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提问人:网友Johnyuan 发布时间:2022-01-06

听力原文:Narrator Listen to part of a talk in a mass media class. Professor The news m

edia in the U. S. consists of radio, television, magazines, and newspapers which are pervasive in the lives of many Americans and influential in their daily routines. Many Americans begin their day reading the newspaper or watching a morning news program on television while drinking their coffee. While driving to work, the news can be heard on the car radio. Throughout the day the news is a prime feature on the television with up to two hours of news in the early evening and more news late at night. For those who prefer reading, the evening newspaper offers the reader the possibility of reading the news others see and hear on television. The news media in the U. S. are free of government control. It is up to the general public to choose what to read, watch or listen to. Therefore, the media must have sensitivity to the interests of the public...therefore news is a big business. However, it is a very competitive business, as each station or each paper competes for audiences and readers. Each tries to present to the news Americans want to know. When an item becomes newsworthy, such as an election or a war, Americans will become familiar with the most minute details as the news media scrambles to provide as much information as possible. The result though is that the news often becomes repetitive. As the news media reports the same news items thought to be the most interesting and impressive, listeners, viewers or readers might find it difficult to be selective. Nevertheless, most Americans will not criticize their news media too harshly. The credibility of the news media is generally acknowledged and accepted by the American public, although some people are more skeptical. One of the three(ABC, NBC, and CBS)major commercial networks, CBS was organized in 1928 when its founder, William Paley, acquired ownership of a group of radio stations. As the Columbia Broadcasting System expanded its operations, soon becoming the largest radio network in the United States, it recognized the potential in the rapidly evolving television broadcasting technology. On July 13, 1931, it began experimental television broadcasting in New York, and then ten years later began regular black-and-white weekly broadcasts over its WCBW-TV station in the same city, which became WCBS-TV in November 1946. With Television City in Hollywood, CBS launched the industrys first full-scale production studio. Today, CBS owns television stations, radio stations, and home-video production and distribution interests. The CBS Broadcasting Group is composed of six divisions: network television, entertainment, sports, news, local television stations, and radio. For most of commercial television history, CBS has been the network leader in prime-time ratings, having the highest-rated shows in almost every year from the mid-1950s through the mid-1980s; however recently CBS lost its top position to NBC. CBS has traditionally been strong in the TV news area. The network began the first regular TV news program in 1948 with Douglas Edwards as anchor. Journalism legends such as Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite have given CBS its reputation as quality news broadcaster. Professor Well do any of you know a journalist working in CBS? Ok, uh, my friend Tom is a popular journalist. Student A Yes, I know him. I really enjoyed the pieces he had in the paper. That was good journalism. Professor Well, you know, its always nice to get a pat on the back once in a while for their hard work. Student A They deserve it. I cant say that for all journalists, however. Professor Im sorry to admit that many reporters are giving the profession a bad name. Student B There is a desire on the part of many papers to go for the sensational. Theyre always looking for the headlines that will attract the readers attention. Professor And reporters like to have their story be the one that is noticed. Im glad you appreciated mine even if it wasnt sensational. Student A Youre right. It wasnt sensational, but it was some good investigative reporting on a subject that is of interest to everyone. Professor It seems like bad things people do get a lot more attention than the good things they do. Student B I have been thinking about another aspect of journalism. Do you think reporters should express their opinions? Professor Thats a "biggie". Its one of the big questions in the profession. Many people think that a reporter should just give the facts and nothing more. I think, however, it is almost impossible to report on an issue without slanting it toward your personal beliefs, especially if you have strong feelings. I guess its a good thing that not all newspapers are printed from the same point of view. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 12. What is the talk mainly about? 13. Which of the following is NOT the reasons why the media has to have sensitivity to the interests of the public? 14. What is NOT one of the ways in which people get their news? 15. According to the professor, which of the following is NOT true about CBS? 16. Why does journalism sometimes include personal opinions? 17. Why does the professor say this? Professor Im sorry to admit that many reporters are giving the profession a bad name.Narrator Listen to part of a talk in a mass media class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What is the talk mainly about?

A.The development of the news media in the U. S.

B.The pros and cons of journalism.

C.The development of Columbia Broadcasting System.

D.The features of the news media in the U.S.

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听力原文: Good afternoon and thank you for your warm welcome. This will be the first talk in a series of five on Health interventions—protection and prevention. Could I start by asking for a show of hands—how many of you had a flu vaccination at the beginning of winter? Mum...I thought so. You young ones always think you're indestructible.

Well, as you are no doubt aware disease-spreading germs or pathogens are everywhere. On a daily basis the human body has to ward off attacks by various harmful bacteria and viruses. A healthy body has a good defence system against many of these germs but the defence only operates well against micro-organisms that it has already encountered, in which case it is said to be immune. There are two ways in which humans acquire natural immunity: actively, when a person has first suffered and then recovered from an illness, and passively, when ready-made protection is transferred into the body, for example, from the maternal blood via the umbilical cord to an unborn child, or through breast milk.

