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提问人:网友huangchuyan 发布时间:2022-01-07

Section BFor many years after he formed his Theory of Relativity, Albert Einstein visited

Section B

For many years after he formed his Theory of Relativity, Albert Einstein visited many universities in different cities where he gave talks about it. He had his own chauffeur.who drove him to where he was to give the talk. The chauffeur sat at the back of the room while he was giving his lecture, and then drove him home.

One day, the chauffeur said to Einstein, “Professor, I have heard you give your talk so many times that I know every word of it. “"Do you?”Einstein said with a smile. "Let’s find out, shall we? You give my next talk for me. Nobody knows what I look like where we' re going. I' m just a name to them. “Just before they reached the university where Einstein was to give his talk, he changed places with his chauffeur.

The chauffeur’s memory was excellent and he was able to give Einstein’s talk exactly as Einstein gave it. He did not understand a word he was saying, but this did not seem to matter. Then, as he was leaving the university, one of the teachers who had been at the talk came up to him.

“Professor Einstein, ”he said. “That was a most interesting talk. I’d be grateful if you would answer a question. “The chauffeur hurried on. "I'm sorry, ”he said, “but I' m late for my next meeting.

“I' 11 walk with you, ”the teacher said. “I want to talk to you about the problem. “The teacher walked along beside the chauffeur and asked him to solve a very difficult mathematical problem.

The poor chauffeur couldn’t understand the problem, let alone attempt an answer. He did not know what to say. Then he had an idea. “It’s so simple, ”he said. “Even my chauffeur could answer it "

He pointed to his car, where Einstein was standing, still wearing the chauffeur’s cap.

“This man has a maths question, ”he said to Einstein. “It’s so easy I' m sure even you can answer it.


Albert Einstein was a famous scientist who worked out the Theory of Relativity. He used to travel around the country with his chauffeur giving【61】______on mathematics. His chauffeur knew his talk very well so Einstein asked him to give the talk at the next【62】______ where they did not know him. The chauffeur did well, but afterwards a teacher came up to him and asked him a difficult【63】______. The chauffeur did not know the answer but he said, “This problem is so simple I' m sure my chauffeur knows【64】______it. “Then he pointed to Einstein still standing【65】beside the car.


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更多“Section BFor many years after he formed his Theory of Relativity, Albert Einstein visited”相关的问题
SECTION ACONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversations. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文:Leslie: Any specific lessons you learned in your own life in looking back?

Martha: Oh yeah, sure? How we make mistakes and keep on making them even though we recognize them.

Leslie: What mistakes have you made and kept on making?

Martha: Being too nice] No, I' m a nice guy. It’s just an interesting life, I guess. I guess it might be interesting to other people. It’s kind of dull to me though ! I didn’t find it dull until I read it. I traveled a lot and stuff like that, but I didn’t win any awards like a Nobel Prize or anything.

Leslie: Saying your life was dull? Is there anything you regret by looking back?

Martha: You don’t have much to regret when you' re dull.

Leslie: Looking back on your life, what are some of your happiest times in life?

Martha: I generally have happy times in my life all of the time. I' ye been very lucky to have an interesting life and hr positive about most of it. I forget about the bad times, to tell you the truth.

Leslie: Do you feel that mentality has helped you get through the trials in life?

Martha: I guess so. I have’t had that many trials in that respect. A lot of people take everything seriously and worry. I' m a transitional person. I' m a nomad. I travel a lot.

What does the man mean when he said that he didn't win a Nobel Prize?

A.He hasn't worked hard enough.

B.He is a traveler, and there isn't a Noble Prize for traveling.

C.He's leading a normal life.

D.His life is interesting, though it seems dull to himself.

Many anonymous works are very famous. For example, the author of the Christmas carol "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" is unknown.


B、having an unknown author

C、poorly written


How many years has John Kerry served in the Senate?A.Ten years.B.Twenty years.C.Fifteen ye

How many years has John Kerry served in the Senate?

A.Ten years.

B.Twenty years.

C.Fifteen years.

D.Nineteen years.

