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提问人:网友ying3000 发布时间:2022-01-07

Whether or not we understand a text depends far more on how much we’ve practiced comprehension skills than on how much background knowledge we have.

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I was 13 when Benji came into our lives. With his deep brown eyes, floppy ears and cheerfu
l disposition, he was my constant companion throughout my teenage years. We would play together in the garden, and take long walks over the hills behind the house and being a dog, he seemed to have a sympathy for my problems that went deeper than words could express. He was my best friend.

Benji left us about 15 years ago for that great kennel in the sky. But recently I've been thinking about him a lot. Was he really conscious? Could any animal have consciousness like we do? Does it matter whether animals are conscious or not?

For many, it is a matter of life and death. On the one hand, animal research has helped prevent some of the most pressing human diseases, including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, "mad cow" disease, malaria, cystic fibrosis and emphysema. On the other hand, this research is performed largely on chimps, our closest nonhuman relatives, with whom we share 98.4% of our genetic material, and great apes, with whom we are similarly biologically close.

Some people feel this connection is strong enough to warrant special treatment. An international group called the Great Ape Project is lobbying the United Nations to adopt a declaration on the rights of great apes modeled on the UN declaration On the Rights of Man. The group believes that apes are "conscious" and so deserve legal protection of their right to life and freedom from imprisonment and torture.

If great apes were shown to have consciousness or something like our own, I would consider it among the scientific discoveries of the century. I would then agree with the Australian philosopher and founder of the animal rights movement, Peter Singer, that per forming medical experiments on chimps would be like experimenting on orphan children. That's a pretty chilling thought, and no amount of' human suffering saved could justify such an action. But before we close down the laboratories and stop searching for a vaccine against AIDS, we had better take a long hard look at the evidence for ape consciousness.

Why does the author bring up the example of Benji?

A.To show that animals have consciousness.

B.To raise the question of animal consciousness.

C.Because Benji was his best friend.

D.To illustrate the differences between dogs and chimps.

下面你将听到联合国秘书长接受有关奖项的一段讲话。Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, Ladies and Gent


Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I should like, first of all, to once again thank the Norwegian Nobel Committee for the award they have made to the United Nations Peace-Keeping Operations. Their decision has been acclaimed all over the world. I take this opportunity also to express once again my deep gratitude to the countries, which have contributed troops or provided logistical support to these operations. It is to their willing cooperation that we owe the success of this great experiment in conflict control.

Peace—the word evokes the simplest and most cherished dream of humanity. Peace is, and has always been, the ultimate human aspiration. And yet our history shows that while we speak incessantly of peace, our actions tell a very different story. Peace is an easy word to say in any language. As Secretary-General of the United Nations, I hear it so frequently from so many different mouths and different sources, that it sometimes seems to me to be a general incantation more or less deprived of practical meaning.

What do we really mean by peace? Human nature being what it is, peace must inevitably be a relative condition. The essence of life is struggle and competition, and to the extent perfect peace is an almost meaningless abstraction. Struggle and competition arc stimulating, but when they degenerate into conflict they are usually both destructive and disruptive. The aim of political institutions like the UN is to draw the line between struggle and conflict and to make it possible for nations to stay on the right side of the line. Peace-keeping operations are one very practical means of doing this.

What we are trying to create in the UN is a world where nations recognize at the same time the ultimate futility of war and the collective responsibility that men and women everywhere share for ensuring a decent future. All human experience seems to show that in international, as in national, affairs, rule of law is an essential objective for any society wishing to survive in reasonable conditions. We now recognize that all humanity—the whole population of this planet—has in many respects become, through the revolutionary force of technological and other changes, a single society. The evolution of international law and international authority may well be decisive in determining whether this global society is going to survive in reasonable conditions.

