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提问人:网友zte1234 发布时间:2022-01-07

You may fall prey to a nonviolent but frightening and fast-growing crime: identity theft.

It happens to at least 500,000 new victims each year, according to government figures. And it happens very easily because every identification number you have Social Security, credit card, driver's license, telephone "is a key that unlocks some storage of money or goods," says a fraud program manager of the US Postal Service. "So if you throw away your credit card receipt and I get it and use the number on it, I'm not becoming you, but to the credit card company I've become your account."

One major problem, experts say, is that the Social Security Number (SSN)—originally meant only for retirement benefit and tax purposes—has become the universal way to identify people. It is used as identification by the military, colleges and in billions of commercial transactions.

Yet a shrewd thief can easily snatch your SSN, not only by stealing your wallet, but also by taking mail from your box, going through your trash for discarded receipts and bills or asking for it over the phone on some pretext.

Using your SSN, the thief applies for a credit card in your name, asking that it be sent to a different address than yours, and uses it for multiple purchases. A couple of months later the credit card company, or its debt collection agency, presses you for payment.

You don't have to pay the debt, but you must clean up your damaged credit record. That means getting a police report and copy of the erroneous contract, and then using them to clear the fraud from your credit report, which is held by a credit bureau. Each step can require a huge amount of effort.

In the Collins' case, the clearance of the erroneous charges from their record required three years of poring over records and $6,000 in solicitor's fees. In the meantime, they were denied a loan to build a vacation home, forced to pay cash for a new heating and cooling system, hounded by debt collectors, and embarrassed by the spectacle of having their home watched by investigators looking for the missing car.

Of course, thousands of people are caught and prosecuted for identity theft. But it was only last year that Congress made identity theft itself a federal crime. That law set up a special government office to help victims regain their lost credit and to streamline police efforts by tracking cases on a national scale.

Consumer advocates say this may help but will not address the basic problems, which, they believe, are causing the outbreak in identity theft: industry's rush to attract more customers by issuing instant credit, inadequate checking of identity, and too few legal protections for consumers personal information.

Which of the following may least make you fall prey to a nonviolent crime?

A.Your Social Security Number.

B.Your credit card receipt.

C.Your driver's license.

D.Your telephone.

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更多“You may fall prey to a nonviolent but frightening and fast-growing crime: identity theft.”相关的问题
Male lions axe rather reserved about expending their energy in hunting. More than three qu
arters of kills are made by lionesses. Setting off【C1】______dusk on a hunt, the lionesses are in【C2】______, tensely scanning ahead, the young lions fall playfully behind, and the【C3】______bring up the rear, walking slowly, their massive【C4】______nodding with each step as ff they【C5】______with the whole matter. But【C6】______may have survival value.【C7】______lionesses busy hunting, the males【C8】______as guards for the young ,【C9】______them particularly from hyenas (袋狼). Hunting lionesses have learnt to【C10】______their environment. Darkness【C11】______them with cover, and at dusk they【C12】______wait near animals they want to kill【C13】______their outlines blend into the surroundings. Small prey(猎物)present lions with no【C14】______. They are simply grabbed with the paws. A【C15】______technique is used with【C16】______animals, such as wildebeest (角马). Usually a lioness pulls her prey down【C17】______running up behind【C18】______, and then seizes it【C19】______the throat. Or she may place her mouth over the muzzle (动物之鼻口) of a drowned animal,【C20】______it.






Why should you know when to stop? A.Because you need rest. B.Because audience may fall as
leep. C.Because you may be tired for talking too long. D.Because it can make audience remember what you said.

Which statement is true according to the passage?A.Human beings' activities may not be inf

Which statement is true according to the passage?

A.Human beings' activities may not be influenced by the shift of a day.

B.When you fall asleep at night, your temperature may lower to bottom point.

C.Human beings' hormones may keep a steady secretion amount all day longer.

D.If you sleep at daytime, your biological clock can operate better.

A.That you may fall in love with an actor if his is too good-looking.B.That only peopl

A.That you may fall in love with an actor if his is too good-looking.

