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提问人:网友nian328 发布时间:2022-01-07

Carl Jung's well-documented break with Sigmund Freud occurred because of Jung's inability

Carl Jung's well-documented break with Sigmund Freud occurred because

of Jung's inability and unwillingness to accept Freud' s view of the libido as the

sexual drive of fulfillment. Believing that the libido, or the urge towards life,

Line extended beyond mere sexuality to a hypothetical elan vital, or life energy

(5) itself, Jung stressed a widened consciousness whereby the individual seeks to

reconcile the opposites of his or her libidial nature that dwell in the conscious as

well as the personal and collective unconscious.

Jung defines this consciousness, moreover, as the center of the ego, and

the personal unconscious as a repository of repressed personal experiences or

(10) complexes that must be made conscious. Finally, the collective unconscious is

an archive of hereditary symbolic archetypes that express themselves in

dreams, fantasies, and actions, and must also be made conscious. Jung

postulated that these archetypal patterns must be integrated into the world of

the ego, which is then forced to acknowledge for these reasons that the ego-

(15) centered consciousness is not really self-sufficient and does not exist

independently and alone, but is guided by an integrating factor not of its own


According to the passage, the collective unconscious and the personal and unconscious have in common which of the following?

A.Both the collective unconscious and the personal unconscious are hereditary, deriving from common cultural experiences, including symbolic archetypes.

B.Both the collective unconscious and the personal unconscious share an extricable link with the conscious that should be made evident.

C.Both the collective unconscious and the personal unconscious contain repressed experiences.

D.Both the collective unconscious and the personal unconscious share a position at the center of the human ego.

E.Both the collective unconscious and the personal unconscious include dreams, fantasies, and actions that should be made conscious.

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更多“Carl Jung's well-documented break with Sigmund Freud occurred because of Jung's inability”相关的问题
Most of the writers in the Modern Period were able to probe into the inner world of human
reality on the base of________. A. Carl Jung’s “collective unconscious” and ”archetypal symbol” B. Sigmund Freud’s “interpretation of dreams” C. William James’ s “ stream of Consciousness” D. All the above





The following views correspond with Carl Jung’s statements about I Ching except____________.

A.Chances are the rule, while laws are just exceptions

B.Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason perfectly reflects the teachings of I Ching

C.The wisdom of I Ching is fundamentally different from that reached in modern laboratories

D.The so-called natural laws are not natural at all, but human constructs

Carl Jung's well-documented break with Sigmund Freud occurred because of Jung's inability

Carl Jung's well-documented break with Sigmund Freud occurred because

of Jung's inability and unwillingness to accept Freud's view of the libido as the

sexual drive of fulfillment. Believing that the libido, or the urge towards life,

extended beyond mere sexuality to a hypothetical elan vital, or life energy

(5) itself, Jung stressed a widened consciousness whereby the individual seeks to

reconcile the opposites of his or her libidial nature that dwell in the conscious as

well as the personal and collective unconscious.

Jung defines this consciousness, moreover, as the center of the ego, and

the personal unconscious as a repository of repressed personal experiences or

(10) complexes that must be made conscious. Finally, the collective unconscious is

an archive of hereditary symbolic archetypes that express themselves in

dreams, fantasies, and actions, and must also be made conscious. Jung

postulated that these archetypal patterns must be integrated into the world of

the ego, which is then forced to acknowledge for these reasons that the ego-

(15) centered consciousness is not really self-sufficient and does not exist

independently and alone, but is guided by an integrating factor not of its own


According to the passage, the collective unconscious and the personal andunconscious have in common which of the following?

A.Both the collective unconscious and the personal unconscious are hereditary, deriving from common cultural experiences, including symbolic archetypes.

B.Both the collective unconscious and the personal unconscious share an extricable link with the conscious that should be made evident.

C.Both the collective unconscious and the personal unconscious contain repressed experiences.

D.Both the collective unconscious and the personal unconscious share a position at the center of the human ego.

E.Both the collective unconscious and the personal unconscious include dreams, fantasies, and actions that should be made conscious.

