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提问人:网友yanweiwei55 发布时间:2022-01-06

Had I got there five minutes earlier, I could () her.



C.have met

D.to meet

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
  • · 有3位网友选择 A,占比30%
  • · 有3位网友选择 C,占比30%
  • · 有2位网友选择 B,占比20%
  • · 有2位网友选择 D,占比20%
匿名网友[43.***.***.16]选择了 A
匿名网友[144.***.***.71]选择了 B
匿名网友[214.***.***.52]选择了 C
匿名网友[24.***.***.156]选择了 B
匿名网友[47.***.***.75]选择了 D
匿名网友[163.***.***.0]选择了 A
匿名网友[96.***.***.208]选择了 D
匿名网友[24.***.***.82]选择了 C
匿名网友[214.***.***.244]选择了 C
匿名网友[114.***.***.25]选择了 A
更多“Had I got there five minutes earlier, I could () her.”相关的问题
______ the time I got to the cinema the film had been on for five minutes.A.ByB.InC.AtD.On

______ the time I got to the cinema the film had been on for five minutes.





When I got to the company, the meeting __ for five minutes.A) had begun B) has be

When I got to the company, the meeting __ for five minutes.

A) had begun

B) has been on

C) has begun

D) had been on

听力原文:A couple of weeks ago, I ran into my boyhood friend David for the first time in t

听力原文: A couple of weeks ago, I ran into my boyhood friend David for the first time in twenty years. I had heard that David had made a fortune on the stock market, so I was surprised he wasn't driving an expensive car, or wearing expensive clothes. As a matter of fact, he looked a lot like me, wearing an inexpensive suit that looked a couple of years old, and driving an old car with a little rust around the edges. I asked him what he was doing these years, and he said he was teaching business at the local community college. "Teaching business?" I exclaimed, "I thought I heard you were in New York, making a fortune in stocks." David smiled," Yes, I did that until five years ago, but I got out. The stress was giving me a stomachache and a had heart. Besides, once I got into that business, I had to run just to keep up. I never had any time to spend with my family. We are all much happier now." I shook my head, he had achieved every man's ambition, but he gave it up. I had always dreamed of having money, but it never occurred to me that there might be disadvantages to being rich.


A.David had made a lot of money in stocks.

B.David wore expensive clothes when driving.

C.David ran into a boyhood friend twenty years ago.

D.David taught business at a local community college.

听力原文:W: Hi, Larry, are you waiting to see Professor Jamason, too?M: Yah, since I got o

听力原文:W: Hi, Larry, are you waiting to see Professor Jamason, too?

M: Yah, since I got one of the five highest grades in her managerial economics class, she asked me if I'd be interested in working as her assistant next semester. I'm here now for my interview.

W: Oh, yes, I know all about that job. I did it two years ago.

M: Really? Did you like it?

W: I think it was file best job I've had at school. It paid eight dollars an hour, which was three dollars an hour more than I got working at the school post office the year before.

M: Wow! That is good salary. What did you do?

W: I was in charge of grading all the problem set that were assigned as homework. I never had trouble doing it, and of course, Prof. Jamason was always available to help me if I had any questions.

M: I think I'd enjoy doing that sort of work. It would be very good experience for anyone thinking about becoming a teacher.

W: Absolutely. You also learn how to use the computer data base, because the records are kept on it, and building up your computer skills is a good preparation for lots of jobs.

M: The job sounds great, but I'm a little worried about how much time it might take?

W: It's pretty reasonable. It never took me more than five hours a week to do the grading and then anoth cr thirty to forty minutes to record the grades on the computer.

M: That sounds managable. I guess you can do the work when it fits into your own schedule, too, can't you?

W: Oh, yah, you can do the grading in your room or in the library. You just need to get each set back for the next class, but that means you always have at least two days and sometimes four.

M: It sounds great.

W: Good luck with your interview.


A.She is protessor Jamason's daughter

B.She works part-time as Professor Jamason's secretary.

C.She used to do the job herseff.

D.She just came out of an interview for the job.

