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提问人:网友xw19890817 发布时间:2022-01-07

Like the Russian writer Anton Chekhov, Katherine Mansfield depicted grand events and rapid changes in human behavior.

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更多“Like the Russian writer Anton Chekhov, Katherine Mansfield depicted grand events and rapid changes i…”相关的问题
The sentence "There's no place like home" means ______.A.there is not a place that the wri

The sentence "There's no place like home" means ______.

A.there is not a place that the writer likes

B.there is no place that the writer can live in

C.the writer's home is not in London in fact

D.there is no place which is not like a house

Why does the woman like her Russian history class?A.Her professor is a well-known Russian

Why does the woman like her Russian history class?

A.Her professor is a well-known Russian author.

B.The discussions improve her ability to learn.

C.All of the students in the class are from Russia.

D.The assigned reading includes interesting stories.

Uighur folk music and dancing is like a combination of _______________styles.

A、Indian, Turkish and Russian

B、American, Turkish and Russian

C、Chinese, Turkish and Russian

D、Britain, Turkish and Russian

听力原文:Leo Tolstoy was a famous Russian writer of the nineteenth Century. He lived betwe

听力原文: Leo Tolstoy was a famous Russian writer of the nineteenth Century. He lived between 1828 and 1910. He wrote many novels. Two of his most famous works are War and Peace and Anna Karenina.

Tolstoy was born into a wealth family. However, he was not happy that others were poor. He did not like living the rich life when others did not have food or money. In fact, Tolstoy often dressed like a peasant. He wanted the simple life.

In his novels, Tolstoy wrote about many things, but one of his most important themes was nonviolence. His ideas about nonviolence influenced two other famous leaders: Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. In fact, Tolstoy and Gandhi wrote letters to each other when Gandhi was in South Africa. Tolstoy's ideas helped Gandhi to use nonviolence.

Martin Luther King, the American civil rights leader, also believed in nonviolence. In his demonstrations during the 1960s, he always avoided violence. He helped to win more rights for Blacks.

Thus, Tolstoy the great Russian writer of the nineteenth century, greatly influenced two other great leaders of the peace movement.


A.A peasant.

B.A famous man.

C.A Russian.

D.A writer.

听力原文:M: Welcome to the International Gourmet. My name is Walter. Would you like to see
the menu, or would you care to order our special complete dinner of the day?

W: What's the special today?

M: Leg of lamb, and 1 highly recommend it.

W: Well. Let me see. I think I'll have the special.

M: All right. As an appetizer, you have a choice of fruit salad or tomato juice.

W: Hmm. I think I'd like the fruit salad.

M: All right. And the soups we are offering today are split pea or French onion.

W: Split pea, please.

M: And what kind of dressing would you like on your salad, Italian, French, or Russian?

W: I'd prefer Italian.

M: Italian. Fine. Oh! I almost forgot. What would you like to drink with your meal?

W: A glass of mineral water.

M: All right. I'll put this order in right away. And I'll be back in a moment with some rolls and butter.

W: Thank you.


A.A guide.

B.A waiter.

C.A porter.

D.A cook.

PART CDirections: You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each on


Directions: You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.

听力原文: Alaska belonged to Russia until the United States purchased the territory just after the Civil War. Influences of the Russian period are to be seen in Southeast, Southwest, and Central Alaska today. You drive to quiet, peaceful communities on the Kenai Peninsula, or fly to Kodiak or Sitka, and step back into a simpler, less hurried time. Strolling through the grounds of a Russian Orthodox church is like stepping back into nineteenth-century Russia, but you' re still in the United States. "What an incredible buy", you realize. "Russia sold us this magnificent land for only two cents an acre".

Anchorage, the commercial hub and home for nearly half of the state's 400,000 residents, is one of the youngest major cities in the United States. Anchorage today is an 'air crossroads' to more than 1.5 million passengers who shuttle each year over the Pole between Europe and the Far East or who fly on direct flights to Alaska from the West Coast and Midwest cities. You don't know quite what to expect when your jet lands at Anchorage. The name sounds nautical, but driving into town you realize you've entered a familiar, modern city. Here, Alaskans have pushed a hole in the frontier and made an exciting urban oasis. Your surprise makes it all the more exciting.

Russian influence is obvious in Alaska in all of the regions named except which one?

A.The Southeast.

B.The Northwest.

C.The Southwest.

D.The central part of the state.

听力原文:Americans like to laugh and make jokes, especially practical jokes.These jokes, i

听力原文: Americans like to laugh and make jokes, especially practical jokes. These jokes, intended to trick or deceive people in some harmless way, and are always popular. In the United States and a few other countries the first day of April, April Fool's Day, is a day devoted to such harmless practical jokes and an excuse for every American to fool his friends and neighbors.

