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提问人:网友qqgg1227 发布时间:2022-01-06

According to the "phased employment theory", during a woman's leave from her job ______.A.

According to the "phased employment theory", during a woman's leave from her job ______.

A.her work should be done by her husband or brothers

B.either her husband or her brothers will be given double wages

C.her family can still keep the same level of income

D.her family's income level will be a little lower than it normally is

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更多“According to the "phased employment theory", during a woman's leave from her job ______.A.”相关的问题
听力原文:The Beatles were a mystical happening that many people still don't understand. Ph

听力原文: The Beatles were a mystical happening that many people still don't understand. Phenomenologists had a ball in 1964 with Beafiemania, a generally harmless form. of madness which came from Britain in 1963. The sole cause of Beatlemania is a quartet of young Englishmen known as the Beatles. In the less than one year that they achieved popularity in England to the time they came to America, the Beatles achieved a popularity and following that is unprecedented in the history of show business in England. They became the first recording artists anywhere in the world to have a record become a million-seller before it was release. They became the target of such adoration by their fans that they had to cancel all one-night bookings because of riots in early 1964. Beatlemania had reached unbelievable proportions in England, it became a form. of reverse lend-lease and spread to the United States. Capitol records followed the Beetles' single record with the release of an album, "Meet the Beetles," in late January of 1964. That event was followed by the Beatles themselves, who arrived in New York February 8, 1964 for three appearances with Ed Sullivan.

According to the speaker, how many singers are there in the band of the Beatles?





听力原文:Everybody loves the swimming pool. But how clean is the water in the average back
yard or public pool? If you trust chlorine to take care of germs, you're in for a surprise. Chlorine and other disinfectants do indeed help to clean the water, but some germs can survive in even the best-kept pool. For example, cryptosporidium may live in pool water for several days. Crypto causes a diarrheal illness and may rinse off the bodies of infected people or diapered children into the pool. If you swallow infected pool water, you may become sick. Other germs may live for a few minutes or a few hours in a chlorinated pool: Giardia, Shigella, and E. Coli may cause diarrheal illnesses. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa may cause an ear infection called swimmer's ear and also a skin infection called "hot tub rash", that is usually associated with very warm pools and spas. While keeping the correct chlorine and PH levels will minimize water-borne illness, prevention is also a good idea.Keep diapered children in the water for only brief periods and keep sick people out of the water altogether. And, don't ever swallow pool water.

According to the passage, how long may Cryptosporidium live in pool water?

A.Several seconds.

B.Several minutes.

C.Several hours.

D.Several days.

A number of articles have been published by psychologists in favor of their procession bei
ng permitted to prescribe psychotropic (治疗精神病的) medications. A review of studies surveying practitioners, though reveals that the majority of psychologists are opposed to the gaining of prescription privileges. Unless a major shift occurs in the attitudes of most psychologists on this issue, prescription privileges could cause divisions within the field, as well as a greater division between psychologists and other professions.

There has been a growing interest in psychopharmacology (心理药物学) among a variety of subspecialties in psychology. Therefore, before psychologists become involved in prescribing. psychopharmacological agents, it is critical that licensure provisions be developed. According to psychologist Tom Kubiszyn, school psychologists, because of their training and setting, may be in a unique position to expand their competencies in the areas of pediatric medication and evaluation procedures, particularly with schoolchildren diagnosed as having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. However, Stephen DeMers of the University of Kentucky points out possible complications with school psychologists seeking greater involvement in psychopharmacology. School psychology programs provide much less training and experience in psychopathology and therapeutic interventions than clinical psychology programs do.

Within the field of psychology, there are varying degrees of credentials, making it difficult for clients to identify competent practitioners. For instance, in psychology, the public may have difficulty understanding the difference between a Psy D, a Ph D, and an Ed D. Some psychologists have a master's degree, while others have earned certificates of advancement in areas such as drug and alcohol or family therapy. Currently, psychology licensing acts allow for the credentialing of all psychologists with a doctoral degree, regardless of whether the individual was trained as a practitioner. Perhaps the Psy D and Ph D need to betwo distinct degrees, whereby the Psy D is for practitioners and the Ph D is for researchers and academicians. The result would be different training in psychology for the two degrees. The absence of criteria identifying the practitioner is a serious impediment for professional psychology and must be resolved before granting psychologists the right to prescribe psychotropic medication.

