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提问人:网友yitianbaihu 发布时间:2022-01-06

I did not lose my head at all. It means______.A.no one killed me, I was still aliveB.there

I did not lose my head at all. It means______.

A.no one killed me, I was still alive

B.there was nothing wrong with my brain

C.my brain worked still well

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更多“I did not lose my head at all. It means______.A.no one killed me, I was still aliveB.there”相关的问题
听力原文:A man had to go to the court, and he asked his lawyer which judge he would have i

听力原文: A man had to go to the court, and he asked his lawyer which judge he would have in the case. His lawyer told him and asked, "Don't you know him?"

"I don't know him", said the man, "but I want to send him a bottle of wine."

The lawyer was terribly shocked. "You can't do that," he said," you would seriously break the law, and you would surely lose the case. "Some weeks later, the case was heard, and the man won. As he was leaving the court, he said to his lawyer, "My present to the judge was quite successful, wasn't it?"

The lawyer was even more shocked than before, and said, "What? Did you really scud the judge that wine after I told you?"

"Yes, .certainly. "The man answered. "But I put my opponent's name on the card which I sent with the wine."


A.He should not break the law.

B.He should send good wine to the judge.

C.He would be sure to lose the case if he didn't send good wine to the judge.

D.He would be sure to win the case.

听力原文:A man had to go to court, and he asked his lawyer which judge would be hearing hi

听力原文: A man had to go to court, and he asked his lawyer which judge would be hearing his case. His lawyer told him and then said "Do you know him?"

The man answered, "No, but I wanted to know his name so that I could send him a dozen bottles of good wine."

The lawyer was terribly shocked. "You can't do that. You would be breaking the law very seriously, and you would be sure to lose the case."

Some weeks later the case was heard, and the man won it. As he was leaving the court, he said to the lawyer, "My gift to the judge was quite successful, wasn't it?"

The lawyer was even more shocked than before, and said, "What? Did you really send him that wine after what I told you?"

"Yes, certainly," answered the man. "But I put my opponent's name on the card which I sent with the wine."


A.Because he wanted to buy some wine from the judge.

B.Because he wanted to win the case.

C.Because he wanted to send some flowers to the judge.

D.Because he wanted to lose the case.

听力原文: A man had to go to court, and he asked his lawyer which judge would be hearing h
is case. His lawyer told him and then said: "Do yen know him?"

The man answered. "No. but I wanted to know his name so that I could send him a dozen bottles of good wine."

The lawyer was terribly shocked "You can't do that." He said. "You would be breaking the law very seriously, and you would be sure to lose the case."

Some weeks later the case was heard, and the man won it. As he was leaving the court, he said to his lawyer, "My present to the judge was quite successful, wasn't it?"

The lawyer wan even more shocked than before, and said. "What? Did you really send him that wine after whet I told you?"

"Yes, certainly," answered the man. "But I put my opponent's name on the card which I sent with the wine."

What did the man ask his lawyer?


A.The name of the judge who would be responsible.

B.Whether he should send a card to the judge.

C.Whether he should send some wine to the judge,

D.Whether a dozen bottles of good wine would be enough.

A man had to go to court, and he asked his lawyer which judge would be hearing the case.
His lawyer told him and asked, “ Do you know him?”

The man answered, “No, but I wanted to know his name so that I could send him a dozen bottles of good wine.”

The lawyer was terribly shocked. “You cannot do that,” he said. “You would seriously break the law, and you will surely lose the case.”

Some weeks later, the case was heard, and the man won it. As he was leaving the court, he said to his lawyer, “My present to the judge was quite successful, wasn’t it?”The lawyer was even more shocked than before, and said, “ What? Did you really send him that wine after what I told you?”

“Yes, certainly,” answered the man. “But I put my opponent’s name on the card which I sent with the wine.”

1. The word “him” in the sentence “Do you know him?” refers to ______.

A. the man

B. the man’s opponent

C. the man’s lawyer

D. the judge

2. The man’s lawyer told him______.

A. he should not break the law

B. he should send good wine to the judge

C. he would be sure to lose the case if he didn’t send good wine to the judge

D. he would be sure to win the case

3. The man won the case because ______.

A. he did as his lawyer said

B. he didn’t break the law

C. he sent the present to the judge, but he didn’t use his own name

D. he didn’t send good wine to the judge

4. The lawyer was even more shocked when he found that his man ______.

A. won the case

B. lost the case

C. didn’t listen to him

D. did a good deed

5. From what the man did, we know______.

A. he was an honest man

B. he was a tricky man

C. he was a bad man

D. he was not good or bad

听力原文:M: Hello.W: Hello, John. This is .Florence Richardson. I'm sorry to phone youatth

听力原文:M: Hello.

