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提问人:网友brewswang 发布时间:2022-01-06

The Iraqi War made thousands of children______(home).

The Iraqi War made thousands of children______(home).

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Rise of an "Iraq Generation" in EuropeWhile the media publicize photographs of prisoner ab

Rise of an "Iraq Generation" in Europe

While the media publicize photographs of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib (阿布格莱布监狱) as evidence of US iniquity, her friends are expressing disbelief and disappointment. They are also wondering how far the images may loosen Washington's grip on its claim to global moral leadership.

In the short term, European public disgust at the pictures probably rules out any chance that America's NATO allies will offer military help securing the transition to Iraqi rule in Baghdad. In the long run, some observers worry, the photographs could perpetuate a graver transatlantic rift.

"They might help create an 'Iraq Generation' in Europe like the 'Vietnam Generation'", suggests Bernhard May, an expert on European relations with the US at the influential German Foreign Policy Society in Berlin. "If a whole generation comes to think of America in terms of the Iraq war, then we are in trouble for years to come."

The best way for the US to salvage the situation, European analysts tend to agree, is to hand over as much responsibility for Iraq as possible to the United Nations, so as to give international legitimacy to the authorities there. "We need to move to bring the UN center stage much more urgently, and make sure that the Security Council has true political authority over events in Iraq," argues Paul Wilkinson, professor of International Relations at St. Andrews University in Scotland.

The prison photographs have so inflamed Iraqi and Arab opinion, however, that the UN's task of anointing a transitional Iraqi government is now even more complicated. "A solution has to be found [to the problems in Iraq] but it has been made immeasurably more difficult by the revelations about prisoner mistreatment," says Lord Carrington, a former British foreign secretary.

The damage in Europe, however, is to America's reputation and leadership, particularly galling to supporters of the war such as French author Pascal Bruckner, who bucked the French intellectual trend a year ago. "America… is squandering a moral credit that was already eroded," Mr. Bruekner stated recently. "Whatever she does she has lost the image battle, and her current leaders will have achieved the exploit of making America hateful to the whole world, including her own friends, allies, and neighbors. “

What the Polls Say

Not that the current US administration was very popular in the first place among European citizens, resentful of what they see as Washington's arrogance in world affairs. A poll published in June by the Pew Foundation found that President Bush's approval ratings were 39 percent in Britain (the highest of the seven countries surveyed) , 15 percent in France, and 14 percent in Germany.

The Abu Ghraib photographs emerged following several difficult weeks for the US-led occupation forces in Iraq, when a lot seemed to be going wrong for them, including a Shiite uprising and sustained resistance in Fallujah (费卢杰,地名) . Those events appeared to comfort most Europeans in their conviction that the war was wrong in the first place. "Acting on a false pretext--the famous weapons of mass destruction--without United Nations' support… [the Americans] owed it to themselves to be irreproachable in their handling of the war and its aftermath," Bruckner argued.

By falling short of that standard, the US authorities may have triggered repercussions that will be felt for many years, some analysts fear. "The photographs show how far we have to go in winning the battle of ideas as part of the fight against terrorism," says Professor Wilkinson. "1 am worried about the low priority given to human rights and the rule of law in the strategy against A1 Qaeda. If we don't win the hearts and minds of young Muslims we are creating a production line of new suicide bombers."

In Europe, meanwhile, the pictures




There are no firm figures on the number of Iraqi civilians killed since the war began_____
many estimates put the figure at more than 60,000.





听力原文: State Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Ali Sahin asked on Sunday Iraqi
Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz to convey Iraqi Head of State Saddam Hussein that "he did not have any time left" and "Iraq should take shocking steps". Sources said that Turkish side expressed to Iraqi side that "Turkey was doing its utmost to protect peace" in the meeting. Sources said that Sahin asked Aziz to convey and strongly emphasize the message "that there isn't any time left" and "the biggest steps for peace should be taken by Iraq" to Saddam Hussein. Sahin also said, "the statements Saddam Hussein made two days ago are not sufficient enough. Iraq should take stronger steps, Saddam has to take shocking steps which will surprise the world."

