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提问人:网友18***192 发布时间:2022-01-06

I’m very interested ________ plants, animals and geography.A.onB.toC.overD.in





简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
  • · 有3位网友选择 B,占比30%
  • · 有3位网友选择 A,占比30%
  • · 有2位网友选择 D,占比20%
  • · 有2位网友选择 C,占比20%
匿名网友[202.***.***.238]选择了 D
匿名网友[105.***.***.113]选择了 A
匿名网友[223.***.***.187]选择了 A
匿名网友[183.***.***.62]选择了 C
匿名网友[219.***.***.155]选择了 C
匿名网友[32.***.***.42]选择了 B
匿名网友[6.***.***.73]选择了 D
匿名网友[185.***.***.211]选择了 B
匿名网友[23.***.***.21]选择了 B
匿名网友[143.***.***.214]选择了 A
更多“I’m very interested ________ plants, animals and geography.A.onB.toC.overD.in”相关的问题
Woman: Tom said he could get some tickets for the game if youre interested. Man: If Im int
erested! Ive been trying to get tickets everywhere. Question: What does the man mean?

A.He"d like to get tickets for the game very much.

B.He"s not interested in the game.

C.He"s already got some tickets for the game.

D.He feels sorry that the woman has misunderstood him.

听力原文:Secretary Good afternoon. Language Club. This is Lily speaking. Student Oh, he
llo. This is Mark Smith, an overseas student here. Im very interested in joining the language club; could you give me some information? Secretary Well, you can get our calendar in the library at the beginning of each term. There are always some on the entrance desk. Student Oh. But it is already the fifth week of this semester; can I still get one? Secretary Maybe there arent any left. If you have time please come to our office, and many of them are available there. Student Well, I... Im not sure about that. But for the time being I just need some information about the club, such as how much does it cost to join? What are the membership benefits? Secretary Benefits? Err... lots of activities. For example, the acting group often puts on short plays in different languages. The membership fee is 2.5 dollars each month. Student Well, the charge is low and the activity sounds interesting. So all the members can make good friends. Secretary Sure. You will enjoy it very much. Student Any other groups? Secretary We also have a discussion group, a literature group, a singing group and a debate group. Student OK. I cant wait to join the club! Wait a minute; I have another question: Are there any other requirements besides the fee? Secretary Well, you must be a student of this university, and of course you must be keen on languages. Student I certainly am. Im ready to meet my new friends. Secretary Ok. The first step for you is to decide which group you like best and want to join. And what kind of schedule do you prefer? Student Well, thats the thing. Im not exactly sure which activity Im most interested in. Perhaps I need uh, some advice. Secretary Well, we also have advisors for different-level students. You can get some advice from them. Student Good. I think I need some suggestions from the advisor for medium-level applicants. Could I speak to him or her? Secretary No problem, the medium-level advisor...let me have a look. Here, his name is Carl Smith, and the telephone number is 8843. His office is room No. 211 in the center building. Student Excuse me, could you repeat his telephone number and the room number? Was it 8834 and room No. 121? Secretary Oh, no. it is room No. 211 but his telephone number is 8843. By the way, his working hours are from 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Student Ok, today is Tuesday, so I will visit him tomorrow. Thanks for the information. Secretary My pleasure. And I hope to see you as a club member soon.Narrator Listen to the conversation between a student and the club secretary. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

Why does the student call the language club?

A.To quit the language club.

B.To apply for a job there.

C.To ask for information.

D.To chat with somebody.

