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提问人:网友comebaker 发布时间:2022-01-06

Why do farmers have animals?A.For meat and food.B.For selling.C.For fun.

Why do farmers have animals?

A.For meat and food.

B.For selling.

C.For fun.

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更多“Why do farmers have animals?A.For meat and food.B.For selling.C.For fun.”相关的问题
On today's farms, the chief reason why livestock is still raised would probably be______.A

On today's farms, the chief reason why livestock is still raised would probably be______.

A.that farmers' conventions are difficult to be given up

B.that farmers want to gain more profit

C.that farmers have to do so

D.that farmers' work has been replaced by machines

Peter Chang is an employee of the U. S. Department of Agriculture in the northern sect
ion of the San Joaquin Valley in California-one of the most productive agricultural areas in the world. Recently, Peter was promoted to the position of agricultural loan clerk.

In his new position, he has many reports to read-reports from farmers who are applying for loans; status reports from farmers who have received loans; and reports from his employer, the federal government, on new loan programs.

After reading so many reports, Peter wonders,“Why are reports so different?"Some are long, some are short. Some are simple, some are complex. Some are easy to read, some are difficult to read. Some are coherent, some are. not. Some make recommendations, some do not. Why are reports so different?

1.The San Joaquin Valley in California is one of the most().

A.famous industrial areas

B.popular tourist attractions

C.productive agricultural areas

2. What does Peter do in his new position? ()

A.He reads many reports from several aspects

B.He writes many reports for farmers and banks

C.He is in charge of investment and marketing

3. Why the farmers write reports to Peter?()

A.To make conclusions

B.To apply for loans

C.To do business with him

4. From reading reports, Peter finds that().

A.most of the reports are well written

B.farmers are good at writing reports

C.the reports show great difference

5.What do you think the author will talk later?()

A.The difficulty of the farmers

B.The position of Peter' s supervisor

C.The reasons causing difference of reports

听力原文:M: So, what exactly are you doing to protect the elephants here?W: Well, we have

听力原文:M: So, what exactly are you doing to protect the elephants here?

W: Well, we have managed to raise a lot of money for this project. A lot of it is being used to compensate farmers for the damage that elephants do to their crops.

M: How does that protect the elephants?

W: Since the elephants cause damage to the crops, farmers are often tempted to go out and kill the elephants.

M: I see. So, the farmers don't have a real problem with the elephants until the elephants start eating the crops. But why do the elephants do that?

W: Well, there aren't enough trees to provide them with food on the land that has been re served for them.

M: Mm. But if you successfully protect the elephants, their numbers will grow and they will need more food. That means that they'll need more land.

W: That's true, but we've solved that problem too. What we do is move some elephants to reservations where there are relatively few.

M: So that's where you spend another large proportion of the money you raise.

W: Actually, it isn't very expensive because we share the cost with the people who run the other reservations.

M: I see. How do you decide which elephants to move?

W: We use two criteria. The first is that we maintain the genetic diversity of the elephant herd. The second is that we transport the more aggressive members of the herd, which results in us spending less money compensating farmers.

M: Are there any plans to expand the reservation?

W: We have allocated some money to land purchases, but such purchases could have a detrimental effect on the local human population, so we rarely do it.

M: What kinds 'of research are you doing on the elephants here?

W: We're mainly studying the way that elephants interact with each other within a herd.

M: I see. Well, thanks very much for your time.

W: My pleasure.






听力原文:M: So, what exactly are you doing to protect the elephants here?W: Well, we have

听力原文:M: So, what exactly are you doing to protect the elephants here?

W: Well, we have managed to raise a lot of money for this project. A lot of it is being used to compensate farmers for the damage that elephants do to their crops.

M: Hog, does that protect the elephants?

W: since the elephants cause damage to the crops, farmers are often tempted to go out and kill the elephants.

M: I see. So, the farmers don't have a real problem with the elephants until the elephants start eating the crops. But why do the elephants do that?

W: Well, there aren't enough trees to provide them with food on the land that has been reserved for them.

M: Mm. But: if you successfully protect the elephants, their numbers will grow and they will need more food, that means that they'll need more land.

W: That's true, but we've solved that problem too. What we do is move some elephants to reservations where there are relatively few.

M: So that's where you spend another large proportion of the money you raise.

W: Actually, it isn't very expensive because we share the cost with the people who run the other reservations.

M: I see. How do you decide which elephants to move?

W: We use two criteria. The first is that we maintain the genetic diversity of the elephant herd. The second is that we transport the more aggressive members of the herd, which results in us spending less money compensating farmers.

M: Are there any plans to expand the reservation?

W: We have allocated some money to land purchases, but such purchases could have a detrimental effect on the local human population so we rarely do it.

M: What kinds of research are you doing on the elephants here?

W: We're mainly studying the way that elephants interact with each other within a herd.

M: I see. Well, thanks very much for your time.

W: My pleasure.






Why do many farmers live in the neighborhood of many active craters?