W: Hello, John. This is .Florence Richardson. I'm sorry to phone you at this hour, but I'm experiencing a sticky issue and I can't think of anyone to get advice from besides you.

M: What's up?

W: Well, I moved to my present apartment a couple of months ago and now I'm thinking to defer my studies and planning to return to my parents' place next month. Today, I gave notice to my landlord but he said he's unable to give my deposit back since I have to stay a minimum of six months.

M: Are you giving him a-month-in-advance notice to move?

W: Yes, that's exactly what I did today. In the tenancy agreement that's the timeframe. requested to notify the landlord.

M: Yes, that's the usual practice. Well, in the tenancy agreement, did it state that there's a minimum of six months stay or the deposit would be forfeited?

W: Not that I could remember. Besides, I have never heard of such a clause in the contract.

M: Well, I have never heard of it either. It could be the landlord is trying to intimidate you. Perhaps you should pull your contract out and have a word with him.

W: Yes, that's exactly what I'm thinking Of. But he said he spent time and money on advertisement to get a tenant and it wouldn't be fair on him if I just stayed for two months.

M: Well, that's not the Point, Florence. It doesn't matter how much he spent on advertisement, but the fact is he shouldn't force a tenant to stay if he or she doesn't want to. Besides, if the contract does not state the timeframe, then he shouldn't impose it himself.

W: You are right, John. You just confirmed my reasoning.

M: Look, Florence, I'll go with you to see the landlord tomorrow and if he still insists On not giving your deposit back, we'll go to the small claims court to get your money back.

W: Thanks, John. I really appreciate that.


A.She can't find a new place to live.

B.The landlord wants her to move out after only g months.

C.She thinks she will lose her deposit money.

D.The contract states she must stay for 6 months so she can't move.

In the following passage, Philip Roth is talking to a friend, Joanna, about his father. "D

In the following passage, Philip Roth is talking to a friend, Joanna, about his father.

"Did I ever tell you what happened when he was mugged a couple of years ago? He could have got himself killed. '

"No. Tell me."

"A black kid about fourteen approached him with a gun on a side street leading to their little temple. It was the middle of the afternoon. My father had been at the temple office helping them with mailing or something and he was coming home. The black kids prey on the elderly Jews in his neighborhood even in broad daylight. They bicycle in from Newark, he tells me, take their money, laugh, and go home". "Get in the bushes," he tells my father. "I'm not getting in any bushes," my father says. "You can have whatever you want, and you don't need that piece to get it. You can put that piece away." The kid lowers the gun and my father gives him his wallet." Take all the money," my father says, "but if the wallet's of no value to you, I wouldn't mind it back. "The kid takes the money, gives back the wallet, and he runs. And you know what my father does? He calls across the street, "How much did you get?" And the kid is obedient--he counts it for him. "Twenty-three dollars, "the kid says." Good," my father tells him-- "now don't go out and spend it on crap."

Joanna laughed. "Well, he's not guilty, your father. Of course he treats him like a son. He knows that the Jews in Bialystok were not responsible for the New England slave trade."

"It's that--it's more. He doesn't experience powerlessness in the usual way."

"Yes, he's oblivious to it,"she said. "He won't give in to it. It makes for terrific insensitivity but also for terrific guts".

"Yes, what goes into survival isn't always pretty. He got a lot of mileage out of never recognizing the differences among people. All my life I have been trying to tell him that people are different one from the other. My mother understood this in a way that he didn't. Couldn't. This is what I used to long for in him, some of her forbearance and tolerance, this simple recognition that people are different and that the difference is legitimate. But he couldn't grasp it. They all had to work the same way, want the same way, be dutiful in the same way, and whoever did it different was meshugge--crazy."

Philip Roth's father refused to go into the bushes. This was most likely because he ______.

A.didn't think it was necessary

B.didn't believe the mugger was serious

C.thought he would lose his money if he did

D.was showing the "black kid" that he didn't understand him

Conversation TwoW: I'm so worried about Mark these days. Ever since he moved into his

Conversation Two

W: I'm so worried about Mark these days. Ever since he moved into his apartment, he has been losing weight. He really doesn't look well at all.

M: He should try to gain some weight. He is probably not eating enough.

W: Well, anyway, how is Tim these days?

