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提问人:网友apple_cug 发布时间:2022-01-07

Although "lie detectors" are widely used by governments, police departments and businesses

, the results are not always accurate. Lie detectors are commonly【C1】______as emotion detectors, for their aim is to【C2】______bodily changes that contradict what a【C3】______says. The lie detector records changes【C4】______heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and the electrical【C5】______of the skin. In the first part of the【C6】______, you are electronically connected to the machine and【C7】______a few neutral questions("What is your name?" etc). Your physical reactions serve【C8】______the standard for evaluating what comes【C9】______. Then you are presented with a few【C10】______questions among the neutral ones("When did you rob the bank?" ). The idea is that if you are【C11】______, your body will reveal the truth, even if you try to【C12】______it. Your heart rate and breathing will change【C13】______as you respond to the question.

That is the theory, but psychologists have found that lie detectors are simply not【C14】______. Since most physical changes are the same across【C15】______emotions, lie detectors cannot tell【C16】______you are feeling angry, nervous or excited.【C17】______people may be tense and nervous【C18】______the whole procedure. They may react physiologically to a certain word("bank")not because they robbed it, but because they recently used a bad check. In either【C19】______, the machine will record a "lie" .

On the other hand, some practiced liars can lie【C20】______hesitation, so the reverse mistake is also common.






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更多“Although "lie detectors" are widely used by governments, police departments and businesses”相关的问题
Potentially offering a powerful new tool against terrorism, researchers have found a novel
way to detect deception: in the liar's blushing face.

The technique, described in the journal, Nature, uses a thermal camera to detect sudden, involuntary shifts of blood flow in the face. The system performed as accurately as a traditional polygraph, the scientists report.

Yet the camera can provide answers instantly, and does not require a highly trained specialist to operate it or interpret its results. This makes it far better suited than the polygraph for a new, high-tech approach to security that is already raising the hackles of civil libertarians: the screening of large numbers of citizens, at airports and other sensitive areas, who have done nothing wrong.

"The next decade is going to see the development of truly accurate lie detectors," said Stephen M. Kosslyn, an expert on detecting lies and a professor of psychology at Harvard University.

The prototype, built by researchers at the Mayo Clinic and Honeywell Laboratories in Minnesota, is at least 2 years from being ready for general use. But other scientists said the discovery of previously unknown physiological changes in the face was itself an important step forward.

"This is potentially very important work, which may open a new window on the mind," said Kosslyn.

Pushed by technological advances, and with fresh interest, since Sept. 11, the discovery is part of a boom in the scientific study of deceit and its detection. Although the lie remains a mysterious phenomenon, researchers in recent years have found a number of new approaches that might replace the polygraph, from brain scans, to subtle changes in eye movement, to sparks of electrical activity that signal a person has seen a victim or a crime scene before.

The new finding, though, is remarkable for its simplicity. When a person tells a lie, the team found, there is a sudden rush of blood to the area around the eyes, according to the Mayo Clinic's Dr. James A. Levine. Although the change is not: ordinarily visible, the blood warms the skin, causing hands of color to appear through a camera sensitive to heat.

The team devised a computer program that can identify the telltale changes based on the camera images. In testing at the US Department of Defense Polygraph Institute, which trains federal polygraph examiners, the device performed better than polygraphs, with 85 percent accuracy compared with 70 percent for the polygraph.

Compared with a traditional polygraph a thermal camera ______.

A.can show accurate results

B.can easily be handled by anybody

C.is a high-tech approach to security

D.is used to fight against terrorism

Potentially offering a powerful new tool against terrorism, researchers have found a novel
way to detect deception: in the liar's blushing face.

The technique, described in the journal, Nature, uses a thermal camera to detect sudden, involuntary shifts of blood flow in the face. The system performed as accurately as a traditional polygraph, the scientists report.

Yet the camera can provide answers instantly, and does not require a highly trained specialist to operate it or interpret its results. This makes it far better suited than the polygraph for a new, high-tech approach to security that is already raising the hackles of civil libertarians: the screening of large numbers of citizens, at airports and other sensitive areas, who have done nothing wrong.

"The next decade is going to see the development of truly accurate lie detectors," said Stephen M. Kosslyn, an expert on detecting lies and a professor of psychology at Harvard University.

The prototype, built by researchers at the Mayo Clinic and Honeywell Laboratories in Minnesota, is at least 2 years from being ready for general use. But other scientists said the discovery of previously unknown physiological changes in the face was itself an important step forward.

"This is potentially very important work, which may open a new window on the mind," said Kosslyn.

Pushed by technological advances, and with fresh interest, since Sept. 11, the discovery is part of a boom in the scientific study of deceit and its detection. Although the lie remains a mysterious phenomenon, researchers in recent years have found a number of new approaches that might replace the polygraph, from brain scans, to subtle changes in eye movement, to sparks of electrical activity that signal a person has seen a victim or a crime scene before.

