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提问人:网友dongwen_wen 发布时间:2022-01-06
Woman:Wally,the necklace is beautiful,but really,you shouldn’t have! Man:You’re welcom

Woman:Wally,the necklace is beautiful,but really,you shouldn’t have! Man:You’re welcom

Woman:Wally,the necklace is beautiful,but really,you shouldn’t have!

Man:You’re welcome. I think it looks beautiful on you.

Question:What did wally do for the woman?

A:He bought her necklace.

B:He helped her put on the necklace.

C:He helped her choose a necklace.

D:He tried to flatter her.

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
更多“Woman:Wally,the necklace is beautiful,but really,you shouldn’t have! Man:You’re welcom”相关的问题
An elderly woman with ostepoprosis is taken the emergency department following a fall. One
of her legs appears shortened and is externally rotated. A fracture of which part of the femur is suggested by these finding?

A、greater trochanter

B、Lateral epicondyle

C、Medical epicondyle



The old woman remembered a swan she had bought many years ago in Shanghai for a foolish sum. "This bird,"____the market vendor,was once a duck that stretched its neck in hopes of becoming a goose.





40-year-old woman survived a car crash in which her neck was hyperextended when her vehicl
e was struck from behind. At the emergency department, a plain radiograph of her cervical spine revealed a fracture of the odontoid process (dens). Which of the following was also most likely injured?

A、Anterior arch of the atlas

B、Posterior tubercle of the atlas

C、Atlanto-occipital joint

D、Inferior articular process of the axis

E、Anterior tubercle of the atlas

听力原文:M: What did you buy when you went downtown yesterday?W: I bought a blue shirt wit

听力原文:M: What did you buy when you went downtown yesterday?

W: I bought a blue shirt with a high neck for Tom and a white blouse with a low neck for myself.

Q: What did the woman buy for herself?


A.A blue shirt with a high neck.

B.A blue jacket with a low neck.

C.A white blouse with a high neck.

D.A white blouse with a low neck.

A 34-year-old woman bursts through the doors of th...

A 34-year-old woman bursts through the doors of the emergency department. She is straining to take a breath but can only mouth the phrase:”I can’t br-“before collapsing. She is placed on a stretcher. Her tongue is swollen and protruding from her mouth. The patient has only minimal air movement with bag-mask ventilation. Oxygen saturation is approximately 80%. Attempt at oral intubation are unsuccessful due to massive soft tissue edema of her pharynx. A decision is made to perform a cricothyrotomy. The necessary instrument tray is collected, and the patient’s neck is quickly prepped. After palpating the neck to identify the appropriate landmarks, an incision should be made at which of the following locations?

A、The cricothyriod membrane, which is located at the junction of the clavicle and the sternum

B、The cricothyriod membrane, which is located between the thyroid cartilage and the cricoid cartilage below

C、The thyroid membrane, which is located between the thyroid cartilage(Adam’s apple) and the hyoid bone above

D、The sternal notch, which is located at the junction of the clavicle and the sternum

A 34-year-old woman bursts through the doors of th...

A 34-year-old woman bursts through the doors of the emergency department. She is straining to take a breath but can only mouth the phrase:”I can’t br-“before collapsing. She is placed on a stretcher. Her tongue is swollen and protruding from her mouth. The patient has only minimal air movement with bag-mask ventilation. Oxygen saturation is approximately 80%. Attempt at oral intubation are unsuccessful due to massive soft tissue edema of her pharynx. A decision is made to perform a cricothyrotomy. The necessary instrument tray is collected, and the patient’s neck is quickly prepped. After palpating the neck to identify the appropriate landmarks, an incision should be made at which of the following locations?

A、The cricothyriod membrane, which is located at the junction of the clavicle and the sternum

B、The cricothyriod membrane, which is located between the thyroid cartilage and the cricoid cartilage below

C、The thyroid membrane, which is located between the thyroid cartilage(Adam’s apple) and the hyoid bone above

D、The sternal notch, which is located at the junction of the clavicle and the sternum

E、The trachea, which is located below the cricoids cartilage

听力原文:M: You're still coming to the meeting this week?W: I'm going to have to take a ra

听力原文:M: You're still coming to the meeting this week?

W: I'm going to have to take a rain check, I'm up to my neck with work on this project.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She will come, but needs an umbrella.

B.She needs to bring a check.

C.She will come but may come late.

D.She will not come since she is busy.

The book titled What
About Wally ? was written by __________.

A.Pisarra and his ex wife

B.Pisarra and May

C.Pisarra and Dudley

D.May and his ex wife

All of the products at Wally's Discount Furniture require ______, but detailed instruction
s and essential tools are provided.





Have you ever wondered why some asanas seem to leave you feeling calm, still, centered, an
d balanced while others seem to leave you agitated, sore and off-centered?

Take the case of a thirty-one-year-old woman who came for treatment for repeated neck pain and nervousness. She had been practicing yoga for six years and could not understand why she was having such difficulty. Our work with Ayurveda, the 5,000-year-old "knowledge of life", helped this woman to understand how the Yoga asanas she had been practicing affected the movement of energy in her body. She then learned new asanas, which was more in harmony with her unique energetic balance. With this new knowledge she was able to modify her practice and eliminate her neck pain and nervousness while bringing greater well-being to her body and mind.

In addition to the profound dietary and lifestyle. advice that Ayurveda is most known for, Ayurveda also sheds new light on the practice of yoga. Yoga and Ayurveda are in fact, two paths intertwined in such a close relationship that it is hard to imagine traveling down one of these paths without knowledge of the other. Yoga is the ancient path of preparing the body and mind for the eventual liberation and enlightenment of the soul. Ayurveda is the ancient art and science of keeping the body and heart healthy so that individuals can pursue the goals in life that they have set for themselves.

The population of yoga in this country has been growing steadily since Swami Vivekananda first brought the idea of yoga to the West in 1893. While yoga found a welcome home in the West, its sister, Ayurveda, was left behind in India, a distant counterpart to these important Vedic teachings. Today, just over one hundred years later, Ayurveda has come to the West in search of its other half. Ayurveda does not come to this country empty-handed but bring with it many gifts. It brings with it the knowledge of how to keep the physical body healthy and how this relates to one's spiritual journey. It brings a gift specific to the yogi. the knowledge of how asanas affect each of us. Ayurvda sheds new light on which asanas are best for each individual.

The Vedas, the oldest known writings and teachings, are the origins of both these ancient arts. The Vedas are composed of five books. One of them, the Yajur Veda, is considered by scholars as the origins of the knowledge of yoga. Ayurveda has its root within the Rig Veda and Atharva Veda. According to Dr. David Frawley, Vedic scholar, "Yoga is the practical side of the Vedic teaching while Ayurveda is the healing side." In practice, both of these paths overlap a great deal.

Classical yoga has, as a part of its traditions, an aspect which addresses health and health practices. It is not simply asanas for differing conditions, but purification as well. In some vein, Ayurveda is much more than dietary principals. Ayurveda can be seen as the science of understanding how we interact with our environment and how to alter our environment in such a way that it is harmonious with our deepest nature. Ayurveda is the science of how energies interact. As such, Ayurveda addresses our entire lifestyle. including exercise and yoga. Ayurveda sees each individual's path towards perfect health a unique path, hence Ayurveda can help us to understand which yoga asanas are best for each individual as well as understand how the different forms of Pranayama affect us.

The 31-year-old woman had neck pain and nervousness because ______.

A.she practiced yoga

B.the asanas she practiced was incorrect postures

C.the postures she practiced did not agree with her body

D.she should not practiced yoga at all

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