听力原文:W: I've got two tickets for a volleyball match this evening. Why don't you come?M

听力原文:W: I've got two tickets for a volleyball match this evening. Why don't you come?

M: Uh...no, thanks. I...I'm not very interested in volleyball.

W: Oh, why not? Have you ever seen it played?

M: No, I have't, but I really don't...

W: That's what I thought. You don't know what you are missing.

M: Don't I? Why?

W: Because it's very. fast, with lots of action.

M: Two of the best women's teams in the world, one from Finland and the other from Belgium.

M: Hmm. It sounds exciting.

W: Yes, it is! Very!

M: Hmm. Well, perhaps I'll come after all.

W: Good! Now...Uh...could you...uh...could I have five pounds, please?

M: Five pounds? What for?

W: Your ticket, of course. I bought two for them in advance, hoping I'd persuade you to come with me.

M: Oh...uh...You know, I've just remembered something.

W: What?

M: I've got to see some friends this evening.

W: Oh ...I see...I mean...you won't be coming, after all, then?

M: No, net unless...

W: Unless what?

M: Perhaps you could let me have the ticket for a bit less? Let's say three pounds.

W: But you said you had to meet some friends!

M: Come on. I was only joking. Here's your five pounds. Of coarse I'll come.


A.Because there are so many very people enjoying.

B.Because players can build up their body.

C.Because it is very fast, with lots of action.

D.Because the volleyball is interesting to watch.

听力原文:The day started badly, I woke up late because I forgot about the alarm clock the

听力原文: The day started badly, I woke up late because I forgot about the alarm clock the night be- fore. I got dressed in five minutes and called a taxi to go to the airport. Thirty minutes later the taxi had still not arrived. I called the taxi company, and they explained that the taxi broke down. So, I decided to take my own car to Heathrow, picked up my bag and left the house. But when I got in the car, the engine wouldn't start. I realized that 1 left the headlights on last night. I decided to try the taxi company again, but when I put my hand in my pocket, my telephone wasn't there. I left it in the kitchen so I 'went back inside to get it. I opened the door and could' hear the radio, which I forgot to switch off. "This is the BBC News at eight o'clock on Sunday the seventh of April," I heard. "Eight o'clock," I thought, "but it's only seven o'clock," and I looked at my watch to check. Suddenly, I remembered. It was eight o'clock! The clocks changed that week- end! There was no point going to the airport now. The plane had already taken off. But as I sat there listening to the news, I realized how lucky I had been. A plane crashed just after take-off at Heathrow, and it was feared that all 217 people aboard died.


A.Because the taxi company was very busy at that time.

B.Because it was too late to call the taxi company.

C.Because he enjoyed driving by himself.

D.Because the taxi broke down.

听力原文:W: Hi, Larry, are you waiting to see Prof. Jameson, too?M: Yeah, since I got one

听力原文:W: Hi, Larry, are you waiting to see Prof. Jameson, too?

M: Yeah, since I got one of the five highest grades in her managerial economics class, she asked me if I'd be interested in working as her assistant next semester. I'm here now for my interview.

W: Oh, yes, I know all about that job. I did it two years ago.

M: Really? Did you like it?

W: I think it was the best job I've ever had at school. It paid eight dollars an hour, which was three dollars more than I got working at the school post office the year before.

M: Well, that is a good salary. What did you do?

W: I was in charge of grading the problems sets that were assigned as homework. I never had trouble doing it, and of course Prof. Jameson was always available to help me if I had any questions.

M: I think I'd enjoy doing that sort of work. It would be very good experience for anyone thinking about becoming a teacher.

W: Absolutely, you also learn how to use the computer database, because the records are kept on it, and building up your computer skills is a good preparation for lots of jobs.

M: It sounds great, but I'm a little worried about how much time it might take?

W: It's pretty reasonable. It never took me more than five hours a week to do the grading and then another thirty to forty minutes to record the grades on the computer.

M: That sounds manageable. I guess you can do the work when it fits into your own schedule, too, can't you?

W: Yeah, you can do the grading in your room or in the library. You just need to get each set back for the next class, but that means you always have at least two days free and sometimes four.

