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提问人:网友ds200000 发布时间:2022-01-06

The differences lies in the following expect ______ of the parts.A.the weatherB.the histor

The differences lies in the following expect ______ of the parts.

A.the weather

B.the history


D.the names

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更多“The differences lies in the following expect ______ of the parts.A.the weatherB.the histor”相关的问题
When it comes to the social considerations of "gender", the real problem lies in ______.A.

When it comes to the social considerations of "gender", the real problem lies in ______.

A.whether sex differences exist or not

B.the pressure to deny sex differences

C.our narrow concepts of what gender behavior. is appropriate

D.whether biological evidence disproves sex differences

One of the differences between common stock and preferred stock lies in that______.A.the f

One of the differences between common stock and preferred stock lies in that______.

A.the former is safer in getting dividends

B.common stockholders get more stable profits

C.the latter gets more fixed returns

D.preferred stockholders have more rights in voting

One of the big differences between a traditional nakodo and its contemporary version lies
in the way______.

A.wedding gifts are presented

B.formalities are arranged

C.a proposed partner is refused

D.the middleman/woman is chosen

China lies mainly in the northern temperate zone under the influence of monsoon(季风).Fro

China lies mainly in the northern temperate zone under the influence of monsoon(季风).From September and October to March and April next year monsoon blow from Siberia and the Mongolia Plateau into China and decrease in force as it goes southward,causing dry and cold winter in the country and a temperature difference of40℃between the north and south.The temperature in China is 5℃t018℃lower than that in other countries on the same latitude in winter.Monsoon blows into China from the ocean in summer,bringing warm and wet cur-rents,thus rain. Great differences in climate are found from region to region owin9‘to China’sextensive territory and complex topography(地形).The northern partof Heilongjiang Province in northeast China has no summer.Hainan Island has a long summer but no winter;the Huai he River valley features four clear seasons;the western part of the Qinghai ·Tibet Plateau is covered by snow all year round;the southern part of the Yunnan—Guizhou Plateau is spring—like all the year;and then or the estern inland region sees a great drop of temperature in the day. 根据以上内容,回答下列各题. Which of the following statements about monsoon is true?

A.Monsoon makes the temperature 5℃t018℃lower.

B.Monsoon blowing from May to August brings rain.

C.Monsoon goes from Siberia and the Mongolia Plateau.

D.Mon soon causes dry and cold summer in the country.

Non-British, and even some British, must be having difficulty understanding the present di
fferences that have cropped up in London between Queen Elizabeth II and her prime minister, Margaret Thatcher. The important thing to know is that Mrs. Thatcher is prime minister in the government of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but has no rank and no authority in a lot of places that are associated with Queen Elizabeth. Thatcher is solely and exclusively British. The Queen is a good many other things besides a British Queen. The Queen must act on Mrs. Thatchers advice in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but she has to act on the advice of other people in other places. And now we have a case where the advice she is getting from some of her ministers in some of those other places is at variance with the wishes of Thatcher. It puts her in a difficult position. Not even all the islands covered by the phrase "British Isles" are under the British Parliament or are even British. For example, the Isle of Man lies in the middle of the Irish Sea and is equidistant, from England. Scotland. Wales, and Ireland. But its political antecedents are Scandinavian. Its citizens call themselves Manxmen. They have their own local legislature. They recognize the Queen as the Lord of the Isle of Man, not as at British Queen.

Canada lies in the north part of North America. It stretches (延伸) from the Atlantic Ocea

Canada lies in the north part of North America. It stretches (延伸) from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. To the north is the Arctic Ocean. Canada is the world's second largest country. It takes up most of the northern part of the North American continent and covers about 6.6 percent of the total land of the earth.

Although large in area, Canada has a population of only a little over 29 million. There are only about six persons per square mile. Most of Canada is thinly inhabited(定居). Most of northern Canada is wilderness, forest of frozen Arctic wasteland. Nearly 80% of Canadians live in large cities near the border with the United States. 60% of the population is concentrated (集中) between Quebec City and the western end of Lake Ontario. Canada's largest city, Toronto, has a population of over 3.4 mil- lion, and the third largest city is Vancouver which has a population of over 1.3 million. Most Canadian cities are much smaller.

More than 44 percent of the population is British in origin(血统), and 28 percent is French in origin. Cultural and political differences between these two major groups have played an important. part in the country's history. Other European groups in Canada include Germans, Ukrainians, Italians, Dutch, Scandinavians, Hungarians, Russians and Poles. The non-white population, which is made up of Eskimos, Indians, Asians, and black, make up about 4 percent of the population.

What does the text mainly discuss on Canada?

A.The position, population and history of Canada.

B.The position, population and industry of Canada.

C.The position, population and different national races of Canada.

D.The position, history and different national races of Canada.

SECTION 1(10 points)Listen to the following passages and then decide whether the statement

SECTION 1 (10 points)

Listen to the following passages and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. There are 10 questions in this section, with 1 points each. You will hear the recording only ONCE. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this section.

