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提问人:网友t_runxiang 发布时间:2022-01-06

Optical microscopy showed that lung tissue damage is milder in hyperoxia solution treatment group than in saline treatment group.

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Sleepy Students Perform. Worse

A Staying up an hour or two past bedtime makes it far harder for kids to learn, say scientists who deprived youngsters of sleep and tested whether their teachers could tell the difference. They could. If parents want their children to thrive academically, "Getting them to sleep on time is as important as getting them to school on time," said psychologist Gahan Fallone, who conducted the research at Brown Medical School.

B The study, unveiled Thursday at an American Medical Association science writers meeting, was conducted on healthy children who had no evidence of sleep--or learning-related disorders. Difficulty paying attention was among the problems the sleepy youngsters faced—raising the question of whether sleep deprivation could prove even worse for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. Fallone now is studying that question, and suspects that sleep problems "could hit children with ADHD as a double whammy."

C Sleep experts have long warned that Americans of all ages don't get enough shuteye. Sleep is important for health, bringing a range of benefits that, as Shakespeare put it, "knits up the raveled sleave of care." Not getting enough is linked to a host of problems, from car crashes as drivers doze off to crippled memory and inhibited creativity. Exactly how much sleep correlates with school performance is hard to prove. So Brown researchers set out to test whether teachers could detect problems with attention and learning when children stayed up late—even if the teachers had no idea how much sleep their students actually got.

D They recruited seventy-four 6- to 12-year-olds from Rhode Island and southern Massachusetts for the three-week study. For one week, the youngsters went to bed and woke up at their usual times. They already were fairly good sleepers, getting nine to 9.5 hours of sleep a night. Another week, they were assigned to spend no fewer than ten hours in bed a night. The other week, they were kept up later than usual: First- and second-graders were in bed no more than eight hours and the older children no more than 6. 5 hours. In addition to parents' reports, the youngsters wore motion-detecting wrist monitors to ensure compliance.

E Teachers weren't told how much the children slept or which week they stayed up late, but rated the students on a variety of performance measures each week. The teachers reported significantly more academic problems during the week of sleep deprivation, the study, which will be published in the journal Sleep in December, concluded. Students who got eight hours of sleep or less a night were more forgetful, had the most trouble learning new lessons, and had the most problems paying attention, reported Fallone, now at the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology.

F Sleep has long been a concern of educators. Potter-Burns Elementary School sends notes to parents reminding them to make sure students get enough sleep prior to the school's yearly achievement testing. Another school considers it important enough to include in the school's monthly newsletters. Definitely there is an impact on students' performance if they come to school tired. However, the findings may change physician practice, said Dr. Regina Benjamin, a family physician in Bayou La Batre, who reviewed the data at the Thursday's AMA meeting. "I don't ask about sleep" when evaluating academically struggling students, she noted. "I'm going to start."

G So how much sleep do kids need? Recommended amounts range from about ten to eleven hours a night for young elementary students to 8.5 hours for teens. Fallone insists that his own second-grader get ten hours a night, even when it meant dropping soccer the season that practice didn't start until 7:30—too late for her to fit in dinner and time to wind down before she needed to be snoozing. "It's tough," he acknowledged, but "parents must believe in the importa

A person who is "left-brained" is often said to be more intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective.
A predictably dangerous side effect of nadolol that constitutes a contraindication to its clinical use in susceptible patients is the induction of


B、Cardiac arrhythmia

C、Asthmatic attacks

D、Respiratory depression


Graves' disease (GD) is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in areas with sufficient iodine intake, where its prevalence is about 0.5%, and its incidence is around 21 per 100,000 per year.
Fragmented industries typically have high barriers to entry.

Health or Profit

Although there is no direct evidence that salt is the cause of high blood pressure ar“hypertension”,there are studies which indicate that reducing salt intake lowers blood pressure.Some scientists are also concerned that excessive use of salt may cause asthma and kidney disease.Therefore most doctors would welcome a decision by food manufacturers to decrease the amount of salt in food.

Many food manufacturers,however,are reluctant to reduce tile amount of salt.Salt is an important flavor enhancer and preservative.British Salt points out that salt is an essential nutrient and regular intake is required to maintain bodily functions.Moreover,according to British Salt,there are greater risk factors in hypertension,such as obesity(肥胖),lack of exercise,alcohol intake and smokin9.Another reason why food producers are not keen on lowering the amount of salt is probably that they fear that less salt will mean lower sales.Not only

will the sale of processed food containing salt decease but also the sale of soft drinks.

A recent study,published in The Lancet of April l999,proves that if manufacturers cut the salt content of food it will not necessarily affect the taste of the product.Anthony Rodgers and Bruce Neal conducted a study to examine the difference in taste between bread with standard and reduced salt content.Three types of whole—meal bread were prepared,identical in all respects except for salt content.One loaf contained the standard quantity,one loaf l0%reduced and one 20%reduced.Sixty participants,who did not know the salt content were asked to rate the taste on a scale from zero to ten.They also had to guess which loaf contained the standard,10%reduced and 20%reduced quantity.Of the l80 9uesses of salt content,63 were correct,which is not different from what would be expected by chance.

The study by Rodgers and Neal indicates that small reductions in salt content will not necessarily affect sales.If food manufacturers decide to diminish the amount of salt in food,blood pressure of the entire population will shift downwards,which may result in considerable health benefits.One of Britain’s largest supermarkets,Asda,has already decided to decrease the amount of salt in its products.The Asda products will contain up to 25%less salt.

What brought about the demand for reduction of salt for food products? 查看材料

A.Studies indicate that salt can cause high blood pressure.

B.Scientists think that the reduction of salt will reduce the possibility of asthma and kidney disease.

C.Doctors are sure that there is correlation between salt intake and many diseases.

D.Studies show that the reduced intake of salt may decrease the possibility of high blood pressure.

The clinical manifestations of 45 cases of ventilator-associated pneumonia caused by acinetobacter between 1995 and 2003 were analyzed.
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