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提问人:网友beinuo0501 发布时间:2022-01-07

?Read the following article about knowledge acquisition and the questions on the opposite


?For each question 15-20, mark one letter (A,B, C or D ) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

In business, if not politics, the world has quietened down a bit: the number of spectacular bankruptcies, indictments, scandals, and implosions is not as high as it was in 2001 and 2002. Although executives still have to face a global slowdown, the uncertain effects of the war in Iraq, and the still fresh confusion over SARS, they might now be excused a deep breath and a look at aspects of their businesses that may have been neglected in the scramble to stay on top of new accounting laws and restated earnings.

One area to start catching up on is knowledge. This is tree both personally, as executives work out whether or not they are staying on top of internal or external developments, but also at the level of companies. A survey of knowledge management, "Knowledge Unplugged", published in 2001 by McKinsey, found that the best-performing companies were far more likely than the worst-performing ones to use creative techniques for acquiring, processing and distributing knowledge — everything from emphasizing teamwork in product development to holding "idea contests" and laying to avoid boring daily routines.

But creating an atmosphere in which knowledge can be shared can be almost as challenging as obtaining it in the first place. This is the potential prisoner's dilemma of knowledge: the more valued it becomes, the less incentive employees have to share it with one another, at the risk of losing the competitive advantage of what they know — or, worse, seeing another profit at their expense. This proves to be even more true at the company level. While firms might mm to external partners m enhance their knowledge base, the sharing will be incomplete without mutual trust.

Since "knowledge" is such a vague term, it helps to have specific goals in mind when looking to gain more of it. Are you looking for information about your company, or industry in particular? Despite the general slowdown in executive education, there are still a number of courses devoted specifically to helping managers in given industries — technology, for example, or health care. Are you more concerned with acquiring more knowledge, or putting it to better use? Do you need to move quickly, or is this a subject that needs to be explored in greater depth?

And bear in mind that styles of learning vary. Some people will profit most from informal networking; some enjoy learning in a classroom; others will be able to take advantage of the company intranet. Be flexible in the pursuit of knowledge; it is better to set performance targets, concentrate on meeting them, and allow individuals and their teams to explore their own solutions. Sometimes the best way to generate knowledge is simply a bit of brainstorming.

The edition of Executive Education Outlook looks at the options available to executives in gaining knowledge, and enhancing what they already have. It includes a look at the state of distance learning- neither the revolution the hype claimed it would be in the late 1990s, nor completely dismissable — as a possible conduit of knowledge, the best place to go for new programmes in knowledge management, and a consideration of the demand for the best sources of knowledge: business-school academics. Concentrating on knowledge now may be the best way to be prepared for the next challenges facing the business world.

According to the writer, why have executives possibly overlooked their businesses?

A.SARS confuses them.

B.Global economy is poor.

C.Profit targets appear to be more important for them.

D.There are too many bankruptcies and scandals to deal with.

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更多“?Read the following article about knowledge acquisition and the questions on the opposite”相关的问题
Directions: please read the following sentences and then choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. (每题20分,共100分) The President’s opponents claim to have found conclusive proof ____________ he cheated in the recent elections.





Directions: Please choose the idiom matching its definition. not have any time left

A、on time

B、take time off

C、run out of time

D、at times


Read the following five sentences and match each sentence with one of the extracts below. The five extracts are from a passage about services and e-commerce. ( ) 1 Early attempts at trading services electronically failed. ( ) 2 Companies are sometimes graded on the service they have provided. ( ) 3 It is easy to find service providers through e-commerce. ( ) 4 Customers do not always expect to pay for online services. ( ) 5 Services as well as goods can be bought online. A. E-commerce used to be just about buying products. But now firms everywhere have launched electronic marketplaces for services of all sorts―from gardening advice to financial planning. If services now exist in the online world, those markets will become more competitive―as they have for computers and other items sold over the Internet. B. In the 1980s, the late Phil Salin dreamed up the American Information Exchange, a marketplace for research, consulting, and computer code. But it never really became successful, largely because it came before the Internet: Much of the cash and effort went into trying to create a network. C . Advoco, one of the few service markets that is already online, employs experts who want to give advice. Users then choose one of the “advisers” directly or post a question on a bulletin board that others can answer with a bid. Once the service is delivered and paid for, users rate the sellers on a scale from one (lowest) to five (highest) and post comments about them. D. Supply of labor is not likely to be a problem for service sites. Some companies already have hundreds of professionals, attracted by word of mouth alone. Joining is free―and more promising than an expensive ad. What is more, for professionals living in developing countries, these online forums offer a unique opportunity to enter richer service markets. E. Whether there is enough demand for service sites is questionable. Small businesses and independent professionals, always short of time, might be interested. But to be widely successful, Internet service markets have to overcome cultural barriers. Individuals are used to getting advice free over the Internet and will hesitate to employ a service provider whom they have never met face to face.

