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提问人:网友18***192 发布时间:2022-01-06

Resources are a fundamental _______ in the development of tourism.A、comparisonB、composi

Resources are a fundamental _______ in the development of tourism.





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更多“Resources are a fundamental _______ in the development of tourism.A、comparisonB、composi”相关的问题
All the following organization are involved in the development of the map except ______.A.

All the following organization are involved in the development of the map except ______.

A.the World Conservation Monitoring Centre

B.the United Nations Development Program

C.the World Wildlife Fund

D.the World Resources Institute

Directions: The following is a list of terms related to the human resources management
. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与﹍﹍等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered36 through.

1. A--Employee relations

B—Basic salary

C—Night shift

D—Attendance book

E—Human resources management

F—W0rk permit

G--Employment injury insurance

H--Housing fund

I—Annual salary

J—Year end bonus

K--Contract of service

L--Evaluation of employees

M—Sick leave

N—C0ffee break

O--Unemployment insurance

P--Minimum wage

Q—Quality management

Example: (L) 员工考核 - (E) 人力资源管理

①.()年薪 - ()最低工资

②.()服务合同 - ()员工关系

③.()工伤保险 - ()失业保险

④.()病假 - ()工作许可证

⑤.()住房基金 - ()基本工资

Much of a parent's job is to provide the gifts of caring, love, and emotional support to c
hildren. But one gift is often beyond their reach: the resources to meet the financial demands of college tuition.

For more than 54 years, the United Negro College Fund has fulfilled the dreams of deserving students by closing the gap between the cost of college and what their parents can afford. More than 300,000 students have graduated from United Negro College Fund member colleges since 1944, and 54,000 more are currently enrolled.

The oldest and most successful minority higher education support organization, the United Negro College Fund, is a combination of 39 private, historically black member colleges and universities. Since its founding, it has raised more than $1.3 billion to keep the dream alive for needy families across the country.

What is it that makes the United Negro College Fund so important to America's families ? As well as raising funds and giving technical support to member colleges and universities, it creates hope and opportunity by providing financial assistance to deserving students. Consider the contributions of just a few of the distinguished graduates who have realized the benefits: civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King; Olympic track star Edwin Moses; and filmmaker Spike Lee.

Most of parents fell embarrassed when their children graduate from high school because they can't ______.

A.afford their children's college tuition

B.offer their children emotional support

C.look after their children

D.give them gifts on their birthdays

PART BDirections: For Questions 6-10, you will hear a passage. Use not more than 3 words f


Directions: For Questions 6-10, you will hear a passage. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and the questions below.

听力原文: A new report says the growing population around the world is harming the environment. More people are using more of the Earth's natural resources than ever before. Experts say poor people around the world will suffer most in the future unless environmental damage is stopped, They say more should be done to balance human and environmental needs.

The United Nations Population Fund is responsible for studying population growth. It has released a report about the subject. It examines the links between environmental conditions, population growth and efforts to help poor people in developing countries.

The world population is now more than 6 billion people. That number has increased by 100M since 1990. The population is expected to increase to more than 9 billion by the year 2050. The report says about 2 billion people lack food security. Water supplies and agricultural lands are heavily used. In 50 years, experts say, more than 4 billion people will be living in countries that can not meet people's daily needs.

The report says all of the expected growth in world population will take place in developing countries. The 49 least developed countries are expected to increase by almost 200% in 50 years. Yet, the UN agency says people in the richest countries use more of the world's resources than people in developing countries. It says a child born today in the United States, France or Japan will do more harm to the environment during his lifetime than as many as 50 children born in developing countries.

The UN Population Fund says international policies need to be put into effect to improve poor conditions, increase social development and ease pressure on the environment. It also says women need more control over their lives. It says empowering women would lead to smaller families and slower population growth. The UN Population Fund says these measures would help improve the well being of growing populations while protecting the natural world.

What is the main responsibility of the, United Nations Population Fund according to the passage?

Much of a parent's job is to provide the gifts of caring, love, and emotional support to c
hildren. But one gift is often beyond their reach: the resources to meet the financial demands of college tuition.

For more than 54 years, the United Negro College Fund has fulfilled the dreams of deserving students by closing the gap between the cost of college and what their parents can afford. More than 300,000 students have graduated from United Negro College Fund member colleges since 1944, and 54,000 more axe currently enrolled (入学).

The oldest and most successful minority higher education support organization, the United Negro College Fund is a combination of 39 private, historically black member colleges and universities. Since its founding, it has raised more than $1.3 billion to keep the dream alive for needy families across the country.

What is it that makes the United Negro College Fund so important to America's families? As well as raising funds and giving technical support to member colleges and universities, it creates hope and opportunity by providing financial assistance to deserving students. Consider the contributions of just a few of the distinguished graduates who have realized the benefits: civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; opera diva Leontyne Price; Olympic track star Edwin Moses; and filmmaker Spike Lee.

Most parents feel embarrassed when their children graduate from high school because they can't ______.

A.afford their children's college tuition

B.offer their children emotional support

C.look after their children

D.give them gifts on their birthdays

听力原文:W: You are working for a financial institution described as being poor in public
image, and highly politicized.