听力原文:Narrator Listen to the conversation between a student and the club secretary. S
ecretary Good afternoon. Language Club. This is Lily speaking. Student Oh, hello. This is Mark Smith, an overseas student here. Im very interested in joining the language club; could you give me some information? Secretary Well, you can get our calendar in the library at the beginning of each term. There are always some on the entrance desk. Student Oh. But it is already the fifth week of this semester; can I still get one? Secretary Maybe there arent any left. If you have time please come to our office, and many of them are available there. Student Well, I... Im not sure about that. But for the time being I just need some information about the club, such as how much does it cost to join? What are the membership benefits? Secretary Benefits? Err...lots of activities. For example, the acting group often puts on short plays in different languages. The membership fee is 2. 5 dollars each month. Student Well, the charge is low and the activity sounds interesting. So all the members can make good friends. Secretary Sure. You will enjoy it very much. Student Any other groups? Secretary We also have a discussion group, a literature group, a singing group and a debate group. Student OK. I cant wait to join the club! Wait a minute; I have another question: Are there any other requirements besides the fee? Secretary Well, you must be a student of this university, and of course you must be keen on languages. Student I certainly am. Im ready to meet my new friends. Secretary Ok. The first step for you is to decide which group you like best and want to join. And what kind of schedule do you prefer? Student Well, thats the thing. Im not exactly sure which activity Im most interested in. Perhaps I need uh, some advice. Secretary Well, we also have advisors for different-level students. You can get some advice from them. Student Good. I think I need some suggestions from the advisor for medium-level applicants. Could I speak to him or her? Secretary No problem, the medium-level advisor...let me have a look. Here, his name is Carl Smith, and the telephone number is 8843. His office is room No. 211 in the center building. Student Excuse me, could you repeat his telephone number and the room number? Was it 8834 and room No. 121? Secretary Oh, no. It is room No. 211 but his telephone number is 8843. By the way, his working hours are from 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Student Ok, today is Tuesday, so I will visit him tomorrow. Thanks for the information. Secretary My pleasure. And I hope to see you as a club member soon. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 7. Why does the student call the language club? 8. What is the students attitude toward the language club? 9. According to the secretary, what two requirements should the applicant meet to join the language club? Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Student Well, thats the thing. Im not exactly sure which activity Im most interested in. Perhaps I need uh, some advice. 10. What does that mean? Student Well, thats the thing. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Secretary Oh, no. It is room No. 211 but his telephone number is 8843. By the way, his working hours are from 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 11. How can the student find the advisor?Narrator Listen to the conversation between a student and the club secretary. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

Why does the student call the language club?

A.To quit the language club.

B.To apply for a job there.

C.To ask for information.

D.To chat with somebody.

If I were ____younger, I would do ____ Im interested in.some; whtB.ny; whteverC.some; whic
h. If I were ____younger, I would do ____ Im interested in.some; wht B.ny; whtever C.some; which D.ny; no mtter wht

A.some; what

B.any; whatever

C.some; which

D.any; no matter what

The idea of this article is that ______.A.birds are important in our livesB.animals are im

The idea of this article is that ______.

A.birds are important in our lives

B.animals are important in our lives

C.nature is important in our lives

D.Audubon was especially interested in birds

听力原文:M: Hi, Mary. Do you want to start writing a lab report after we finish this exper
iment? W: I cant. In fact I need to finish early because Im going over to the Psychology Department to talk to Professor Smith about a job opening. M: You mean a job on campus? W: Yeah. And it sounds pretty interesting. It involves helping with her study on learning style. You know, about how some people learn best by sight, while others learn best by hearing or touch. M: Yeah. I know thats her area of expertise. W: Right. Anyway for her study shes taking some high school students who arent doing very well in their classes and testing them to find out what their learning styles are. Then tutors, people like me, will work with them presenting material to them in their particular learning style. M: Hey. That is interesting. Now will you mostly do the testing or the tutoring? W: Both we hope. I want to be involved from start to finish. M: Are you getting paid for this? W: Im sure well get something, though probably not much. Anyway, it doesnt matter to me, I just want to have some hands-on experience. M: Yeah. And itll be nice to help those high school students, too. W: Thats what I thought when I saw the ad. You know, you could do it, too. You dont have to be in her classes to work on the study. M: Really? Do you have any idea what the schedule is like? W: Late afternoon, then evening for tutoring I think. After all, the kids are in regular classes until three thirty. M: Actually thats perfect for me. W: Then come along. We will save the lab report for later. But wed better make sure we do a good job on our experiment first. M: Yeah. First things first. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. What are the speakers mainly discussing? 10. Why is the woman interested in working with Professor Smith? 11. What will the college students do for the high school students? 12. What will the speakers probably do next?10.

A.She wants to earn extra money.

B.She wants to get practical experience.

C.She wants to quit her job in the chemistry lab.

D.She"s interested in becoming a psychology major.