Psychologist Carl Jung firstly proposed the word “archetype” in his idea of “Collective Unconscious”.
______ invents the term "psychoanalysis"

A.Sigmund Freud

B.Carl Jung



关于生育顺序对于人格影响的研究可以追溯到下述哪一位理论家的理论?( )

A.Sigmund Frend

B.Carl Jung

C.Alfred Adler

D.Anna Freud

最早关注成人期的心理发展并论及中年危机的心理学家是A.荣格(Carl Jung)B.霍林渥斯(Let


A.荣格(Carl Jung)

B.霍林渥斯(Leta Hollingworth)


D.古德伊洛弗(Florence L.Goodenough)


What Is a Dream?

For centuries, people have wondered about the strange things that they dream about. Some psychologists say that this nighttime activity of the mind has no special meaning. Others, however,think that dreams are an important part of our lives. In fact, many experts believe that dreams can tell us about a person&39;s mind and emotions.

Before modern times, many people thought that dreams contained messages from God. It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams in a scientific way.

The Austrian psychologist, Sigmund Freud, was probably the first person to study dreams scientifically. In his famous book, The Interpretation of Dreams (1900), Freud wrote that dreams are an expression of a person&39;s wishes. He believed that dreams allow people to express the feelings, thoughts, and fears that they are afraid to express in real life.

The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung was once a student of Freud&39;s. Jung, however, had a different idea about dreams. Jung believed that the purpose of a dream was to communicate a message to the dreamer. He thought people could learn more about themselves by thinking about their dreams. For example, people who dream about falling may learn that they have too high an opinion of themselves. On the other hand, people who dream about being heroes may learn that they think too little of themselves.

Modern-day psychologists continue to develop theories about dreams. For example, psychologist William Domhoff from the University of California, Santa Cruz, believes that dreams are tightly linked to a person&39;s daily life, thoughts, and behavior. A criminal, for example, might dream about crime.

Domhoff believes that there is a connection between dreams and age. His research shows that children do not dream as much as adults. According to Domhoff, dreaming is a mental skill that needs time to develop.

He has also found a link between dreams and gender. His studies show that the dreams of men and women are different. For example, the people in men&39;s dreams are often other men, and the dreams often involve fighting. This is not true of women&39;s dreams. Domhoff found this gender difference in the dreams of people from 11 cultures around the world, including both modern and traditional ones.

Can dreams help us understand ourselves? Psychologists continue to try to answer this question in different ways. However, one thing they agree on this: If you dream that something terrible is going to occur, you shouldn&39;t panic. The dream may have meaning, but it does not mean that some terrible event will actually take place. It&39;s important to remember that the world of dreams is not the real world.

Not everyone agrees that dreams are meaningful. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

Some of the most basic concepts of psychology were defined by Sigmund Freud and two of his
followers, Alfred Adler and Carl Gustav Jung.

Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist, was the founder of psychoanalysis and, some would say, of modern psychology itself. The main hypothesis of Freud's theory is that human behavior. is determined primarily by unconscious motives. These unconscious motives can be discovered through the use of free association, that is, through talking out problems with the patient. Freud's theory of personality involved three broad areas of investigation into human behavior. structural, dynamic, and developmental. Structurally, Freud divided the human personality into id, ego, and superego. The id is the completely unconscious part of self. It is the repository(资源) of one's instinctual needs and drives. Freud posited that it consisted of everything psychological that was inherited.

The ego is the rational aspect of the personality. It governs the impulsive needs created by the id and decides which needs can and will be satisfied according to the conditions of the environment. The superego is the conscience, the ethical or moral aspect of personality. It is formed by the traditional values and ideals of the society or culture in which a person is born. The superego strives for the ideal. The "conscience" part provides guilt feelings when moral values are violated. The "ego-ideal" part provides feelings of pride when the self acts in consonance with traditional values of the group.

Freud's dynamic concepts involved instinct, libido, and anxiety. Generally, we term behavior. as instinctive if it occurs without any apparent opportunity of its having been learned. Freud's "instinct" differed in that it refers to an inborn bodily condition represented by "wish" and "need". Libido is descriptive of one's emotional or psychic energy. This energy enables life "instincts" to perform. their work and is derived from primitive biological urges, for example, the sex drive. Thus, the libido is usually goal directed. Anxiety, in psychological terms, is an uncontrollable state of fear often unrelated to a specific object or event. Freud's developmental concepts included identification, displacement, defense mechanisms, and psychosexual stages. Identification labels the behavior. of an individual who imitates another person or group (movie star, gangster, etc.). Displacement occurs when the instinct is blocked and the frustrated energy is then diverted to substitute objects. Defense mechanisms (repression, projection, and reaction) describe behavior. reacting to relieve extreme pressure and to defend the ego. Psychosexual stages refer to the five set stages of an individual, from birth through adolescence, oral(breast-sucking babyhood ), anal(toilet-training period),phallic(3-6 years' development of sexual feelings), latency (intermediate stage between phallic and beginning of puberty(青春期), and genital(formation of genuine relationships and the end of narcissism(自我陶醉)).

