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提问人:网友jumbynet 发布时间:2022-01-07

Imagine being asked to spend twelve or so years of your life in a society which consisted

only of members of your own sex. How would you (1)_____? Unless there was (2)_____ definitely wrong with you, you wouldn't be too happy about it, to (3)_____ the least. It is all the (4)_____ surprising therefore that so many parents in the world choose to impose such (5)_____ conditions (6)_____ their children—conditions which they themselves wouldn't put up with for one minute!

Any discussion of this topic is (7)_____ to question the aims of education. Stuffing children's heads full of knowledge is (8)_____ being foremost among them. One of the chief aims of education is to (9)_____ future citizens with all they require to (10)_____ their place in adult society. Now adult society is made up of men and women, so how can a segregated school (11)_____ offer the right kind of preparation for it? Anyone entering adult society after years of segregation can only be in for a (12)_____.

A co-educational school offers children nothing (13)_____ a true (14)_____ of society in miniature. Boys and girls are given the (15)_____ to get to know each other, to learn to live together from their earliest years. They are put in a position where they can compare them selves with each other (16)_____ academic ability, athletic achievement and many of the extracurricular activities which are (17)_____ of school life. What a (18)_____ advantage it is (to give just an example) to be able to put on a school play in which the male parts will be taken by boys and the female parts by girls! What (19)_____ co-education makes of the argument that boys are cleverer than girls or vice-versa. When segregated, boys and girls are made to feel that they are a race apart. (20)_____ between the sexes is fostered. In a co-educational school, everything falls into its proper place.





简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
更多“Imagine being asked to spend twelve or so years of your life in a society which consisted”相关的问题
听力原文:Imagine that someone in your neighbourhood broke the law, and the judge put the w

听力原文: Imagine that someone in your neighbourhood broke the law, and the judge put the whole neighbourhood under suspicion. How fair will that be? Well, it happens everyday to high schoolers. Just because some students have stolen things in shops, all of us are treated like thieves. Even though I'd never steal.

Store employees looked at me like I'm some kind of hardened criminal. For example, during one lunch period, my friend Denny and I went to the Graben Gore Restaurant to have a hot dog. We arrived to find a line of students waiting outside. A new sign in the window told the story."No More Than Two Students At A Time". After 15 minutes, we finally got in. But the store manager laid the evil eye on us. I asked him about the new sign, and he said, "You kids are stealing too much stuff. " You kids? Too much stuff? We were not only assumed to be thieves, but brilliant, greedy thieves. The most annoying thing though, is the way employees watched my friends and me. It's horrible.

Once, at a drug store, I was looking around and found a guy standing on a large box, stocking the shelves.He was watching my hands, more than he was watching his own. I showed him that my hands were empty. He got down off his box and rushed off, as if he was going to get the store manager. How crazy is that!


33. What does the speaker find to be unfair?

34. What measure did the Graben Gore Restaurant take to stop stealing?

35. What happened in a drug store that greatly annoyed the speaker?


A.Hardworking students being accused of cheating.

B.Boy students being often treated as law-breakers.

C.Innocent people being suspected groundlessly.

D.Junior employees being made to work overtime.

听力:What does the speaker say about herself?

I have learned many languages, but I have not mastered them the way a professional interpreter or translator has. Still, they have opened doors for me. They have allowed me the opportunity to seek jobs in international contexts and help me get those jobs. Like many people who have lived overseas for a while, I simply got crazy about it. I can’t imagine living my professional or social life without international interactions. Since 1977, I have spent much more time abroad than in the United States. I like going to new places, eating new foods and experiencing new cultures. If you can speak the language, it’s easier to get to know the country and its people. If I had the time and money, I would live for a year in as many countries as possible.

Beyond my career, my facility with languages has given me a few rare opportunities. Once just after I returned from my year in Vienna, I was asked to translate for a German judge at an Olympic level horse event. I learned a lot about the sport. In Japan, once when I was in the studio audience of a TV cooking show, I was asked to go up on the stage and taste the beef dish that was being prepared and tell what I thought. They asked, “Was it as good as American beef?” It was very exciting for me to be on Japanese TV speaking in Japanese about how delicious the beef was.

A.She enjoys teaching languages.

B.She can speak several languages.

C.She was trained to be an interpreter.

D.She was born with a talent for languages.

When you are negotiating with someone, listen for the messages that he or she might be sen
ding to you. For example, the word "difficult" does not【C1】______ the same as impossible. Imagine you are staying in a hotel, and your want to change your room. The managers answer of "That would be difficult, sir", does not mean that he is saying "no". It just means that he wants to know【C2】______ you are prepared to offer him in return for the change of room. If you【C3】______ you will cause him a lot of trouble if he does not change your room, he might【C4】______ it would be better for him to do as you ask. If you are buying a new car, and want to pay less than the price being asked, then the salesmans【C5】______ , "Im sorry, but we never negotiate on the price", means that they do negotiate on other things, like the【C6】______ time, or the "extras" that might be available as part of the purchase. In all these【C7】______ the message is never communicated in clear terms. In any negotiation, the two "players" wish to get as much out of it as they can, of course. In the three【C8】______ above, the salesmen and the hold manager are hoping that you will accept their price or conditions, but their messages make it clear that there may be【C9】______ for movement and compromise. In a successful negotiation, the two sides move towards each other and reach agreement on conditions that【C10】______ both sides.