The prescription privileges of psychologists is probably NOT the cause for______.

A.divisions within the psychological field

B.their overwhelming oppositions to the gaining of such a right

C.a greater division between psychologists and other professions

D.a greater unity between psychologists and other professions

A number of articles have been published by psychologists in favor of their procession bei
ng permitted to prescribe psychotropic medications. A review of studies surveying practitioners, though reveals that the majority of psychologists are opposed to the gaining of prescription privileges, Unless a major shift occurs in the attitudes of most psychologists on this issue, prescription privileges could cause divisions within the field, as well as a greater division between psychologists and other professions.

There has been a growing interest in psychopharmacology among a variety of subspecialties in psychology. Therefore, before psychologists become involved in prescribing psychopharmacological agents, it is critical that licensure provisions be developed. According to psychologist Tom Kubiszyn, school psychologists, because of their training and setting, may be in a unique position to expand their competencies in the areas of pediatric medication and evaluation procedures, particularly with schoolchildren diagnosed as having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. However, Stephen DeMers of the University of Kentucky points out possible complications with school psychologists seeking greater involvement in psychopharmacology. School psychology programs provide much less training and experience in psychopathology and therapeutic interventions than clinical psychology programs do.

Within the field of psychology, there are varying degrees of credentials, making it difficult for clients to identify competent practitioners. For instance, in psychology, the public may have difficulty understanding the difference between a Psy D, a Ph D, and an Ed D Some psychologists have a master's degree, while others have earned certificates of advancement in areas such as drug and alcohol or family therapy. Currently, psychology licensing acts allow for the credentialing of all psychologists with a doctoral degree, regardless of whether the individual was trained as a practitioner. Perhaps the Psy D and Ph D need to be two distinct degrees, whereby the Psy D is for practitioners and the Ph. D. is for researchers and academicians. The result would be different training in psychology for the two degrees. The absence of criteria identifying the practitioner is a serious impediment for professional psychology and must be resolved before granting psychologists the right to prescribe psychotropic medication.

The prescription privileges of psychologists is probably NOT the cause for ______.

A.divisions within the psychological field

B.their overwhelming oppositions to the gaining of such a right

C.a greater division between psychologists and other professions

D.a greater unity between psychologists and other professions

第三篇The Robot Man According to Hans Moravec, universal robots will take over all the ph


The Robot Man

According to Hans Moravec, universal robots will take over all the physical activities that we engage in, leaving us with little to do. Moravec sees four generations on the road to true universal robots. The first generation will be here by 2010 and will consist of free-ranging robots that can navigate by building an internal mental map of their surroundings. In new situations they'll be able to adapt, unlike today's mobile industrial robots. These robots will have the computing power,to cope with simple speech and text recognition, and will be used for tasks such as domestic cleaning.

The second generation will arrive around 2020 and will be distinguished by the ability to learn. Second generation robots are programd with sets of primitive tasks and with feedback that provide "pleasure" and "pain" stimuli. For example, a collision provokes a negative response, a completed task would be positive.

Move forward another ten years to 2030 and you get to generation three. This robot can build internal simulations of the world around it. Before= beginning a task, it can imagine what will happen in order to predict problems. If it has a free moment, it can replay past experiences and try variations in order to find a better way of doing things next time. It could even observe a person or-another robot performing a task and learn by imitation. For the first time, we have here a robot that can think.

By the time we get to generation four in 2040, Moravec predicts that robots will be able to: match human reasoning and behaviour; generalise abstract ideas from specific experience; and, conversely, compile detailed plans of action from general commands such as 'earn a living' or 'make more robots'.

The Moravec manifesto (宣告) runs something like this. As robots start to become useful in generation one, they'll begin to take on-many tasks in industry. Driven by the availability of this cheap and tireless labour force, the economy will boom and the demand for robots will grow so rapidly that they will soon become low-cost commodity items So much so that they'll move into the home, where the domestic robot will relieve us of many chores.

With increasing automation in generations two and three, the length of the average working day will plummet, eventually to near zero. Most people will be unemployed as robots take over not just primary industry, but the service economy too. Moravec sees the fourth generation as an opportunity to surpass our human limitations.

These future machines will be our "mind children". Like biological children of previous generations, they will embody humanity's best hope for a long-term future.

41 What will be the distinctive feature of the second generation robots?

A They will be able to learn by themselves.