SECTION ACONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversations. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文:M: Have you seen my glasses? I can’t find them anywhere,

W: Go in the bathroom and look in the minor.

M: You mean I' ye got them on. How about that?

W: You're the most absent-minded person I've ever known.

M: I can’t deny it, I’d lose my head if it weren’t attached to my shoulders.

W: I'll never forget the time you went fishing and forget to take your rod and reel.

M: I won't forget it either, but that's not the most memorable example of my forgetfulness.

W: How about the time you started to leave without having any pants on?

M: No, that’s not it.

W: It couldn’t be forgetting your wallet. You' ye done that a hundred times. I' m tired of guessing, tell me.

M: You never could have guessed. I don’t believe I' ye ever told you about it though you were indirectly affected by the incident. I almost married my college sweetheart.

W: You' re right. You' ye never told me about her.

M: Well, anyway, the day we were supposed to get married was such a beautiful day that I forgot all about the wedding and went fishing instead. The girl never forgave me.

W: I hardly blame her, though I' m glad things turned out differently.

Where were the man’s glasses?

A.The woman had them.

B.Above the mirror.

C.In the bathroom.

D.On his face.

What can you infer from the passage?A.Flexible working hours has been existing for many ye

What can you infer from the passage?

A.Flexible working hours has been existing for many years.

B.The government is making effort in helping parents.

C.Flexible working hours makes everybody happy.

D.Children's opinion is usually ignored.

SECTION ACONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversations. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文:M: Hey, Helen, how are you?

W: I'm fine, Bob. Arch't you glad the semester is over?

M: Are you going to the rock concert Friday night?

W: I haven't thought much about it. Are you?

M: Sure. Would you like to go with me?

W: Sounds like fun.

M: You'll have to buy your own ticket though.

W: Are you broke again? Let me treat you. You know I am a waitress at the student center. Anyway now that the final exams are almost over, I'd love a night out.

M: Since you'ye been so great about buying the tickets, why don't I take us out to dinner?

W: You'ye got a deal. Let's buy the tickets now.

When does this conversation take place?

A.In the middle of the semester.

B.At the beginning of exams.

C.At the end of the school year.

D.In the middle of summer vacation.

SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:ALLEN: Some scientists of UFOs are issuing a report that may heat up speculation about this always-lively topic. In the first independent review of UFO phenomena in more than 30 years, a nine-member group of scientists says physical evidence linked to some sightings deserves additional scientific study. The physicist who headed up that panel is Peter Sturrock, who joins me now from Stanford, California. Thanks for joining us, sir.

STURROCK: You' re welcome.

ALLEN: Well, tell us about the sightings that you believe need further examination?

STURROCK: Well, I' m not presenting my belief. I' m presenting the assessment of a panel of scientist who met with a group of eight investigators. The investigators were asked to present whatever physical evidence they found in the course of their research.

And the only question asked of the panel was that, do you believe that further study of this kind of case, this kind of evidence, might eventually lead to answers to the problem of understanding the cause or causes of UFO reports? And the panel felt, yes, this would be a promising line of research for the future.

ALLEN: So can you give us an example of a particular sighting they may examine further?

STURROCK: Well, there were many examples given, ranging from photographic evidence through radar, through ground traces. But the panel, in particular, is interested in cases with more than one kind of physical evidence. And one of those occurred in France in 1981. It is, unfortunately, a single-witness case. But the witness, who was working in his garden, heard a whistling sound, saw a strange object land on his terrain and then leave.

In France, they have an official data collection and organization, organized through the French space agency, CNES. So the next day, the Jondomery(ph) (gendarmerie i. e. , ed. ) came out and took photo graphs, took samples of the plants. A little later, scientist from the space agency came out, took further samples, further photographs, took soil samples, and took samples of the vegetation, which were alfalfa plants. And they found there were deep marks in the soil that would have taken about 1 ton to produce, and the vegetation has strange biochemical changes, which could perhaps be caused by micro-radiation; they didn't know what.

But here is one case with only a single witness and two kinds of physical evidence. The panel really urges a search for cases with many witnesses and more than one kind of physical evidence.

