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提问人:网友lyh511 发布时间:2022-01-07

In the carbon cycle, seaweeds and plants play a fundamental role by

A、Increasing the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide as a result of decomposition.

B、Decreasing the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide as a result of respiration.

C、Decreasing the amount of detritus.

D、Decreasing the amount of carbon dioxide as a result of photosynthesis.

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The Calvin cycle must turn six times and fix six carbon dioxide molecules to yield one net glucose


目前,全球变暖是一个热门话题,但是有关全球变暖的各项证据似乎还有些不同的声音。人们现在已经知道,地球的发展经历了很多周期(cycle),尽管在历史上还未出现过像今天这样的时代,即高度工业化(industrialization)产生如此多的污染。全球变暖主要是由于二氧化碳气体(carbon dioxide)的增多。

The scientific name is the Holocene Age, but climatologists like to call our current clima
tic phase the Long Summer. The history of Earth's climate has rarely been smooth. From the moment life began on the planet billions of years ago, the climate has swung drastically and often abruptly from one state to another—from tropical swamp to frozen ice age. Over the past 10,000 years, however, the climate has remained remarkably stable by historical standards: not too warm and not too cold, or Goldilocks weather. That stability has allowed Homo sapiens, numbering perhaps just a few million at the dawn of the Holocene, to thrive; farming has taken hold and civilizations have arisen. Without the Long Summer, that never would have been possible.

But as human population has exploded over the past few thousand years, the delicate ecological balance that kept the Long Summer going has become threatened. The rise of industrialized agriculture has thrown off Earth's natural nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, leading to pollution on land and water, while our fossil-fuel addiction has moved billions of tons of carbon from the land into the atmosphere, heating the climate ever more.

Now a new article in the Sept. 24 issue of Nature says the safe climatic limits in which humanity has blossomed are more vulnerable than ever and that unless we recognize our planetary boundaries and stay within them, we risk total catastrophe. "Human activities have reached a level that could damage the systems that keep Earth in the desirable Holocene state," writes Johan Rockstrom, executive director of the Stockholm Environmental Institute and the author of the article. "The result could be irreversible and, in some cases, abrupt environmental change, leading to a state less conducive to human development."

Regarding climate change, for instance, Rockstrom proposes an atmospheric-carbon-concentration limit of no more than 350 parts per million (p.p.m.)—meaning no more than 350 atoms of carbon for every million atoms of air. (Before the industrial age, levels were at 280 p.p.m.; currently they're at 387 p.p.m, and rising.) That, scientists believe, should be enough to keep global temperatures from rising more than 2℃ above pre- industrial levels, which should be safely below a climatic tipping point that could lead to the Wide-scale melting of polar ice sheets, swamping coastal cities. "Transgressing these boundaries will increase the risk of irreversible climate change," writes Rockstrom. That's the impact of breaching only one of nine planetary boundaries that Rockstrom identifies in the paper. Other boundaries involve freshwater overuse, the global agricultural cycle and ozone loss. In each case, he scans the state of science to find ecological limits that we can't violate, lest we risk passing a tipping point that could throw the planet out of whack for human beings. It's based on a theory that ecological change occurs not so much cumulatively, but suddenly, after invisible thresholds have been reached. Stay within the lines, and we might just be all right.

In three of the nine cases Rockstrom has pointed out, however—climate change, the nitrogen cycle and species loss—we've already passed his threshold limits. In the case of global warming, we haven't yet felt the full effects, Rockstrom says, because carbon acts gradually on the climate—but once warming starts, it may prove hard to stop unless we reduce emissions sharply. Ditto for the nitrogen cycle, where industrialized agriculture already has humanity pouring more chemicals into the land and oceans than the planet can process, and for wildlife loss, where we risk biological collapse. "We can say with some confidence that Earth cannot sustain the current rate of loss without significant erosion of ecosystem resilience," says Rockstrom.

The paper offers a useful way of looking at the environment, especially for global policy makers. A

A.It is possible to grow crops.

B.Human beings have appeared.

C.Cultures have come into being.

D.It is possible for modem men to increase quickly.

