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提问人:网友zhangying 发布时间:2022-01-06

When the savers want their money back they__________.A.ask another company to obtain their

When the savers want their money back they__________.

A.ask another company to obtain their money for them

B.look for other people to borrow money from

C.put their shares in the company back on the market

D.transfer their money to a more successful company

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
更多“When the savers want their money back they__________.A.ask another company to obtain their”相关的问题
When the savers want their money back they ______.A.put their shares in the company back o

When the savers want their money back they ______.

A.put their shares in the company back on the market

B.ask another company to obtain their money for them

C.transfer their money to a more successful company

D.look for other people to borrow money from

When the savers want their money back they_____.A.go to the company to take it backB.have

When the savers want their money back they_____.

A.go to the company to take it back

B.have to borrow money from other people

C.put their shares in the company back on the market

D.transfer their money to a more successful company

When the savers want their money back they ______.A.ask another company to obtain their mo

When the savers want their money back they ______.

A.ask another company to obtain their money for them

B.look for other people to borrow money from

C.put their shares in the company back on market

D.put their money to a more successful company

When the savers want their money back they j______.A.ask another company to obtain their m

When the savers want their money back they j______.

A.ask another company to obtain their money for them

B.look for other people to borrow money from

C.put their shares in the company back on the market

D.transfer their money to a more successful company

When the savers want their money back theyA.transfer their money to a more successful comp

When the savers want their money back they

A.transfer their money to a more successful company

B.have to borrow money from other people

C.put their shares in the company back on the market

D.go to the company to take it back

When the savers want their money back, they ______.A.ask another company to obtain their m

When the savers want their money back, they ______.

A.ask another company to obtain their money for them

B.look for other people to borrow money from

C.put their shares in the company back on the market

D.transfer their money to more successful company

When the savers want their money back, they _________()

A.put their shares in the company back on the market

B.transfer their money to a more successful company

C.look for other people to borrow money

D.ask another company to obtain their money for them

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Many people -- especially the baby-boomers born between 1946 and 1964, who will be retiring over the next 20 years or so -- will be asking themselves whether they will have enough to keep them comfortable in their old age, even if they save a lot. After all, it is generally accepted that they cannot rely on the state. The burden on the taxpayer would be too great.

But, as already noted, financial wealth is just a claim on the assets produced by the economy. Making pensions a claim on the private sector rather than the public purse does not change the problem. Will businesses in 20 years' time be producing enough income to pay the rewards and bond interest to pay baby-boomers their private-sector pensions? And what will happen to asset prices if the boomers try to cash what they hold?

In demographic(人口统计学) terms, asset markets could be seen as a pyramid scheme, in which each generation aims to sell its accumulated savings to the next. Provided the next generation is larger than the one that preceded it, the savers can sell their assets at higher prices. That was the case for much of the 20th century.

The baby-boomers will upset the pattern. If they retire at 65, they will start offloading their assets in 2011. And even in America, which has fewer demographic problems than Japan, there are not enough new savers coming along to replace them. Some hope that emerging markets will solve the problem, by acting as buyers of developed market assets and a source of higher returns for investors in rich countries, but: the theory is unproven.

In a 136-page report, "The Business of Ageing", John Llewellyn and Camille Chaix-Viros of Nomura, a Japanese bank, examine the potential effect on financial markets of ageing Western populations. As the baby-boomers run down their savings to fund their retirement, you would expect, other things being equal, real interest rates to rise (because the supply of savings will fall, relative to demand). As a consequence of this, the valuation of assets such as bonds and equities should come under pressure. Evidence partly backs up this theory. For example, economists can plot a relationship between the proportion of the population aged between 35 and 59 (when people save most) and the level of real interest rates. The relationship has been negative, as theory would predict, since the 1980s (lots of savings kept interest rates low). The strong Western stockmarkets of the 1990s coincided with the boomers' peak savings years.

What can we learn about the baby-boomers in the first paragraph?

A.They are not among people questioning about their future.

B.They believe they can live a comfortable life in old age.

C.Most of them don't want to depend on the state.

D.Other people should worry about their old age instead of them.

听力原文:W: Well, did you get to find out about tile trains?M: Yes, I've got the leaflets

听力原文:W: Well, did you get to find out about tile trains?

M: Yes, I've got the leaflets here. And you got the coaches ,did you?

W: Yes, look, I've just worked it out.

M: Well, that's OK. There are trains all day, according to this. Here, there's one leaving King Cross at 8:00 in the morning.

W: Oh, goodness no. That would mean getting up at 6: 00. Count me out for that one, when's the next?

M: 10 o'clock. Leaves Kings Cross at 10 o'clock, gets into Aberdeen at 17: 21. Not bad. Seven hours and a bit on the way. It's 530 miles, after all.

W: I suppose it's very expensive, isn't it?

M: No, what about going by plane?

W: You know how I feel about flying.

M: What about the coaches? But can you imagine being stuck in a bus for twelve hours? At least on the train you can get up and walk about a bit, you know, stretch your legs.

W: All right, then, you do better. Find me a nice cheap night train.

M: That's the trouble. There aren't any cheap tickets at night. It says so clearly here. It says the cheap tickets are valid only for trains timed to depart between 10 o'clock in the morning and 2:00 in the afternoon. Mum, here it is, not valid for sleepers.

W: That's why the Day, Savers are cheap, you see. They want people to travel at unpopular times.


A.On the train there would be no cheap tickets.

B.The company is not paying their travel expenses.

C.They would have to leave home very early to catch it.

D.That train wouldn't arrive in Aberdeen until 6:00.

听力原文:W: Well, did you get to find out about tile trains?M: Yes, I've got the leaflets

听力原文:W: Well, did you get to find out about tile trains?

M: Yes, I've got the leaflets here. And you got the coaches ,did you?

W: Yes, look, I've just worked it out.

M: Well, that's OK. There are trains all day, according to this. Here, there's one leaving King Cross at 8:00 in the morning.

W: (22) Oh, goodness no. That would mean getting up at 6: 00. Count me out for that one, when's the next?

M: 10 o'clock. Leaves Kings Cross at 10 o'clock, gets into Aberdeen at 17: 21. Not bad. Seven hours and a bit on the way. It's 530 miles, after all.

W: I suppose it's very expensive, isn't it?

M: No, (23) what about going by plane?

W: You know how I feel about flying.

M: What about the coaches? (24) But can you imagine being stuck in a bus for twelve hours? At least on the train you can get up and walk about a bit, you know, stretch your legs.

W: All right, then, you do better. Find me a nice cheap night train.

M: That's the trouble. There aren't any cheap tickets at night. It says so clearly here. It says the cheap tickets are valid only for trains timed to depart between 10 o'clock in the morning and 2:00 in the afternoon. Mum, here it is, not valid for sleepers.

W: (25) That's why the Day, Savers are cheap, you see. They want people to travel at unpopular times.


A.On the train there would be no cheap tickets.

B.The company is not paying their travel expenses.

C.They would have to leave home very early to catch it.

D.That train wouldn't arrive in Aberdeen until 6:00.

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