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提问人:网友liao044 发布时间:2022-01-06

Unemployment provides a chance for you to rethink ______.A.what you find and how to keep i

Unemployment provides a chance for you to rethink ______.

A.what you find and how to keep it

B.what you want and how to get it

C.how best you can do the new job

D.how best you can sort out a new job

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更多“Unemployment provides a chance for you to rethink ______.A.what you find and how to keep i”相关的问题
【单选题】In 1935, what did Congress pass for the first time to provide Americans with unemployment disability and pensions for old age?

A、the Social Security Act

B、the Medical Care Act

C、the Affordable Care Act

D、the Unemployment Insurance Act

Barbara Lynch is the product manager for a line of ski wear produced by HealthCo industrie
s. She would like to provide a quarterly forecast of sales for the Northern United States. One of her colleagues suggested that unemployment ()

What is the passage mainly about?A.How to persuade local communities to provide more funds

What is the passage mainly about?

A.How to persuade local communities to provide more funds.

B.How to cope with the shortage of funds for public education.

C.How to solve the rising unemployment problem.

D.How to improve the public education system.

According to the author, the answer to the problem of public education is that the Federal

A.should allocate Federal funds for public education

B.should demand that local communities provide support

C.should raise taxes to meet the needs of public education

D.should first of all solve the problem of unemployment

Job-hunting is a tough challenge to the graduates. Someone says graduation means the comin
g of unemployment. Provide your opinion on such a phenomenon and give some advice for such a dilemma. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Graduation, Synonym of Unemployment?

听力原文:Laid-off workers are still the focus of China's unemployment problem.Wang Yadong,

听力原文: Laid-off workers are still the focus of China's unemployment problem.

Wang Yadong, a senior official at the Ministry of Labor and Social Security said the year will conclude the government's three-year policy of actively promoting employment. The plan was adopted in 2002 to provide subsidies and job opportunities for laid-off workers. He said that a system of unemployment insurance will take its place.

By the end of last year, there were 1.53 million laid-off workers from state-owned companies nationwide, with 930,000 currently registered in re-employment service centers.

Ministry spokesman Hu Xiaoyi said officials will expand the unemployment insurance system this year to employees of non-state-owned enterprises. So far, a dozen provinces - mostly in the east and the north - have established such systems, while western areas will catch up gradually.

Meanwhile, the number of jobless young people is on the rise. Statistics show young people make up an increasing part of the unemployed, 0.7 percent more than that from the same period over last year.

Analysts say the upward expansion in college enrolment in recent years is much to blame since it has ignored unbalanced industrial development and has failed to match market demands.

The undesirable employment situation can also be found in some poor areas, several industries and some special groups, including the disabled.

The ministry said it will produce a new package of measures to solve employment problems among laid-off workers, college students and the rural labor force during the next year.


A.To adopt a three-year policy.

B.To provide subsidies.

C.To create more job opportunities.

D.To adopt a system of unemployment insurance.

SECTIONACOMPOSITION(35 MIN)Job-hunting is a tough challenge in face of the graduates. Some


Job-hunting is a tough challenge in face of the graduates. Someone says graduation means the coming of unemployment. Provide your opinion on such a phenomenon and give some advices for such a dilemma.

Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:

Graduation, Synonym of Unemployment?

You are to write in three parts.

In the first part, state specifically what your idea is.

In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your idea OR describe your idea.

In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

To what extent are the unemployed failing in their duty to society to work, and how far ha
s the State an obligation to ensure that they have work to do?

It is by now increasingly recognized that workers may be thrown out of work by industrial forces beyond their control, and that the unemployed are in some sense paying the price of the economic progress of the rest of the community. But concern with unemployment and the unemployed varies sharply. The issues of duty and responsibility were reopened and revitalized by the unemployment scare of 1971-1972. Rising unemployment and increased sums paid out in benefits to the workless had reawakened controversies which had been inactive during most of the period of fuller employment since the war ended the Depression. It looked as though in future there would again be too little work to go round, so there were arguments about how to produce more work, how the available work should be shared out, and who was responsible for unemployment and the unemployed.

In 1972 there were critics who said that the State's action in allowing unemployment to rise was a faithless act, a breaking of the social contract between society and the worker. Yet in the main any contribution by employers to unemployment such as lying off workers in order to introduce technological changes and maximize profits tended to be ignored. And it was the unemployed who were accused of failing to honor the social contract, by not fulfilling their duty to society to work. In spite of general concern at the scale to the unemployment statistics, when the unemployed were considered as individuals, they tended to attract scorn and threats of punishment. Their capacities and motivation as workers and their value as members of society became suspect. Of all the myths of the Welfare State, stories of the work shy and borrowers have been the least well founded on evidence, yet they have proved the most persistent. The unemployed were accused of being responsible for their own workless condition, and doubts were expressed about the State's obligation either to provide them with the security of work or to support them through Social Security.

Underlying the arguments about unemployment and the unemployed is a basic disagreement about the nature and meaning of work in society. To what extent can or should work be regarded as a service, not only performed by the worker for society but also made secure for the worker by the State, and supported if necessary? And apart from cash are there social pressures and satisfactions which cause individuals to seek and keep work, so that the workless need work rather than just cash?

It is the author's belief that______.

A.unemployment must lead to inevitable depression of national economy

B.the unemployed are the victims of economical and social development

C.unemployment should be kept under the control of industrial forces

D.the unemployed are not entitled to share the benefits from technological progress

Certain urban problems are common to both developed and developing countries, for example,
poor housing, unemployment, traffic jams and pollution. But there are problems which are peculiar to developing countries and this is due to the need of these countries to provide a basic structure necessary for industrialization. The provision of this structure is the urbanization process itself.