B.That only people with an artistic license can adapt a novel.

C.That actors should always match your idea of the character.

D.That one should not make any major changes to the characters or the plot.

[A\] prey\[B\] rest\[C\] put\[D\] fall

How to approach Reading Test Part One&8226;In this part of the Reading Test you match seve

How to approach Reading Test Part One

&8226;In this part of the Reading Test you match seven statements with four short texts.

&8226;First read each short text and then read the sentences to see which ones refer to the text.

&8226;Make sure you read each text for overall meaning. Do not choose an answer just because you can see the same words in the text.

&8226;Look at the sentences below and the information about mergers and takeovers involving four companies on the opposite page.

&8226;Which company (A, B, C or D) does each sentence 1 - 7 refer to?

? For each sentence 1 - 7, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

? You will need to use some of the letters more than once.


Tour operator Jarmin Travel is waiting for its chief executive and finance director to make the final decision before making a formal bid for rival HarmonAir. The two companies tried to merge five years ago, when the deal was blocked by the competition authorities. Since then the regulator has eased the criteria by which any merger would be judged. Competition lawyers say a tie-up would almost certainly be allowed this time, and industry analysts believe that both companies are eager for a merger.


Bus operator Barkway has been hit by stiff competition and dwindling profitability. As a result the company has been forced to scrap its plans to expand overseas and instead will concentrate on growing its existing business. The continuing decline in the company's share price has led to speculation that it may fall prey to one of its rivals. This may well prove wrong), though, as Barkway's founder and chief executive, Kerry Matthews, has persuaded the board to do everything in its power to resist a takeover.


Carolyn Swaine, the former chief executive of coffee shop chain Marshmont's, is trying hard to raise capital for a bid for her old company. Swaine left last year after a series of disagreements over Marshmont's future direction, and several top managers are expected to leave if she succeeds in buying the chain. Although Marshmont's is profitable, it is too small to stay independent for much longer, and even if Swaine takes control, the company will soon have to become part of a larger chain.


Keston, the respected maker of television programmes, has announced that it has agreed an outline deal to merge with Stardust TV. A year ago, with its profits plunging, Keston faced a strong takeover bid by another of its competitors, but fought hard against it, and has since become more profitable. The company is now convinced, however, that its future success lies in being part of a larger organisation. Both Keston and Stardust have a reputation for producing striking television programmes, and a merger is likely to be beneficial, both creatively and financially.

This company has changed its attitude towards remaining independent.

- I have worries that my audience may find my speech boring and fall asleep._________The point is ...

A.Yes, 1 understand that.

B.What' s troubling you exactly?

C.What do you think of the topic?

As soon as the ship is berthed,you should lower the gangway,stretch a net ______ it,and ad
just it to the rise and fall of the tides so that personnel may embark or disembark in safety.





?Read the following article about merge and the questions on the opposite page.?For each q

?Read the following article about merge and the questions on the opposite page.

?For each question 15-20, mark one letter (A, B, C or D ) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

A school of behavioral economists has long argued that when it comes to money, people are incapable of acting in their own best interest -- that decisions result from impulse and overconfidence as much as from reason. Smart folks, in other words, are just as likely to soon part with their money as all those fools.

The truly bad news is that smart companies are just as prone to make terrible decisions for the same reason. Take one of the biggest business decisions of all— merger. Research consistently shows that most mergers fail in every sense of the word, from falling stock prices to lower profitability after the merger. Yet, even with suffering capital markets, a recent Hewitt Associates study found that more than half of the 70 senior executives and board members surveyed planned to step up merger activity during the next three years.

Why? Call it executive hubris. CEOs are not different from the rest of us in that they fall prey to the self-enhancement bias: we all like to think we are intelligent and efficacious. So we overestimate our abilities. That's why studies show that significantly more than half of all people believe they are above average -- in negotiating ability, even in income, This overly optimistic view is, of course, worse for CEOs- afar all, they generally are way above average. Btu the result is the same: bad decisions. One study, by business school professors Matthew Hayward and Donald Hambrick, showed that the greater the hubris of the chief executive, the more a company tends to overpay for acquisitions.

