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提问人:网友聂坤 发布时间:2022-01-07
The prime goal of Ahab, the captain, is_____.

The prime goal of Ahab, the captain, is_____.





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  • · 有4位网友选择 B,占比44.44%
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  • · 有2位网友选择 D,占比22.22%
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匿名网友[91.***.***.232]选择了 B
匿名网友[218.***.***.238]选择了 A
更多“The prime goal of Ahab, the captain, is_____.”相关的问题
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern pointed out that New Zealand has set itself the ambitious goal of becoming the best place in the world for ______________.



C、the aged

D、young people

It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following was the prime goal in scie
ntists' searching for organic means of producing plastic?

A.the reduction of energy used in petrochemical plastic manufacture

B.the reduction of the production cost of petrochemical manufacture

C.the development of a biodegradable plastic

D.the creation of plastics with more useful qualities

E.the reduction of fossil fuel emissions in the environment

听力原文: Host: The Japanese prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, is preparing for his inter
national debut, which begins in the United States Saturday. During the summit with U.S. President George W. Bush, Mr. Koizumi is expected to stress commonalities over differences. CNN's Marina Kamimura explains.

Marian Kamimura, Tokyo Bureau Chief: Tokyo says that the primary goal of the Japanese prime minister's inaugural tour is to establish a close personal relationship with other leaders. [Koizumi is] a newcomer to international circles. Officials say that's [establishing ties is] particularly true of Junichiro Koizumi's first step, the U.S. president's retreat in Camp David.

Junichiro Koizumi, Japanese Prime Minister: The invitation to visit Camp David shows a favorable feeling on the part of the U.S.

What's the main purpose of the prime minister?

A.Establish a ship factory.

B.Establish a close relationship with other leaders.

C.Establish a membership of the Bureau.

D.Nothing to do.

听力原文: Tuesday's Middle East conference in Annapolis, Maryland, put Israelis and Palest
inians back on the road map to peace. Now the question is how far will they get?

The "road map" is the name for a plan that is supposed to lead to a permanent, two-state solution to the conflict. The Quartet of the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations launched the plan in two thousand three. The plan did not go far.

But this week Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert agreed to immediately restart negotiations. They promise to seek a peace treaty that furthers the goal of an independent Palestine.

The two sides have not held serious negotiations in seven years. A committee that will guide the talks will hold its first meeting December twelfth. The aim is to reach an agreement by the end of next year.

Many Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia and Syria, attended the international conference held by the United States. Iran was not invited.

Which did not launch the "road map" plan in 2003?

A.United States.


C.European Union.

D.Saudi Arabia.

Discoveries in science and technology are thought by "untaught minds" to come in blinding
flashes or as the result of dramatic accidents. Sir Alexander Fleming did not, as legend would have it, look at the mold(霉)on a piece of cheese and get the idea for penicillin there and then. He experimented with antibacterial substances for nine years before he made his discovery. Inventions and innovations almost always come out of laborious trial and error. Innovation is like soccer; even the best players miss the goal and have their shots blocked much more frequently than they score. The point is that the players who score most are the ones who take the most shots at the goal and so it goes with innovation in any field of activity. The prime difference between innovators and others is one of approach. Everybody gets ideas, but innovators work consciously on theirs and they follow them through until they prove practicable or otherwise. What ordinary people see as fanciful abstractions, professional innovators see as solid possibilities. "Creative thinking may mean simply the realization that theres no particular virtue in doing things the way they have always been done. " wrote Rudolph Flesch, a language authority. This accounts for our reaction to seemingly simple innovations like plastic garbage bags and suitcases on wheels that make life more convenient; "How come nobody thought of that before?" The creative approach begins with the proposition that nothing is as it appears. Innovators will not accept that there is only one way to do anything. Faced with getting from A to B, the average person will automatically set out on the best-known and apparently simplest route. The innovator will search for alternate courses, which may prove easier in the long run and are bound to be more interesting and challenging even if they lead to dead ends. Highly creative individuals really do march to a different drummer. Questions:

What does the author probably mean by "untaught mind" in the first paragraph?

A.A person ignorant of the hard work involved in experimentation.

B.A citizen of a society that restricts personal creativity.

C.A person who has had no education.

D.An individual who often comes up with new ideas by accident.

SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:INTERVIEWER: On the matter of careers, a lot of the jobs that people go into are sort of lifetime careers. What about baseball? Is it a full life-time career?

MIKE: It's been—I mean, it's been my life so far, you know. I know someday—could be tomorrow—that I'm going to be out of it.

INTERVIEWER: But how long can you really expect to... to play, let's say, actively?

MIKE: Well, I think I've set goals, and I made my first goal, which was to make it to the big leagues. And now, my next goal is to make it through four years... to get my pension. And after that, everything is...

INTERVIEWER: But how many years can you expect to play professional ball?

MIKE: It's...I'm a pitcher, and it's difficult, as a pitcher to really say how many years... because you never know whether you're going to have a sore arm, whether it's going to go on you or what the problem may be. But as a pitcher, I guess the prime—I'm 24 years old now, and this is my sixth year—and the prime time for a pitcher is 27 to 30.

INTERVIEWER: Well, is there any problem with a sort of feeling of insecurity?

MIKE: Yeah, there is, especially, like I said—my first year. I disciplined myself, and I worked hard—and that's what got me here. And I realize that I have to work hard to stay here. And there is the insecurity.

INTERVIEWER: You're under contract?

MIKE: Right, I'm under contract. But that doesn't necessarily—I mean, they could send me down tomorrow. They could do whatever they wanted with me.

INTERVIEWER: What does it take to play professionally? I'm thinking about the skill. Is it something that you just work hard to get, or is there a natural sort of ability?

MIKE: Well, there's people that have the natural ability, you know. I feel like I didn't have.

INTERVIEWER: So, you think there is something natural... a natural ability.

MIKE: There's a natural ability.

INTERVIEWER: I mean, just working hard isn't enough.

MIKE: I think that's what got me here. I really do. I know there was bad times and then— at one time in this organization, I was a suspect instead of a prospect. And I was told that.

INTERVIEWER: Well, what about the... on the personal side? What's the schedule like for a... for a professional baseball player? Is it full time around the year, or... ?


INTERVIEWER: Are there some seasons... ?

MIKE: Well, it depends. Like last winter, after the season was over, I got a phone call from a team in Obregon, Mexico, and they asked me if I wanted to go down and play winter ball down there. So, I...


MIKE: I thought, well it'd be a good chance because there's a lot of big league ball players down there, and I'll get a chance to face big league hitting, so I decided to go down there. And I think it helped me.

INTERVIEWER: How long does the season last here?

MIKE: Okay. This season lasts from April... let's see, April sixth until October second— depending on whether or not you're going to be in the playoffs, and then it runs till, like, October sixteenth, or something like that.

INTERVIEWER: So, you then went to Mexico.

MIKE: Right.

INTERVIEWER: Well, when kids play baseball, it's kind of mostly for fun. Is it still the

same when you're a professional ?

MIKE:It's always fun when you're winning, and right now, you know, we're having our tough time, but I mean, I still enjoy going out every day, and running, and throwing. INTERVIEWER: What's the main attraction, would you say? Uh... because you're doing exactly what you want to do?

MIKE: I think that's the big thing.






Just as world oil scarcity is already causing international conflicts, so will the scarcit
y of water reach a point where wars will break out. The statistics on water are already scary. Already well over 1 billion people suffer from water shortages and 30 countries get more than a third of their water from outside their borders-an obvious source of disputes and instability especially as the climate changes. The whole of the sub-Saharan Africa, most of South Asia and western South America are most at risk. The reason: the rapid melting of glaciers due to global warming.

At the meeting of the coalition of 27 International charities last month, Gareth Thomas, minister of International Development of the British government, wrote to prime minister Gordon Brown demanding action to ensure fresh water to 1.1 billion people with poor supplies. "If we do not act now, the reality is that water supplies may become the subject of international conflict in the years ahead. We need to invest now to prevent us having to pay that price in the future." Thomas said. The department warned that two-thirds of the word's population will live in water-stressed countries by 2025.

The coalition of charities has appealed for a global effort to bring running water to the developing world and supply sanitation to a further 2.6 billion people. It said that international investment is needed now to prevent competition for water to destabilize communities and escalate into conflicts.