The heart is made up almost entirely of muscle.It is a large, tough organ, about the si
ze of a clenched fist(握紧的拳头).It is positioned on the centre line of the body, about halfway down the chest, just beneath the breastbone.The heart is basically a pump, which forces blood through a network of tubes (软管子), or blood vessels(血管), throughout the whole body.Each of the billions of living cells that make up the body needs oxygen and food in order to live, and these are supplied by the blood.The circulation of the blood consists of two parts.First the blood is pumped from the heart, around the body, and is returned to the heart.At this stage, oxygen has been used up, and waste materials like carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) have entered the bloodstream.But, instead of being pumped back around the body, the blood is now pumped to the lungs, where oxygen is replaced and carbon dioxide is removed.Then the blood is pumped back to the heart and around the body to begin the cycle again.A heart that works well can operate for sixty to a hundred years or more.The heart is made up of four distinct chambers (室).The entire four-chambered pump is surrounded by a protective layer called the pericardium (心包), which contains a lubricating (润滑) liquid.The four chambers of the heart consist of two upper chambers and two lower chambers.The upper chambers are thin-walled and they receive blood returning to the heart from the large veins (静脉) of the body.The lower chambers of the heart are much larger and very much more muscular.The left and right sides of the heart are divided by a tough wall called the septum (中隔).This thick wall separates the blood which is to be pumped to the lungs from the blood which will go to the rest of the body.Blood is kept moving in the proper direction by a series of valves forced open by the pressure of blood and then shut to stop it flowing back.(10 分)

(1).The heart can be compared to a __________________.





(2).Carbon dioxide is removed from blood in the __________________.


B.blood vessels



(3).Which of the following has NOT been talked about in the above passage?

A.The blood circulatory system.

B.The composition of blood.

C.The function of the heart.

D.Heart valve replacement.

(4).What is the function of septum?

A.To prevent different bloods from mixing.

B.To protect the whole heart.

C.To lubricate the pumping chambers.

D.To separate the lower chambers of the heart.

(5).The valves are __________________.





Passage 4The idea of using your dishwasher to cook a meal has been around since the ’80s.

Passage 4

The idea of using your dishwasher to cook a meal has been around since the ’80s. It’s been used to cook _1_ , mainly fish. The Times ran a recipe on dishwasher-cooked salmon back in 1986. The recipe said to _2_ the salmon in foil then run it through a full cycle without using any soap. That sounds like a fun dinner-party _3_ but not exactly a good way to _4_ your carbon Emission. What’s more, using water and electricity to run a load without _5_ cleaning sounds like a waste of time and money. But a recent survey suggested the technique could be making a _6_ It may have a little something to do with the change to the original cooking technique that could prove to be _7_ to a eco-friendly, convenience-focused generation in the kitchen. lisa Casali, an Italian author, wrote a book on dishwasher cooking that’s actually meant to save energy. The book, “Cucinare in lavastoviglie” suggests recipes for meals cooked in airtight _8_ during a regular dish cycle, with detergent, including one for cooking pasta with vegetables in the dishwasher. A little salmon in a jar cooked next to last night’s dirty dishes doesn’t sound all that _9_.Initially, you may feel _10_ by such an idea, but when you get past that stage, it does make sense for the busy parent or college student looking to save time. Will we see dishwasher-cooked fish on a restaurant menu anytime soon? Probably not, but sounds like it’s worth a try.Let us know if you’ve used your dishwasher to cook or if you,re willing to give it a try.

A) trick

B) appetizing

C) sealed

D) decrease

E) attractive

F) comeback

G) protein

H) profoundly

I) prolonged

J) shocked

K) actually

L) wrap

M) accordingly

N) misleading

O) menu


When enthusiasts talk of sustainable development, the eyes of most people glaze over. Ther
e is a whiff of sack-cloth and ashes about their arguments, which usually depend on people giving up the comforts of a modern economy to achieve some debatable greater good. Yet there is a serious point at issue. Modern industry pollutes, and it also seems to cause significant changes to the climate. What is needed is an industry that delivers the benefits without the costs. And the glimmerings of just such an industry can now be discerned.

That industry is based on biotechnology. At the moment, biotech's main uses are in medicine and agriculture. But its biggest long-term impact may be industrial. Here, it will diminish demand for oil by taking the cheapest raw materials imaginable, carbon dioxide and water, and using them to make fuel and plastics.

Plastics and fuels made in this way would have several advantages. They could accurately be called "renewables", since nothing is depleted to make them. They would be part of the natural carbon cycle, borrowing that element from the atmosphere for a few months, and returning it when they were burned or dumped. That means they could not possibly contribute to global warming. And they would be environmentally friendly in other ways. Bioplastics are biodegradable, since bacteria understand their chemistry and can therefore digest them. Biofuels, while not quite "zero emission" from the exhaust pipe (though a lot cleaner than petrol and diesel), would be cleaner overall even than the fuel-cell technology now being touted as an alternative to the internal-combustion engine. That is because making the hydrogen that fuel cells use is not an environmentally friendly process, and never will be—unless it, too, uses biotechnology.

All this will, in the end, depend on costs. But these do not look unfavourable. Already, the price of bioplastics overlaps the top end of the petroleum-based plastics market. Bulk production should bring prices 'down, particularly when the raw materials are free. Meanwhile, ethanol would be a lot easier to introduce than fuel cells. Existing engines will run on it with minor tweaking, so there is no need to change the way ears are made. And since, unlike hydrogen, it is a liquid, the fuel-distribution infrastructure would not need radical change.

