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提问人:网友maldinizhu 发布时间:2022-01-06

Better child care and education ______ affected a low morbidity and mortality among childr


A.will be




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更多“Better child care and education ______ affected a low morbidity and mortality among childr”相关的问题
A student accepting the offer in B ______.A.had better have some experience of child careB

A student accepting the offer in B ______.

A.had better have some experience of child care

B.would have no free time at all

C.must be a member of this large family

D.would be able to live everyday cheaply

40 What does the author conclude?A He is better than his wife at taking care of children.B

40 What does the author conclude?

A He is better than his wife at taking care of children.

B A child prefers to stay with his/her father.

C A man can take good care of children if he gets the experience

D A child prefers to stay with his/her mother.

What does the author conclude?A.He is better than his wife at taking care of children.B.A

What does the author conclude?

A.He is better than his wife at taking care of children.

B.A child prefers to stay with his/her father.

C.A man can take good care of children if he gets the experience

D.A child prefers to stay with his/her mother.

The place of the child in society has varied for thousands ofyears and has been effected b

The place of the child in society has varied for thousands of

years and has been effected by different cultures and religions. In S1. ______

ancient times unwanted children were occasionally abandoned,

put to death, exploiting or offered for religious sacrifices, and in S2. ______

any event a large percentage of them didn't survive their physically S3. ______

hazardous existence to reach to maturity.

In western civilization within the last few hundred years,

there have been many changes in attitude with the young. In agricultural S4. ______

Europe, and later with the beginning of the Industrial

Revolution, the children of the poor work, long hours for little or S5. ______

no pay, and there was no public concern on their safety or welfare S6. ______

punishment could be brutal and severe.

By the eighteenth century the harsh and severe methods began

to show any change. Society slowly accorded(给予) children S7. ______

a role of importance. Books were written expressly for them and

gradually laws were passing for their protection. Efforts were S8. ______

made to create for them a life better than their parents!

In the past few decades parents have become more and more

attentive for the needs of their children. Better health care is available S9. ______

and education is no longer reserving for the children from S10. ______

wealthy families.


Foster CareWe generally think of childhood in terms of the nuclear family, Mom and dad, or

Foster Care

We generally think of childhood in terms of the nuclear family, Mom and dad, or just mom or just dad, takes care of their kids. But the reality is things don't always work out this way. For any number of reasons, parents sometimes end up in a situation where they can't take care of their children, either temporarily or permanently. What happens then?

Throughout history, the fate of these children has depended wholly on the goodwill of the community. In the past, if extended family, neighbors or strangers didn't step in as surrogate(代理) parents, parentless children would be turned out on the streets. Today, this sort of community childcare is institutionalized, but it still relies on the kindness and compassion of individual members of the community.

Foster Fundamentals

When parents are unable, unwilling or unfit to care for a child, the child must find a new home. In some cases, there is little or no chance a child can return to their parents' custody(监护), so they need a new permanent home. In 'other situations, children only need a temporary home until their parents' situation changes, In any ease, the children need somewhere to stay until a permanent home is possible.

Over the past hundred years, the trend in North America and Europe has shifted away from orphanages and towards foster homes. The underlying philosophy of foster care is that children are better off, emotionally and psycho-logically, in a home environment, with someone filling the role of a parent. The logic is that with one or more foster parents taking care of a smaller number of children, the child should have more of the attention and love they need to grow into healthy adults. Today, there are roughly half a million U.S. children in the foster care system.

Foster care and adoption both provide family environments for children who can't be with their biological parents, but it's important to understand that they are very different institutions. While foster parents are encouraged to connect emotionally with the children in their care, foster families are not meant to be permanent replacements for biological families. In most cases, the ultimate goal is to reunite children with their biological families, as soon as the family is able and fit. This could be as short as a few days or as long as a few years.

Failing family reunification, the ultimate goal is to find adoptive parents who will take on all the emotional and legal responsibilities of birth parents. In the eyes of the law, adopting a child is pretty much the same thing as giving birth to them. Fostering a child, on the other hand, doesn't give the foster parents any major authority over the child's life.

On occasion, foster parents will eventually adopt foster children in their care, but more often, the foster home is a means of returning the child to his or her birth parents or a stop on the way to another home. Unfortunately, many children end up bouncing from foster home to foster home, never finding a permanent family. In this regard, the foster care system is clearly imperfect, since it often adds more instability to a child's life.

