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提问人:网友qhdfzc 发布时间:2022-01-07

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。 Jennifer:The greenhouse effect might be causing the chang

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。


The greenhouse effect might be causing the change, but it' s a cycle that' s been tracked for about a hundred years and in the past 20 years or so it just stopped cycling. And this is only affecting a small part of the world. People talk about greenhouse effect because they want to show how much concern they have about the future of the world. Don' t be as silly as them.


Spring just hits here, too. It' s so nice windows open, the fresh air of changing seasons just lights me up. When I was younger this was the season for walking through the melting snow and ice, across roadsides, through square acre forests among the fields, I got so excited to be out in the wild. It' s tough to be in the city this time of year. Maybe I' ll go camping soon !


In the city you don' t have seasons. Spring rain does not make man-made structure grow, and wet roads are not inconvenient for you because you can move around in your car. Summer' s heat is no longer a problem and air-conditioning makes your rooms cool as autumn. The colors of the city don't change because nature is not powerful enough to change them as she changes the color of woods. Winter snow leaves nothing white but muddy roads.


Snow in Georgia is a funny thing. We have been having 24 hours weather news on the TV for the past week, just because there is a threat of snow. Schools have closed based on these predictions, and all we got was rain. But the rule is that if it sticks to the ground, school is canceled. It would be a great excuse to get the day off. People rush to the grocery store to buy milk and bread-- I don' t know why, but they do. When "I was growing up here we used to get one or two big snow- falls a year, but there has not been any for the last few. Damn global warming.


It' s been so nice. I am of the firm belief that in February we get the day like cool autumn sea- son in November... In February it' s like a warm period that's been getting stronger and longer every year since my boyhood, and it gets defeated by the final blowing snowstorm of March at least once, but anyone can survive(生存)those snowstorms, since we all know they' 11 be gone in a few days.

Now match each of the people (61 to 65) to the appropriate statement.

Note: there are two extra statements.


第 36 题 Jennifer

A.Future is bright.

B.Man conquers nature.

C.We can see the effect of the pollution on the climate

D.Human beings have to struggle hard against weather.

E.The call of nature is there.

F.He hates spring.

G.Sometimes we worry too much about nothing.

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根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。 New Foods and the New World In the last 500 years, not

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。

New Foods and the New World

In the last 500 years, nothing about people -- not their clothes, ideas, or languages-- has changed as much as what they eat. The original chocolate drink was made from the seeds of the cocoa tree (可可树) by South American Indians. The Spanish introduced it to the rest of the world during the 1500's. And although it was very expensive, it quickly became fashionable. In London, shops where chocolate drinks were served became important meeting places. Some still exist today.

The potato is also from the New World. Around 1600, the Spanish brought it from Peru to Europe, where it soon was widely grown. Ireland became so dependent on it that thousands of Irish people starved when the crop failed during the "Potato Famine (饥荒)" of 1845-1846, and thousands more were forced to leave their homeland and move to America.

There are many other foods that have traveled from South America to the Old World. But some others went in the opposite direction. Brazil is now the world's largest grower of coffee, and coffee is an important crop in Colombia and other South American countries. But it is native to Ethiopia, a country in Africa. It was first made into a drink by Arabs during the 1400's.

According to an Arabic legend, coffee was discovered when a person named Kaldi noticed that his goats were attracted to the red berries on a coffee bush. He tried one and experienced the "wide-awake" feeling that one-third of the world's population now starts the day with.

第 36 题 According to the passage, which of the following has changed the most in the last 500 years?





根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。 Ulcers Even though ulcers appear to run in families, l

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。


Even though ulcers appear to run in families, lifestyle. Plays more of a role than genetic(基因的)factors in causing the illness,according to a report in the April l3th issue of Journal of Internal Medicine.In particular, smoking and stress in men and the regular use of pain-releasing medicines in women were linked with an increased risk Of developing an ulcer(溃疡)。

Overall。61%of ulcer risk appears to be due to environmental factors,such as smoking,and the remainin9 39%is due to genes,according to Dr.Ismo Raiha of the University of Turkey and colleagues at the University of Helsinki,Finland.Some researchers had suggested that families may spread Helicobacter pylori(幽门螺旋菌),the bacteria(细菌)that can cause ulcers.However,the new study suggests this is unlikely, according to the report.