M: I think it's a little bit extreme. I think it's a very important institution, and has played a very important role.

W: Doing what?

M: Doing what nobody else is willing to do at such a moment when countries are in difficulties, which is to give them the financial resources to get out of a difficult joint, or maybe give that country the support, the financial support that the market is not willing to do.

W: You've been criticized for getting governments to stop spending money on their poor people, on their education, health care, and stuff like that.

M: Well, I think that's an unfair accusation. The fund finds a country that has so much public deficit and public debt that doesn't get credit in the market. So it's not that this program against poverty or that program to construct a road is unfunded, it's that the whole budget is unfunded. And when we decide that, of course, wages of public servants, construction of infrastructure, money dedicated to social problems, all of them suffer, but not because of the fund decision, but because of the situation. I accept that at some moments specific decisions that we have made maybe could have been better, sure.

What institution is the man work for?

A.A bank.

B.A research centre.

C.A financial institution.

D.A multinational corporation.

Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 wor

2. Question 2

?Your company or organisation is considering the best way to improve efficiency. You have been asked to write a report giving recommendations on this.

?Write the report, outlining some of the problems the company has concerning efficiency and suggesting solutions. Refer to at least two of the following areas:

?staffing levels




Question 3

?The company you work for faces increasing competition and the managing director has asked you to suggest ways of meeting this challenge.

?Write a proposal for the managing director, including the following information:

?reasons for the increased competition

?ways to increase sales

?any extra resources that might be needed

?any disadvantages there might be.

Question 4

?An international fund is offering grants to small businesses to improve their facilities. Your manager has decided to apply and has asked you to write on behalf of the company.

?Write a letter, including the following information:

?a brief background to your company

?which facilities a grant would enable you to improve

?what the future benefits to your company would be.

Resources Resources are found in nature. They make a better quality of life for humans. So
il, air, water, sunlight and trees are all examples of resources that humans use every day, whether they know it or not._____(26) A natural resource is a material fund in nature and used by living things. Air, rocks, metals, oil and salt are all natural resources. Renewable(可再生的)resources are resources that can be replaced._____(27)Trees that are cut down can be replaced quickly when seeds or baby trees are planted. Water from our bathtubs(浴盆)can be cleaned for use. Plants, wind and rain can help clean the air to make it safe to breathe even if it comes out of a car or a factory. Sometimes resources cannot be replaced after they are used._____(28)Once nonrenewable resources are all used up, nature will not be able to replace them. Oil, natural gas, soil and metals are all examples of nonrenewable resources. Coal is another example of a nonrenewable resource._____(29)Humans mine the coal underground and use it as an energy source. Once humans have mined all the coal from inside Earth, there will be on more for us to depend on._____(30)For example, wind and water turbines(涡轮机)are now being used to produce energy. _____.A.These are called nonrenewable resources.

B.They replace some of the need to burn coal.

C.It is made by nature deep in Earth.

D.Without resources, humans could not live on Earth.

E.Trees, air, water and energy from the sun are renewable resources.

F.Luckily, humans are finding new ways to replace coal.

_____.A.These are called nonrenewable resources.

B.They replace some of the need to burn coal.

C.It is made by nature deep in Earth.

D.Without resources, humans could not live on Earth.

E.Trees, air, water and energy from the sun are renewable resources.

F.Luckily, humans are finding new ways to replace coal.

_____.A.These are called nonrenewable resources.

B.They replace some of the need to burn coal.

C.It is made by nature deep in Earth.

D.Without resources, humans could not live on Earth.

E.Trees, air, water and energy from the sun are renewable resources.

F.Luckily, humans are finding new ways to replace coal.

_____.A.These are called nonrenewable resources.

B.They replace some of the need to burn coal.

C.It is made by nature deep in Earth.

D.Without resources, humans could not live on Earth.

E.Trees, air, water and energy from the sun are renewable resources.

F.Luckily, humans are finding new ways to replace coal.

_____.A.These are called nonrenewable resources.

B.They replace some of the need to burn coal.

C.It is made by nature deep in Earth.

D.Without resources, humans could not live on Earth.

E.Trees, air, water and energy from the sun are renewable resources.

F.Luckily, humans are finding new ways to replace coal.


听力原文:Friday wag World AIDS Day, an annual observance sponsored by the United Nations t

听力原文: Friday wag World AIDS Day, an annual observance sponsored by the United Nations to measure progress in combating the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS.

Although there still is no cure, HIV/AIDS can be managed with knowledge, commitment, doctors, medicine, and money.

That's why the Global Fund comes in. It's the largest single non-political source of money in the battle against the disease. VOA's Adam Phillips takes a closer look at the Global Fund, as seen through the eyes of a leading activist who is trying to make sure the Fund's resources are well spent.

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is a multi-billion dollar project supported by a consortium of donor nations, non-governmental organizations, in-country health care providers, educators and others. While the workings of this Geneva-based agency are quite complex, the core idea underlying its work is quite simple. It says that each of the 131 nations that seek AIDS funding is in the best position to know what its own needs are, and how best to spend the money it receives. Bernard Rivers is the executive director of AIDSPAN, an independent organization that monitors the Global Fund and publishes the Global Fund Observer, a free, online newsletter about its activities.

