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提问人:网友jiangkehong 发布时间:2022-01-07

Text 4 Many things make people think artists are weird and the weirdest may be this: arti

Text 4

Many things make people think artists are weird and the weirdest may be this: artists’ only job is to explore emotions, and yet they choose to focus on the ones that feel bad.

This wasn’t always so. The earliest forms of art, like painting and music, are those best suited for expressing joy. But somewhere in the 19th century, more artists began seeing happiness as insipid, phony or, worst of all, boring as we went from Wordsworth’s daffodils to Baudelaire’s flowers of evil.

You could argue that art became more skeptical of happiness because modern times have seen such misery. But it’s not as if earlier times didn’t know perpetual war, disaster and the massacre of innocents. The reason, in fact, may be just the opposite: there is too much damn happiness in the world today.

After all, what is the one modern form. of expression almost completely dedicated to depicting happiness? Advertising. The rise of anti-happy art almost exactly tracks the emergence of mass media, and with it, a commercial culture in which happiness is not just an ideal but an ideology.

People in earlier eras were surrounded by reminders of misery. They worked until exhausted, lived with few protections and died young. In the West, before mass communication and literacy, the most powerful mass medium was the church, which reminded worshippers that their souls were in peril and that they would someday be meat for worms. Given all this, they did not exactly need their art to be a bummer too.

Today the messages the average Westerner is surrounded with are not religious but commercial, and forever happy. Fast-food eaters, news anchors, text messengers, all smiling, smiling, smiling. Our magazines feature beaming celebrities and happy families in perfect homes. And since these messages have an agenda -- to lure us to open our wallets -- they make the very idea of happiness seem unreliable. “Celebrate!” commanded the ads for the arthritis drug Celebrex, before we found out it could increase the risk of heart attacks.

But what we forget -- what our economy depends on us forgetting -- is that happiness is more than pleasure without pain. The things that bring the greatest joy carry the greatest potential for loss and disappointment. Today, surrounded by promises of easy happiness, we need someone to tell us as religion once did, Memento mori: remember that you will die, that everything ends, and that happiness comes not in denying this but in living with it. It’s a message even more bitter than a clove cigarette, yet, somehow, a breath of fresh air.

36. By citing the example of poets Wordsworth and Baudelaire, the author intends to show that ________.

[A] poetry is not as expressive of joy as painting or music

[B] art grow out of both positive and negative feeling

[C] poets today are less skeptical of happiness

[D] artists have changed their focus of interest

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Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D . Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

Some people ought to defend the workaholic.

These people are unjustly accused, abused, and defamed--often termed sick or morbid or on the border of pathology. About 30% of American business and commerce is carried on the shoulders of workaholics. The ratio might exist in art and science too.

Workaholics are the achievers, the excellers. There is a national conspiracy against excellence and undue admiration of commonness and mediocrity. It is as if we are against those who make uncommon sacrifices because they enjoy doing something.

Some famous psychologists say that the workaholic has an inferiority complex which leads m overcompensation. This is certainly not the case. Inferiority, or low esteem, describes laziness more accurately than it describes dedication.

We do not seem to realize that very little excellence is achieved by living a well-balanced life. Edison, Ford, Einstein and Freud all had single-minded devotion to work whereby they sacrificed many things, including family and friendship. The accusation is made that workaholics bear guilt by not being good parents or spouses. But guilt can exist in the balanced life also. Think how many "normal" people and middle-aged who have never done anything well--they are going to settle for less than what they could have become.

From this passage we know that workaholic is a term referring to those ______.

A.who enjoy work more than anything else

B.who make greater contributions than others

C.who make uncommon sacrifice in their personal life

D.All of the above.

Directions: Write your own paragraph of a topic-based statement supported by a list of thi
ngs on one of the following topics which have been given details that you can use. Detailed Outline: Topic: How to improve your English A Topic-based Statement: There are many ways to improve your English List of Examples: read extensively/listen to English materials/read text aloud/practice oral English/ write English diary

Xiaoyan: I have most of the things I need.We don' t need to buy any rice, and we d
on't need any peas.