B They will be able to recognize speeches and texts.

C They will be able to predict problems.

D They will be able to match human reasoning and behavior.

Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the question on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),

ACID RAIN: What's the Solution?

One of the wildest regions in the U.S., far from civilization, is the Adirondack area of northern New York State. For years this isolated spot has had the reputation of being one of the best fishing spots in the U.S.

As a boy 30 years ago, Bill Marleau first tramped through the Adirondack wilderness near his small cabin on Woods Lake. Thousands of sportsmen have stayed at his father's lodge nearby.

But now Bill's 134 hectares (335 acres) of lakefront land have only scenic value. Gone are those huge trout that used to swim in the turbulent, nutrient rich water a short distance from his doorstep. Gone from the cool summer nights are the sounds of thousands of frogs and toads. And gone are the birds that once fed on those water creatures.

Occasionally Bill sees a lone fisherman fruitlessly cast his bait into the empty waters of old lake. "I just don't have the heart to tell them," he said. "This old lake's dead. It was killed years ago by acid rain."

What Is Acid Rain

Acid rain is a popular term for precipitation in the form. of rain, sleet, snow, or hail that is more acidic than normal. Acid rain is produced when atmospheric moisture combines with pollutants from power plants, factories, and automobiles.

When fossil fuels such as coal and oil are burned, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide are produced. These two gases react with the water and oxygen in the atmosphere to form. droplets of weak sulfuric and nitric acids.

Carried by prevailing winds and weather conditions, clouds containing these droplets travel hundreds, sometimes thousands of kilometers from the source of the pollutants. Recently scientists found that acid rain now affects huge areas of the Northern


Power plants and factories in the heavily industrialized regions of Ohio and Indiana are believed to be the source of the acid rain that killed Woods Lake along with hundreds of others in New York State and eastern Canada. Acid haze over Alaska is believed to come all the way from Japan. And precipitation as acidic as vinegar that falls on Scotland and Scandinavia probably originates in England.

How Acidity Is Measured

Scientists measure the acidity of rain in pH units. A pH scale from 0 to 14 is used. Depending upon its chemical composition, a solution is either acidic, alkaline (basic), or neutral. Distilled water, which has a pH of 7, is neutral. Substances with pH values less than 7 are acidic, while those with values over 7 are alkaline.

Normal rain water with a pH of 5.6 is slightly acidic. But after reacting with industrial pollutants, particularly sulfur dioxide, the pH of rain quickly drops.

When acid rain falls to Earth, much of it ends up in lakes and ponds. In addition to falling directly into a lake, acid rain runs off land into streams and rivers that eventually flow into lakes and ponds. Once acid rain gets into them, its effects can be deadly.

Studies started in 1975 in the Adirondacks indicate that salamanders and frogs are the first to die when the pH is lowered. Normally the pH of a lake is 8.0: slightly alkaline. When the pH drops to 7, the eggs of salamanders and frogs fail to hatch. At pH 6.6 snails begin to die.

Bacteria that decompose leaf matter die too, and the leaf matter collects on the take bottom. As the acidity continues to drop, all the major food chains in the lake become affected. In time all the fish die.

Eventually primitive, oxygen-consuming plants nearly choke out all other aquatic greenery. Algae and fungal growth that thrive in an acidic environment move in and cover the entire bottom of the now destroyed lake.

Looking like blue vinegar, the lake is now an entirely changed ecosystem. It contains no life except for the fungal and algal growth and a few surface dwelling water bugs.

Acid rain also affects plants on land. The effects of acid rain on terrestrial vegetation are not as well documented or as clearly understood as its effects on lakes. Experiments by Ellis B. Cowling of North Carolina State University, however, indicate that acid rain destroys the natural waxy coating on tree leaves and fruits. This destruction makes the plants more susceptible to disease.

Acid Rain Increasing

The acid rain problem seems to be getting worse. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the amount of sulfur dioxide from power plants, autos, and factories is four times greater than it was 25 years ago. And federal air pollution regulations don't seem to be helping as much as had been expected.

One problem is that the Clean Air Act of 1977 established air pollution standards based on measurements made at ground level. Environmentalists claim that this action has encouraged polluters to spread airborne pollutants at higher elevations instead of eliminating them altogether. Tall smokestacks, often more than 100 stories tall, now spread sulfur dioxide close to water carrying clouds.