听力原文: In April, the Manhattan Institute released its yearly study of graduation rates. The research group used information from 2003. The researchers found that 72 percent of girls successfully completed their high school education. That compared to 65 percent of boys. The newspaper Education Week noted earlier this year that, in some ways, what people are worried about now is really not new. Boys have scored lower than girls on tests in the National Assessment of Educational Progress since at least 1971.

And the differences are not limited to the United States. Education Week noted the results of an international reading test in 2003. Fifteen-year-olds took the test in 41 countries. Girls scored higher than boys in almost every country. Differences between males and females are a continuing issue of fierce debate. Cultural and economic influences play an important part. But recent findings suggest that another part of the answer lies in differences between the male and female brains.

These include differences in learning rates. As a result, some researchers say, boys may not be able to develop language and reading skills as well as girls do. The last time there was a lot of concern about differences in school, it was about girls, especially in math and science classes. Efforts to improve the situation for girls included hiring more female teachers. Yet some people think the opposite situation exists now. They say not enough male teachers is one reason why boys may not learn as well in class. Another explanation being heard involves the increased testing in American schools. Some people say schools are preparing for these important tests by forcing boys to sit quietly at their desks. They say this is unfair. Still others say that society is failing boys, by giving them the message that studying is not manly. And others say boys are failing in school because they become too interested in the girls in their classes. One attempt to solve problems like these is the use of same-sex classrooms.

For the past two decades, girls have always achieved high scores than boys.



5. Congress vs Parliament The difference between c...

5. Congress vs Parliament The difference between congress and parliament exist in the way they function. Congress and parliament are terms that have come to represent two major forms of democracies in different parts of the world. While Westminster form of parliamentary democracy is found in Britain and many other commonwealth countries that were ruled by Britain at one point of time and are now free and independent, congressional form of democracy where the President is the head of the executive is opted by mainly US and some other countries. The main purpose of both congress as well as parliament is to make, pass, and amend laws providing representation to states or provinces that collectively make up the nation. However, there are also differences that will be highlighted in this article. At a superficial level, it seems hard to find out differences between a congress and a parliament as both are made up of popularly elected representatives of people who have got majority votes of the people in their constituency. However, there are differences between both in how members get elected and what their roles and functions are once they are members of the house. The first and foremost difference between the two lies in the meanings of the two terms themselves. While congress comes from a Latin word meaning “to come together,” parliament comes from a French word meaning “to talk.” The same difference in meaning almost defines differences in the election procedure of congressmen and parliamentarians. What is the difference between Congress and Parliament? Both congress and parliament serve the same purpose of making legislations though, there are differences in how members get elected and what they do after getting elected in the two types of legislative bodies. Definition of Congress and Parliament: • Congress is the legislative branch of a governing system that has a congressional democracy. • Parliament is the legislative branch of a governing system that has a parliamentary democracy. Accountability of the Executive: • The executive branch is not accountable to the legislative branch in a congressional democracy. • The executive branch is accountable to the legislative branch in a parliamentary democracy. Freedom: • There is more freedom to members in a congress than in the parliament. This simply means that a member has more individuality in case of congress than in the case of a parliament. Parts of Congress and Parliament: • Congress has two parts as Senate and House of Representatives. • Parliament has two parts as House of Lords and House of Commons. Influence of the Executive: • Executive is more powerful in congress. •However, executive is more in control as far as legislation process is concerned in parliament. 9. About the differences between Congress and Parliament, which one is NOT TRUE?

A、Members in a congress enjoy more freedom than in the parliament

B、Congress has two parts as Senate and House of commons.

C、Executive is more powerful in congress.

D、Congress comes from a Latin word meaning “to come together”.

听力原文: Our culture is concerned with matters of self-esteem. Self-respect, on the other
hand, may hold the key to achieving the peach of mind we seek. (32)The two concepts seem very similar but the differences between them are crucial.

(29)To esteem anything is to evaluate it positively and hold it high regard, but evaluation gets us into trouble because while we sometimes win, we also sometimes lose. To respect something, on the other hand, is to accept it.

The word acceptance suggests to some readers that our culture does indeed deal with this idea of self-respect; after all, don't we have the concept that it is important to accept our limitations? Aren't many of us encouraged "to change the things we can change, accept the things we cannot change and know the difference between the two?"

(30)The person with self-respect simply likes herself or himself. This self-respect is not dependent on success because there are always failures to contend with, Neither is it a result of comparing ourselves with others because there is always someone better. There are techniques usually employed to increase self-esteem. (31)Self-respect, however, is a given. We simply like ourselves because of who we are and not because of what we can or cannot do.

My recent research, with Judith White and Johnny Walsh at Harvard University, points to the advantage of selfrespect. (32)Compared to those with high self-esteem who are still caught in an evaluative framework, those with self-respect are less prone to blame, guilt, regret, lies, have secrets and stress.


A.It is the same as self-respect.

B.It is totally different from self-respect.

C.It is to think only the positive even when we lose.

D.It is to evaluate positively and hold high regard.

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