The aphorism "Pride goeth before a fall" seems to hold true in business too. When executives are confronted with the appalling statistics, their first response goes something like this: "That may happen to other companies, but not ours. This acquisition will be more successful. We have learned."

The next CEO challenge is persuading a possibly recalcitrant board of directors to let you pursue your urge to merge. Hubris, again, returns to center stage. You paint a picture of doom and gloom that will result if you don't merge. Take a look at one of the rationales given for the merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq, two companies with poor operating track records. The argument was that PCs were becoming a commodity industry, consolidation was inevitable, and if HP didn't do the consolidating, it would soon be one of the consolidated. Here's another variant of the same rationale: If you don't buy the target company, your competitor will -- and you'll lose out. This gambit uses the influence strategy of scarcity -- we want what we can't have, and we find particularly desirable anything that we may lose to someone else.

Here's how to avoid hubris-fueled merger mania. First, follow the adage from medicine: Forgive and remember. Go back and evaluate past merger decisions, admit when you were wrong, figure out why, and learn from it.

Second, beware of too much agreement in the board room. When Alfred Sloan ran General Motors, if he couldn't find opposition to a decision, he'd postpone it. He interpreted a lack of dissent as a lack of analysis. Find, even encourage, people to disagree with you, so that all sides of the decision are examined. Mostly, we like those who agree with us. But as one of my colleagues likes to point out, if two people agree all the time, one of them is redundant.

The urge to merge is still like an addiction in many companies: Doing deals is much more fun and interesting than fixing fundamental problems. So, as in dealing with any other addiction or temptation, maybe it is best to just say no.

What is the argument in the first paragraph about earning money?

A.People are likely to make decisions reasonably.

B.Behavioral economists are likely to act with overconfidence.

C.Clever people are capable to earn a great fortune.

D.Intelligent people tend to behave the same with the foolish one.

Why roses are red and violets are blue? Did you ever wonder why you see the colors you do

Why roses are red and violets are blue?

Did you ever wonder why you see the colors you do or if other animals see the same colors that you see? We see light that bounces off of things around us. When the light enters our eyes, special cells tell our brains about the light. These cells are called photoreceptors. Light is made of little bits called photons. When the sun shines, trillions and trillions of these little bits of light fall on the earth. The photons bounce off of almost everything and some of them enter our eyes. Those bits that enter our eyes allow us to see. So, where does the color come from?

Starting in the 1600s with Sir Isaac Newton, scientists have believed that there are different kinds of photons. Different types give rise to our sense of colors. The different photons are said to have different wavelengths. Sunlight contains all the different wavelengths of photons. The visible wavelength colors can be seen when you look at a rainbow. Raindrops acting as natural prisms produce the colors.

HOW do our photoreceptors work?

We have two main types of photoreceptors called rods and cones. They are called rods and cones because of their shapes. These cells are located in a layer at the back of the eye called the retina. Rods are used to see in very dim light and only show the world to us in black and white. This is why you see only black and white when you are outside in the evening or in a dimly lit room. The other type of photoreceptors, the cones, allow us to see colors. They are not as sensitive as the rods so they only work in bright light. There are three types of cones, one for each of the three main colors we see, red, green and blue.

Some people have a genetic defect that makes one or more of the cones fail. This condition is known as color deficiency. You may have heard it called color blindness. Color blindness is fairly common, affecting about nine percent of all humans.' It is much more common in men than in women. To test for color blindness a special picture called an Ishihara test is used.

What about other animals? What kind of colors do they see? Most animals see fewer colors than we do, but some see more! We know this by looking at how many kinds of cone

photoreceptors they have. Another good indication of what an animal can see is by looking at their own colors. The colors of their prey are also an indication of an animals ability to see color.

What three primary colors do we see?

A.Red, white, and blue.

B.Red, green, and yellow.

C.Red, green, violet.

D.Red, green, blue.

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