Raiha and colleagues studied data from more than 13.000 pairs of twins to examine the roles of genetic and environmental factors in the origin of ulcer.Both twins were more likely to develop an ulcer if the pair were genetically the same as compared with a pair of fraternal(由两受精卵发育而成的)twins,suggesting that there must be some genetic susceptibility(敏感性)to ulcer development.

However The risk was no greater in twins living together compared with twins living part,suggesting that shared exposure to H.pylori was not to blame.“Environmental effects were not due to factors shared by family members,and they were related to smoking and stress in men and the use of pain—releasing medicines in women。”The authors write in their report.

第 36 题 The report attributes the risk of men developing an ulcer partly to

A.smoking and stress.

B.the kinds of food they eat.

C.the size of the family.

D.the use of certain medicines.

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。Eta Carinae As possibly the galaxy’s(银河)most massiv

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。Eta Carinae

As possibly the galaxy’s(银河)most massive star,Eta Carinae is now engaging in some very unusual behaviour,Australian astronomers,being in the Southern Hemisphere(半球),are able to observe it clearly.

In the l9th century,Eta Carinae was for a time the third brightest star in the sky.it has now become less bright so that binoculars(双筒望远镜)are needed to see it.“It seems to be brightening and becoming less bright over a period of many years”,said Dr Bob Duncan from the Australia Telescope National Facility.

While it is not unusual for stars to vary in brightness,the period is usually much shorter.“Since l992 it has become four times brighter,and then last year it began to drop dramatically,”he said.

The problem in observing Eta Carinae is that it has been surrounded by a cloud of gas and dust,making it hard to see tile star directly.However,radio waves and infrared light(红外线)can pass through this cloud,SO telescopes that receive these wavelengths can observe what is occurring.

Eta Carinae is of particular interest to astronomers because it seems to be in its death throes(剧痛).Being so large it will end up as a supernova(超新星).There has not been a supernova in our galaxy since the invention of tile telescope. While a l987 explosion in a nearby galaxy gave astronomers plenty of valuable data,they are hungry for an even closer look.

Eta Carinae has other unique features.and is the only star known to produce an ultraviolet(紫外线)laser that is brighter than that produced by the Sun.Lasers have been observed in other frequencies from a few stars.

第36题:Eta Carinae is now engaging in

A.some very common behaviour.

B.some very dull behaviour.

C.some very frightening behaviour.

D.some very strange behaviour.

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。 Valuing ChildhoodThe value of childhood is easily blurred

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。

Valuing Childhood

The value of childhood is easily blurred(模糊)in today’s world.Consider some recent developments:The child-murderers in the Jonesboro,Ark Schoolyard shooting case were convicted and sentenced.Two boys,7 and 8,were charged in the murder of an 11-year-old girl in Chicago.

Children who commit horrible crimes appear to act of their own will.Yet,as legal.proceedings in Jonesboro showed,the one boy who was able to address the court couldn’t begin to explain his acts,though he tried to apologize.There may have been a motive—youthful jealousy and resentment.But a deeper question remains:Why did these boys and others in similar trouble apparently lack any inner, moral restraint?

That question echoes for the accused in Chica90,young as they are.They wanted the girl’s bicycle,a selfish impulse common enough among kids.

Redemption(拯救)is a practical necessity.How can value be restored to young lives distorted by acts of violence? The boys in Jonesboro and in Chicago will be confined in institutions for a relatively short time.Despite horror at what was done,children are not—cannot be—dealt with as adults,not if a people wants to consider itself civilized.That’s why politicians’ cries for adult treatment of youthful criminals ultimately miss the point.

But the moral void(真空)that invites violence has many sources.Family instability contributes.So does economic stress.That void,however, can be filled.The work starts with parents。Who have to ask themselves whether they’re doing enough to give their children a firm sense of right and wrong.Are they really monitoring their activities and their developing processes of thought?

Schools,too,have a role in building character.So do youth organizations.So do law enforcement agencies,which can do more to inform. the young about laws,their meaning,and their observance(遵守).

第 36 题 The two boys in Chicago were




D.set free

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。Valuing ChildhoodThe value of childhood is easily blurred(模

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。Valuing Childhood

The value of childhood is easily blurred(模糊)in today’s world.Consider some recent developments:The child-murderers in the Jonesboro,Ark Schoolyard shooting case were convicted and sentenced.Two boys,7 and 8,were charged in the murder of an 11-year-old girl in Chicago.

Children who commit horrible crimes appear to act of their own will.Yet,as legal.proceedings in Jonesboro showed,the one boy who was able to address the court couldn’t begin to explain his acts,though he tried to apologize.There may have been a motive—youthful jealousy and resentment.But a deeper question remains:Why did these boys and others in similar trouble apparently lack any inner, moral restraint?