The fundamental mission of the foster care system, then, is very simple. Actually putting it into action is another matter. Fester care involves a lot of hard work on the part of administrators, social workers, parents and, most importantly, foster children. In the next couple sections, we'll find out a little about life in this world.

The Organization

In the United States, foster care operates on the local level, rather than on the national level. The structure varies somewhat from state to state, as do the specific names for government agencies and programs, but most states follow the same general model.

In most eases, the state's division of social services, part of the state department of health a




No investment offers a better return than giving the children the best start in life. Rese
arch has shown that for every US $1 spent -I would say invested -- on early childhood programs, countries enjoy cost savings of US $7. That is a pretty spectacular return. But it should not be surprising. It should be obvious.

Young children who receive good early care are less likely to die, get sick, fail in their school education or require remedial services. They will be able to support themselves and their families, push their societies forwards and help to break cycles of illness, deprivation and discrimination. Investing in early childhood plays a direct role in sustainable poverty reduction.

By young, I mean from before birth until the child is established in school at about the age of eight, but the first three years -- including the pre-birth period -- are particularly vital. This is when mental and physical capacities are forming and gaining strength.

UNICEF, the United Nations international Children's Emergency Fund, has long recognized the importance of these early years. More than half our program budget is devoted to early childhood. But last year, we went one step further. We made integrated early childhood development one of our five priorities (alongside girls' education, immunization (接种), HIV/AIDS and child protection).

Progress in one area contributes to progress in others. Tackling deficiencies in iron and iodine (碘) will improve not just physical health, but long-term brain development. The children of a healthy, educated, secure mother will thrive, rather than simply survive. Enhancing the role of fathers pays equal dividends (红利).

We need to focus most intensely on the under-threes, looking for ways to strengthen families' ability to care for their children, increasing their access to good quality, basic services, promoting gender equality and reinforcing national policies.

It also requires us to look at the health of women, because a young child's future is shaped by its mother's well-being before and during pregnancy.

Which is NOT the reason for the early childhood investment?

A.It plays an essential role in fighting against poverty constantly.

B.Countries will save later costs by seven times the amount once invested.

C.Young children who receive good early care will thrive physically and mentally.

D.Research has invested US $1 for each child and the countries have enjoyed the benefits.

China today is home to 13 billion people--nearly one quarter of the world's population. Th
e growth of China's population is largely the result of modernization, which has brought with it more food, better medical care, less disease, and fewer epidemics and famines. The death rate in China has decreased, and more children survive. The higher survival rate in China means that more people are entering childbearing age. This population growth was threatening to destroy China's chances to become a richer country: just providing food and basic necessities for everyone would consume all of its economic gains.

To tame the explosive population growth, the Chinese government launched a drastic policy of allowing one child per family. To enforce this policy, the government has a variety of incentives for those who comply and punishment for those who do not. For example, couples who have only one child get a monthly pay until the child is fourteen, special consideration for scarce housing, free medical care, and extra pension benefits. The pressure to conform. is powerful. Couples who ignore the state's directive suffer social disgrace and economic penalties.

The family-planning policy, instituted in China in 1979, has been remarkably effective (though considerably more so in cities than in the countryside). Births to women of childbearing age have fallen dramatically--to about 2.5 children for every woman.

China may eventually succeed in balancing its population growth, but in doing so, it is creating a new problem. The irony is that because of the very success of China's population policy, the Chinese population is aging rapidly. In 1982, 5% of the population was over age 64. In 2010, about 9% will be over 64, and in 2050, 25% will be. At the family level, children without brothers or sisters will each have to care for two aging parents. At the national level, the great numbers of aging people will tax the society's resources. China shares this problem--a rapidly aging population with- out a large enough following generation to support it--with many of the developed nations of the world.

The primary purpose of this passage is to ______.

A.predict the population problem in China

B.explain why the family-planning policy is adopted in China

C.illustrate the result of family-planning policy

D.demonstrate the cause and effect of the family-planning policy

听力原文: New parents are always worried that they might be making a mistake with their ne
w baby. The baby cries and they don't know if they should let him cry or pick him up. The baby is sick and they don't know what to do. "Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do. "Benjamin Spock wrote in his famous book Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care, which first appeared in 1946. This book has sold over 50 million copies, making it the biggest selling .book after the Bible. In fact, many parents say that it is parents "Bible" for raising children. Before Dr. Spock's book appeared, experts told parents that they should avoid showing their children affections. They told parents to break, children of bad habits. They also told parents that they need to feed children on a rigid schedule. Spock disagreed with this rigid manner of raising children and decided that he would write a book. "I wanted to be supportive of parents rather than scold them. "Dr. Spock said, "every baby needs to be smiled at, talked to, played with gently and lovingly. Be natural and enjoy your baby. "Dr. Spock never imagined that his book would become so popular. The last edition came out in 1998, a few months after his death at age 94. He will be remembered for his common sense advice. Respect children because they deserve respect and they'll grow up to be better people.