M: Tim? Oh, Tim has been worried, too. He is really getting much too fat. He needs to lose about 75 pounds now.

W: That's a lot of weight to lose. What does Tim eat?

M: I really don't know. But I am sure he is eating too much cake and candy.

W: Well, did I tell you Mark doesn't eat any meat now? He only eats vegetables and fruit.

M : That's probably why he is so thin. Does he smoke?

W: Does he smoke? About two packs of cigarettes a day. That's my son, a smoking vegetarian.

M: En, if he stops smoking, he would gain weight. I know he would. Tim put on a lot of weight when he stopped smoking.

W : Does Tim play any sports?

M: Play sports? Oh, my! I keep telling him, "Tim, dear, you really need to get some exercise." And you know what he does? He just gets angry.

W: I know Mark doesn't take exercise, either.

M: Did you tell him?

W: Of course, but you know what it is like being a mother of a 13-year-old boy. They just don't think they need your advice anymore. I wish Mark could find a nice girlfriend to relax and have fun with. I heard Tim has a girlfriend at last. That's wonderful.

When did Mark start losing weight according to the woman?

A.Since he found a girlfriend.

B.Since he took to heavy smoking

C.Since he began to exercise regularly.

D.Since he started to live on his own.

听力原文:M: Hello.W: Hello, John. This is Florence Richardson. I'm sorry to phone you at t

听力原文:M: Hello.

W: Hello, John. This is Florence Richardson. I'm sorry to phone you at this hour, hat I'm experiencing a sticky issue, and I can't think of anyone to get advice from besides you.

M: What's up?

W: Well, I moved to my present apartment a couple months ago and now I'm thinking of deferring my studies and planning to return to my parents' place next month. Today, I gave notice to my landlord but he said he's unable to give my deposit back since I have to stay a minimum of six months.

M: Are you giving him a-month-in-advance notice to move?

W: Yes, that's exactly what I did today. In the tenancy agreement, that's the timeframe. requested to notify the landlord.

M: Yes, that's the usual practice. Well, in the tenancy agreement, did it state that there's a minimum of six months stay or the deposit would be forfeited?

W: Not that I could remember.

M: Well, I have never heard of it either. It could be the landlord is trying to intimidate you. Perhaps you should pull your contract out and have a word with him.

W: Yes, that's exactly what I'm thinking of.

M: If the contract does not state the time frame, then he shouldn't impose it himself.

W: You are right, John. You just confirmed my reasoning.

M: Look, Sarah, I'll go with you to see the landlord tomorrow and if he still insists on forfeiting your deposit, we'll go to the small claim court to get your money back.

W: Thanks, John, I really appreciate that.

Why is Sarah worried?

A.She can't find a new place to live.

B.The landlord wants her to move out after only 2 months.

C.She thinks she will lose her deposit money.

D.She can't move because the contract states she must stay for 6 months.

听力原文:W: Sorry, I'm late, James.M: It's all right, Mary. Where have you been?W: At the

听力原文:W: Sorry, I'm late, James.

M: It's all right, Mary. Where have you been?

W: At the police station.

M: Where?

W: At the police station. I've lost my briefcase.

M: Oh, no! What happened? Was there anything important in it?

W: Yes! My cheque book, all the papers I need for work, my appointment book (Q8).

M: Ah! That's terrible! How did you lose your briefcase?

W: Well, as you know, I was with my client at a meeting all morning (Q9) and we had lunch together, after lunch I went shopping, and when I wanted to buy something I couldn't find my cheque book, then I remembered that was in my briefcase and my briefcase was in my car.

M: So you went back to your car?

W: Yes, I went back to my car. No briefcase! But luckily my laptop was there (Q8).

M: And then you went to the police?

W: Not immediately. Before I went to the police station, I called my client's office. No luck. They said the briefcase wasn't there.

M: Excuse me! I've got a phone call. Yes, yes, there is. Mary Hopkins. Oh, really? I'll tell her. It was very kind of you to call. Bye!

W: Who was that?

M: That was the manager of the River Sun Restaurant. Just after lunch today, he found a briefcase under a table, when he opened the case, he found a lot of papers, he said they had the name of our company on them, and he found a cheque book with the name of Hopkins on it— M. Hopkins—M for Mary (Q10).

W: Ah! Thank god!

What is NOT missing in Mary's briefcase?

A.Her cheque book.

B.Her papers for work.

C.Her laptop.

D.Her appointment book.

I did not lose temper when he told me that he wanted to run away from home; instead, I tri
ed to ______ with him.





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