The new finding, though, is remarkable for its simplicity. When a person tells a lie, the team found, there is a sudden rush of blood to the area around the eyes, according to the Mayo Clinic's Dr. James A. Levine. Although the change is not: ordinarily visible, the blood warms the skin, causing hands of color to appear through a camera sensitive to heat.

The team devised a computer program that can identify the telltale changes based on the camera images. In testing at the US Department of Defense Polygraph Institute, which trains federal polygraph examiners, the device performed better than polygraphs, with 85 percent accuracy compared with 70 percent for the polygraph.

Compared with a traditional polygraph a thermal camera ______.

A.can show accurate results

B.can easily be handled by anybody

C.is a high-tech approach to security

D.is used to fight against terrorism

Which of the following is TRUE?A.The robber fired a shot to make the customers lie on the

Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The robber fired a shot to make the customers lie on the floor.

B.The robber fired the gun after he loaded it.

C.The robber didn't fire the gun because it wasn't loaded.

D.The robber didn't fire the gun although it may be loaded.

Although "lie detectors" are widely used by governments, police departments and businesses
, the results are not always accurate. Lie detectors are commonly【C1】______as emotion detectors, for their aim is to【C2】______bodily changes that contradict what a【C3】______says. The lie detector records changes【C4】______heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and the electrical【C5】______of the skin. In the first part of the【C6】______, you are electronically connected to the machine and【C7】______a few neutral question("What is your name?" etc). Your physical reactions serve【C8】______the standard for evaluating what comes【C9】______Then you are presented with a few【C10】______questions among the neutral ones("When did you rob the bank?"). The idea is that if you are【C11】______, your body will reveal the truth, even if you try to【C12】______it. Your heart rate and breathing will change【C13】______as you respond to the questions.

That is the theory, but psychologists have found that lie detectors are simply not

【C14】______.Since most physical changes are the same across【C15】______emotions, lie detectors can- not tell【C16】______you are feeling angry, nervous or excited.【C17】______people may be tense and nervous【C18】______the whole procedure. They may react physiologically to a certain word ("bank") not because they robbed it, but because they recently used a bad check. In either【C19】______,the machine will record a“ lie”.

On the other hand, some practiced liars can lie【C20】______hesitation, so the reverse mistake is also common.






Assignment 6 - Outlier mining You are required to ...

Assignment 6 - Outlier mining You are required to use outlier mining methods to detect the outliers with given data sets. In a section of a city road, several cameras are set to collect the plate of vehicles from 2017-06-09 to 2017-06-12, as well as the date and time when passing the start point and the finish point. Travel time is calculated later. Time serial is another form of transformation from start time. So each instance contains 8 attributes, including serial number, license plate number, date and time passing start/end point, time serial and travel time. There are totally 4977 instances. You need to finish the following tasks. Task: (1) Use statistic-based approach to detect the outliers of travel time. Calculate the mean value and the variance of travel time. Write out the confidence interval. Take time serial as X-axis and the travel time as Y-axis. Plot the scatter diagram and mark the outliers you have recognized. (2) Use distance-based approach to detect the outliers of travel time. An object o in data set D is defined as an outlier with parameters r and π described as DB(r,π), if a fraction of the objects in D lie at a distance less than r from o is less than π, o is an outlier. Let parameter r vary from 0.1 to 0.3 with the step of 0.1, and π vary from 30 to 90 with the step of 30, find the outliers and the number of the outliers. You can use the Euclidian distance. (3) Use density-based approach to detect the outliers of travel time. With different k (from 3 to 400 with the step of 5), the number of neighbors, calculate the LOF for each data point. Set 2.0 as a threshold for LOF and an object is labeled as an outlier if its LOF exceeds 2.0. Firstly, take k value as X-axis and the number of outliers as Y-axis. Plot the line chart. Secondly, calculate the LOF for each data point and give the top 4 outliers. Use k=350 and the Euclidian distance.

Can you identify the immediate etymological source of the following words? (For example

Can you identify the immediate etymological source of the following words? (For example,the immediate source of“meaning”is French,although the more remote source is Latin)能否确定下列词语的直接语源?(如:“meaning”的直接语源是法语,尽管它更远的来源是拉丁语) (a)air (b)barbecue (c)bungalow (d)Cola (e)gusto (f)babel (g)buffalo (h)cocoa (i)costume (j)ill (k)mule (l)decreed (m)revolution (n)benevolent (o)lie (p)topic (q)subject (r)theme (s)wind (t)datum

A new generation of storytellers has been born whose deceptions have benefited from a coll
ege education.

A psychological research has found that while lies typically take place in a fifth of all 10-minute conversations, the number increases to one in three if the participants have been university or college- educated.

Education gives some people the vocabulary and confidence to deceive. The lies may not be important-so-called white lies--but they are more sophisticated than you might find elsewhere in society.

Other research also implicates the better-educated as more likely to lie. A survey of lies among 500 people showed that more highly trained people could not only make up more lies but also detect them more easily.