Which of the following statement about the book Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care is true?

A.It sells as well as the Bible.

B.It is the second best seller after the Bible.

C.No one likes the book.

D.It has sold over 50 billion copies.

根据下列文章,请回答 16~20 题。 Liu :To me,work is first and my child is second. I work m

根据下列文章,请回答 16~20 题。

Liu :

To me,work is first and my child is second. I work more for myself than for my child because it' s the only way to be economically independent. Otherwise ! may some day lose everything, even my child.

I can give for the sake of my daughter but never at the cost of my career. Only after I achieve value through work can it be possible for me to raise my baby.

I resumed working after a short maternity (产妇的) leave. Now my daughter goes to kindergarten while I am at work; I think that is her first step into society.


Nowadays, economic independence is particularly important to women. The only way to realize self-value is through work. I believe women should first live as a social entity(实体), then as a mother. And there are facts to show that women are not inferior to men in the working world.

Child is just another part of my life, it would be impossible to make her my whole life. I think I will also get a nanny(保姆) to lend me a hand.


When women make their career as their final pursuit, I think they lose their natural maternal instincts. I hope my wife will put most of her energy and time on child care and family. Because she gives birth to the child, she can do a much better job than the father in understanding the child. The mother should be the main educator while father works as her assistant.


Women are naturally fit for human reproduction while men are meant for material production. Married women must assume the role of full-time mothers if their financial situation permits it; and a woman' s value is only realized after she has successfully raised her child.


Although we may say women's talents lie in being mothers, we should admit that women do not sacrifice their families for work and they are not expected to give up a chance for a career. Both parents need to balance the responsibilities of family and work. After all women are equal members of society and have value in all social fields.

Now match each of the items (61 to 65) to the appropriate statement.

Note: There are two extra statements.


第 16 题 Liu

A.My child is the focus of my life.

B.Family and work are both important for women.

C.Men should be asked to return to their paternal duties.

D.I would give up the whole world for my work.

E.Women need work to prove their own value.

F.Women are born to be mothers.

G.Women understand child better than men.

Sometimes, kids have extra challenges making friends, even if you're doing everything figh
t as a parent.

All children are capable of having friends, although high self-esteem really helps them succeed, says Kathy Noll. Noll is the author of Taking the Buggy bi/the Horn. s, which offers help to both bullies and their victims.

How can you tell whether your child may be having trouble making friends? Noll lists several warning signs to watch for: depression, reluctance to go to school, difficulty concentrating, poor grades, doesn't bring other kids home to play, seems to get along better with adults, ①

To help your child make friends, you need to show that you care and can be trusted. Focus on the positive, Noll says. Instead of pointing out what is causing your child's failure, talk about what he can do to succeed. Noll points out that the odds of success improve with better basic social skills. The advice to "hold your head high" isn't just figurative in this case. Your child could look like an easy target if she wall, s with her head and shoulders down, speaks meekly, or doesn't make eye contact. ② You can enlist your child's teacher as an ally. If your child isn't finding friends right away, the teacher can give advice about suitable playmates. You can work with other parents to set up play dates for your kids. You might even set up really fun regular outings. One suggestion I came across was "Wednesday afternoon at the park," with open invitations to everyone in your child's class.

Throughout all of this, talking with your child is crucial. If he tells you he's fearful about a new situation because he won't know anyone, remind him of times he's triumphed in similar situations. ③ If your daughter comes home from Valentine's Day at school crushed because she didn't get any cards, talk to her about those feelings. Don't dismiss them; the hurt is very real. Talk about possible reasons why she didn't get valentines Maybe her friends didn't make them. Maybe they didn't have enough for everyone, or maybe they forgot to bring them. Experiences like this do happen to kids, and they're very painful blows to a child's self-esteem and confidence. But with the help and love from a parent, they can build strength.

The time you spend on this is an investment in your child's well-being. "Some may be more open to it than others, depending on their perceptions of themselves and the world, and also the influence of their caretakers," Noll says. "But all children are capable of—and deserving of—love and friendship."

What does "them" (Line 4) in Paragraph 5 refer to?



C.Children's feelings.

D.Children's friends.

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