No one can deny that pesticides have improved the ability of farmers to bring their crops
to market. (1)_____ pesticides, farmers no longer have to worry that they will lose an entire crop (2)_____ an army of cut Worms or fruit flies. (3)_____, Americans can rely on a large and varied food supply.

However, we Americans need to become more (4)_____ about the effects those pesticides on our food. More (5)_____, we need to think about what new (6)_____ is necessary to protect ourselves from a (7)_____ too rich in Pesticide residue. If we don't demand greater (8)_____ on pesticide use, we may be surprised, dismayed, and (9)_____ horrified by the consequence of its use.

On the most obvious level, farm workers who continue to use the pesticides (10)_____ their present rate will (11)_____ serious diseases. It's no (12)_____ that farmers (13)_____ to herbicides have a six times greater risk of getting cancer. (14)_____, children who live in homes where pesticides are used have an increased chance of getting childhood leukemia(白血病).

But the farmers are not the only ones (15)_____ risk. Consumers may also suffer serious side effects from daily (16)_____ of foods tainted(污染) by pesticides. Although scientists have yet to prove the link (17)_____, they are concerned that pesticide use may be one reason for the startling increase in various forms of cancer like breast and colon(结肠) cancers.

We need new legislation that (18)_____ stricter standards governing pesticide residues in food. Much of the current legislation is based on ignorance. Simply (19)_____, we allow high levels of carcinogens in our food because we don't know for sure that they do cause cancer in humans. Yet, why should we take the risk? If there's a chance that a pesticide causes cancer, then it should be (20)_____ from use.

A.In spite of

B.Thanks to



Why do governments show special concern for agriculture?A.Because farm prices go up and do

Why do governments show special concern for agriculture?

A.Because farm prices go up and down constantly.

B.Because farmers usually earn less than other income groups.

C.Because there is not much arable farmland left.

D.Because farmers are confronted with fiercer competition.

The building crane, which has become the most striking feature of the urban landscape in S
witzerland, is beginning to alter the mountain landscape as well. Districts of the Swiss Alps, which up to now have consisted of only a few disconnected small communities content with selling cheese and milk, perhaps a little lumber and seed potatoes, are today becoming parts of planned, developing regions. The new highway, the new skylift, the new multi-nationally-owned hotel will diversify the economy and raise the standard of living in the mountain areas, or so many Swiss regional planners and government officials hope.

The mountainous area of Switzerland, which accounts for nearly two-thirds of the total area of the country and only 12% of the total population, has always been the problem area. According to the last census in 1970, 750,000 people lived in the Swiss mountains. Compared with the rest of the country, incomes are lower, services are fewer, employment opportunities are more limited and populations are decreasing. In fact, in only one respect do mountain districts come out ahead. They have more farmers, which many people do not consider to be an advantage. 17% of the Swiss mountain population works in primary occupations, in contrast to only 8% of the total population of the country.

The mountain farmers are a special breed of men. They work at least twelve hours a day in topographical and weather conditions which kill most crops and which only a few animals will tolerate. About half of them work at some other jobs as well, leaving 'their wives and children to do the bulk of the farm work. In the Rhone Valley in the canton of Valais in south-western Swizerland nearly four-fifths of the farmers commute daily from their mountain farms to the large factories in the valley. In other parts of Switzerland this pattern of life is not as common, but almost everywhere n. on-farm wintertime employment is the rule.

With all the difficulties inherent in working in the Swiss mountains, why should anyone resist any extension of the mountain economy? The answer, as Andress Werthemann, editor of the Swiss mountain agriculture magazine Alpwirtschafiliche Monatsblatter states, is that "when tourism becomes too massive, farming disappears". And basically there are three reasons why Switzerland needs its mountain farmers: they contribute to the food supply, they preserve the landscape, and they represent the Switzerland of nostalgia and holiday dreams.

But in the real world, and especially in highly industrialized Switzerland where mountain farmers are aware of the "benefits" of city living, is it possible to maintain mountain agriculture and still solve the problems of mountain communities? The Swiss government has come to the conclusion that other kinds of employment in addition to farming must be emphasized. Yet whether it is possible to create other jobs that will not completely destroy agriculture is unknown.

The building crane represents ______.

A.the construction of hotels, ski-lifts, etc.

B.parts of planned, developing regions

C.the districts of the Swiss Alps

D.the machine with a long arm used for lifting and moving heavy weights

Why is fall busy for farmers?A.Because they have to get in the crops and vegetables.B.Beca

Why is fall busy for farmers?

A.Because they have to get in the crops and vegetables.

B.Because they have to get ready for spring planting.

C.Both A and B.

Why do farmers give drugs to their animals?A.To speed up the growth of animals.B.To make t

Why do farmers give drugs to their animals?

A.To speed up the growth of animals.

B.To make the animals fatter.

C.To make the animals'meat fit to eat.

D.To make the animals'meat rich in nutrients.

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