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提问人:网友weijianfei 发布时间:2022-01-07

The city of Venice may not be the obvious place for a call for the moral revival of Europe

. This is where Lord Byron used to swim naked down the Grand Canal between pink palaces and swaying gondolas in the early morning hours after nights of carousing. This is where Thomas Mann a century later celebrated the beauty of decline in "Death in Venice".

For the past four years, however, Venice has also been home to the "Venice Colloquium", sponsored by the Fondazione Liberal, an Italian free-market group, headed by member of parliament Ferdinando Adornato. The purpose of the event is to bring likeminded Europeans and Americans together in an effort to bridge the transatlantic divide. It is a call to common values, mostly perhaps directed at Europeans, for whom values these days seem like archaic encumbrances.

Americans are therefore a great puzzle to many Europeans. So are President Bush and his newly nominated secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice. Many Europeans cannot get over the fact that 22 percent of American voters in the presidential election stated that they considered "moral values" their most important issue, and the reaction here has greatly resembled the hysterical hyperventilating of the Hollywood-New York elite after the US election.

"In Europe, people are embarrassed to talk about moral values," says Tessa Keswick of the Center for Policy Studies in London. Or if they do, it is a new kind of moral value, closely identified with political correctness, which can be "frighteningly intolerant". The need for Europe to re-establish its moral identity is becoming evident to people here, even if this is still a minority view. While 40 percent of Americans attend church at least once a week, on average 4 percent of Europeans do. Outbreaks of anti-Semitism and xenophobia keep cropping up in large part because of growing Muslim immigrant populations that have not been socially integrated.

And there is an overall reluctance to accept the global war on terror as an actual war. Europe's resident troublemaker, French President Jacques Chirac, speaks of the European Union as a multilateral model for the world, yet this model is incapable of defeating terrorism. Therefore, politicians here, with the exception of Britain's Tony Blair, like to pretend that police action is all we need to take care of al Qaeda.

But not all Europeans are resigned to the decline in values and vigor that they see around them. If 70 percent of Frenchmen, for instance, would have preferred Sen. John Kerry to win the 2004 election, then 30 percent supported George Bush.

What kind of values are we talking about? More than family values per se, many are worried about the fundamental values of the Western, Judeo-Christian tradition, from which spring our concepts of human, political and religious rights.

The fact is that Europe needs the United States, more than the other way around, to exert global influence. And while the French love to talk about counterbalancing the United States on the world stage, the Italian government has no such desire.

The purpose of the author in writing the text is to

A.introduce the purpose of "Venice Colloquim".

B.compare the differences of moral values between Americans and Europeans.

C.illustrate that Europe needs to learn from the US about the moral values.

D.criticize the decline of values and vigor in Europe.

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更多“The city of Venice may not be the obvious place for a call for the moral revival of Europe”相关的问题
Venice,a city built on the water, actually is an island city.
Venice is unique()it is a city on water.

A.because of



The grace of Venice City largely ______ (在与其古代建筑风格).

The grace of Venice City largely ______ (在与其古代建筑风格).

The two city names most prominently associated with the Orient Express are _____.

A、Paris and London

B、London and Istanbul

C、London and Venice

D、Paris and Istanbul


Venice is city of () . A. Egypt

B. Italy

C. Australia

D. Germany

听力原文:In the Middle Ages, the Italian city of Venice assumed its role as the glassmakin

听力原文: In the Middle Ages, the Italian city of Venice assumed its role as the glassmaking centre of the western world. The Venetian merchant fleet ruled the Mediterranean waves and helped supply Venice's glass craftsmen with the technical know-how of their counterparts in Syria, and with the artistic influence of Islam. The importance of the glass industry in Venice can be seen in the number of craftsmen at work there(more than 8,000 at one point).

Until the end of the 13th century, most glassmaking in Venice took place in the city itself. However, the frequent fires caused by the furnaces led the city authorities, in 1291, to order the transfer of glassmaking to the island of Murano. The measure also made it easier for the city to keep an eye on what was one of its main assets, ensuring that no glassmaking skills or secrets were exported.

In the second half of the 15th century, the craftsmen of Mnrano started using quartz sand and potash made from sea plants to produce particularly pure crystal. By the end of the 16th century, 3,000 of the island's 7,000 inhabitants were involved in some way in the glassmaking industry.


A.Its merchant fleet ruled the Mediterranean.

B.The secrets of Syria's glassmaking were known by Venice's craftsmen.

C.Venice's glassmaking industry was artistically influenced by Islam.

D.It had more than 8,000 craftsmen at one point.

Venice September 20 — The Venice Tourism Board is launching a new advertising campaign to
draw visitors to the city.

Using images of James Franco, the region' s best known seventeenth-century painter, the board will spend 1.5 million dollars on the venture. The city will hold a special exhibit at the Venice Art Museum, where more than 40 of Franco' s works will be displayed from October 2 through October 25. Franco' s works will also adorn big banners at the train stations within commuting distance of Venice.

In addition, the area hotels will offer special discounts to encourage visitors to spend the night in Venice before or after visiting the exhibit.

What does the article mainly discuss?

A.The opening of a train station

B.Plans to attract tourists to the city

C.The renovation of an art museum

D.Recommended restaurants

听力原文:Venice is the "Queen" of the Adriatic Sea. Every year thousands of people from al

听力原文: Venice is the "Queen" of the Adriatic Sea. Every year thousands of people from all over the world travel to Italy to visit the city. Do you know why they like to go there for a visit?

Venice is a very beautiful city. It is quite different from other cities in the world. There aren't any roads or streets in the city so there aren't any cars or buses. There are many canals in the city. There is one big canal and one hundred and seventy-seven small canals. People move up and down the canals in boats to go to work, go shopping or visit their friends.