There are five main consequences of this uncontrolled urbanization: firstly, people move from the country to the city because they see the city as a more desirable place' to live. Secondly, rural areas thus become less populated and this causes a decrease in the production of food. Thirdly, there is a high urban population growth rate. Fourthly, there is a dramatic pressure on the supply of social services, especially those services related to education and health, and finally, uncontrolled urbanization leads to an excess of labor supply in the cities.

There are a few policies which could slow this kind of uncontrolled urbanization in developing countries. A more equal land distribution should be promoted. In this way farmers would be more motivated to stay on the land. Also, the supply of social services in the rural areas has to be improved, particularly in the field of health and education. Most importantly, it is necessary to give financial assistance to agriculture, especially to the small land owners.

The main problem discussed in the passage:【46】.

The consequence of fewer people in the countryside: a reduction in the【47】.

Possible solutions to the problem:

1. to carry out【48】.

2. to provide【49】.

3. to offer【50】.

In the strictest sense, a welfare state is a government that completely provides for t
he welfare, or the well-being, of its citizens. Such a government provides for its citizens’ physical, material and social needs rather than the people providing for their own needs. The purpose of the welfare state is to create greater economic equality or to ensure at least a certain minimum standard of living for all citizens. Types of Benefits Provided A welfare state provides education, housing, sustenance and healthcare for its citizens. It also provides benefits such as pensions and unemployment insurance, and it provides equal wages through price and wage controls. This type of government provides public transportation, childcare, social amenities such as public parks and libraries and so on. Some of these things are paid for through government insurance programs, and others are paid for by taxes. Systems Used Most advanced nations are not true welfare states, although many provide at least some social services or programs. In some countries, these goods and services generally are available only to people who meet certain eligibility requirements. This type of system is frequently referred to as a "safety net" that is designed to help people who are in need. Most often, these systems will provide basic needs such as food and housing. A welfare state is socialist in nature. It redistributes wealth by more heavily taxing the middle and upper classes to provide goods and services for the needy. Even countries that don’t practice socialism, however, typically will offer at least some form. of safety net. Difficulties Experienced One problem associated with welfare states is the difficulty in creating an efficient system. Some countries are unable to provide equitably for all of their citizens. The rationing of goods and services also becomes a problem when too many people depend on the welfare state to provide for their basic needs. Another problem is that many people who are capable of providing for themselves have no motivation to improve their lives because they can rely on the government to provide for them. This often breeds resentment by people who do work and are taxed more heavily to pay for the support of people who do not work.

(1)Which of the following is not provided by a welfare state?

A. Housing.

B. Public transportation.

C. Full health insurance.

D. Unemployment insurance.

(2)Which of the following is not true about the purpose of the welfare state?

A. To help people who are in need.

B. To motivate people to improve their lives.

C. To create greater economic equality.

D. To ensure a certain minimum standard of living for all citizens.

(3)In a welfare state people are usually able to _______.

A. go to college without worrying about their tuition

B. live well without having to work

C. avoid paying taxes

D. get help with their basic needs

(4)One of the problems associated with welfare states is _______.

A. that few people rely on the system

B. that people don’t want to rely on the system

C. taxing the people who work more heavily than those who do not work

D. making it unnecessary for people to work

(5)Which of the following is true about a welfare state?

A. A welfare state redistributes wealth.

B. All the advanced nations are welfare states in the strictest sense.

C. Welfare states are socialist countries.

D. Citizens can all be made happy by their welfare system.

With a new Congress drawing near, Democrats and Republicans are busily designing competing
economic stimulus packages. The Republicans are sure to offer tax cuts, the Democrats — among other things — financial relief for the states. There is one measure, however, that would provide not only an immediate boost to the economy but also immediate relief to those most in need: a carefully crafted extension of the federal unemployment insurance program. The Senate approved such an extension before it adjourned in November. The House of Representatives refused to go along. It was among the greatest failures of the 107th Congress.

One consequence is that jobless benefits for an estimated 780, 000 Americans will abruptly stop tomorrow, even though most recipients have not yet exhausted their benefits. President Bush failed to show any leadership on this matter during the November Congress. Later, he finally askedCongress to extend the program for these workers and to make the benefits effective from Dec. 28.

That's not enough. The way unemployment insurance typically works is that states provide laid-off workers with 26 weeks of benefits, followed by 13 weeks of federal aid. Under Mr. Bush's scheme, federal benefits would be extended only for those who were already receiving them on Dec. 28. The extension would not cover the jobless workers who will exhaust their regular state-funded benefits after Dec. 28 — an estimated 95, 000 every week — but will receive no federal help unless the program is re-authorized. By the end of March , 1.2 million workers could fall into this catego?ry.

The Senate saw this problem coming, and under the leadership of Hillary Rodham Clinton for New York and Don Nickles of Oklahoma, passed a bill that would not only have covered people al?ready enrolled in the federal program but provided 13 weeks of assistance for those losing their state benefits in the new year. The House, for largely trivial reasons, refused to go along.

Bill Frist, the new Senate majority leader, says he is looking for ways to put a kinder, gentler face on the Republican Party. Passing the Clinton-Nickles bill would be a good way to begin. The House should then follow suit. One of the House's complaints last year was that, at $ 5 billion, the Clinton-Nickles bill was too expensive. That's ridiculous, considering the costs of the tax cuts that House Republicans have in mind.

The unemployment rate last month stood at 6 percent, the highest since mid-1994. The country could use a $ 5 billion shot in the arm right about now. So could a lot of increasingly desperate peo?ple.

According to the author, the proposed extension is

A.what the coming Congress should reconsider.

B.excluded from the economic stimulus packages.

C.a relief program carefully designed by the House.

D.put forward by both Republicans and Democrats.

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