Tackling the water and sanitation crisis is essential if the Millennium Development Goal Call to Action is to be a success. Otherwise, progress on health, education, and environment sustainability will be undermined. Each year 443 million school days are lost globally to diarrhea and 1.8 million children die from these diseases. In fact, it is often not realized that investing in sanitation and water brings the greatest public health gains, more than any other single development intervention and delivers enormous economic gains. Already, some Asian countries have put tackling these issues at the forefront of their development efforts. The Millennium Development Goals aim to halve the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water by 2015. To achieve that urgent action needs to be taken.

There is no doubt that climate change is potentially the most important factor affecting water shortage. This, compounded with a growing and increasingly urbanized global population will put pressure on food and water. For a temperature rise of 2 C, which is likely to happen by 2050, there would be a catastrophic 2 to 3 billion people suffering from water stress.

What does the author think is primarily responsible for water shortages in the world?

A.Climate change.

B.Border dispute.

C.World competition.

D.Political instability.

The political crisis in Ukraine, where opposition protesters are burning campfires and set
ting up tents in the center of Kiev, is presenting a test for Russia, which gambled heavily on its neighbor's presidential election.

A defeat of the pro-Moscow candidate, Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, would humiliate the Kremlin one year after another former Soviet Republic, Georgia, slipped from its influence, according to observers and political analysts.

The Ukrainian upheaval echoes what happened in Georgia, where protests over vote rigging led to the resignation of a Moscow-linked President and a landslide victory of a young, Western-educated and Western-oriented leader.

For Moscow, the stakes are even higher in Ukraine. Unlike Georgia, Ukraine shares close ethnic and linguistic ties with Russia; Kiev, Ukraine's capital, is the cradle of the Russian culture and the ancient capital of the first Russian state.

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia wants to forge a closer union between three Slavic nations Russia, Ukraine, and tiny, authoritarian Belarns and Ukraine is key to the plan, Russian businesses have major interests in Ukraine, which borders Russia to the west. The Russian military also wants to have Ukraine as an ally over which it can hold sway, not as a potential NATO participant, the analysts said.

As other former republics turned away from Russia, Moscow "gets the feeling that Ukraine is its closest ally, with a symbolic significance," said Marsha Lipman of the Carnegie Moscow Center. "Russia has given itself a goal of getting a controllable Ukraine. I'm afraid it won't happen."

Putin quickly congratulated Yanukovych following Sunday's vote, which pitted the prime minister against opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko. But Western observers reported voting fraud, and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians rallied in protest.

"If the crisis lasts, .it will become a potential source of problems for Russia's relations with the West," said Alexander Pikayev, an independent politica! analyst in Moscow "Russia will have to share responsibility for the acute political crisis."

The Kremlin had come out early and strongly for Yanukovych before the election. Putin traveled twice to Ukraine, ahead of each round of voting. To support the official purpose of his first visit, attending anniversary celebrations of Ukraine's liberation from the Nazis in World War Ⅱ, the festivities were rescheduled for 10 days earlier than the actual date.

Since the vote, the Kremlin's propaganda machine has been in full swing. Russia's Channel One television, controlled by the Kremlin like all other major networks accused the Ukrainian opposition of breaking the law by declaring Yushehenko the rightfully elected President.

In his prime-time show, television commentator Mikhail Leontyev compared the Ukrainian opposition to Middle Eastern militants. "But this is not the Gaza Strip, and the chaos cannot go on indefinitely," he said, warning that protest strikes would only hurt ordinary people.

Russian television also aired reports on the anniversary of Georgia's "Rose Revolution" on Tuesday, saying the country was steeped in misery and poverty a year after the fall of the old government. Russian independent newspapers, however, which reach only a fraction of the TV audience, wrote about a different Georgia the same day telling how happy Georgians had decorated shop windows and restaurants with roses to celebrate.

Many Russians view Ukraine's powerful opposition as a kind of force that has disappeared in Russia under the increasingly authoritarian Putin administration.

Russia has not had a seriously contested presidential election since 1996, when Boris Yeltsin narrowly defeated a Communist challenger. The political opposition here is fractured and marginalized, ousted from parliament in last year's balloting closely directed by th

A.all of the former Soviet Republics betrayed Russia except Ukraine

B.Ukraine is the key to Putin's political plan

C.Ukraine is unlike Georgia in many aspects

D.Ukraine weighs more for its close link with Russia

The Official Residence of Prime Minister is___________________.
The Monarch meets Prime Minister once in a month.
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