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提问人:网友anonymity 发布时间:2022-01-06

The stage of mental comfort to which they had arrived at this hour was one wherein their souls expan

ded beyond their skins, and spread their personalities warmly through the room.
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更多“The stage of mental comfort to which they had arrived at this hour was one wherein their souls expan”相关的问题
The stage of mental comfort to which they had arrived at this hour was one wherein their souls expan
ded beyond their skins, and spread their personalities warmly through the room.
Congested cities are fast becoming test tubes for scientists studying the impact of traf
fic fumes on the brain. As roadways choke on traffic, researchers suspect that the tailpipe exhausted【M1】______ from cars and trucks—especially tiny carbon particles already implicated heart disease, cancer and respiratory ailments—may【M2】______ also injure brain cells the key to learning and memory. New【M3】______ public-health studies and laboratory experiments suggest that, at every stage of life, traffic fumes exact a measuring toll on mental【M4】______ capacity, intelligence and emotional stability. Children in areas affected by high levels of emissions, on average, scored more poor on intelligence tests and were more【M5】______ prone to depression, anxiety and attention problems than children growing in cleaner air, separate research teams in New York,【M6】______ Boston, Beijing, and Krakow, Poland, found. And older men and women long exposing to higher levels of traffic-related particles【M7】______ and ozone had memory and reasoning problems effectively added【M8】______ five years to her mental age, other university researchers in Boston【M9】______ reported this year. The emissions may also height the risk of【M10】______ Alzheimers disease and speed the effects of Parkinsons disease. "The evidence is growing that air pollution can affect the brain," says medical epidemiologist Heather Volk at USCs Keck School of Medicine. "We may be starting to realize the effects are broader than we realized."


Before considering this question it is interesting to review briefly the evolution of the

mind as the instrument. The commonest way that has been used to find out the relative

intellectual level of creatures at different stage of evolutionary complexity has been to 【M2】______

study the way they behave when giving different kinds of puzzles. For example, an ant 【M3】______

possesses a complex routine of behaviour, but can it think? The answer is what if an ant is 【M4】______

forced to go through a maze of passages; many of which are dead ends, on its way to its

nestle, it starts by making a lot of mistakes and taking a great many wrong turnings. In the 【M5】______

end, however, after it has to worry its way through often enough, it does learn to get to its 【M6】______

nest without going into any of the blind alleys. As one moves up the evolutionary scale the

test of mind-power exemplified by solving the problem of getting through a maze be 【M7】______

comes very simple. Among mammals, for example, the maze is an inadequate test. The 【M8】______

learning problem does not tax enough attributes of the mind. In this sort of learning, as a

matter of fact, rats can hit university undergraduates and have, in fact, repeatedly done so. 【M9】______

The next, more subtle test of mental ability is to see what level an animal can think about 【M10】______

something when it is not there.


Bringing More Humor and Laughter into Our Lives在生活中带进更多的幽默和笑声The sound of ro

Bringing More Humor and Laughter into Our Lives


The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. Humor and laughter can cause a domino effect of joy and amusement, as well as set off a number of positive physical effects. Humor and laughter strengthen our immune systems and help us recover from illness, as well as bring joy into our lives. The question is: how do we gain access to this priceless medicine?

A good hearty laugh can help

reduce stress

lower blood pressure

elevate mood

boost immune system

improve brain functioning

protect the heart

connect you to others

foster instant relaxation

make you feel good

Humor is a powerful emotional medicine that can lower stress, dissolve anger and unite families in troubled times. Mood is elevated by striving to find humor in difficult and frustrating situations. Laugh at yourselves and the situation helps reveal that small things are not the earth- shaking events they sometimes seem to be. Looking at a problem from a different perspective can make it seem less formidable and provide opportunities for greater objectivity and insight. Humor also helps us avoid loneliness by connecting with others who are attracted to genuine cheerfulness. And the good feeling that we get when we laugh can remain with us as an internal experience even after the laughter subsides.

Mental health professionals point out that humor can also teach perspective by helping patients to see reality rather than the distortion that supports their distress. Humor shifts the ways in which we think, and distress is greatly associated with the way we think. It is not situations that generate our stress, but it is the meaning we place on the situations. Humor adjusts the meaning of an event so that it is not so overwhelming.

Here are some additional things we can do to improve our mood, enjoyment of life and mental health.

Attempt to laugh at situations rather than bemoan them—this helps improve our disposition and the disposition of those around us.

Use cathartic laughter to release pent-up feelings of anger and frustration in socially acceptable ways.

Laugh as a means of reducing tension because laughter is often followed by a state of relaxation.

Lower anxiety by visualizing a humorous situation to replace the view of an anxiety-producing situation

Our work, marriage and family all need humor, celebrations, play and ritual as much as record-keeping and problem-solving. We should ask the questions "Do we laugh together?" as well as "Can we get through this hardship together?" Humor binds us together, lightens our burdens and helps us keep things in perspective. One of the things that saps our energy is the time, focus and effort we put into coping with life's problems including each other's limitations. Our families, our friends and our neighbors are not perfect and neither are our marriages, our kids or our in-laws. When we laugh together, it can bind us closer together instead of pulling us apart.

Remember that even in the most difficult of times, a laugh, or even simply a smile, can go a long way in helping us feel better.

Laughter is a birthright, a natural part of life. The part of the brain that connects to and facilitates laughter is among the first parts of the nervous system to come on line after birth. Infants begin smiling during the first weeks of life and laugh out loud within months of being born. Even if you did not grow up in a household where laughter was a common sound, you can learn to laugh at any stage of life.

Which of the following isn't

A.a contagious physical function

B.a domino effect

C.an immune system

D.a medicine

心理性休克(mental shock)

心理性休克(mental shock)

Mental Ray渲染器 名词解释

The process of entrepreneurship are _____________.

A、financing stage

B、a resource gathering stage

C、creating an organization stage

D、a concept formation stage

维持阶段(maintenance stage)

维持阶段(maintenance stage)

Which stage do teachers begin to ask questions of themselves and their teaching that focus on insights, perspectives, and beliefs of teaching and children? ()

A.Influential stage

B.Consolidation stage

C.Renewal stage

D.Maturity stage

zygotene stage (偶线期)
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