The future could be green in ways that traditional environmentalists had not expected. Whether they will embrace that possibility, or stick to sack-cloth, remains to be seen.

According to the author, applying biotechnology to industry

A.has brought about sustainable development.

B.proves to be nothing but an imagination.

C.will deprive most people of modern comforts.

D.contributes to the environmentally sound development.

When enthusiasts talk of sustainable development, the eyes of most people glaze over. Ther
e is a whiff of sack-cloth and ashes about their arguments, which usually depend on people giving up the comforts of a modern economy to achieve some debatable greater good. Yet there is a serious point at issue. Modern industry pollutes, and it also seems to cause significant changes to the climate. What is needed is an industry that delivers the benefits without the costs. And the glimmerings of just such an industry can now be discerned.

That industry is based on biotechnology. At the moment, biotech's main uses are in medicine and agriculture. But its biggest long-term impact may be industrial. Here, it will diminish demand for oil by taking the cheapest raw materials imaginable, carbon dioxide and water, and using them to make fuel and plastics.

Plastics and fuels made in this way would have several advantages. They could accurately be called "renewables", since nothing is depleted to make them. They would be part of the natural carbon cycle, borrowing that element from the atmosphere for a few months, and returning it when they were burned or dumped. That means they could not possibly contribute to global warming. And they would be environmentally friendly in other ways. Bioplastics are biodegradable, since bacteria understand their chemistry and can therefore digest them. Biofuels, while not quite "zero emission" from the exhaust pipe (though a lot cleaner than petrol and diesel), would be cleaner overall even than the fuel-cell technology now being touted as an alternative to the internal-combustion engine. That is because making the hydrogen that fuel cells use is not an environmentally friendly process, and never will be—unless it, too, uses biotechnology.

All this will, in the end, depend on costs. But these do not look unfavorable. Already, the price of bioplastics overlaps the top end of the petroleum-based plastics market. Bulk production should bring prices down, particularly when the raw materials are free. Meanwhile, ethanol would be a lot easier to introduce than fuel cells. Existing engines will run on it with minor tweaking, so there is no need to change the way cars are made. And since, unlike hydrogen, it is a liquid, the fuel-distribution infrastructure would not need radical change.

The future could be green in ways that traditional environmentalists had not expected. Whether they will embrace that possibility, or stick to sack-cloth, remains to be seen.

According to the author, applying biotechnology to industry

A.has brought about sustainable development.

B.proves to be nothing but an imagination.

C.will deprive most people of modern comforts.

D.contributes to the environmentally sound development.

Passage Two After years’ of being hung up because ...

Passage Two After years’ of being hung up because of the spendings far outweighing profits, deep sea mining is now emerging as a serious threat to the stability of ocean systems and processes that have yet to be understood well enough to punish in good conscience their large-scale destruction. Key to assessing what is at risk are technologies needed to access the deep sea. The mining company, Nautilus Minerals, has invested heavily in mining machinery. However, resources needed for independent scientific evaluation at those depths are essentially non-existent. The role of life in the deep sea relating to the carbon cycle is vaguely understood, and the influence of the microbial (微生物的) systems (only recently discovered) and the diverse ecosystems in the water column and sea bed have yet to be thoughtfully analyzed. The principle of exploiting minerals in the deep sea is based on their perceived current monetary value. The living systems that will be destroyed are perceived to have no monetary value. Will decisions about use of the natural world continue to be based on the financial advantage for a small number of people despite risks to systems that maintain planetary stability — systems that support human survival? The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) World Conservation Congress helps set in motion some significant and very timely actions that could help blunt the sharp edge of enthusiasm for dividing up the deep ocean. Whatever it takes, there must be ways to elevate recognition of the critical importance of intact natural systems. We need technologies to access the deep sea to independently explore and understand the nature of Earth’s largest living system. But most importantly, we need the will to challenge and change the attitudes, traditions and policies about the natural world that have driven us to burn through the assets as if there is no tomorrow. This “as if” can be a reality — or not — depending on what we do now. Or what we fail to do. However, there is undeniably cause for hope: there is still time to choose. 30. What is the author’s attitude toward deep sea mining?





The carbon element of coal is by mass.
What caused the deposits?A.The hydrochloric acid broke the carbon bonds in tile carbon dio

What caused the deposits?

A.The hydrochloric acid broke the carbon bonds in tile carbon dioxide,

B.The magnesium oxide broke the carbon oxygen bonds in the carbon dioxide.

C.The burning magnesium broke the carbon oxygen bonds in the carbon dioxide.

D.The gas collection method broke the carbon-oxygen bonds in the carbon dioxide.

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