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提问人:网友shudisz 发布时间:2022-01-06

Experienced news editors obviously think thatA.children are useless as reporters.B.some re

Experienced news editors obviously think that

A.children are useless as reporters.

B.some reporters are like children.

C.children make the best reporters.

D.young reporters give too much detail.

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更多“Experienced news editors obviously think thatA.children are useless as reporters.B.some re”相关的问题
News item 1 Listen to the news report and choose the best answer to each question you hear,

A.People become more experienced when they are 50.

B.People become more clever when are 85.

C.People become happier after they are 60.

D.People become happier after they are 50.

听力原文:Whether you're a beginning trader or a more experienced money manager, Global Tra
der Software is the trading tool for you. Our software will provide you with the training and tips you'll need to become a top trader. The Global Trader program offers numerous benefits that other trading software does not, such as real-time data, breaking financial news, advanced charting and market analysis, and international account and currency indicators. To download a free, 60-day trial version of Global Trader Software, visit www.gts.com.

Who is the advertisement for?

A.People interested in traveling

B.People interested in bookkeeping

C.People interested in trading stocks

D.People interested in financial news

听力原文:That's how Shown O'Neill looks back on the heart attack he experienced shortly af

听力原文: That's how Shown O'Neill looks back on the heart attack he experienced shortly after his 31st birthday.

"I thought I was in perfect health," Shown says. "I was never sick. I woke up feeling good every morning."

Then on that fateful day in April 2002, he received a giant eye opener. He was working in his yard in Hixson and started having pain in his chest and arms. "I wag pretty sure what it was, but I couldn't believe it could be happening to roe." The good news is that because Shawn recognized the symptoms and went immediately to Memorial Noah Park Hospital, he received the treatment he needed and the damage to his heart muscle was minimal.

"Advances in medicine make it possible for us to stop many heart attacks and keep people alive if they get to the hospital in time," says Dr: Kinsman Wright, medical director of Cardiac Services at Memorial. "We have technology to pinpoint blockage in the cardiac, arteries and several options to open the vessels. And lifestyle. changes and medications are helping people reduce their risk factors."

But Dr. Wright doesn't see any decrease in heart disease. "With people living longer, we're seeing different types of heart disease. We need to keep studying and fighting it on all fronts."


A.Yes. Because he is never sick.

B.Yes. Because he wakes up feeling good every morning

C.No. Because his heart muscle was severely, damaged.

D.No. Because he suffered a heart attack.

BRITAIN is a popular tourist place. But tours of the country have pros and cons.Good newsF

BRITAIN is a popular tourist place. But tours of the country have pros and cons.

Good news

Free museums. No charge for outstanding collections of art and antiquities.

Pop music. Britain is the only country to rival (与……比敌) the US on this score.

Black cabs. London taxi drivers know where they are going even if there are never enough of them at weekends or night.

Choice of food. Visitors can find everything from Ethiopian to Swedish restaurants.

Fashion. Not only do fashion junkies love deeply and respect highly brand names such as Vivienne Westwood, Alexander McQueen; street styles are justly loved, too.

Bad news

Poor service. "It's part of the image of the place. People can dine out on the rudeness they have experienced, "says Professor Tony Seaton, of London University's International Tourism Research Center.

Poor public transport. Trains and buses are promised to defeat the keenest tourists, although the overcrowded London tube is inexplicably (无法解释的) popular.

Lack of languages. Speaking slowly and clearly may not get many foreign visitors very far, even in the tourist traps(圈套).

Rain. Still in the number one complaint(抱怨).

An air-conditioning. So that even splendidly hot summers become as unbearable as the downpours.

Overpriced hotels. The only European country with a higher rate of tax on hotel rooms is Denmark.

Licensing hours. Alcohol(酒)is in short supply after 1! p.m. even in "24-hour cities".

What do tourists complain(抱怨) most?

A.Poor service.

B.Poor public transport.


D.Overpriced hotels.

Ireland has a lot to offer the traveler besides its famouslygreen countryside and popular

Ireland has a lot to offer the traveler besides its famously

green countryside and popular traditional music. It is rich on【M1】______

prehistoric and Medieval ruins, fine Georgian architecture,

and art. For those interested in literature, it is also the homeland

of a great deal of the English language's finest writers: Swift,【M2】______

Wilde, Shaw, Yeats, O'Casey, Beckett, Behan, and—most famous

of all—James Joyce. The Irish are intense proud of their writers, 【M3】______

and literary memorials are scattered all over the country, and

frequently visited.