ALLEN: I believe I read that you have said that you believe there should be more emphasis placed on the physical evidence as opposed to witness testimony.

STURROCK: You need both, you need both. You have to have strong witness testimony, and you have to have physical evidence that we analyze in the laboratory.

And these are really quite different kinds of activities. And it probably would be good ff different people, or different teams, were involved in the two types of research.

It may take an official organization, as in France, to collect the data that can then be provided to university scientist or other scientist to analyze the data..

ALLEN: You' ye also said that this field of UFO study is in a very unsatisfactory state of ignorance and confusion. Why do you think that is, when there seems to be something that so many people have an interest in?

STURROCK: Well, I think basically it’s because there has been no sponsored research in this area. Almost all scientific research in the nation is sponsored by an agency or supported by the institution, like a corporation or an univer





SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:George Stephanopoulos: Mr. Wolfensohn welcome. You just heard the Secretary-General ,Keri Annan, say this is going to be a five-to-ten year effort costing billions of dollars, your organization pledged $250 million earlier in the week, is it safe to assume that number is going to go up?

World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn: Yes, it' s certain that it will. The $250 million is for the immediate emergency and, as you heard from the Secretary-General and from your correspondents, the real question at the moment is delivering supplies, making sure that people have water and medical attention, it' s not the distribution of the money. So this that we' ve indicated is for immediate reconstruction needs and 'after that there will be a great deal more coming.

Stephanopoulos: So this is just a downpayment. Do you have any idea what kind of investment the World Bank is going to be making over the long-term?

Wolfensohn: I think it is very, very difficult to say at this moment. We' ll be going out within a couple of weeks to do a needs assessment in these countries along with our colleagues from the Asian Development Bank, from the UN, from Japan, from the United States. What is important is to let the people in the countries drive what their needs are and have a coordinated effort, engage the community, and only after that will we know how much. It' s my expectation that the community will come together and give these governments considerable help.

Stephanopoulos: Billions? Are you saying you expect in to be billions?

Wolfensohn: Well it will be some billions of dollars that will come from the international community and my guess is that the World Bank itself will probably double or treble the amount of money for further reconstruction.

Stephanopoulos: As you talk with the core group, as you talk with the Secretary-General, as you talk with your representatives on the ground, how are you all dividing up responsibilities, what is the specific role of the World Bank right now?

Wolfensohn: Well the specific role of the World Bank is to be ready with financial assistance immediately after this emergency takes place because you need to reconnect water, you need to reconnect power, you need roads, you need bridges, and that has to be done urgently. At this moment, the critical need is survival and immediately after the emergency then the World Bank and the other agencies come in to work under the leadership of the governments, to make sure that the locality is reconstructed both physically and emotionally. The thing that is crucial here is the human dimension of it and the other aspect that we need to understand is that these areas are real poverty areas. These are areas in which we' ye been working for many, many yea's, and there are also areas, interestingly enough, which have been subject to conflict. So, we have a dimension of work, which ranges from the human to the resolution of conflict in conjunction with the tin and then under the leadership of the government, the reconstruction itself.

Stephanopoulos: I know that in recent years the World Bank is starting to pay more attention to preventing the worst effects of natural disasters before they happen, why wasn't a better early-warning system in place here?

Wolfensohn: Well I think no-one expected, in the Indian Ocean, to have the same experience that there was in the Pacific. I think you that in the tsunamis that have happened just recently in the last 50 years that they' re generally centered on file Pacific and there has been an early-warning system, and in the case of the Maldives, which is in the Indian Oc

A.the Asian Development Bank, the EU, Japan, and the United States

B.the Asian Development Bank, the U.S, Japan, and the United Nations

C.the Asian Development Bank, the UN, Japan and the United States

D.the Asian Development Bank, the UN, Japan, and the United Kingdoms

We Aare all Bfor your proposal Cthat the discussion Dis to be put off.A.B.C.D.

We Aare all Bfor your proposal Cthat the discussion Dis to be put off.

The German section of PETA has ______ members.A.10,500B.15,000C.75,000D.Not known how many

The German section of PETA has ______ members.




D.Not known how many

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