M: It sounds great.

W: Good luck with your interview.


A.She is Prof. Jameson's daughter.

B.She works part-time as Prof. Jameson's secretary.

C.She used to do the job herself.

D.She just came out of an interview for the job.

听力原文:I have been an airline stewardess for six years. I'm twenty-six years old and rec

听力原文: I have been an airline stewardess for six years. I'm twenty-six years old and recently got married. The majority of the airline stewardesses are from small towns. I myself am from Nebraska. It's supposed to be one of the nicest professions for a woman -- if she can't be a model or in the movies. You can fly around the world, meeting all those people. It is pretty nice doing so.

I have five older sisters and they were all married before they were twenty. The minute they got out of high school, they would end up getting married, that was the thing everybody did. It was to get married. They were so happy that one of the girls could go out and see the world and spend some time being single. I didn't get married until I was almost twenty-five. My mother especially thought it was great that I had the chance to travel around the world.

How old was the narrator when he became a stewardess(空姐)?


B.Twenty six.

C.Not told.

SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:Friend: OK, so what happened when you got to the airport?

Pauline: Well, I waited in a queue for ages and finally it was my turn to come up to the desk. So I presented my passport and she said ' I think you need a visa'. And I said ' No I don't, I was there six years ago and it was OK then'. So ... and I said. and she said ' Well your travel agent should have told you'. So anyway she went away to check and when she came back I just knew by the look on her face that I needed a visa. And my flight was going to go just then. And I said' What will I do?' And so she called over the OSLrep, they're the people I booked through, and they were very nice to me and they said, ' Well you've got to go to London and get your visa. And I said ' Well can't you have it at the airport?' And they said ' No'. And so, so then they said, ' Well the best thing to do is to get on this coach and go down to London'. So I got on a coach but there was pea-soup fog everywhere and so I sat on the motorway for two hours. And the whole time thinking what I am doing? And so I got down to London. And it took literally three minutes, I filled in a form, they stamped my passport, thanks. And then I had to ring the airline and try to get a flight out. And they kept saying ' Ring back in an hour. Ring back in an hour. Ring back in an hour'. And every time I had to ring back they'd say ' Sorry. Well, the nearest flight we've got is from Newcastle tomorrow morning.'

Friend: Oh no. You didn't go to Newcastle.

Pauline: No, I didn't go to Newcastle. Luckily, they kept ringing and ringing and ringing and meantime I had to kill time in Green Park. It was a hot, hot day and I was carrying all my luggage and I then kept walking back to Victoria Station.

Friend: Oh, you weren't in Luton. You were waiting in London.

Pauline: That's right. I then went to London. And then, so I kept ringing and then eventually they got me a flight out to the airport.., er to Ibiza.

Friend: From Luton?

Pauline: No, from Gatwick actually. So then because I was in London that was nearer Gatwick I had to then stay in London so I had to phone a friend and he was out for two hours, and then he wouldn't be home for another two hours so I killed four hours before I got to him, stayed the night with him. He drove me to the airport the next morning. Then the plane was delayed. So I was getting really frightened by this time. And so then eventually I got on the plane and it was delayed by engine trouble and so on. And then I got out there, and I got out there five minutes after the air-line office dosed and there was no message for me.

Friend: Oh my God.

Pauline: So I thought ' I don't know what to do'. And all the other people kept saying ' Well, get in a taxi' and you know what it's like in a foreign country. You think ' I can't get in a taxi. It'll cost me the earth'. But in fact they said ' Well it's never far in these places'. And so then I decided. OK, so I got in a taxi.

Friend: But you had the address?

Pauline: Well luckily... I didn't have the address before I left home but luckily at Luton airport I'd asked for the address, so I had the address. Right. So then the Taxi drove me out to the airport.., to the villa, and we took ages to find it. We were searching round eventually found it...

Pauline failed to catch the flight because______.

A.her ticket was not confirmed

B.she booked her ticket at the wrong place

C.she didn't have the right documents

D.her visa had run out

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