Unlike Northern Ireland, about which we hear so often in the

news, the nation of Eire, that makes up most of the island, gained 【M4】______

its dependence formally in 1921 and completely separated from 【M5】______

the United Kingdom in 1949. Although memories of the long

struggle for independence are everywhere, but Ireland is also a very 【M6】______

modern nation. In the 1990s it experienced high-tech boom which 【M7】______

created widespread prosperity. In the aftermath of the dot-com bubble,

some of that prosperity have dwindled, and the Irish are struggling with 【M8】______

a declining economy; but the country is still presents a bright, modern 【M9】______

face to the world. It is a participating member of the European Monetary

Union, so we had our first chance to use Euros on this trip. Although

the bills are generic across the Union, coins have a reverse side

illustrating some aspect of their country of origin—in case of Ireland, 【M10】______

a Celtic harp.


SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

听力原文: A massive evacuation of tourists in one of the world's largest resorts began Sunday, with hundreds of buses dispatched to move tens of thousands of vacationers away from Hurricane Emily, heading for a direct hit on Mexico's coast.

The size of the task was daunting: About 500 buses were ordered to move 30,000 tourists in Cancun -- part of a total of 70,000-80,000 mostly foreign visitors to be evacuated statewide to temporary shelters in ballrooms and convention centers.

"We have very little hope that this will change course," said a grim-faced Cancun Mayor Francisco Alor. "This hurricane is coming with the same force as Gilbert," a legendary hurricane that killed 300 people in Mexico and the Caribbean in 1988.

That was the last time Cancun faced a mass evacuation. But back then, the city and surrounding resort areas were fairly new and had only about 8,000 hotel rooms; that number has since grown to more than 50,000.

By 8 a.m. EDT Sunday, Emily was located about 305 miles east-southeast of Cozumel, and was moving toward the island at about 20 mph, with sustained winds of nearly 150 mph. The eye of the storm was expected to make landfall on the Yucatan Peninsula late Sunday or early Monday morning, according to the National Hurricane Center in Miami.

Along the narrow spit of land that holds most of Cancun's palatial hotels, workers scrambled to board up businesses and remove traffic lights along the eight-mile main strip, to keep them from becoming wind-borne projectiles when the hurricane hit.

What do you know about the resort Cancun?

A.There were 13,000 people needed to be moved.

B.The hurricane came in 1988 killed 300 people.

C.It is the largest resort in the world.

D.It never experienced a mass evacuation.

What can be said of the normal process of aging, from a linguistic point of view? In gener
al (1)_____, there is a clear and (2)_____ relationship: no-one would have much difficulty (3)_____ a baby, a young child, a teenager, a middle-aged person, or a very old person from a tape recording. With children, (4)_____ is possible for specialists in language development, and people experienced (5)_____ child care, to make very detailed (6)_____ about how language correlates with age in the early years. (7)_____ is known about the patterns of linguistic change that affect older people. It is plain that our voice quality, vocabulary, and style. alter (8)_____ we grow older, but research (9)_____ the nature of these changes is in its earliest stages. However. a certain amount of (10)_____ is available about the production and (11)_____ of spoken language by very old people, especially regarding the phonetic changes that take place.

Speech is (12)_____ to be affected by reductions in the (13)_____ of the vocal organs. The muscles of the chest (14), the lungs become less elastic, the ribs (15)_____ mobile: as a result, respiratory efficiency at age 75 is only about half (16)_____ at age 30, and this has (17)_____ for the ability to speak loudly, rhythmically, and with good tone In addition, speech is affected by poorer movement of the soft palate and changes in the facial skeleton, especially around the mouth and jaw. There are other, more general signs of age. Speech rate slows, and fluency may be more erratic. Hearing (18)_____, especially after the early fifties. Weakening (19)_____ of memory and attention may affect the ability to comprehend complex speech patterns. But it is (20)_____ all had news: vocabulary awareness may continue to grow, as may stylistic ability—skills in narration, for example. And grammatical ability seems to be little affected.





Cable TV has experienced tremendous growth as an advertising medium because it has some
important advantages. A primary one is selectivity. Cable subscribers tend to be younger, more fluent, and better educated than nonsubscribers and have【M1】______ greater purchasing power. Moreover, the specialized programming on the various cable networks reaches very general target markets.【M2】______ Many advertisers have turned to cable because of the opportunities it offers to narrowcasting, or reaching very【M3】______ specialized markets. For example, MTV is used by advertisers in the United States and many other countries to reach teenagers and young adults. CNBC is now the worldwide leader in business news and reaches a highly educated and rich audience. ESPN has become synonymous as sports and is very popular among【M4】______ advertisers who want to target men of all ages. Advertisers are also interested in cable because of its low cost and flexibility. Advertising rates on cable programs are much lower than that for the shows on the major networks. Advertising【M5】______ time on network shows can cost two to three times as much on a cost-per-thousand basis of in some time periods. 25 Spot【M6】______ advertising is also considerately cheaper on most cable stations,【M7】______ while local cable is most affordable television advertising vehicle【M8】______ available. This makes TV a much more unviable media option for【M9】______ smaller advertisers with limited budgets and those interested in targeting their commercials to a well-refined target audience. Also,【M10】______ cable advertisers generally do not have to make the large up-front commitments, which may be as much as a year in advance, the networks require.