Power company officials stress, however, that the tall stacks significantly reduce air pollution in areas near the power plants. And the officials also point to clean up efforts currently underway in the industry to reduce the amount of pollutants.

New cleaner burning furnaces have been installed in recently constructed power plants. Scrubbers are also available that can be installed on industrial and power plant smokestacks. The scrubbers can remove up to 85 percent of the sulfur given off from stacks. Meanwhile, experiments continue in the development of cleaner sources of fuel such as low-sulfur, liquid coal.

What can be done about lakes that are already acidic? Acidity can be reduced by dropping tons of lime (an alkaline substance) into the lake water. However, this solution is very expensive. Less optimistic scientists are trying to breed acid tolerant fish. These, measures, however are far from ideal. The solution to acid rain can only come from cooperation between industry, Government, and scientists.

For what reason is the Adirondack area called one of the wildest regions in the US?

A.Only primitive people live in the area.

B.Acid rain has produced a deadly effect upon this region.

C.The area has never been exploited for industrial purposes.

D.Only wild animals are found in the area.

Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and ans
wer the question on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

ACID RAIN: What's the Solution?

One of the wildest regions in the U.S., far from civilization, is the Adirondack area of northern New York State. For years this isolated spot has had the reputation of being one of the best fishing spots in the U.S.

As a boy 30 years ago, Bill Marleau first tramped through the Adirondack wilderness near his small cabin on Woods Lake. Thousands of sportsmen have stayed at his father's lodge nearby.

But now Bill's 134 hectares (335 acres) of lakefront land have only scenic value. Gone are those huge trout that used to swim in the turbulent, nutrient rich water a short distance from his doorstep. Gone from the cool summer nights are the sounds of thousands of frogs and toads. And gone are the birds that once fed on those water creatures.

Occasionally Bill sees a lone fisherman fruitlessly cast his bait into the empty waters of old lake. "I just don't have the heart to tell them," he said. "This old lake's dead. It was killed years ago by acid rain."

What Is Acid Rain

Acid rain is a popular term for precipitation in the form. of rain, sleet, snow, or hail that is more acidic than normal. Acid rain is produced when atmospheric moisture combines with pollutants from power plants, factories, and automobiles.

When fossil fuels such as coal and oil are burned, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide are produced. These two gases react with the water and oxygen in the atmosphere to form. droplets of weak sulfuric and nitric acids.

Carried by prevailing winds and weather conditions, clouds containing these droplets travel hundreds, sometimes thousands of kilometers from the source of the pollutants. Recently scientists found that acid rain now affects huge areas of the Northern


Power plants and factories in the heavily industrialized regions of Ohio and Indiana are believed to be the source of the acid rain that killed Woods Lake along with hundreds of others in New York State and eastern Canada. Acid haze over Alaska is believed to come all the way from Japan. And precipitation as acidic as vinegar that falls on Scotland and Scandinavia probably originates in England.

How Acidity Is Measured

Scientists measure the acidity of rain in pH units. A pH scale from 0 to 14 is used. Depending upon its chemical composition, a solution is either acidic, alkaline (basic), or neutral. Distilled water, which has a pH of 7, is neutral. Substances with pH values less than 7 are acidic, while those with values over 7 are alkaline.

Normal rain water with a pH of 5.6 is slightly acidic. But after reacting with industrial pollutants, particularly sulfur dioxide, the pH of rain quickly drops.

When acid rain falls to Earth, much of it ends up in lakes and ponds. In addition to falling directly into a lake, acid rain runs off land into streams and rivers that eventually flow into lakes and ponds. Once acid rain gets into them, its effects can be deadly.

Studies started in 1975 in the Adirondacks indicate that salamanders and frogs are the first to die when the pH is lowered. Normally the pH of a lake is 8.0: slightly alkaline. When the pH drops to 7, the eggs of salamanders and frogs fail to hatch. At pH 6.6 snails begin to die.

Bacteria that decompose leaf matter die too, and the leaf matter collects on the take bottom. As the acidity continues to drop, all the major food chains in the lake become affected. In time all the fish die.

Eventually primitive, oxygen-consuming plants nearly choke out all other aquatic greenery. Algae and fungal growth that thrive in an acidic environment move in and cover the entire bottom of the now destroyed lake.

Looking like blue vinegar, the lake is now an entirely changed ecosystem. It contains no life except for the fungal and algal growth and a few surface dwelling water bugs.