Scientists are only starting to study how higher education that emphasizes learning and repeating stories, nurtures(培养) an ability to shape experience and memorize it. There is a connection that may have something to do with the education style. that people receive, but it's still too early to make a conclusion.

Investigation also shows that highly educated government officials who never lied are increasingly rare. The grown-ups who would rather get into difficulties than tell a lie have been replaced by much younger intellectuals who tend to be more ruthless(无情的) and don't care so much about the truth.

"I remember some colleagues boasting about how much money they received for getting a gentleman a passport, and that sort of thing. They looked excited and could not stop themselves, even the graceful ladies." said a retired official. While the better-educated may be more frequent liars, psychologists are also finding that women are starting to overtake men.

It is traditionally viewed that men lie more than women, such as empty boasts about their jobs while women tend to tell untruths only in order to avoid hurting and to protect family members.

This is changing, however. Twenty years ago sociologists at Bath University showed that men would lie up to 10 times as often as women. Five years ago the research result was three times as often. And now the gap has narrowed to a few points: t58% of men and 62% of women said they would lie and cheat in an interview to get a job.

Their research suggests that while men still lie as much as they always have done, women are set to outperform. them in the next decade.

"Storytellers" in the first sentence refers to ______.




D.college students

A physician who is too thorough in conducting a medical checkup is likely to subject the p
atient to the discomfort and expense of unnecessary tests. One who is not thorough enough is likely to miss some serious problem and therefore give the patient a false sense of security. It is difficult for physicians to judge exactly how thorough they should be. Therefore, it is generally unwise for patients to have medical checkups when they do not feel ill. Which one of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the argument in the passage?

A.Some serious diseases in their early stages have symptoms that physicians can readily detect, although patients are not aware of any problem.

B.Under the pressure of reduced reimbursements, physicians have been reducing the average amount of time they spend on each medical checkup.

C.Patients not medically trained are unable to judge for themselves what degree of thoroughness is appropriate for physicians in conducting medical checkups.

D.Many people are financially unable to afford regular medical checkups.

E.Some physicians sometimes exercise exactly the right degree of thoroughness in performing a medical checkup.

New Technique Promises Earlier Cancer Detection A new technique could revolutionize the ea

New Technique Promises Earlier Cancer Detection

A new technique could revolutionize the early detection of cancer, giving sufferers a greater chance of beating the disease, American scientists said. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have devised a novel method of(51)changes in the nucleus of cells in the earliest stages of the disease. "More than 85 percent of all cancers originate in the epithelium (上皮) that lines the internal surfaces of organs(52)the body. Although these are treatable(53)they are diagnosed in one of the preventable stages, early body damages are almost(54)to detect," said scientist Feld. "We present a new optical-probe (光学探子) technique based on light-scattering spectroscopy (分光镜检查) that is able(55)detect pre-cancerous and early cancerous cells in cell-rich epithelia," he added in a statement.

The new technique relies on the fact(56)cell nuclei change in the early stages of cancer and the differences scatter light in a characteristic way. Until now the changes were only detectable(57)a biopsy (活检) was taken, the scientists said. The new technique,(58)in the science journal Nature, can be used in conjunction with a routine cancer screening and surveillance technique which uses an endoscope (内窥镜)--a flexible optical probe(59)with cameras which is inserted into a cavity in the body--to check(60)cancers.

The scientists said they(61)their new technique in four different organs during routine endoscopic cancer screening. The tip of the optical probe was brought into contact with the tissue to be tested and the scattering of light was recorded without the need for any tissue to be(62), the scientists said. "Our results show that light-scattering spectroscopy has the potential to detect pre-cancerous body damages and pre-invasive cancers throughout the body. This technique should(63)improve the efficiency of cancer screening and surveillance," the scientists said. Cancer is one of the biggest(64)in industrialized countries.(65)to figures from the World Health Organization, 10 million people were diagnosed with the disease worldwide in 1997 and six million died.





听力原文:Although we are told when young that honesty is the best policy, we are often tau

听力原文: Although we are told when young that honesty is the best policy, we are often taught the opposite by experience and observation. A child quickly learns that she cannot always tell the truth. For instance, the little girl who tells her great aunt that she's fat and ugly learns that honesty can have some unfortunate results. Similarly the five-year-old who admits to pinching the baby soon has ample evidence that dishonesty might be the real virtue. In addition to her own experience, the child also observes that adults don't practice what they preach about honesty. Any alert child knows by the age of eight that adults really employ the little white lie to serve their own purposes. For instance, a child may hear a parent explain on the phone that his family have a lot of company when the child knows that no one is there but family members. Another child may hear her mother insist that she's terribly glad to see an old friend who has dropped by and then, two hours later, hear her mother complain about her day being interrupted by the visit. As a result, the child learns from watching that dishonesty is the practice even when honesty is the stated policy.


A.Practice requires him to be honest.

B.Dishonesty is not a virtue.

C.Honesty may make him suffer.

D.Honesty is the best policy.

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