Mary: We need some oranges.How many do we need to buy?

Xiaoyan: Four are enough.And we need some cream.

Mary: How much cream do we need to buy for four people?

Xiaoyan: Two cartons? Shall we get a melon and some wine? And 1 haven' t got any coffee.

Mary: OK.And lychees.Two tins?

Xiaoyan: How many lychees do you get in a tin?

Mary: 1 don' t know.Let' s get a big tin.We also need some mineral water.

Xiaoyan: And the prawns.How many prawns?

Mary: One big packet will do.I also need to get some vegetables for next week potatoes, carrots, onions, and a cabbage 1 think.There' s a little greengrocer's along the road.Why don't we go there first?

1、How many oranges does Xiaoyan want to buy? ()


B.A kilo.


2、Do they need any cream? ()

A.Yes, they do.

B.No , they don't.

C.The text does not tell us

3、How many prawns do they want to buy? ()

A.A packet.

B.Two packets.

C.Three packets.

4、Who would like to have some vegetables? ()




5、Which is not included (包括) in the shopping list? ()

A.Rice and peas.

B.Potatoes and coffee.

C.Melons and wine.

第一节 说明:每段对话后有一个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话后有15



Text 1

W: What kind of dress are you looking for?

M: Since it's getting warmer this time of the year, I want something lightweight. What do you think would be the best?

Text 2

M: I must say, Miss, the food was great and I've never had better service.

W: Well, thank you, sir. I'll pass your praise on to the cook and the manager. And thanks too for the tip.

Text 3

W: I've to go to Washington this afternoon, but I'm too tired to drive and the bus is so uncomfortable.

M: No problem. I'll save you the cost of a taxi by dropping you off at the train station on my way to work.

Text 4

W: I have been thinking about my uncle a lot these days.

M: Why not go over for a visit?

Text 5

W: Good morning, can I help you?

M: Yes, I'd like to know something about the weather in Arizona in the coming week.

W: Well, it will be fairly hot and there will be much rain.

M: I see. Thanks very much for your help.

What are these two people talking about?

A. A lightweight shirt.

B. Things to wear.

C. The warm weather.

— Cars and buses need oil.—______.A.So do many other thingsB.Many other things do soC.So m

— Cars and buses need oil.—______.

A.So do many other things

B.Many other things do so

C.So many other things do

PART 4 Read the text and questions below. For each question, mark the letter next to the c


Read the text and questions below. For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer —A, B, C or D —on your answer sheet.

John Fisher, a builder, and his wife Elizabeth wanted more living space, so they left their small flat for an old 40-metre-high castle tower. They have spent five years turning it into a beautiful home with six floors, winning three architectural prizes.

'I love the space, and being private,' Elizabeth says. 'You feel separated from the world. If I'm in the kitchen, which is 25 metres above the ground floor, and the doorbell rings, I don't have to answer it because visitors can't see I'm in!'

'There are 142 steps to the top, so if I go up and down five or six times a day, it's very good exercise! But having to carry heavy things to the top is terrible, so I never buy more than two bags of shopping from the supermarket at a time. Apart from that, it's a brilliant place to live.'

'When we first saw the place, I asked my father's advice about buying it, because we couldn't decide. After paying for it, we were a bit worried because it looked awful. But we really loved it, and knew how we wanted it to look.'

'Living here can be difficult—yesterday I climbed a four-metre ladder to clean the windows. But when you stand on the roof you can see all the way out to sea on a clear day, and that's a wonderful experience. I'm really glad we moved.'

What is the writer trying to do in the text?

A.describe how to turn an old tower into a house

B.recommend a particular builder

C.describe what it is like to live in a tower

D.explain how to win prizes for building work

Text 4All but the tiniest of roads have to have names so they can be recognized on a map,

Text 4

All but the tiniest of roads have to have names so they can be recognized on a map, and so people can ask directions to them. Americans name a lot of bridges, too.