Now, artificially acquired immunity can help the body to fight disease so we can use active immunization as a preventative measure. This is when a person is vaccinated against an illness by injection or oral ingestion of a tiny amount of weakened or inactive germs—not enough to actually cause him or her to contract the illness but sufficient for the body's defence system to recognize and respond to the threat by forming antibodies.

Intervention using passive immunization, on the other hand, is a method of curing an illness after it is too late for prevention. It is less effective than active immunization and takes longer to work. It is used when the body has already been invaded by bacteria and the person is ill. In this case there is no time for the body to make antibodies of its own so proteins—usually taken from the blood of animals—are injected to equip the patient with the essential antibodies to combat the particular illness.

Let's have a quick look at a bit of history: The discovery of vaccination to boost the body's immune system by making it sensitive to particular disease-causing bacteria was made by an eighteenth-century English doctor called Edward Jeanne. He noticed that survivors of smallpox, a common but extremely dangerous disease, never contracted the disease a second time. In other words, they were immune. He studied a similar disease in cows called cowpox and realized that people in contact with the infected cows became ill with symptoms resembling smallpox. However, this disease was quite mild by comparison and those who contracted cowpox were then immune to smallpox. He conducted an experiment by injecting a child with a small amount of pus taken from a cowpox pustule. The child subsequently became ill but soon recovered. Later, he injected the child with pus from a smallpox pustule and the child did not get sick. He had developed immunity to the more dangerous disease. Then antibodies produced to fight the cowpox bacteria had been able to fight off the smallpox bacteria.

What are antibodies? Well, antibodies are made by white blood cells called B-lymphocytes. And this is done in response to the presence of antigens, or other bacterial toxins, which have been released by the micro-organisms (what we commonly refer to as' germs' ) that have invaded the body. These Y-shaped antibodies (or you can think of them as ' antitoxins' ) may stop the toxins or repair the damage they have done by what is known as the antigen-antibody reaction which takes place within the plasma of the blood. A correct antibody (for that disease) clings to a particular antigen in order to render it harmless. Large numbers of these pairs clump together to form. a bigger unit. This is called agglutination and is able to be seen by the naked eye which is very helpful for doctors and other specialists to determine which illnesses a patient is immune to.

Inoculation, or active vaccination, can protect people from serious diseases. The vaccine may make a person feel unwell for a few days when the immune system starts to produce antibodies to match the introduced antigen. This is called a primary reaction. If that particular antigen should ever enter the body again later, a secondary reaction takes place. The body is then able to produce large numbers of corresponding antibodies within a short time so the invading antigens are quickly wiped out without the person suffering any harm from the disease.

Complete the summary below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Every day the human body is fighting off (31) by destructive pathogens. A person in good health has natural protection in the form. of an immune system which works best against familiar microorganisms which may have been encountered during a previous (32) or passed on by the mother before or after birth.

Vaccination is a way to cause (33) immunisation by introducing a small amount of pathogen into the body—just enough for the body's (34) to react by making antibodies. Passive immunization can be used as a way of treating someone who is already sick. Proteins from animal (35) are introduced into the patient to give him the necessary antibodies to fight the disease.

Dr. Edward Jennet observed that people who had suffered and recovered from a serious disease called smallpox did not get it again. He also noted that victims of a milder disease, cowpox, which they caught from (36) , were immune to smallpox. He carried out a successful (37) by deliberately giving a child cowpox in order to make him immune to smallpox.


According to the last paragraph, what can be concluded?

A.Solar and wind energy systems cost a lot for producing electricity.

B.People had better pay for the utility instead of producing electricity.

C.Solar and wind energy can provide cheap and continuous electricity.

D.Solar and wind energy is reasonable and cheap for remote villagers.

According to Paragraph 3, why does Mac Moore believe that theres going to be a revolutionary change in the way that we obtain power?

A.Because new energies have been put into use.

B.Because there is great development in technology.

C.Because natural resources are quite limited.

D.Because many households began to use green energy.

The influence demonstrated by the houses during the eighteenth century was mainly from imported architectural manuals. Where were these manuals imported from?





According to the interview, which of the following is NOT included in the publics ideas about old people?

A.The aged are normally strong mentally.

B.The aged are normally weak physically.

C.The aged usually lack companions.

D.The aged usually live in solitude.

Where can the student find his compatriots at the college?

A.In training sessions.

B.In a Filipino society.

C.On a badminton court.

D.In a basketball team.

According to the passage, which of the following is true of acid rain?

A.Tree leaves die of lack of water from acid rain.

B.Spruce growth is accelerated by acid rain.

C.Acid rain kills the microorganisms within the soil.

D.Beech trees suffer more than other trees in acid rain.

Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A.It cannot be imagined that a child can experiment with objects.

B.It is an easy task for a child to do experiments with objects.

C.A child who likes doing experiments with objects is likely to be an inventor.

D.It encourages children to perform. experiments with objects.

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