Acid rain also affects plants on land. The effects of acid rain on terrestrial vegetation are not as well documented or as clearly understood as its effects on lakes. Experiments by Ellis B. Cowling of North Carolina State University, however, indicate that acid rain destroys the natural waxy coating on tree leaves and fruits. This destruction makes the plants more susceptible to disease.

Acid Rain Increasing

The acid rain problem seems to be getting worse. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the amount of sulfur dioxide from power plants, autos, and factories is four times greater than it was 25 years ago. And federal air pollution regulations don't seem to be helping as much as had been expected.

One problem is that the Clean Air Act of 1977 established air pollution standards based on measurements made at ground level. Environmentalists claim that this action has encouraged polluters to spread airborne pollutants at higher elevations instead of eliminating them altogether. Tall smokestacks, often more than 100 stories tall, now spread sulfur dioxide close to water carrying clouds.

Power company officials stress, however, that the tall stacks significantly reduce air pollution in areas near the power plants. And the officials also point to clean up efforts currently underway in the industry to reduce the amount of pollutants.

New cleaner burning furnaces have been installed in recently constructed power plants. Scrubbers are also available that can be installed on industrial and power plant smokestacks. The scrubbers can remove up to 85 percent of the sulfur given off from stacks. Meanwhile, experiments continue in the development of cleaner sources of fuel such as low-sulfur, liquid coal.

What can be done about lakes that are already acidic? Acidity can be reduced by dropping tons of lime (an alkaline substance) into the lake water. However, this solution is very expensive. Less optimistic scientists are trying to breed acid tolerant fish. These, measures, however are far from ideal. The solution to acid rain can only come from cooperation between industry, Government, and scientists.

For what reason is the Adirondack area called one of the wildest regions in the US?

A.Only primitive people live in the area.

B.Acid rain has produced a deadly effect upon this region.

C.The area has never been exploited for industrial purposes.

D.Only wild animals are found in the area.

Funky, skunky beer "There are no health repercussions for out-of-date beer," says Dave Rad

Funky, skunky beer

"There are no health repercussions for out-of-date beer," says Dave Radzanowski, president of the Siebel Institute of Technology, a vocational training school for the beer industry. That' s because beer doesn' t support the growth of pathogens or disease-causing organisms. The combination of carbon dioxide, alcohol, low pH (high acidity), and antiseptic hops means that no pathogenic bacteria will survive. As the saying goes, if you can' t drink the water, drink the beer.

But, over time, beer can start to taste "papery" or "bready," changes a discerning drinker will notice after two to three months. Because thicker beers can mask the developing flavors, lighter beers will taste funky more quickly. Also, when the hops in beer are exposed to light, they start to give off a "skunky" flavor, says Radzanowski. The alcohol content, however, won't change as long as the packaging is intact.

Three summers of sunscreen

Most sunscreens are used up long before their expiration dates, although only some sunscreens carry an expiration date at all. According to regulations from the Food and Drug Administration, over-the-counter pharmaceuticals that show stability for three years do not have to carry an expiration date. Newer products will carry a two-year expiration date from the time of manufacture.

Whether a sunscreen actually degrades over time is a matter of-dispute. David Wiggins of ScheringPlough says that testers put his company' s Coppertone products in 122 degree Fahrenheit for three months and found virtually no change. And there was drop in the concentration of active ingredients at high temperatures or room temperature for five years, he says. But Darrell Rigel, president of the American Association of Dermatologists, disagrees, saying the active ingredients — PABA, benzolphenols, and oxybenzols — degrade significantly ih heat. "It's well accepted that in extreme heat, like a hot ear in the sun that can get up. to 160 or 180 degrees, over time a sunscreen can become 50 percent less effective," says Rigel. Bottom line: don't keep your sunscreen in the glove compartment all summer. And if you have any doubt about the potency of your sunscreen, reach for a new bottle. "The problem is the lack of efficacy,” says Mark Naylor, a tumor biologist, "when you think you're protected and you're really cooked.”

Over time, flavors of ______beers change more quickly.





According to mechanism the polymerization can be classified into ______ and ______.
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【填空题】【填空题】[图]Fill in the blanks according to the pa...【Fill in the blanks according to the passages.【填空题】[图]Fill in the blanks according to the pa...【

3) The id operates according to the principle of pleasure.
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