根据以下资料,回答下列各题: Early this week a bit of cheery news was reported by the Man
hattan Institute,a conservative think tank:black segregation has hit its lowest point in more than a century—declining in all 85 0f the nation’S largest metropolitan areas.Nevertheless,the report is largely celebratory in tone,and it has been received in that fashion by much of the news media.Before we break out the champagne,however,it may be wise to pause and reflect for a moment on who was excluded from the analysis. Our nation’s prison population has more than quintupled(soaring from 300,000 in the mid.1970s to more than 2 million today),due to a“get tough”movement and a war on drugs that has been waged almost exclusively in poor communities of color. Studies have consistently shown that people of color are no more likely to use or sell illegal drugs than whites,but a fierce drug war has been waged nonetheless,and harsh mandatory minimum sentences passed,leading to a prison—building boom unprecedented in world history.Despite this sea change,prisoners continue to be treated as nonentities in much sociological and economic analysis. In the Manhattan Institute study,prisoners are not even mentioned,despite the fact that millions of poor people--——0verwhelmingly people of color —are removed from their communities and held in prisons,often hundreds of miles from home.Most new prison construction has occurred in predominately white,rural communities,and thus a new form. of segregation has emerged in recent years.Bars and walls keep hundreds of thousands away from mainstream society—a forE of apartheid unlike the world has even seen.If all of them suddenly returned,they would not be evenly throughout the nation’s population.Instead they would return to a relatively small number of communities defined by race and class,greatly intensifying the levels of segregation we see today. Those who imagine that the failure to account for prisoners can’t possibly affect the analysis would be wise to consider the distortion of unemployment figures in recent years. According to Harvard professor Bruce Western, standard unemployment figures underestimate the true jobless rate by as much as 24 percentage points for less educated black men.In fact.during the l990s——the economic—boom years——noncollege black men were the only group that experienced a sharp increase in unemployment,a development directly traceable to the sudden explosion of the prison population. At the same time that unemployment rates were sinking to record low levels for the general population,the true jobless rate among noncollege black men soared to a staggering 42% Prisoners do matter when analyzing the severity of racial inequality in the U.S.Yet because they are out of sight and out of mind,it is easy to imagine that we are making far more racial progress than we actually are.For now,let’s keep the cork in the bottle and pray that we will eventually awaken from our color—blind slumber to the persistent realities of race in America. The news media’s response toward the research results announced by the Manhattan Institute is______.





In a world where bad news has become everyday news, people are turning to an ancient techn
ique to deal with stress: meditation. At meditation centers, prayer groups and yoga studios around the United States, more and more are finding peace of mind by being quiet. Some use meditation to help deal with life changes; others, to process the painful reality of political and social unrest around the world of the type that has been experienced more recently. Stress from the September 11 terrorist attacks is probably "about 70 percent" of the reason one Chicago man started meditating and practicing yoga with his new wife. He became so emotionally affected that he realized he needed help in managing his stress. The yoga classes he takes begin and end with meditation. This "quiet time" helps him feel a lot more relaxed and gives him more breath control. The fact is, though, that he is not alone.

Across the country, many are turning to more meditative exercise as they seek both psychological and physiological relief. In addition to helping people work out their stress, these classes bring people together, in the same way that religious Services or other community activities have done in the past. Different schools of meditation teach particular techniques, but they share a common basis-focusing attention on something your mind can return to if you are distracted. This may be the rhythm of breathing, an object such as a candle flame, or a repetitive movement, as in walking or taiji.

Regardless of the specific technique or mode that is followed, meditation has well-documented benefits. Medical research indicates that it causes a sharp decrease in metabolic activity, reduced muscle tension, slower breathing, and a shift from faster brainwaves to slower waves, it also reduces high blood pressure. Practitioners are convinced that meditation is good for health because it relaxes the body.

For ages, meditation has been a core practice of many groups meeting in their communal or religious centers. However, let's not forget that this is the twenty-first century. So, for those people who are too shy or busy to go to the nearest meditation center, there are Internet sites that offer online guided meditation. One has a variety of meditations from various religious traditions. At another, Jesuit priests post meditations and readings from the Scriptures everyday, and at still another, Buddhist and Hindu practitioners include music and visuals to accompany their offerings. These websites 'allow anyone with a computer access to meditation at any time. The fact is that whether online, at yoga classes, or at local spiritual centers, more people are turning to the practice of meditation.

The increasing popularity of meditation results from people's need for

A.coping with growing stresses.

B.seeking refuge from social unrest.

C.escaping painful experiences.

D.maintaining emotional health.

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