听力原文:Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a professor. St
udent Hello! Professor Hi, come in... Ill be with you in a moment...OK, hi, Melissa, how are you doing? Student Im doing great. Hi, Dr. Golden. How are you doing? Professor Pretty busy these days! How are your studies now? Student Good! Everything is on the right track. Im trying to meet the deadlines for my papers. Professor Melissa. I wanted to let you know that we have been notified about this years scholarship winner. Student Really? It seems so soon! I cant believe that it is almost May! So, did I pull it off? Do I get to be the first student from UAP to accept a scholarship to the University of Lima? Professor Yes, you did! Congratulations, Melissa! Student Thank you so much! Dr. Golden, I feel so excited about this news. Professor You did it! You are the first student from UAP to be accepted! What an honor! We are all so proud of you! Student Thank you, Dr. Golden. You have been a great help to me in getting this scholarship. Professor You are welcome. Your efforts have paid off. Student I promise that Ill do my best to represent our school and to make you all proud of me! Professor We are already proud of you. You got to tell your parents about it. They must be very proud of you. Student Yes, I will. They have been waiting to learn this news for quite a long time. Professor Eh...Melissa. I really feel that you will be able to contribute great things to the field of anthropology in the future! Yes, Im very much interested to see what insights you come back with from Peru. Have you started thinking about what kind of senior project youd like to write when you return from South America? Student Yes, Ive been thinking that it would be great to study the Amazon and all of the cultures that thrive on its banks. Professor Uh-huh, I think that would make a great paper. Student I think I would like to do my senior project on this topic. What do you think? Professor Well, thats good, but... Student But what? Professor The Amazon is a huge river, and there is no way that you can write just one paper on all of the cultures and peoples who live along the bank of the Amazon. If I were you, I would choose three or four tribes to write about. Student You are right. But Im so interested in knowing all the cultures and peoples there that I want to cover all of them in my paper. Professor I understand. But it would be quite difficult to include them all in your paper. Student OK then, I will take your advice. Professor Good! Student Before I leave for Peru, Ill have an outline for you. Ill try to limit my focus to three or four tribes living along the river. Professor Congratulations again! Im very proud of you! Student Thanks! Id better call my parents to tell them the good news! Professor Bye! Have a good day! Student You too. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 7. Why does the woman go to see her professor? 8. What is the professors concern about the student? 9. What will the woman do about her senior project? Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Professor The Amazon is a huge river, and there is no way that you can write just one paper on all of the cultures and peoples who live along the bank of the Amazon. If I were you, I would choose three or four tribes to write about. 10. What does the professor imply when he says this? Professor If I were you, I would choose three or four tribes to write about. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Student Really? It seems so soon! I cant believe that it is almost May! So, did I pull it off? Do I get to be the first student from UAP to accept the scholarship to the University of Lima? 11. What does the student mean when she says this? Student So, did I pull it off?Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a professor. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

Why does the woman go to see her professor?

A.She wants to get materials for a class she missed.

B.She wants to discuss an assignment she is working on.

C.The professor wants to tell her about her scholarship.

D.She wants to inform. the professor of changes in her schedule.

We are very interested in the () mini Bluetooth earphone.
But I was very interested in the lecture, ______ (like) many of the students.
Read the following reviews of a book called The Bosses Speak. For each question 1-6, choos
e the correct answer. Mark letter (A,B or C) on your Answer Sheet. John Stuart is an executive recruitment specialist who has turned to writing. The result is this book, based on interviews with twenty Chief Executives. Each top manager—none of them famous names, surprisingly is given a short chapter, and there is some introductory material and a conclusion. This means you can jump from one person to another, in any order, which is good for people who are too busy to read a book form. cover to cover. For a management book it isnt expensive, although whether its good value for money is doubtful. Some of the twenty interviewees started their own businesses, while others joined a company and worked , and fairly new in their position, and others have had years of experience—though, strangely, Stuart doesnt seem interested in these differences. The interviewees work in everything, from retailing to airlines to software, and it is this variety that forms the main theme of Stuarts book. I have to say that Stuarts approach annoys me. He rarely stays at a distance from his interviewees, who are mostly presented in their own, positive words. If this were always the case, at least you would know where you were. But he seems to dislike certain interviewees. As a result, I dont know whether to accept any of his opinions. It also means that the book gives no clear lessons. At the very least, I expected to learn what makes a successful Chief Executive. But these people seem to share two types of qualities. Some of them are very common, suggesting that anyone can be equally successful, which is definitely not the case. And the other qualities are ones which most successful bosses Ive seen definitely do not have. So in the end Im no wiser about what really goes on. Perhaps Im being unfair. As long as you dont think about whether youd like them as friends, and pay no attention to most of the advice they give, the most readable parts are where the bosses describe their route to their present position. Stuart seems to think that his book would be useful for people aiming for the top, and that it might even make a few want to start their own company; but, in fact, what they could learn here is very limited. Seen as light business reading for a doctor or teacher, though, this book would provide some good entertainment.

The reviewer suggests that one advantage of the book is that .

A.it is better value than other management books

B.it does not need to be read right through

C.it is about well-known people

A.She is very interested in the new products.B.The man likes what she suggested.C.She

A.She is very interested in the new products.

B.The man likes what she suggested.

C.She will have to think of new ideas.

D.She was not sure of the regulations.

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