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提问人:网友ycm2833 发布时间:2022-01-07

A UK client ordered 10,000 jeans, requiring CIF C ...

A UK client ordered 10,000 jeans, requiring CIF C 5 London,premiums covering all risks. Purchase cost: 30 RMB per jean,logistics cost:15000 RMB, expected profit rate:10%, foreign exchange rate of BOC:1USD=7.61/7.64RMB,commodity added-value tax rate:17%,rebate tax rate:13%.(P.S:25jeans each carton, carton size:45X36X25,G.W.35KG,N.W.32KG,freight from harber to London:150 USD per ton ,overseas shipping premium is defined as 0.6% by W/M,which covers all insurance).The following conclusions () are correct.

A、FOB net price is 4.07 USD

B、freigt(per set) is 0.24USD

C、CIF C 5 London is 4.34USD

D、CIF C 5% London is 4.57 USD

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更多“A UK client ordered 10,000 jeans, requiring CIF C ...”相关的问题
A UK client ordered 10,000 jeans, requiring CIF C ...

A UK client ordered 10,000 jeans, requiring CIF C 5 London,premiums covering all risks. Purchase cost 30 RMB: per jean,logistics cost:15000 RMB, expected profit rate:10%, foreign exchange rate of BOC:1USD=7.61/7.64RMB,commodity added-value tax rate:17%,rebate tax rate:13%.(P.S:25jeans each carton, carton size:45X36X25,G.W.35KG,N.W.32KG,freight from harber to London:150 USD per ton ,overseas shipping premium is defined as 0.6% by W/M,which covers all insurance).The following conclusions () are correct.

A、FOB net price is 4.07 USD

B、freigt(per set) is 0.24USD

C、CIF C 5 London is 4.34USD

D、CIF C 5% London is 4.57 USD

Working with a foreign trade company, you have to remind your client, Tom Kelly, the sales
manager in another company, to deliver the payment for goods in time. Write an e-mail to him: telling him you have delivered the goods they ordered; reminding him that it is time for them to pay in full for the goodss giving him a deadline for the payment. Write 30—40 words. Write on your Answer Sheet.

Questions 41-45 ?Read the memo and the email below. ?Complete the form. ?Write a word or p

Questions 41-45

?Read the memo and the email below.

?Complete the form.

?Write a word or phrase (in CAPITAL LETTERS) or a number on lines 41-45.


To:Liz Smith, Supervisor

From: Peter Broadbent, Manager

I got this e-mail yesterday from Collins Ltd in Mill Lane. Could you fill in a new client form. for them? Our new radio advertisement seems to have worked, as this is the fifth person who has contacted us!

From:Paul Tomkins [p.tomkins@collins, co. uk]

To:Peter Broadbent [p.broadbent@aftclean, com]

Sent:15 January 2006 16:46

Subject:Our telephone call on 14 January

I can confirm that we would like to employ AFT to clean our new branch at 7 Dawson Street. I'm not sure how many cleaners or what hours we will need. Please ring Sue Potts, my secretary, to arrange terms. This contract is to begin from 25 January.


Company: (41)______

Name of person to contact: (42)______

Address of property to be cleaned: (43)______

Starting date: (44)______

How client first heard about us: (45)______


&8226;Read the memos below.&8226;Complete the claim form. on the opposite page.&8226;Write

&8226;Read the memos below.

&8226;Complete the claim form. on the opposite page.

&8226;Write a word or phrase (in CAPITAL LETFERS) or a number on lines 41-45 on your Answer Sheet.


To: Mary Wood, Supervisor

From: Steven Harvey, Manager

I got this email yesterday from Collins Ltd. in Mill Lane. Could you fill in a new client form. for them? Our new radio advertisement seems to have worked, as this is the fifth person who has contacted us!