Freud's two disciples broke with the master largely over the centrality of sex in Freud's theorizing. Alfred Adler maintained that man was more a social being than a sexual one, and that individuals are primarily motivated by social interests. Carl Jung also differed from Freud on what determines the motivation for human behavior. He stressed goal direction beyond childhood, as well as the influence of the ancestral past in such things as magic, power, and hero worship.

Freud's concepts included______.

A.denial of instinctive behavior. in animals and humans

B.belief that religion properly molded the conscience so that the id could be controlled

C.belief that human behavior. can be explained primarily by the unconscious motives of individuals

D.belief that human behavior. is completely controlled by the "conscience" part

Some of the most basic concepts of psychology were defined by Sigmund Freud and two of his
followers, Alfred Adler and Carl Gustav Jung.

Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist, was the founder of psychoanalysis and, some would say, of modern psychology itself. The main hypothesis of Freud's theory is that human behavior. is determined primarily by unconscious motives. These unconscious motives can be discovered through the use of free association, that is, through talking out problems with the patient. Freud's theory of personality involved three broad areas of investigation into human behavior. structural, dynamic, and 'developmental. Structurally, Freud divided the human personality into id, ego, and superego. The id is the completely unconscious part of self. It is the repository(资源) of one's instinctual needs and drives. Freud posed that it consisted of everything psychological that was inherited.

The ego is the rational aspect of the personality. It governs the impulsive needs created by the id and decides which needs can and will be Satisfied according to the conditions of the environment. The superego is the conscience, the ethical(伦理的) or moral aspect of personality. It is formed by the traditional values and ideals of the society or culture in which a person is born. The superego strives for the ideal. The "con science" part provides guilt feelings when moral values are violated. The "ego-ideal" part provides feelings of pride when the self acts in consonance with traditional values of the group.

Freud's dynamic concepts involved instinct, libido, and anxiety. Generally, we term behavior. as instinctive if it occurs without any apparent opportunity of its having been learned. Freud's "instinct" differed in that it refers to an inborn bodily condition represented by "wish" and "need". Libido is descriptive of one's emotional or psychic energy. This energy enables life "instincts" to perform. their work and is derived from primitive biological urges--for example, the sex drive. Thus, the libido is usually goal directed. Anxiety, in psychological terms, is an uncontrollable state of fear often unrelated to a specific object or event. Freud's developmental concepts included identification,' displacement, defense mechanisms, and psycho sexual stages. Identification labels the behavior. of an individual who imitates another person or group (movie star, gangster, etc. ). Displacement occurs when the instinct is blocked and the frustrated energy is then diverted to substitute objects. Defense mechanisms (repression, projection, and reaction) describe behavior. reacting to relieve extreme pressure and to defend the ego. Psychosexual stages refer to the five set stages of an individual, from birth through adolescence: oral (breast-sucking babyhood), anal (toilet-training period), phallic (36 years development of sexual feelings) , latancy (intermediate stage between phallic and beginning of puberty(青春期) ,and genital(formation of genuine relationships and the end of narcissism(自我陶醉).

Freud's two disciples broke with the master largely over the centrality of sex in Freud's theorizing. Alfred Adler maintained that man was more a social being than a sexual one, and that individuals are primarily motivated by social interests. Carl Jung also differed from Freud on what determines the motivation for hu man behavior. He stressed goal direction beyond childhood, as well as the influence of the ancestral past in such things as magic, power, and hero worship.

Freud's concepts included a ______.

A.denial of instinctive behavior. in animals and humans

B.belief that religion properly modled the conscience so that the id could be controlled

C.belief that human behavior. can be explained primarily by the unconscious motives of individuals

D.belief that human behavior. is completely controlled by the "conscience" part

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