But Venice is sinking. It is going down and the water is going up. In 2040 Venice will be under water. The Adriatic Sea will cover the city. The Venetians love their city and they want to stay there, so they want to save Venice from the sea. They do not want to leave. How can they save Venice? They can build some strong huge walls and gates in the sea. The gates will close to keep too much water out. Thus Venice will not sink.


A.There are 177 canals in Venice.

B.Venice is sinking into the Adriatic Sea.

C.There are many kinds of boats on the canals.

D.There aren't any roads or streets in Venice.

听力原文: The northern Italian city is slowly drowning—sea levels in the Adriatic are risi
ng, and high tides are becoming more frequent. (32)The Italian government is spending a large sum of 4. 5 billion euro on a controversial project to build floodgates across the entrance to the lagoon in which the city stands in an effort to keep the sea at bay.

Italian experts are proposing a dramatic new solution to the watery threat facing the city of Venice. Rather than battling to keep the sea out—they want to use it to help raise the sinking island-city.

(33) The scheme would~ involve pumping huge quantities of sea water into the ground beneath Venice down 12 pipes each of which would be 700m long. The sea water would make the sand beneath the city expand lifting Venice by 30cra in 10 years.

(34)Now, a panel of engineers and geologists from the respected University of Padua have come up with the new scheme costing just a fraction of that—100m euro.

It says the plan would help raise Venice by almost as much as it has sunk over the past three centuries. The professor leading the project says it is not an alternative to the floodgates - but would work in collaboration with them. Be now wants to carry out a trial to see if the theory would work in practice.

Not everyone is convinced. (35) One expert—who helped stabilize the leaning Tower of Pisa—described the scheme as pure science fiction and warned it could damage the fragile structure of Venice. But the city's mayor is interested. He says it is time to look again at how to raise the city—and is convinced that the technology exists to make it a reality.


A.Building floodgates to keep the sea out.

B.Stopping the sea level rising.

C.Raising the sinking city of Venice.

D.Saving the city from flooding.

翻译练习(三) A fascinating city between sea and sky, like Venus rising from the waves, Ven
ice welcomes tourists from the five continents drawn to her by the charm of her water and pellucid light, free from all dust and cooled by the sea breeze. She also offers the intellectual pleasures to be derived from her masterpieces which mark the meeting of East and West.

The Lagoon Show礁糊秀The most romantic time to arrive in Venice is at dusk on a winter's d

The Lagoon Show


The most romantic time to arrive in Venice is at dusk on a winter's day. Your water-taxi ride across the lagoon from the airport will catch the last velvety-grey streaks of daylight. You'll arrive on the Grand Canal just as the upper windows of its palaces start to bloom with rose-coloured lamps or sparkle with chandeliers. In no other city does evening begin with such promise.

Strange, then, that Venice should be so emphatically not a night-time place. However mobbed it may have been in daylight, darkness falls with the abruptness of a hauled-down shutter. The crowds of Asian tourists and schoolkits milling around seem to vaporize. In a hundred closed cafes, the espresso machines give an expiring hiss, as if at last slipping off their shoes and wiggling their toes.

That is what makes Venice by night so magical, when the loudest sounds are those of footsteps and lapping water, and the modern world recedes so that in any Square or over any bridge, you wouldn't be surprised to meet a hurrying figure in a cloak and buckled shoes; Casanova on his way to some assignation, perhaps.

St. Mark's becomes an enchanted place, with pools of the day's flood still underfoot and mist wreathing the cathedral. But "nightlife" seems nonexistent outside the weeks of carnival each February. In a city so stuffed with historical treasures, the lack of a living, modern culture is achingly apparent, especially after dark.

Venice's only theatre of note, the Fenice, has only just reopened after almost a decade, following a fire. Clubs, discos, even cinemas are almost as hard to find as car parks. Nor is there the eating-out culture that governs the rest of Italy.

Venice is not usually regarded as a gourmet paradise. Even J G Links, author of the definitive, eccentric guidebook Venice for Pleasure, suggests it has few restaurants worth visiting outside the Cipriani hotel. As a rule, it's best to avoid canalside establishments with their menus turisticos; look for places down alleys. Remember, this is rice, not pasta country, offering some of the best risotto you're ever likely to eat.

When I first came here, aged 15, on a school trip, we were quartered in a girl's convent school. Ever since, I've stayed at the Gritti Palace, on the Grand Canal, overlooking the Salute. Apart from its mixture of elegance and old-fashioned comfort, I have two reasons for loving this hotel. Alighting at its private landing stage completes the thrill of arriving in Venice by night. And it was here, 13 years ago, that Sue and I decided to get married and have our daughter.

Gondolas operate until well after dark. It can be doubly romantic, with the Grand Canal in pitch-darkness and silent but for the churn of water buses and scraps of operatic arias that some gondoliers still perform.

Latterly, Venice has been making more efforts to get a nightlife. There is a disco named Casanova near the railway station and a music bar, Piccolo Mondo, near the Accademia bridge. The city's student population has created funkier areas around Campo Santa Margarita and in Cannaregio, the immigrant quarter to the north.

There is also street music after all the smart shops have closed and the only merchandise on offer is fake designer handbags, set out on the trestles used as walkways at times of flooD.Around one corner, you may come upon a countertenor in an anourak, singing Handel; around another, two men will be playing selections from Andrew Lloyd Webber on a vibraphone of water-filled glasses. You think that sounds totally naff? I can tell you it sounded totally wonderful. Such is the alchemy of Venice by night.

The first and the second paragraphs are meant to tell the reader that on a winter'

A.Venice is very beautiful in the evening

B.Venice is beautiful at dusk, and so is it at night

C.Venice is beautiful at dusk, however, it doesn't seem an ideal place for nightlife

D.there are not many people out in the street in Venice

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