What did State Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Ali Sahin ask Iraqi to do?

A.To attend a meeting.

B.To express its views.

C.To take shocking steps.

D.To protect peace.

Which statement is not tree?A.Bush met Iraqi Prime Minister on Friday.B.Brzezinski is a me

Which statement is not tree?

A.Bush met Iraqi Prime Minister on Friday.

B.Brzezinski is a member of Republican Party.

C.American people have no much confidence in the war in Iraq.

D.Bush believed that the future would be tough.

Pains anti. GainsPains The Iraq War is dragging into its fourth year. While peace remains

Pains anti. Gains


The Iraq War is dragging into its fourth year. While peace remains uncertain in Iraq, opinion polls in the United States have shown that support for the war is falling down. However, U.S. President George W. Bush has outwardly expressed his confidence on more than one occasion. "I'm optimistic we'll succeed. If not, I'd pull our troops out," he said at a recent press conference.

When he ordered troops into Iraq on March 20, 2003, George W. Bush probably would not have imagined that the country would be plunged into such a chaotic situation three years later.

Despite its victorious offensives, U.S. forces have not been able to clear anti-U. S. resistance, which in effect has seen a drastic restoration recently. Although the U.S. dominated democratic process has largely been completed, and Washington continues to increase economic assistance, Iraq has made little progress in its reconstruction, leaving Iraqi people with severe water and power shortages. In particular, ever since the bombing of a famous Shiite shrine (什叶派教徒的圣地) on February 22, the feud between the Sunnis(逊尼派教徒) and the Shiites, Iraq's two major religious sects, has degenerated to the edge of a complete loss of control.

At present, the United States can neither come up with a quick answer to the Iraq problem, nor rid itself of the heavy burden easily. Behind the "Iraq syndrome" are the huge costs on the part of the United States: over 2,300 troops killed and $ 200 250 billion spent.


As a matter of fact, the United States has reaped remarkable benefits from the war in spite of its vast costs.

Geopolitical Priority

The geopolitical situation has been made more favorable to the United States. One of the underlying reasons why the United States seeks a transformation of Iraq is to smash Arab nationalism so as to keep a firm grip on Arab countries. If their advantages in population, natural resources and geographic position are integrated and they speak with one voice, let alone establish a unified Arab country, the 22- nation Arab world will be capable of resisting intervention by big powers. Unity means power and provides the best screen against the interference of Western superpowers. Arab nationalism, championed by former Egyptian Premier Gamal Abdel Nasser, was at its height in the 1950s to 1960s. In 1956, Nasser successfully defended the military aggression waged by Britain, France and Israel. In the Fourth Middle East War, or the Yom Kippur War in 1973, the Arab countries effectively protected their dignity and interests by using the oil weapon. Although Arab nationalism gradually declined after that, with conflicts emerging among the various nations, the basis for political integration still exists. For the United States, the Arab world is, of course, too large.

Iraq is at the core of the Arab world. Its former leader Saddam Hussein had been going out of his way to revive Arab nationalism by taking advantage of the anti-U. S. sentiments popular in the Middle East, something inauspicious for Washington. It is for these reasons that the United States set about changing the nature of Iraq through the Iraq War, the post-war democratic transformation, and especially supporting the Kurds (库尔德人). In the new Iraqi Constitution, the country is no longer labeled an "Arab country".

The United States has therefore succeeded in breaking the Arab world from within, preventing the revival of Arab nationalism and getting rid of the biggest threat for it to control the oil and strategic zones in the Middle East. In the meantime, as Iraq is turned into a dependent, pro U. S. (支持美国的) country, the United States will be able to establish a new strategic base in the heart of the Middle East. A curve link




Which of the following is a factor that contributes to Bush's popularity among the America
n public?