"The Global Fund says to each country, in effect, 'what do you want to do to fight AIDS?' And each country can design what kind of program it wants. One country might want to set up an anti-retroviral treatment program. That is, they may want to buy lots of the modem drags, the ARV drugs, which are used to treat AIDS. Another country may want to focus primarily on prevention through education.

Here's how the Global Fund works. Donor nations contribute funds to a common reserve, which today totals about $6.3 billion. Nations who apply for funds submit very specific proposals. The proposals, says AIDSPAN's Bernard Rivers, are judged according to their merit and the results that are promised, never on political considerations. What's more, Rivers says, the decision to renew funding is based entirely on results achieved.

Now this is an interesting challenge. Because if the country sets ridiculously high targets -- by spending a very small amount of money it claims it will deliver phenomenal results -- that may look good in the proposal. But then, if the grant is approved, the Global Fund says 'where are the results? Are you delivering those results?' If on the other hand, the country aims rather low and promises very modest results, the Global Fund may say 'well, we can get better results elsewhere by giving grants to other countries.'"

One example of this tough "bottom line" approach occurred early in 2006 when the Global Fund cut off $70 million in funding to Nigeria. Rivers says that Nigeria's proposal had promised that 14,000 of its AIDS-infected citizens would receive anti-retroviral drugs by the end of last year.

"The actual number of people who were on treatment by the end of the first year was zero. Quite a number of people started to be put on treatment in the second year, but the grant was way behind schedule, and there was a serious lack of desire by the government of Nigeria to make those grants really work efficiently."

Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150-200 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only once and then you will have 25 minutes to finish your English summary. This part of the test carries 20 points. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to write your summary satisfactorily.

I want today to set debt reduction in the context of development challenges of poor countr
ies. My key message is that we need a change in the way we look at the purpose of' debt relief: from ending debt to ending poverty. I think that debt relief is a strong antipoverty weapon, but it must be part of a broader development strategy.

We need to look beyond external sustainability to include internal sustainability as well. Domestic debt in some countries is a huge problem, and for several African countries it takes more than 10% of domestic revenue. This points us back to the government budget. We should think about working not just from the concept of external sustainability, but from the expenditure required to pursue the International Development Strategy. This means looking at each country's domestic strategy for poverty elimination and its internal needs and constraints.

Now is a time for new thinking, and the task is an urgent one. One out of four people in the world live in absolute poverty. Deserts are spreading, forests are shrinking, and seas are being over-fished. With projections of growing strain on all natural resources of the world, and the likelihood of increasing violent conflict and calamity arising from that, it is not just morally imperative that we act to give the poor of the world the chance to get out of poverty; it is in our interest to do so. There can be no secure future for our children and grandchildren unless we build a more equitable world.

So, we need to implement this change in the goal of debt relief: from ending debt to ending poverty. Debt reduction from now on has to be linked to the international development strategy.

Debt is not evil in itself. Borrowing for high-quality investment is clearly beneficial and appreciated. The aim should be for countries to borrow prudently along a sustainable path to fund priority investments. This requires a clear debt management strategy.

To make real progress, the government and people of each country must develop a clearly defined approach to this complex challenge.

The priorities of government budgets are obviously central to this. We need to look at the expenditure necessary to achieve poverty reduction objectives and then see how debt reduction can contribute to making it possible. We must always remember debt relief is a means to an end not an end in itself.

Debt relief has some important benefits for countries concerned. Firstly, it frees the government's own resources to fund development. Secondly, it is a way of signaling donor support for the long-term programs of a government. Thirdly, it can help to simulate the investment necessary for long-term growth.

But, of course, sometimes debt relief will not be the right option. Aid funds used for debt relief have an opportunity cost. Sometimes money will be better spent on direct support for the health or education sectors, or to promote sustainable livelihood. The key question to ask is what the role debt relief plays in eliminating poverty.

?Read the article below about advertisement.?Choose the best word or phrase to fill each g

?Read the article below about advertisement.

?Choose the best word or phrase to fill each gap from A, B, C, or D on the opposite page.

?For each question 19--33, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet.


The dynamic developing economies of the world are (19) with potential. Not only have they demonstrated (20) levels of growth, but we believe this looks set, (21) by (22) inflows of foreign investment. Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund is supposed to help you (23) on this promising (24) .

The key to real success in Emerging Markets is (25) and resources, of Fidelities foremost strengths. As the world's largest (26) investment management organization, we can draw upon a(n) (27) network of offices covering developing (28) across Asia, Latin America and Europe.

This local presence means we can apply a hands-on (29) , searching out a capitalizing on investment opportunities as soon as they come to (30) . As a result, Fidelity becomes one of the world's leading names in (31) stock markets, where we currently manage 5 billion pounds?

So (32) now to find out more about the Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund-- and get the potential of these dynamic markets teamed with the strength of the Fidelity organization. For more information, calls us, free of (33) from any of the countries below. If you live elsewhere, please use the UK number or post or fax the coupon.






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