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提问人:网友shenquan619 发布时间:2022-01-07

听力原文:PALESTINE Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has renewed his call for a ceasefire w


Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has renewed his call for a ceasefire with Israel and he has criticized militants for rocket attacks that, he said, are counterproductive. Abbas, who is the front-runner in the January 9th Palestinian elections, said the rocket attacks are quoted "useless" because they provoke what he called a very grave Israeli escalation. He also accused Israel of hindering the Palestinian election campaign. Early today, Israel launched a new incursion into northern Gaza after a Qassam rocket wounded an Israeli woman. Palestinian witnesses says fifty Israeli tanks and armored personnel carriers moved into Belt Hanoun in the Jabalia refugee camp.


The Iraqi Interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi has said his patience over the situation in the insurgent-held city of Fallujah is wearing thin and negotiations to restore his government control there must come to an end soon. He said the government was in the final phase of efforts to secure the city without what he called a major military confrontation. US forces have carrying out repeated strikes against insurgents in Fallujah.


The first international Tibetan traditional medicine conference will be held July 15th to 17th in Lhasa, capital city of the Tibet Autonomous Region. China's Ethnic Medicine Institute, Tibetan Health Bureau and Tibetan Medical College will co-host the conference. The conference has received more than 500 research papers from China and abroad. The organizing committee primarily selected 290 articles to be discussed at the conference. More than 50 foreign guests from the US, Russia, Britain, India, Germany, France, Italy and Nepal will attend the meeting. The Chinese mainland will send a delegation consisting of 250 Tibetan medicine experts to the conference.


North Korea is warning the United Nations Security Council not to consider sanctions against it and says it will not recognize any resolutions on its nuclear program that the world body might approve. Four days before the UN Security Council is scheduled to discuss North Korea's nuclear program, Pyongyang is clarifying its views on the matter. A North Korean foreign ministry spokesman, quoted by the state-run Korean Central News Agency, says just bringing up the issue is "a prelude to war".


The Galileo system will be made up of 30 satellites beaming navigation signals to ground-control centers in the EU. Spain has been blocking a deal on how the system would be run, demanding to host one of the centers, but a compromise has now been reached allowing the multi-billion-dollar project to move ahead. But it's already running five years behind schedule. It's meant to be made up and running by 2013, but analysts say by then the American global positioning system may have already established an unassailable grip on the satellite navigation industry.


6. According to the news, besides Israel's rocket attacks, what else did Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas also accuse Israel of?

7.What does the news indicate about the Iraqi Interim Prime Minister?

8.What is the news mainly about?

9.According to the news, what is North Korea's attitude toward the issue?

10.Why is the Galileo system already running five years behind the original schedule?


A.Attacking the Palestinian government.

B.Launching a new incursion.

C.Opposing the Palestinian election.

D.Holding back the Palestinian election.

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更多“听力原文:PALESTINE Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has renewed his call for a ceasefire w”相关的问题
听力原文:It was the first presidential election in nine years, made necessary after the de
ath of Mr. Arafat on November 11. Despite being held under Israeli occupation, the voting was judged by international observers to be generally free and fair, with little interference from Israel, which eased travel restrictions on Palestinians and largely halted military activity in the territories.

Which of the following factors did NOT contribute to the smooth election?

A.Israel made no interference in the election.

B.Israel helped to keep order in the election.

C.Israel relaxed its travel restrictions on the Palestinians.

D.Israel suspended its military activities in Palestine area.

听力原文:Nov. 29th is observed by the United Nations as the International Day of Solidarit
y with the Palestinian People. The date was chosen because on that day in 1947, the General Assembly adopted what came to be known as the Partition Resolution. That resolution provided for the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish state and an Arab state.

UN Partition Resolution in 1947 divides Palestinian territory into two states.



听力原文: US Secretary of State Colin Powell is trying to strengthen the fragile cease-fir
e between the Israeli government and the Palestine Authority that has held more or less for almost two weeks. After meeting Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Ararat in the West Bank town of Ramallah , Secretary Powell told a news conference he agrees there is a need for international observers. Mr. Powell did not offer any thoughts on the size or composition of such a team of observers, but the switch in the United States' position saying now that international help is necessary, was a big surprise. Israeli officials have long been opposed to the idea of any significant foreign presence examining the violence that broke out last September.

Where did Secretary Powell meet with Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Ararat?

A.In New York.

B.In Jerusalem.

C.In Cairo.

D.In Ramallah.

听力原文:Israel has accused Russia of betrayal after President Vladimir Putin said he'd in

听力原文: Israel has accused Russia of betrayal after President Vladimir Putin said he'd invite Hamas leaders to Moscow following the militant group's victory in Palestinian elections. One Israeli minister Meir Sheetrit said Mr.Putin has stabbed Israel in the back. Criticism echoed by the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations Dan Gillerman. "I do wonder what President Putin would feel like if any government in the world would invite Cheehen leaders to discuss with them, their behavior. or their activities, and this I believe on the part of Russia and on the part of President (9) Putin is a very unfortunate development which runs the risk of legitimizing tenor. "The French Foreign Ministry has indicated its support for Russia's position saying the initiative could help achieve the objective of a two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians.

France's stand of the conflict between Israel and Palestine is

A.to mediate between the two parties.

B.to distinguish them as two countries.

C.to invite Hamas leaders to Paris.

D.to legitimize terror in Palestine.

