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提问人:网友ywy88628 发布时间:2022-01-06

According to Alan Wells, what seems to be the problem which has lasted for dozens of years

A.High unemployment rate.

B.Inadequacy of school facilities.

C.Ineffectiveness of school education.

D.Poor qualifications of teachers.

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更多“According to Alan Wells, what seems to be the problem which has lasted for dozens of years”相关的问题
According to Alan Paller, we can learn thatA.the private companies accepted the idea that

According to Alan Paller, we can learn that

A.the private companies accepted the idea that their networks will be monitored for the sake of cyber-safety.

B.the government proposes that it will not exchange cyber-threat data with the private companies.

C.the data-sharing project will not allow the government to survey the private companies" networks.

D.the data-sharing project can help the government persuade the private companies to accept some government surveillance.

The Turing machine is an abstract(71)of computer execution and storage introduced in 1936

The Turing machine is an abstract(71)of computer execution and storage introduced in 1936 by Alan Turing to give a mathematically precise definition of(72). or 'mechanical procedure'. As such it is still widely used in theoretical computer science, especially in(73)theory and the theory of computation. The thesis that states that Turing machines indeed capture the informal notion of effective or mechanical method in logic and mathematics is known as Turing's thesis.

Every Turing machine computes a certain(74)partial function over the strings over its alphabet. In that sense it behaves like a computer with a fixed program. However, as Alan luring already described, we can encode the action table of every Turing machine in a string. Thus we might try to construct a Turing machine that expects on its tape a string describing an action table followed by a string describing the input tape, and then computes the tape that the encoded Turing machine would have computed. As Turing showed, such a luring machine is indeed possible and since it is able to simulate any other Turing machine it is called a(75)Turing machine.

A universal Turing machine is Turing complete. It can calculate any recursive function, decide any recursive language, and accept any recursively enumerable language. According to the Church-Turing thesis, the problems solvable by a universal Turing machine are exactly those problems solvable by an algorithm or an effective method of computation, for any reasonable definition of those terms.





According to James Alan Fox, the challenge to criminal justice in the U.S.A. is ______.

According to Alan, creativity in salespeople ______.A.is something that can not be trained

According to Alan, creativity in salespeople ______.

A.is something that can not be trained or taught

B.is something that can be gained through years of experience

C.is the ability to "think outside the box"

D.is the ability to persuade customers effectively and efficiently

We love the SDGs是谁的作品?

A、Alan Walker

B、Alan Hovhaness

C、Alan Benzie

D、Alan Atkisson

According to Princeton professor Alan Krueger' s study, which is true?A.College education

According to Princeton professor Alan Krueger' s study, which is true?

A.College education is closely related to earnings.

B.The better college one goes to, the more money he will make.

C.It' s reasonable to be skeptical about higher education.

D.Alma maters mean much to one' s future fortune.

While much of our contemporary disquiet about priv

acy tends to spring from the malevolent capacity of technology, the yearning for a private realm long precedes the Brave New World of bits and bytes, of electronic surveillance, and CCTV. Indeed, anthropologists have demonstrated that there is a near-universal desire for individual and group privacy in primitive societies, and that this is reflected in appropriate social norms. Moreover, we are not alone in seeking refuge from the crowd. Animals too need privacy.At the most general level, the idea of privacy embraces the desire to be left alone, free to be ourselves—uninhibited and unconstrained by the prying of others. This extends beyond snooping and unsolicited publicity to intrusions upon the “space” we need to make intimate, personal decisions without the intrusion of the state. Thus “privacy” is frequently employed to describe a zone demarcated as “private” in which, for example, a woman exercises a choice as to whether she wishes to have an abortion, or an individual is free to express his or her sexuality. Debates about privacy are therefore often entangled with contentious moral questions, including the use of contraception and the right to pornography.In any event, it is clear that at the core of our concern to protect privacy lies a conception of the individual’s relationship with society. Once we acknowledge a separation between the public and the private domain, we assume a community in which not only does such a division make sense, but also an institutional structure that makes possible an account of this sort. In other words, to postulate the “private” presupposes the “public”.A life without privacy is inconceivable. But what purposes does privacy actually serve? In addition to its significance in liberal democratic theory, privacy stakes out a sphere for creativity, psychological wellbeing, our ability to love, forge social relationships, promote trust, intimacy, and friendship.In his classic work, Alan Westin identifies four functions of privacy that combine the concept’s individual and social dimensions. First, it engenders personal autonomy; the democratic principle of individuality is associated with the need for such autonomy—the desire to avoid manipulation or domination by others. Second, it provides the opportunity for emotional release. Privacy allows us to remove our social mask: On any given day a man may move through the roles of stern father, loving husband, car-pool comedian, skilled lathe operator, union steward, water-cooler flirt, and American Legion committee chairman—all psychologically different roles that he adopts as he moves from scene to scene on the individual stage. Privacy gives individuals, from factory workers to Presidents, a chance to lay their masks aside for rest. To be always “on” would destroy the human organism.Third, it allows us to engage in self-uation—the ability to formulate and test creative and moral activities and ideas. And, fourth, privacy offers us the environment in which we can share confidences and intimacies, and engage in limited and protected communication.

1、Where does much of our current worry about privacy come from according to the author_________?

A、It comes from the evil power of technology.

B、It comes from the primitive societies.

C、It comes from the longing for a private realm.

D、It comes from our seeking refuge from the crowd.

2、What is the main idea of the second paragraph?.

A、It mainly explains the differences between the individual and the public._________

B、It mainly expounds what privacy is.

C、It mainly emphasizes that privacy is involved in some moral questions.

D、It mainly emphasizes the importance of privacy to women.

3、How do you understand the sentence “In other words, to postulate the ‘private’ presupposes the ‘public’”_________?

A、It means that to assume the “private” is the precondition of the “public”.

B、It means that the “private” and the “public” are entangled with each other.

C、It means that the “public” is the precondition of assuming the “private”.

D、It means that the “public” is unrelated to the “private”.

4、According to Alan Westin, how many functions does privacy have_________?

A、Five functions.

B、Three functions.

C、Two functions.

D、Four functions.

5、What is the first function of privacy mentioned in Alan’s book_________?

A、It offers a personal autonomy to satisfy the desire for not being controlled by others.

B、It provides the chance for emotional release.

C、It allows human beings to be engaged in uating themselves.

D、It offers a personal and intimate environment.

Which of the following statements about Alan Greenspan is correct?()

A.He managed monetary policy according to classic economic theory.

B.He is not dogmatic at all.

C.He believes a central banker should burst a bubble by raising interest.

D.He is a great central banker and he has never made big mistakes.

Which of these posters has Alan made?A. Save Our Sports GroundB. Say No to Houses on Parso

Which of these posters has Alan made?

A. Save Our Sports Ground

B. Say No to Houses on Parson's Place

C. We Need Homes Not Hotels

D. Use the Train Not the Road

According to Alan Milburns report, which of the following is the current situation of soci
al mobility?

A.It has been reversed.

B.It hasn"t any changes nowadays.

C.It hasn"t had any changes since the past decades.

D.Government and universities pay for more students to take degrees.

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