A.Bush started the Iraqi war resolutely, supported by allies.

B.Bush insisted that the Iraqi war was part of the war against terrorism.

C.Bush has taken a tough line on national security issues.

D.Bush maintained that the United States would win the Iraqi war.

Which statement is not true?A.Bush met Iraqi Prime Minister on FridayB.Brzezinski is a mem

Which statement is not true?

A.Bush met Iraqi Prime Minister on Friday

B.Brzezinski is a member of Republican Party

C.American people have no much confidence in the war in Iraq

D.Bush believed that the future would be tough

The Iraqi War started during the administration of ______.

A、Bill Clinton

B、George Bush

C、George W. Bush

D、Barrack Obama

Will Hillary Be the Next American President? Back in 1969,US President Richard Nixon c

Will Hillary Be the Next American President?

Back in 1969,US President Richard Nixon confidently predicted:“In the next 50 years,we shall see a woman president,perhaps sooner than you think.”

Today,not too far off Nixon’s deadline,America is looking at that possibility.Over the weekend,Hillary Rodham Clinton.wife of former president Bill Clinton,announced her run for 2008 presidency.

US polls indicate that Americans feel comfortable with a female president.A New York Times survey found nearly all Americans saying they would vote for president if she were qualified.

However,accepting the theoretical notion of a female leader is quite different from voting an actual woman.

In fact.there is still widespread distrust of a woman in the top position.

This is partly due to the biased thinking that women are weak on national security,though they might be strong on education and health care.This damages their prospects as a presidential contender.

“There’s still an inherent nervousness on the part of voters putting a woman in as the ultimate decision—maker.Control of the army and border security are sons of traditionally male jobs,”conmented Amy Walter,an Ametican campaign analyst.“That’s where I think Voters consciously or unconsciously have difficulties with women candidates.”

women have held the top job in other major Western countries.In 1979,Britain elected Margaret Thatcher prime minister.Last year,Germany made Angela Merkel its first female chancellor.

In the US,no woman has succeeded in being nominated as a presidential candidate.One woman did make the attempt:Elizabeth Dole.In 1999,she tried to get the Republican Party nomination.But Dole could only raise $5 million for her bid—compared with the $56 million George W.Bush raised.

So Barriers lie ahead for Hillary if she wants to make history by becoming the first female US president.With the Iraqi war underway,she’ll find it even harder.

“I don’t feel that our society is ready for a woman president.The enemy we face does not respect females the same way we have come to see them as equals.If we were not in this war,I would support a woman president,”sai Chris Dildy,a computer engineering student.

第 22 题 Up to the present,no woman has been elected president in the US.



C.Not mentioned

听力原文:When Iraqi troops blew up hundreds of Kuwaiti oil wells at the end of the Gulf Wa

听力原文: When Iraqi troops blew up hundreds of Kuwaiti oil wells at the end of the Gulf War, scientists feared environmental disasters. Would black soot in the smoke from the fires circle the globe and block out the sun?

Many said "no way"; rain would wash the black soot from the atmosphere. However in America, air-sampling balloons have detected high concentrations of particles similar to those collected in Kuwait.

Now that the fires are out, scientists are turning their attention to yet another threat: the oil that didn't catch fire. It has formed huge lakes in the Kuwaiti desert. They trap insects and birds, and poison a variety of other desert animals and plants.

The only good news is that the oil lakes have out affected the underground water resources. So far, the oil has not been absorbed because of the hard sand just below the surface.

Nothing, however, stops the oil from evaporating. The resulting poisonous gases are choking nearby residents.

Officials are trying to .organize a quick cleanup, but they're not sure how to do it. One possibility is to burn the oil. Get those black soot detectors ready.


A.The threat of poisonous desert animals and plants.

B.The exhaustion of energy resources.

C.The destruction of oil wells.

D.The spread of the black soot from the fires.

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