To: Steven Harvey {p. broadbent@ aftclean, com}

From: Paul Tomkins {p. tomkins@ collins, co. uk}

Subject: Our telephone call on 14 January

I can confirm that we would like to employ AFT to clean our new branch at 7 Dawson Street. I'm not sure how many cleaners or what hours we will need. Please ring Sue Potts, my secretary, to arrange terms. This contract is to begin from 25 January.


Company: (41) _________________

Name of person to contact: (42) _________________

Address of property to be cleaned: (43) _________________

Starting date: (44) _________________

How client first heard about us: (45) _________________


To; Roberts. hifi. co. uk

From; Dave@electricalsupplies.com

We are sorry that our computer ordering system broke【16】______last week. The system is now up and【17】______(run) again, but we think the goods you ordered will arrive two or three days late. I think the goods you’ve just ordered should arrive【18】ar______Thursday. Thanks a lot for telling us about the problem with the ZP200. You' 11 be【19】pie______to know the problem’s been put right now.

Regarding the exhibition you' re organizing: It seems you want to return the goods you don’t sell. We' re certainly interested, but could I ask for more【20】det______ before I let you know? Finally, just【21】______tell you, as of May 1, our warehouse will be open 24 hours a day.

Dear Ms Roberts,

We would like to【22】ap______for the failure of our computer ordering system last week. Please be reassured that the goods ordered will only be【23】de______by two or three working days. The estimated arrival time for your【24】______(late) order is Thursday.

We are【25】gra______to you for reporting the defect in the ZP200 model. We are happy to announce that the defect has now been remedied.

You mention the【26】______ (possible) of taking goods from us on a " sale or return" basis at an exhibition you are organizing. We can certainly【27】con______our interest, but we would like to request【28】______(far) information before we commit ourselves to a【29】______.

Please be advised【30】______as of May 1 our warehouse will be open 24 hours a day.

Yours sincerely,

David Smith


Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attemptedYour client, Eric, requires advice on the ca

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted

Your client, Eric, requires advice on the capital gains tax implications arising from the receipt of insurance proceeds and the disposal of some shares, and the inheritance tax reliefs available in respect of assets in his estate at death. His son Zak requires advice regarding the application of the personal service company (IR35) legislation.


– Is UK resident and domiciled.

– Is a higher rate taxpayer.

– Is in ill health and is expected to die within the next few months.

Capital transactions in the tax year 2014/15:

– Eric made no disposals for capital gains tax purposes in the tax year 2014/15 other than those detailed below.

– Eric received insurance proceeds of £10,000 following damage to a valuable painting.

– Eric sold half of his shareholding in Malaga plc for £11·50 per share.

Damaged painting:

– Eric purchased the painting for £46,000 in July 2012.

– The painting was damaged in October 2014 such that immediately afterwards its value fell to £38,000.

– The insurance proceeds of £10,000 were received by Eric on 1 December 2014.

– Eric has not had the painting repaired.

Malaga plc shares:

– Malaga plc is a quoted trading company with 200,000 issued shares.

– 80% of Malaga plc’s chargeable assets have always been chargeable business assets.

– Eric was given 12,000 shares in Malaga plc by his sister on 1 April 2010, when they were valued at £126,000.

– Eric’s sister had purchased the shares for £96,000 on 1 March 2009.

– Gift relief was claimed in respect of the gift of the shares to Eric on 1 April 2010.

– Eric paid the inheritance tax arising in respect of this gift following his sister’s death on 1 September 2011.

– Eric has never worked for Malaga plc.

– Eric sold 6,000 shares in Malaga plc on 1 March 2015.

Assets owned by Eric and a previous lifetime gift:

– Eric owns farmland in the UK, which has been leased to a tenant farmer for the last ten years.

– The farmland has a market value of £420,000 and an agricultural value of £340,000.

– Eric’s other assets, excluding the remaining Malaga plc shares, are valued at £408,000.

– Eric has made only one previous lifetime gift, of £60,000 cash to his son Zak on 1 July 2009.


– Is the sole shareholder, director and employee of Yoyo Ltd, a company which provides consultancy services.