Very often these names carry a clear geographical reference the Pennsylvania Turnpike, for example. Or,like the George Washington Bridge, roads and bridges are named for famous historical figures or powerful officers. We make a big deal out of naming things, as when someone decided to name an airport after a U. S. judge.

So now we have the Baltimore Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport. Many,if not most, of our college buildings are named for wealthy people who gave a lot of money to the schools. And our sports centers took this idea a step further. Companies paid a whole lot of money for what′s called the "naming rights" to U. S. Cellular Field in Chicago, for example, and Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia.

Now the governor(州长) of Virginia, Bob McDonnell,wants to sell naming rights to roads and bridges in the state. He says not just companies, but also wealthy people, would help the Virginia transportation budget(预算) by paying to have their names--or perhaps those of loved ones--placed on roads and bridges, and thus on maps as well. People hold different views, however. Supporters say Americans are used to having things sponsored(赞助). Others disagree, considering the idea as the next step in the "companies of America. " They wonder how far such an idea might spread, and where it would end:at the Burger King Pacific Ocean, perhaps.

Most of the roads need to have names so that____.

A.they can remind people of the past

B.people can learn about them better

C.they can be easily recognized on mapss

D.people can enjoy naming them

Who are many college buildings named for according to the passage?A.Powerful officers.

B.Famous judges.

C.Historical figures.

D.Wealthy peopl

What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.People have different ideas toward naming things.

B.Americans have sponsored naming a lot.

C.Everything is named by an American company.

D.Pacific Ocean will be rename

Why does the governor of Virginia want to sell naming rights?A.To remember the loved names.

B.To make the state well-known.

C.To help the transportation budget.

D.To increase companies' sales.


听力原文:W: There are still so many things to organize before the party!M: I'd like to hel

听力原文:W: There are still so many things to organize before the party!

M: I'd like to help but I'm afraid I've got too much to do.

What is the woman going to have?

A.Some help.

B.A party.

C.Many things.

D.A dinner.

Part ADirections :Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by cho

Part A

Directions :

Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark

your answers on ANSWER SHEET1

Text 1

Help, I' ve fallen into a sea of personal identification numbers(PIN) -and I can' t get out.It's my third call in as many weeks and I recognize Beth' s voice immediately. I'm hoping she doesn't recognize mine, but it' s obvious by her sudden shift from warm to frosty that she does. " You probably know why I' ve called, " I say. "I can guess, " Beth responds flatly, having dealt with my type dozens of times already today. "Password problem?" She was right, I had for-gotten it again.

Like millions of others, I' m stuck in password hell. With computer key chains, bank card PINs, voice-mail codes, and home alarm systems, things have spun out of control. I have 32 se-cret codes(that I can think of) .

Experts warn that the best way to protect against identity theft is to never reuse or write down

your passwords and always be casual in your selections-don' t use pet names, or especially the names of ex-girlfriends. And it' s recommended to change passwords often. But come on. Making it impossible for others to access your life only makes living your life impossible. Surveys indicate that most people use the same one or two passwords for everything. After all, it's not easy to pro- duce something casual, yet memorable. " When the information doesn' t apply to anything in the re-al world, it's very hard to get from the brain," says Albert Katz, a psychology professor. That's why some are shifting to picture passwords. Since the pictures can' t be written down or shared with another person, they're more secure. And pictures, says Katz ,are easier for the human brain to remember than numbers and letters.

Better still is the day when access to everything will be just a fingerprint. But poor Beth will remain my Internet-banking savior, "All you need to do," says Beth, "is tell me the secret pass- word you set up for security purposes. " What? If I can't remember my PIN, how do you expect

me to remember some secret word? But on my third try I guess it and am once again allowed ac-

cess to my very small fortune. I thank Beth, but don't make any promises. Both of us know we'

11 speak again soon.

46. From the text we learn that the writer _________.

[A] has a declining memory

[B] has too many secret codes

[C] has trouble dealing with Beth '

[D] has problems with his bank accounts

Many things in my house are not ______ and I’m thinking of changing them.

A.in a good condition

B.in good condition

C.on a good condition

D.on good condition

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