I don't ever want to talk about being a woman scientist again. There was a time in my life
when people asked constantly for stories about what it's like to work in a field dominated by men. I was never very good at telling those stories because truthfully I never found them interesting. What I do find interesting is the origin of the universe, the shape of space-time and the nature of black holes.

At 19, when I began studying astrophysics, it did not bother me in the least to be the only woman in the classroom. But while earning my Ph. D. at MIT and then as a post-doctor doing space research, the issue started to bother me. My every achievement—jobs, research papers, awards—was viewed through the lens of gender(性别) politics. So were my failures. Sometimes, when I was pushed into an argument on left brain versus(相对于) right brain, or nature versus nurture(培育) , I would instantly fight fiercely on my behalf and all womankind.

Then one day a few years ago, out of my mouth came a sentence that would eventually become my reply to any and all provocations: I don't talk about that anymore. It took me 10 years to get back the confidence I had at 19 and to realize that I didn't want to deal with gender issues. Why should curing sexism be yet another terrible burden on every female scientist? After all, I don't study sociology or political theory.

Today I research and teach at Barnard, a women's college in New York City. Recently, someone asked me how many of the 45 students in my class were women. You cannot imagine my satisfaction at being able to answer, 45. I know some of my students worry how they will manage their scientific research and a desire for children. And I don't dismiss those concerns. Still, I don't tell them "war" stories. Instead, I have given them this: the visual of their physics professor heavily pregnant doing physics experiments. And in turn they have given me the image of 45 women driven by a love of science. And that's a sight worth talking about.

Why doesn’t the author want to talk about being a woman scientist again?

A.She feels unhappy working in male-dominated fields.

B.She is fed up with the issue of gender discrimination.

C.She is not good at telling stories of the kind.

D.She finds space research more important.

This story began about 10 years ago. I was coming out of a very bad marriage. For seven lo
ng years my husband spent his every waking moment telling me just what was wrong with me. When I finally asked for a divorce, he answered by telling me that I would never find anyone to love me because I was just so unattractive. This went on for about two years. One night one of my friends convinced me to go out with her. We went to a nightclub and that’s when I met him.

Clint was playing a game with a girl. I sat in the corner watching him. I didn’t feel that I had whatever it took to get up and mix with others because of my self-esteem problem. Finally I got up the courage to order a drink for him. When he got it, he gave me the most dazzling smile. We spent the rest of the evening talking until I realized that it was almost morning. I figured that he was simply being nice to me because I had brought him a drink, but the next day he called and told me that he could not stopping thinking about me and that he wanted to meet my kids too.

About 3 months later, my divorce was final and Clint sat my boys down and asked them if it was all right with them if he asked me to marry him because he could not imagine life without the three of us anymore. I was so touched that he went to my boys and asked for their approval because they were the “men of the house” at the ripe old ages of 2 and They said yes and we have all been together even since. Clint gave me and my boys a second chance at a wonderful life. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t tell we are the best thing that ever has happened to him and that he loves us.

The writer’s first marriage was unsuccessful because ______.

A.her husband often woke her up at midnight

B.her husband kept criticizing her

C.she was unattractive

D.she had a self-esteem problem

When the writer asked for a divorce, her husband ______.A.told her that she would never find one who loved her as he did

B.delayed two years before giving her a reply

C.accused her of having an affair

D.said that she was unattractive and not worth loving

When the writer first met Clint, she felt that ______.A.she should have listened to her friend and met Clint earlier

B.Clint was a nice, dazzling young man

C.Clint could not be really interested in her

D.she would find true love in Clint

The writer was particularly touched by Clint because ______.A.he believed that at 2 and 4, the two kids were the “men of the house”

B.he said that he could not imagine a life without her and the kids

C.he loved the kids and asked for their approval of the marriage

D.he kept her company and talked with her until the next morning

The writer’s marriage to Clint is important to her mainly because ______.A.it made her kids happy, which is all she cared about

B.every day Clint would tell the writer that he loved her

C.it helped her to regain herself respect

D.it gave her and her sons a second chance to live a happy life

Passage Two I don’t ever want to talk about being a woman scientist again. There was a tim

Passage Two

I don’t ever want to talk about being a woman scientist again. There was a time in my life when people asked constantly for stories about what it’s like to work in a field dominated by men. I was never very good at telling those stories because truthfully I never found them interesting. What I do find interesting is the origin of the universe, the shape of space-time and the nature of black holes.