听力原文: As troops pounded Fatah Islam lighters hiding in a refugee camp in northern Leba
non Tuesday, a camp of 65,000 Palestinian refugees in the south feared the fighting could spread, erupting into intra-Palestinian hostilities. The fighting, now in its fifth straight day, had spread Sunday evening and Monday to the Ein el-Hilweh camp in the south. Ein el-Hilweh was calm on Tuesday, but many think it is inevitable the violence will resume. Ein el-Hilweh, the largest of 12 Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, is a microcosm of the complexities of intra-Palestinian rivalries and social and economic miseries. Its maze of cinderblock buildings--notorious for lawlessness and for neighborhoods run by factions who often fight for control--also has become a haven for criminal fugitives, including Lebanese.

The fighting took place in______.

A.cinderblock buildings

B.Ein el-Hilweh camp in South Lebanon

C.a refugee camp in northern Lebanon

D.a refugee camp in Palestine

听力原文: Secretary of State Colin Powell has spoken out against possible cuts in U. S. fo
reign aid to Egypt and the Palestinians while the Bush administration is working for Middle East peace.

Secretary Powell appeared Tuesday before a Senate subcommittee on the foreign aid budget. Republican Senator Mitch MeConnell said Egypt may not deserve a proposed $ 2 billion military and fiscal aid package because he says anti-Semitic rhetoric in government-run media is at an all-time high. Secretary Powell says Cairo is very active in the peace process and plays an important role in the region. Mr. Powell also says the Bush administration speaks out when Egyptian newspapers print what he calls inappropriate remarks.

Secretary Powell also defended proposed $ 75 million in humanitarian aid to the Palestinians in the face of Senate criticism blaming them for the violence with Israel. Mr. Powell said it is in the U. S. national interest not to cat funds to the Palestinians.

________ people were killed in the Israel and Palestine clashes.





听力原文:The Bush administration Friday reaffirmed its opposition to Israel trying to exil

听力原文: The Bush administration Friday reaffirmed its opposition to Israel trying to exile or kill Palestinian leader Yasser Ararat. The comments followed an assertion by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that he was no longer bound by a commitment to the United States not to harm the Palestinian Authority chief.

A senior Bush administration official says the United States has made it "entirely clear" that it would oppose any action to harm Yasser Ararat and that the U. S. position has been reiterated to Israeli authorities following the latest Sharon remarks.

The Israeli Prime Minister said in a television interview Friday that he told President Bush at their White House meeting last week that he had released himself from a commitment he made to the United States three years ago not to physically harm Mr. Ararat.

The senior administration official, who spoke to reporters at the White House, said the issue had come up at the April 14 meeting and that the President reiterated U. S. opposition to such an action.

He said the matter had been taken up with Israel following the Sharon interview remarks and that the United States considers the Sharon promise to still be operative. "We consider a pledge," he said," a pledge. "

Sharon made a commitment three years ago that ______.

A.he would not harm Arafat

B.he would withdraw his troops

C.he would deal with the conflict between Israel and Palestine

D.he would not overthrow Palestinian government

听力原文: The Bush administration Friday reaffirmed its opposition to Israel trying to exi
le or kill Palestinian leader Yasser Ararat. The comments followed an assertion by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that he was no longer bound by a commitment to the United States not to harm the Palestinian Authority chief.

A senior Bush administration official says the United States has made it "entirely clear" that it would oppose any action to harm Yasser Arafat and that the U. S. position has been reiterated to Israeli authorities following the latest Sharon remarks.

The Israeli Prime Minister said in a television interview Friday that he told President Bush at their White House meeting last week that he had released himself from a commitment he made to the United States three years ago not to physically harm Mr. Arafat.

The senior administration official, who spoke to reporters at the White House, said the issue had come up at the April 14 meeting and that the President reiterated U. S. opposition to such an action.

He said the matter had been taken up with Israel following the Sharon interview remarks and that the United States considers the Sharon promise to still be operative. "We consider a pledge," he said, "a pledge."

Sharon made a commitment three years ago that______.

A.he would not harm Ararat

B.he would withdraw his troops

C.he would deal with the conflict between Israel and Palestine

D.he would not overthrow Palestinian government

听力原文: Jewish settler Avi Farhan, determined not to give up his home over looking the s
ea when Israel quits the occupied Gaza Strip, is looking into becoming a Palestinian.

"I have met with Palestinians. I am willing to be a test case for peace and take up Palestinian citizenship," Farhan told Reuters. "It will hurt me to give up my Israeli citizenship, but I want to remain here."

One Palestinian official suggested he might be allowed to stay in overcrowded Gaza—home to 1.4 million Palestinians—as long as he obeyed Palestinian laws. Actual citizenship could only be decided on an individual basis and any applicant would have to meet the same conditions as anyone else.

Ordinary Gazans have long viewed the 8,500 settlers in the territory as bitter enemies living on land they want for a state.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon plans to give up all 21 Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip as well as four of 120 in the West Balk in what he bills "disengagement" from conflict with the Palestinians. With drawals start next month.

Farhan, a Libyan-born Jew who left Tripoli for Israel at the age of three in the wake of the 1948 war at Israel's creation, said seven families were willing to stay in the mostly secular Gaza settlement of Elei Sinai after Israeli troops leave.

Farhan, 59, helped establish Elei Sinai after being forced to leave the Sinai settlement of Yamit in 1982. Like the West Bank and Gaza, Israel captured Sinai in the 1967 war, but returned it to Egypt under a peace deal.

Jewish settler Avi Farhan can continue to stay in the occupied Gaza Strip ______.

A.if he can become a Palestinian citizen

B.if Israeli troops stop their withdrawal

C.if Libya and Egypt are willing to help

D.if Palestine and Israel can make peace

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