– In the year ended 31 March 2016, Yoyo Ltd’s gross fee income from relevant engagements performed by Zak will be £110,000.

– In the tax year 2015/16, Zak will draw a salary of £24,000 and dividends of £50,000 from Yoyo Ltd.

– Neither Yoyo Ltd nor Zak has any other source of income.


(a) Calculate Eric’s total after-tax proceeds in respect of the two capital gains tax disposals in the tax year 2014/15. (6 marks)

(b) (i) On the assumption that Eric dies on 31 March 2016, advise on the availability and effect (if any), of agricultural property relief, business property relief and quick succession relief in respect of the farmland and the retained shares in Malaga plc.

Note: You are not required to prepare calculations for this part of the question. (6 marks)

(ii) Explain, with the aid of calculations, the impact on the inheritance tax liability arising on Eric’s death if Eric does not die until 1 August 2016. (3 marks)

(c) Calculate Zak’s taxable income for the tax year 2015/16 if the personal service company (IR35) legislation were to apply to the fee income received by Yoyo Ltd. (5 marks)

SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:Z: As China is going to join the WTO, the legal profession is facing a real challenge. A more global-minded type of lawyer has emerged and will grow in number. Here in the studio we have Phil Thomas with us. He'll talk about the legal profession in the context of globalization. Welcome to the studio. People talk about economic globalization a lot but what challenges does this process present to the legal profession?

P: Within the UK, it has offered a huge challenge and opportunity for existing and forthcoming lawyers. Traditionally, lawyers have spent their time in court, dealing with efficacy matters or that they have dealt with individuals in terms of properties or houses, that sort of work. But suddenly, this huge international corporations come along and become your clients, and the legal service they demand from you involves, say, the law in China rather than the law in England. That means we have to rethink what we do in legal practice in order to serve effectively and efficiently these global investors.

Z: China and Britain have rather different legal systems. Phil, maybe you could explain a bit more on that.

P: The British legal system is based entirely on what we call Common Law, which was originally case development out of the judges. So a case occurs and principle emerges from that. We now have more legislation. But nevertheless, it is a process whereby cases come to court and then the lawyers develop out of the judicial decisions thereby. The major difference is that our law is and has been entirely based upon principles of capitalism and that produces very different sets of tenants. For example, the individual becomes the principal person in terms of how the law perceives a relationship and the state has a different sort of role from the position in Chino. But Chinese start lawmaking activities by the legislatures, and judges tend to follow the interpretation of the lawmaking body, either the National People's Congress or a particular government minis try. The other aspect of our law, which is different from either British law or Common Law, is that we are gradually developing the system of law based on the concept of socialist market economy.

Z: What particular skills should a global lawyer have?

P: Being clever in difficult situations, and thinking fast on your feet. Being able to negotiate, able to work long hours. Basically being clever; but not necessarily knowing lots and lots of law. You need to have advocacy skills, persuasive skills; you need to have the ability to advise your client during a very short period of time. But what is important to be a lawyer who can assist client across national boarders is that you must be able to communicate concepts and ideas very well and help to facilitate such communication between the clients directly.

Z: And they need to be bilingual or trilingual?

P: Absolutely. Now we see more and more multilingual students operating in the UK, sons and daughters of immigrants who speak Italian or Chinese at home. Talking about Chinese lawyers, I would say there are two skills they would need to have. One is that they need to be fluent in English. Another thing is that they need to be culturally comfortable with people from the West because many of their clients are likely to come from North America or from Europe. This cultural awareness is very important and one of the very best ways of achieving it is to go over and spend time in that culture so that you become immersed in it and learn to appreciate the values of that other culture.

Z: While economic globalization is happening, do you think the legal practice will

A.economic globalization

B.legal profession in the context of globalization

C.legal profession

D.economic matters in the context of globalization

InAmerica, food ordered without any drink is unbelievable.
How many cases were ordered?A.10B.20C.100D.200

How many cases were ordered?










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