At 19, when I began studying astrophysics, it did not bother me in the least to be the only woman in the classroom. But while earning my Ph.D. at MIT and then as a post-doctor doing space research, the issue started to bother me. My every achievement—jobs, research papers, awards—was viewed through the lens of gender (性别) politics. So were my failures. Sometimes, when I was pushed into an argument on left brain versus (相对于) right brain, or nature versus nurture (培育), I would instantly fight fiercely on my behalf and all womankind.

Then one day a few years ago, out of my mouth came a sentence that would eventually become my reply to any and all provocations: I don’t talk about that anymore. It took me 10 years to get back the confidence I had at 19 and to realize that I didn’t want to deal with gender issues. Why should curing sexism be yet another terrible burden on every female scientist? After all, I don’t study sociology or political theory.

Today I research and teach at Barnard, a women’s college in New York City. Recently, someone asked me how may of the 45 students in my class were women. You cannot imagine my satisfaction at being able to answer, 45. I know some of my students worry how they will manage their scientific research and a desire for children. And I don’t dismiss those concerns. Still, I don’t tell them “war” stories. Instead, I have given them this: the visual of their physics professor heavily pregnant doing physics experiments. And in turn they have given me the image of 45 women driven by a love of science. And that’s a sight worth talking about.

62. Why doesn’t the author want to talk about being a woman scientist again?

A) She feels unhappy working in male-dominated fields.

B) She is fed up with the issue of gender discrimination.

C) She is not good at telling stories of the kind.

D) She finds space research more important.

The police asked me to _______ exactly how it happened.A、expressB、drawC、describeD、imagi





I don't ever want to talk about being a woman scientist again. There was a time in my life
when people asked constantly for stories about what it's like to work in a field dominated by men. I was never very good at telling those stories because truthfully I never found them interesting. What I do find interesting is the origin of the universe, the shape of space-lime and the nature of black holes.

At 19, when I began studying astrophysics, it did not bother me in the least to be the only woman in the classroom. But while earning my Ph. D. at MIT and then as a post-doctor doing space research, the issue started to bother me. My every achievement—jobs, research papers, awards—was viewed through the lens of gender(性别) politics. So were my failures. Sometimes, when I was pushed into an argument on left brain versus(相对于) right brain, or nature versus nurture(培育), I would instantly fight fiercely on my behalf and all womankind.

Then one day a few years ago, out of my month came a sentence that would eventually become my reply to any and all provocations: I don't talk about that anymore. It took me 10 years to get back the confidence I had at 19 and to realize that I didn't want to deal with gender issues. Why should curing sexism be yet another terrible burden on every female scientist? After all, I don't study sociology or political theory.

Today I research and teach at Barnard, a women's college in New York City. Recently, someone asked me how many of the 45 students in my class were women. You cannot imagine my satisfaction at being able to answer, 45. I know some of my students worry how they will manage their scientific research and a desire for children. And I don't dismiss those concerns. Still, I don't tell them "war" stories. Instead, I have given them this: the visual of their physics professor heavily pregnant doing physics experiments. And in turn they have given me the image of 45 women driven by a love of science. And that's a sight worth talking about.

Why doesn't the author want to talk about being a woman scientist again?

A.She feels unhappy working in male-dominated fields.

B.She is fed up with the issue of gender discrimination.

C.She is not good at telling stories of the kind.

D.She finds space research more important.

根据以下材料,回答题Mad Scientist Stereotype OutdatedDo people still imagine a physicist as


Mad Scientist Stereotype Outdated

Do people still imagine a physicist as a bearded man in glasses or has the image of the mad scientist changed? The Institute of Physics set out to find out whether the stereotype of a physic"boffin" (科学家) still exists by conducting a survey on shoppers in London. The people were asked to identify the physicist from a photograph of a line-up of possible suspects. 98 percent of those asked got it wrong. Most people picked a white male of around 60, wearing glasses and with a white beard.

While this stereotype may have been the image of all average physicist fifty years ago, the reality is now very different. Since 1960 the number of young women entering physics has doubled and the average age of a physicist is now 31.

The stereotype of the absent-minded scientist has lasted a long time because the media and Hollywood help promote the image of men in white lab coats with glasses sitting by blackboards full of equations (等式) or working with fizzing (嘶嘶响 ) test tubes. These stereotypes are really damaging to society. Very good school children are put off studying science because they don"t see people like themselves on television or in magazines doing science. They simply don"t relate to the media"s image of the mad scientist.

This is one reason why fewer young people are choosing to do science at university. If we want to encourage more young people to study science subjects, we need to change this image of the scientist and make science careers more attractive. But we must also develop children"s interest in science.

In an attempt to change this negative image, an increasing number of science festivals are being organized. Thousands of people from secondary schools are also encouraged to take part in the internationwide science competitions of which the most popular are the national science Olympiads. Winning national teams then get the opportunity to take part in the Intemational Science Olympiads which are held in a different county every year. These events are all interesting for the young people who take part but they only involve a small proportion of students who are already interested in science. It seems that there is a long way to go before science becomes attractive as subjects like computer studies or fashion and design.

Most people have similar ideas of what a physicist looks like. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

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