're doing!" Then said sorry to the young man.

The Greens drove their car ______ .

A.to ask the policeman for help

B.to buy something

C.to open the door of the car

听力原文:M: Excuse me, madam. Would you mind letting me take a look in your bag?W: I beg y

听力原文:M: Excuse me, madam. Would you mind letting me take a look in your bag?

W: I beg your pardon?

M: I'd like to look into your bag, if you don't mind.

W: Who are you to insist? I advise you to take off, before I call a policeman.

M: I am a policeman, madam. Here's my identity card.

W: What'? Oh ... well ... and just what fight does that give you to go around looking into people's bags?

M: None whatsoever, unless I have reason to believe that there's something in the bags belonging to someone else.

W: What do you mean belonging to someone else?

M: Well, perhaps, things that haven't been paid for?

W: Are you talking about stolen goods?

M: Exactly, but if the citizens are honest, they wouldn't mind, would they?

W: Stopping people in the street and demanding to see what in their bags!

M: I'm sorry. I'm trying to do my job as politely as possible. However, I must insist on seeing what you have in your bag.

W: And what, precisely, do you expect to find in there'?

M: Thank you, madam.

W: Not at all.

M: Mm. Sixteen lipsticks?

W: Yes, nothing unusual in that. I like to change the color with my mood.

M: I see you smoke a lot. Fifteen cigarette lighters!

W: Yes, I am rather a heavy smoker.

M: Now are you going to come along quietly or am I going to have to call for help?

W: But this is unfair!


A.A businessman in a store.

B.A wander in the street.

C.Amateur detective.

D.A policeman with plain clothes.

SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:Policeman: Now, sir, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. I had to look after the traffic on the road until some more police arrived. You're the driver of the blue car, I believe.

Mr Simpson: Yes.

Policeman: Just a few questions, sir. Do you fed all fight?

Mr Simpson: Yes, I'm... I'm fine now. I was a little shaken up at first.

Policeman: Well, I'll try not to keep you long. I just want a few details, and the rest of the information I can get tomorrow. Can I have your name and address, please?

Mr Simpson: Jeremiah Simpson, 15 Portland Crescent, Leeds.

Policeman: Have you got your driving license and insurance certificate with you?

Mr Simpson: Yes... Oh, here they are.

Policeman: M’ hm... Thank you... Oh... Yes, they're all right. Now, were there any passengers in the car?

Mr Simpson: Er yes, er my wife and a friend — a young lady. My wife was sitting in the back and her Mend in the front passenger seat.

Policeman: Where are they now?

Mr Simpson: The ambulance has just taken them to hospital. You spoke to the ambulance driver before he set off. Did he say anything about the young lady?

Policeman: He said that her injuries looked worse than they really were. The other woman -- that'd be your wife, I as same -- appeared to be suffering from shock.

Mr Simpson: Yes, I know. They advised her to go to hospital for a cheek-up, just in case...

Policeman: Mm. Was the young lady wearing her seat-belt?

Mr Simpson: No, unfortunately. I told her to put it on, but she couldn't adjust it. I didn't think it was worth stoppin the car because we were only going a few miles.

Policeman: Did she go through the windscreen?

Mr Simpson: No, she was very lucky. But she hurt her leg on tile dashboard

Policeman: Mm. It could've been much worse. Now, sir, will you tell me in your own words what happened?

Mr Simpson: Oh... Well, as you can see, I was travelling along this main road when suddenly er the other car came out of er that side street. It all happened so quickly. I just didn't see him until he hit me.

Policeman: I've just spoken to the other motorist and he says that you were speeding.

Mr Simpson: What?

Policeman: Is this true?

Mr Simpson: That's a lie. My wife and Becky'll tell you that I stopped at the pedestrian crossing just down there. You can see it's only fifty yards away. I could hardly have reached thirty miles an hour by the time I got here. Goodness knows what would' ye happened if I'd been going faster.

Policeman: The other driver said that he stopped at the junction. When he pulled out there was nobody coming, so you must at the junction. When he pulled out there was nobody coming, so your must have been speeding.

Mr Simpson: Well, it's not true. I've witnesses to prove it. He couldn't have stopped. The lighting is very good here along this stretch.

Policeman: Yes. He should have stopped. Why did you stop at the pedestrian crossing?

Mr Simpson: There were two old ladies on it. I'm always a bit careful with old people because they're likely to walk across the road without looking properly.

Policeman: I shouldn't worry, sir. We don't think you were speeding—even without measuring the skid marks.

Mr Simpson: Er, was he -- er, the other driver — drunk?

Policeman: I don't know yet. He's admitted that he's trod one or two drinks, but says it was only two half-pints. We're going to give him a breathalyser test to see whether he's over the limit. If he is, he'll be asked to have a blood test.

Mr Simpson: Well, I haven't touched a drop all night !

Policeman: No, sir. It's surprising how much a driver's breath

A.A driver.

B.A passenger.

C.A policeman.


根据以下资料,回答9~12题。 Some people do not like anything to be out of place; they are n
ever late for work; they return their books on time to the library; they remember people's birthdays; and they pay their bills as soon as they arrive.Mr.Hill is such a man. Mr.Hill works in a bank, and lives alone.The only family he has is in the next town: his sister lives there with her husband, and her son, Jack.Mr.Hill does not see his sister, or her family, from one year to the next, but he sends them Christmas cards, and he has not forgotten one of Jack's seventeen birthdays. Last week Mr.Hill had quite a surprise.He drove home from the bank at the usual time, driving neither too slowly nor too fast; he parked his car where he always parked it, out of the way of other cars, and he went inside to make his evening meal.Just then, there was a knock at the door.He opened the door, to find a policeman standing on the door-step. "What have I done wrong?" Mr.Hill asked himself."Have I driven on the wrong side of the road? Has there been some trouble at the bank? Have I forgotten to pay an important bill?" "Hello, Uncle," said the policeman, "My name is Jack." Mr.Hill __. A.works in a bank by himself B.lives in a bank and works by himself C.lives by himself and works in a bank D.lives in a bank by himself

SECTION BPASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to th


Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: Real policemen hardly recognize any resemblance between their lives and what they see on TV, if they ever get home on time. Of course, there are similarities, but the cops do not think much of them. The first difference is that a policeman's real life revolves around the law. Most of his training is in criminal law. He has to know exactly what actions are crimes and what evidence can be used to prove them in court. He has to know nearly as much as a professional lawyer, and what is more, he has to apply it in his feet, in the dark and rain, running down an alley after someone he wants to talk to. Little of his time is spent in chatting to almost naked ladies or in dramatic confrontations with desperate criminals. He will spend most of his working life typing millions of words on thousands of forms about hundreds of sad, unimportant people who are guilty of stupid, petty crimes. Most televise, on crime drama is a- bout finding the criminal; as soon as he is arrested, the story is over. In real life, finding criminals is seldom much of a problem. In fact, little effort is spent on searching.

A real policeman has to do all the following EXCEPT _______.

A.studying law

B.typing reports

C.talking to different people

D.chatting to naked ladies

Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conve

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.

听力原文:M: Mrs. Smith, thanks very much for coming to the station. Could you describe the man who robbed the bank this morning?

W: Well, I can only remember that the man was tall and he had dark hair.

Q: What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?


A.A bank manager and a customer.

B.A police officer and a woman robber.

C.A policeman and a bank manager.

D.A police officer and an eyewitness to a robbery.

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