That question echoes for the accused in Chica90,young as they are.They wanted the girl’s bicycle,a selfish impulse common enough among kids.

Redemption(拯救)is a practical necessity.How can value be restored to young lives distorted by acts of violence? The boys in Jonesboro and in Chicago will be confined in institutions for a relatively short time.Despite horror at what was done,children are not—cannot be—dealt with as adults,not if a people wants to consider itself civilized.That’s why politicians’ cries for adult treatment of youthful criminals ultimately miss the point.

But the moral void(真空)that invites violence has many sources.Family instability contributes.So does economic stress.That void,however, can be filled.The work starts with parents。Who have to ask themselves whether they’re doing enough to give their children a firm sense of right and wrong.Are they really monitoring their activities and their developing processes of thought?

Schools,too,have a role in building character.So do youth organizations.So do law enforcement agencies,which can do more to inform. the young about laws,their meaning,and their observance(遵守).

第36题:The two boys in Chicago were




D.set free

根据下列选项,回答 36~40 题: A.PVAB.卡波普C.可可豆脂D.甘油E.淀粉 第 36 题 成膜材料(

根据下列选项,回答 36~40 题:






第 36 题 成膜材料()。

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。 A New Cause of Suffering A conference on obesity(肥胖

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。 A New Cause of Suffering

A conference on obesity(肥胖症)was recently held in Vienna.Two thousand experts from more than fifty countries attended the conference.According to statistics.1.2 billion people worldwide are overweight,and 250 million are too fat.Obesity is rapidly becoming a new cause of suffering.

Professor Friedrich Hopichler of Salzberg said:“We are living in the new age but with the metabolism(新陈代谢)of a stone-age man.1 have just been to the United States.It is really terrible.A pizza(比萨饼)shop is appearing on every corner.We have been occupied by fast food and Coca-Cola-ization.”

Many of the experts stressed that obesity was a potential killer.Hopichler said:“Eighty per cent of all diabetics(糖尿病人)are too fat,also fifty per cent of all patients with high blood pressure and fifty per cent with fatty tissue complaints.Ten per cent more weight means thirteen per cent more risk of heart disease.Reducing one’s weight by ten per cent leads to thirteen per cent lower blood pressure.”

Another expert Hermann Toplak said that the state health services should improve their financing of preventive programs.“The health insurance pays for surgery(such as reducing the size of the stomach)when the body-mass index(身体质量指数)is more than 40.That is equivalent to a weight of 116 kilograms for a height of 1.60 meters.One should start earlier.”

Toplak said that prevention should begin in school.“Child obesity has a close relation with the time which children spend in front of T V sets.”

第36题:How many people are suffering from obesity in the world?




D.1 20,000,000.

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。 Giving Up Smoking A number of devices are available to

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。

Giving Up Smoking

A number of devices are available to help a person quit smokin9。Nicotine(尼古丁)patches are small,nicotine—containing adhesive(粘着性的)discs applied to the skin.The nicotine is slowly absorbed through the skin and enters the bloodstream(血流).Over lime.the nicotine dose is reduced and eventually the desire for nicotine is eased.Nicotine gum(口香糖)works in a similar manner,providing small doses of nicotine when chewed(咀嚼).

The benefits of giving up smoking include the immediate reduction of harm to the health of the smoker and easier admission to social activities and institutions that ban smoking.In a l 988 report,the U.S.Surgeon General declared cigarette smoking to be more harmful and expensive than the use of cocaine(可卡因),alcohol,or heroin.Recent evidence supports this claim.

The United States government has collected a special tax on cigarettes for several decades.The rate rose from 8 cents per pack of 20 cigarettes in l 951 t0 24 cents per pack in l993.In other developed countries,the cigarette tax rate is much higher,ranging from 50 percent in Switzerland t0 85 percent in Denmark.

In the United States,the first direct action to check smoking was the regulation of a warning on cigarette packages by the Federal Trade Commission.This warning took effect in l 964 and was strengthened in l 969 to read:“Warnin9:The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.”In l 97 1 all cigarette advertising was banned form. radio and television。and cities and states passed laws requiring nonsmoking sections in public places and workplaces.

第 36 题 Which of the following can help a person quit smoking?

A.Reading cigarette advertisements.

B.Using nicotine patches.

C.Chewing ordinary gum.

D.Participating in social activities.

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