In a larger perspective, we must work towards a time when war will cease to be an acceptable option of national policy or a possible means of settling disputes, and when a reliable international system will take its place. From this perspective, the development of international peace-keeping has an essential place, just as the concept of a civil police was essential to the development of rule of law within nation states. I hope that the attention now being given to peace-keeping, which is symbolized by the award of the Nobel Peace Prize, will not only strengthen our capacity to conduct the affairs of nations but also stimulate a wider effort to consider the new means and the new institutions needed to ensure a better common future. Thank you.

听力原文: In the past, young married couples often had children right after getting marrie
d, They didn’t ask themselves if they had the desire to stay up at night with babies, to spend a good part of their time with children, to give up going out at night whenever they wanted to. Now, many young couples feel that not having children will allow them to have a free, more enjoyable life style.

Michael, 29, and his wife Pamela, 31, are one of the growing number of young couples who don't have, and don't want children. Many of their close friends are childless and plan to remain that way. Michael works for the Canadian consulate in San Francisco. He says the decision not to have children developed over four years of marriage. He explains, "We never decided to become childless. It more or less became an understanding after we got married. "Pamela, publications editor for a travel business in Berkeley, adds, "As the years went by, I got used to idea of working and not having children. It’s too late to change now."

For both of them, the desire for a free style. played a big part in the decision. Michael, who wants to build a career in communications, makes the point honestly. We are just too selfish to have children at this point. We would rather buy the things we really want than go without things for the sake of the children. If we had a kid, we would have to start thinking a bout its education and health. We like the independence of getting up and going somewhere whenever we want. I want to get ahead. I have to take a lot of risks.

Pamela, too, is concerned about her career. But she also speaks about the need to prevent overpopulation. She says she is a supporter of Zero Population Growth. Thus, the decision has been made to remain childless. For other couples un sure of whether or not to have children, Pamela says, "If you want children, it should be a positive decision. A couple should really want to have a child and be interested in its growth."

When did Michael decide to become childless?

A.When he was a college student.

B.After he graduated from university.

C.Before he got married.

D.After he got married.

From the beginning, the idea of a finite universe ran into its own obstacle, the apparent

From the beginning, the idea of a finite universe ran into its own obstacle,

the apparent need for an edge, a problem that has only recently been grappled

with. Aristotle's argument, that the universe is finite, and that a boundary was

Line necessary to fix an absolute reference frame, held only until scientists wondered

(5) what happened at the far side of the edge. In other words, why do we not

redefine the "universe" to include that other side?

Riemann ingeniously replied by proposing the hypersphere, the three-

dimensional surface of a four-dimensional ball. Previously it was supposed that

the ultimate physical reality must be a Euclidean space of some dimension, and

(10) thus if space were a hypersphere, it would need to sit in a four-dimensional

Euclidean space that allows us to view it from the outside. But according to

Riemann, it would be perfectly acceptable for the universe to be a hypersphere

and not embedded in any higher-dimensional space; nature need not therefore

cling to the ancient notion. According to Einstein's powerful but limited theory

(15) of relativity, space is a dynamic medium that can curve in one of three ways,

depending on the distribution of matter and energy within it, but because we are

embedded in space, we cannot see the flexure directly but rather perceive it as

gravitational attraction and geometric distortion of images. Thus, to determine

which of the three geometries our universe has, astronomers are forced to

(20) measure the density of matter and energy in the cosmos, whose amounts appear

at present to be insufficient to force space to arch back on itself in "spherical"

geometry. Space may also have the familiar Euclidean geometry, like that of a

plane, or a "hyperbolic" geometry, like that of a saddle. Furthermore, the

universe could be spherical, yet so large that the observable part seems

(25) Euclidean, just as a small patch of the earth's surface looks flat.