Complete the following sentences with the phrases you have learned in the text. I ___________________ (碰到) an old school friend in Oxford Street yesterday.
•Read the following article about Japanese style. of management and the questions.

•For each question (15-20), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

Time clocks are banned from the premises. Managers and workers converse on a first- name basis and eat lunch together in the company cafeteria. Employees are briefed once a month by a top executive on sales and production goals and are encouraged to air their complaints. Four times a year, workers attend company-paid parties. Says Tom Zolick, 49, an assembly-line worker. "Working for Sony is like working for your family."

His expression, echoed by dozens of other American Sony workers in San Diego, is a measure of success achieved at the sprawling two-story plant, where both the Stars and Stripes and the Rising Sun fly in front of the factory's glistening white exterior. In 1981 the San Diego plant turned over 700,000 color television sets, one-third of Sony's total world production. More significantly, company officials now proudly say that the plant's productivity approaches that of its Japanese branches.

Plant manager Tery Osaka, 47, insists that there are few differences between workers in the United States and Japan. Says he. "Americans are as quality conscious as the Japanese. But the question is how to motivate them." Osaka's way is to bathe his U.S. employees in personal attention. Workers with perfect attendance records are treated to dinner once a year at a luxurious restaurant downtown. When one employee complained that a refrigerator for storing lunches was too small, it was replaced a few days later with a larger one. Vice-President Masayoshi Yamada, known as Mike around the plant, has mastered Spanish so he can talk with his many Hispanic workers. The company has installed telephone hot lines on which workers can anonymously register suggestions or complaints.

The firm strives to build strong ties with its employees in the belief that the workers will then show loyalty to the company in return. It carefully promotes from within, and most of the assembly-line supervisors are high school graduates who rose through the ranks because of their hard work and dedication to the company. During the 1973-1975 recession, when TV sales dropped and production slowed drastically, no one was fired. Instead, workers were kept busy with plant maintenance and other chores. In fact, Sony has not laid off a single employee since 1972, when plant was opened. The Japanese managers were stunned when the first employee actually quit within one year. Says John Ford, the plant's human relations expert: "They came to me and wanted to know what they had done wrong. I had to explain that quitting is just the way it is sometimes in Southern California."

This personnel policy has clearly been a success. Several attempts to unionize the work force have been defeated by margins as high as 3 to 1. Says Jan Timmerman, 22, a parts dispatcher and former member of the Retail Clerks Union. "Union pay was better, and the benefits were probably larger. But basically I'm more satisfied here."

Sony has not forced American workers to accept Japanese customs. Though the company provides lemon-colored smocks for assembly-line workers, most of them prefer to wear jeans and running shoes. The firm doesn't demand that anyone put on uniforms. A brief attempt to establish a general exercise period for San Diego workers, similar to the kind Sony's Japanese employees perform, was dropped when managers saw it was not wanted.

Inevitably, there have been minor misunderstandings because of the differences in language and customs. One worker sandblasted the numbers 1264 on a series of parts she was testing before she realized that her Japanese supervisor meant that she was to lab

A.The difference between Americans and Japanese

B.American employees working for Sony

C.How Sony established business in the United States

D.How Japanese manage their business

Good abstracts strictly follow the style and formatting guidelines for authors.
Choose the options that belong to the threats of substitute products in Porter’s Five Forces analysis:

A、Number of similar products in the market

B、Perceived level of product differentiation

C、Uniqueness of each supplier’s product

D、Size of each customer order

Read the following passage and choose the best sentence (A-G) to fill each of the gaps.

It's impossible to miss the fact that stocks , real estate and bonds all make for decent investments. But there are so many different investment options , most of which get minimal

marketing. (8)_______

1. American Depository Receipt (ADR)

ADRs are traded on U. S. stock markets just like regular stocks , but they actually represent shares in foreign corporations. An ADR is issued by a U. S. -based bank or brokerage , which buys a large number of shares from a company based outside the U. S.(9) ______ ADRs are a relatively simple way to invest in foreign companies and avoid the administrative and duty costs of international transactions.

