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提问人:网友long66long 发布时间:2022-01-06

She claims that she can (tr)_____ her descent back to a family in Kent, England in the 16th century and seems very proud of this.

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更多“She claims that she can (tr)_____ her descent back to a family in Kent, England in the 16th century …”相关的问题
Research by Pauling led to the modification of the one-gene-one-enzyme hypothesis to the currently accepted ( ).

A、one-gene-one-protein hypothesis

B、one-gene-one-polypeptide hypothesis

C、one-gene-one-amino acid hypothesis

D、one-gene-one-alpha-chain hypothesis

E、none of the above

As we surely know, even when both parties have signed such an agreement, it can still be impossible to (en) ________ it if proper guidelines have not been followed.

Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word can be used only once. (答案请填写完整单词) A) genius B) respectable C) genuine D) respective E) imposed F) enforced G) options H) enlightening I) secondary J) penetrating K) minor L) provided M) motivate N) primary O) marshal A boy who grows up cannot make decisions to choose what he wants. However, as he grows older, his world of 1) _______ increases. He can join the military or go to college. If he is a 2) ______ and gets his medical degree in college, he might decide to leave his homeland and open a clinic in another country. A college graduate can also move to New York or Chicago, 3) _______ he’s had job offers in both cities. He has to make a choice, not based on instinct. What can 4) _______ him to choose one or the other? Maybe the job in Chicago pays better, but he’d still rather live in New York. He has to 5) ________ his thoughts and say, “yes” to the city of his choosing. Some decisions you made can be very successful and 6) __________, but have you ever considered what an incredible ability this is? Don’t think this is only 7) _________ in your life. If your major requires a foreign language component, which will you choose? You are not 8) _________ to take one over another. Instead, you weigh your options and say “yes” to one and “no” to the others. People make decisions based on the 9) ________ options. If they have more than one option, one particular choice must be made. Some decisions are more 10) _________ than others, but they must make decisions in life. They also need to understand there are consequences to life’s decisions.


Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word can be used only once. (答案请填写完整单词) A) genius B) respectable C) genuine D) respective E) imposed F) enforced G) options H) enlightening I) secondary J) penetrating K) minor L) provided M) motivate N) primary O) marshal A boy who grows up cannot make decisions to choose what he wants. However, as he grows older, his world of 1) _______ increases. He can join the military or go to college. If he is a 2) ______ and gets his medical degree in college, he might decide to leave his homeland and open a clinic in another country. A college graduate can also move to New York or Chicago, 3) _______ he’s had job offers in both cities. He has to make a choice, not based on instinct. What can 4) _______ him to choose one or the other? Maybe the job in Chicago pays better, but he’d still rather live in New York. He has to 5) ________ his thoughts and say, “yes” to the city of his choosing. Some decisions you made can be very successful and 6) __________, but have you ever considered what an incredible ability this is? Don’t think this is only 7) _________ in your life. If your major requires a foreign language component, which will you choose? You are not 8) _________ to take one over another. Instead, you weigh your options and say “yes” to one and “no” to the others. People make decisions based on the 9) ________ options. If they have more than one option, one particular choice must be made. Some decisions are more 10) _________ than others, but they must make decisions in life. They also need to understand there are consequences to life’s decisions.


Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word can be used only once. (答案请填写完整单词) A) genius B) respectable C) genuine D) respective E) imposed F) enforced G) options H) enlightening I) secondary J) penetrating K) minor L) provided M) motivate N) primary O) marshal A boy who grows up cannot make decisions to choose what he wants. However, as he grows older, his world of 1) _______ increases. He can join the military or go to college. If he is a 2) ______ and gets his medical degree in college, he might decide to leave his homeland and open a clinic in another country. A college graduate can also move to New York or Chicago, 3) _______ he’s had job offers in both cities. He has to make a choice, not based on instinct. What can 4) _______ him to choose one or the other? Maybe the job in Chicago pays better, but he’d still rather live in New York. He has to 5) ________ his thoughts and say, “yes” to the city of his choosing. Some decisions you made can be very successful and 6) __________, but have you ever considered what an incredible ability this is? Don’t think this is only 7) _________ in your life. If your major requires a foreign language component, which will you choose? You are not 8) _________ to take one over another. Instead, you weigh your options and say “yes” to one and “no” to the others. People make decisions based on the 9) ________ options. If they have more than one option, one particular choice must be made. Some decisions are more 10) _________ than others, but they must make decisions in life. They also need to understand there are consequences to life’s decisions.


Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word can be used only once. (答案请填写完整单词) A) genius B) respectable C) genuine D) respective E) imposed F) enforced G) options H) enlightening I) secondary J) penetrating K) minor L) provided M) motivate N) primary O) marshal A boy who grows up cannot make decisions to choose what he wants. However, as he grows older, his world of 1) _______ increases. He can join the military or go to college. If he is a 2) ______ and gets his medical degree in college, he might decide to leave his homeland and open a clinic in another country. A college graduate can also move to New York or Chicago, 3) _______ he’s had job offers in both cities. He has to make a choice, not based on instinct. What can 4) _______ him to choose one or the other? Maybe the job in Chicago pays better, but he’d still rather live in New York. He has to 5) ________ his thoughts and say, “yes” to the city of his choosing. Some decisions you made can be very successful and 6) __________, but have you ever considered what an incredible ability this is? Don’t think this is only 7) _________ in your life. If your major requires a foreign language component, which will you choose? You are not 8) _________ to take one over another. Instead, you weigh your options and say “yes” to one and “no” to the others. People make decisions based on the 9) ________ options. If they have more than one option, one particular choice must be made. Some decisions are more 10) _________ than others, but they must make decisions in life. They also need to understand there are consequences to life’s decisions.

Are we in control of our decisions? Behavioral economist Dan Ariely, the author of Predictably Irrational, uses classic visual illusions and his own counterintuitive (and sometimes shocking) research findings to show how we`re not as rational as we think when we make decisions. Watch his TED talk (Are we in control of our decisions?) in "Extended learing" and share your thoughts why we make bad decisions.
Their economical action ________ the fall of the government.





In the USA in 1967, a man reported ________ UFO (unidentified flying object).





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