We must recall that relativity is a purely local theory: it predicts the

curvature of each small volume of space-its geometry-based on the matter

and energy it contains, and the three plausible cosmic geometries are consistent

with many different topologies: relativity would describe both a torus and a

(30) plane with the same equations, even though the torus is finite and the plane is

infinite. Determining the topology therefore requires some physical

understanding beyond relativity, in order to answer the question, for instance,

of whether the universe is, like a plane, "simply connected", meaning there is

only one direct path for light to travel from a source to an observer. A simply

(35) connected Euclidean or hyperbolic universe would indeed be infinite-and seems

self-evident to the layman-but unfortunately the universe might instead be

"multiply-connected", like a torus, in which case there are many different such

paths. An observer could see multiple images of each galaxy and easily interpret

them as distinct galaxies in an endless space, much as a visitor to a mirrored

(40) room has the illusion of seeing a huge crowd, and for this reason physicists have

yet to conclusively determine the shape of the un

A.searching for an accurate method of determining whether the universe is finite or infinite

B.discussing problems and possibilities involved in providing a definite picture of the shape of the universe

C.declaring opposition to the notion that spherical geometry is a possible model for the shape of the universe

D.criticizing discredited theories about the possible topologies of the universe

E.refuting the idea that there is no way to tell whether the universe is finite and if so what shape it has

I was 13 when Benji came into our lives. With his deep brown eyes, floppy cars and cheerfu
l disposition, he was my constant companion throughout my teenage years. We would play together in the garden, and take long walks over the hills behind the house and on the beach. Benji would hang on my every word with his head tilted to one side. Despite being a dog, he seemed to have a sympathy for my problems that went deeper than words could express. He was my best friend.

Benji left us about 15 years ago for that great kennel in the sky. But recently I've been thinking about him a lot. Was he really conscious? Could any animal have consciousness like we do? Does it matter whether animals are conscious or not?

For many, it is a matter of life and death. On the one hand, animal research has helped prevent some of the most pressing human diseases, including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, "mad cow" disease, malaria, cystic fibrosis and emphysema. On the other hand, this research is performed largely on chimps, our closest nonhuman relatives, with whom we share 98.4% of our genetic material, and great apes, with whom we are similarly biologically close.

Some people feel this connection is strong enough to warrant special treatment. An international group called the Great Ape Project is lobbying the United Nations to adopt a declaration on the rights of great apes modeled on the UN declaration On the Rights of Man. The group believes that apes are "conscious" and so deserve legal protection of their right to life and freedom from imprisonment and torture.

If great apes were shown to have consciousness or something like our own, I would consider it among the scientific discoveries of the century. I would then agree with the Australian philosopher and founder of the animal rights movement, Peter Singer, that performing medical experiments on chimps would be like experimenting on orphan children. That's a pretty chilling thought, and no amount of human suffering saved could justify such an action. But before we close down the laboratories and stop searching for a vaccine against AIDS, we had better take a long hard look at the evidence for ape consciousness.

Why does the author bring up the example of Benji?

A.To show that animals have consciousness.

B.To raise the question of animal consciousness.

C.Because Benji was his best friend.

D.To illustrate the differences between dogs and chimps.

What does the sentence "society could not care less whether we play it or not "mean? _____

A.Society cares as much as possible whether we play it or not

B.Society cares as little as possible whether we play it or not

C.Society is very careful about whether we play it or not

D.Society isn't careful enough about whether we play it or not

Why didn't the government's expansion program work very well?A.Because the farmers were un

Why didn't the government's expansion program work very well?

A.Because the farmers were uncertain about the benefits of expanding production.

B.Because the farmers were uncertain about the financial support the government, guaranteed.

C.Because the farmers were uncertain whether foreign markets could be found for their product.

D.Because the older generation of farmers were strongly against the program.

In the future we will make clear whether animals have language or not.A.YB.NC.NG

In the future we will make clear whether animals have language or not.




How can we find out whether a person is intelligent or not? We should see __________.

How can we find out whether a person is intelligent or not?

We should see __________.

() As a critical listener, we should be able to check whether the inferences made are consistent with each other.
We are now discussing the problem __________ we should go out for dinner tonight.




D.from which

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