2. Annuity

Annuities provide set payments at regular intervals to their owners. (10)______ Deferred annuities are often contracted for life - they're set up so that as long as you live ,the insurance company will send you a check at a regular interval. Annuities are also either fixed (the payments are set) or variable (there is a guaranteed minimum payment , as well as payments based on the performance of an annuity investment portfolio).

3. Closed-End Investment Fund

A closed-end fund issues shares that are traded just like stocks but are actually closer to mutual funds in the way they are managed. Closed-end funds hold portfolios of securities - usually securities that meet very specific criteria. (11)______ Some closed-end funds offer dividends.

4. Collectibles

Collectibles can be pretty much any physical asset with a value that increases over time. While most people consider fine art , stamps and similar purchases to be collectibles , there is no strict definition that includes or excludes a particular asset. (12)______ However, a collectible's appreciating value often outpaces inflation.

5. Common Stock

Common stock is a share of ownership in a particular company. (13)______ The majority of stocks traded today are common stocks. While the benefits associated with owning stock can be great , it is a relatively risky investment. (14)______

Now choose the best sentence (A-G) to fill each of the gaps.

A. Those shares are bundled into groups and then resold.

B. These funds are actively managed and may hold a few investments in stocks or bonds in order to diversify.

C. If a company that you own stock in goes bankrupt , as a common shareholder, you won' t receive money until the creditors , bondholders and preferred shareholders have all been paid off.

D. An annuity can either be immediate or deferred: with a deferred annuity , you will not begin receiving payments for a certain period of time.

E. It entitles you to a portion of the company' s profits as well as voting rights.

F. Those listed below are investments that any investor should be familiar with.

G. The greatest drawback to collectibles is the fact that collectibles offer no income.

•Read the article below about negotiation and the questions on the opposite page.

•For each question 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.


Before developing a mom effective negotiation strategy, we need to dispel several faulty assumptions and myths about negotiation. These myths hamper people's ability to learn effective negotiation skills and, in some cases, reinforce poor negotiation skills.

A pervasive belief is that good negotiation skills are something that people are born with, not something that can be readily learned. This is false because most excellent negotiators are self-made. In fact, there are very few naturally gifted negotiators. We tend to hear their stories, but we must remember that their stories are selective, meaning that it is always possible for someone to have a lucky day or a fortunate experience. This myth is often perpetuated by the tendency of people to judge negotiation skills by theft car-dealership experiences. Whereas purchasing a car is certainly an important and common type of negotiation, it is not the best context by which to judge your negotiation skills. The most important negotiations are those that we engage in every day with our colleagues, supervisors, co-workers and business associates. These relationships provide a much better index of one's effectiveness in negotiation. In short, effective negotiation requires practice and feedback. The problem is that most of ns do not get an opportunity to develop effective negotiation skills in a disciplined fashion, rather, most of us learn by doing. As the second myth reveals, experience is helpful, but not sufficient.

We have all met that person at the cocktail party or on the airplane who boasts about his or her great negotiation feats and how be or she learned on the job. It is only partly true that experience can improve negotiation skills; in fact, naive experience is largely ineffective in improving negotiation skills. There are three strikes against natural experience as an effective teacher. First, if a person does not know how well he or she has performed in the negotiation, it is nearly impossible to improve performance. For example, can you imagine trying to learn mathematics without ever doing homework or taking tests? The second, problem is that our memories tend to be selective, meaning that people tend to remember their successes and forget their failures or shortcomings. This is, of course, comforting to our ego, but it does not improve our ability to negotiate. Finally experience improves our confidence, but not necessarily our accuracy. People with more experience grow more and mom confident, but the accuracy of their judgment and the effectiveness of their behavior. do not increase in a commensurate fashion. Overconfidence can be dangerous because it may lead people to take unwise risks.

The third pervasive myth is that effective negotiation necessitates taking risks and gambles. In negotiation, this may mean saying things like "This is my final offer" or "Take it or leave it" or using threats and bluffs. This is what we call a "tough" style. of negotiation, though negotiators are rarely effective; however, we tend to be impressed by the tough negotiator.

An interesting exercise is to ask managers and anyone else who negotiates and to describe their approach to negotiating. Many seasoned negotiators believe that thee negotiation style. involves a lot of "gut feeling," intuition, and "in-the-moment" responses. We believe that this type of intuition does not serve people well. Effective negotiator involves deliberate thought and preparation and is quite systematic.

According to the article, a person is likely to

A.succeed in negotiation if he is lucky that day.

B.do well if he has studies how to negotiate.

C.have at least one successful negotiation.

D.be a better negotiator if he has inborn talents.

Read the last name of the author and identify the ________ reference entry by the last name in the reference list.
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