When I was a college student, our daily college newspaper, which was read by most of the people who lived in the city near the college as well as by students, always had a special April Fool's Edition. One year the paper said that a beautiful park in the center of the campus was to be turned into a parking lot.

Another year the paper falsely reported that a Russian submarine had been seen in the lake which is on the campus. It was surprising that many people believed these stories. But probably the most successful practical being invaded by people from Mars. His description of this invasion from outer space was so realistic that he caused a panic and was actualy responsible for the deaths of several people.


A.A joke played on the April Fool's Day.

B.A harmless joke intended to trick people.

C.An American joke.

D.A joke in college newspapers.

Back in 1985, Viktor Cherkashin was a senior KGB officer at the Soviet Embassy in Washingt
on. In the shadowy world of espionage, he had a good professional reputation--a spy's spy. So when Robert Hanssen decided to switch sides, he sent a letter to Cherkashin offering to work for the Russians.

"I would not have contacted you," Hanssen wrote, "if it were not reported that you were held in esteem within your organization." Today, Cherkashin, 69, is a prosperous Moscow businessman. He owns a big house in the suburbs and drives a light blue 1986 Chevrolet, a trophy car in the streets of Moscow. "I've been on my pension now for 10 years," he said when NEWSWEEK contacted him by phone last week. "I'm in the private-security business." Cherkashin didn't want to discuss the Hanssen case. "I don't like to talk about other people's affairs," said the former spymaster.

He wasn't alone; no one in the Kremlin wanted to talk publicly about the exposure of Hanssen either. But that doesn't mean the Russians are bashful about spying on America. President Vladimir Putin, himself a former colonel in the now defunct KGB, has revived the fortunes of Russian intelligence agencies. Oleg Gordievsky, a KGB officer who defected to Britain in 1985, estimates that the number of Russian spies now in the United States has reached "a record figure--more than 300".

in Putin-style. espionage, ideology is out, and so are most acts of subversion aimed at the United States. What Russia needs now is information: military, technological and economic. Putin wants quick growth for Russia's defense industry, sensing lucrative markets overseas. But he has written that it would take as many as 15 years for Russia to catch up with even the poorest countries in the West. "Scientific institutes won't be able to do it; it costs a lot of money," says Jolanta Darczewska, a Polish expert on Russia's intelligence establishment. "It's better to steal--cheaper and faster."

Like many other Russian agents in the United States, Hanssen apparently was mothballed by the Kremlin after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. His masters feared he might be exposed by a security breach in Moscow, and they were getting information of more immediate value from their mole in the CIA, Aldrich Ames, anyway. The intelligence agencies began a comeback under Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov, another former spymaster. Then, a few weeks after Putin became Boris Yeltsin's prime minister in 1999, Hanssen was "reactivated". With espionage picking up again, his counterintelligence know-how may have given Moscow a map of America's defenses against spies.

Putin purports not to care about Washington's reaction to Russian spying. "During the Yeltsin years, they had instructions to avoid any scandals that would spoil relations with the West," says Gordievsky. "What Putin told [his foreign-intelligence agency] was, 'Don't worry. I'm not afraid of scandals'."

What Putin may be worried about, however, is moles in his own security service. Some of the information revealed in the FBI affidavit last week has touched off a wave of concern in Moscow. The Russians fear it could only have been obtained from a source within Russian intelligence, and that has led officials to suspect U.S. infiltration into the SVR. "If you look at the affidavit, they have documents from the archive of the SVR, said Oleg Kalugin, the former KGB general who says he brought Cherkashin to Washington. "Some of the references are from 1999." There were no Russian defectors from that time who could have provided the Americans with the information, officials say.

So are Washington and Moscow back to a spy-vs.-spy standoff?. Gordievsky, among others, thinks Russian intelligence may have misread the new Bush administration, predicting it would be more "pragmatic" and easier to work with than the Clinton White House. But so far, Washington has been no pushover. Bush advis

A.ideology is out, and most acts of subversion are aimed at the United States

B.the aim of its ideology is to subvert the United States

C.ideology and most acts of subversion aimed at the United States are out-dated

D.ideology and most acts of subversion aimed at the United States are in the open air






During Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, his troops were battling in the middle of a smal
l town in that endless wintry land, when he was separated from his men.A group of Russian soldiers saw him and began chasing him through the twisting streets.Napoleon ran for his life into a little furrier’s shop.As Napoleon entered the shop, he saw the furrier and cried, “Save me, save me! Where can I hide?” The furrier said, “Quick, under the big pile of furs in the corner,” and he covered Napoleon up with many furs.

No sooner had he finished than the Russian soldiers burst in the door, shouting “Where is he? We saw him come in.” Despite the furrier’s protests, they tore the shop apart trying to find Napoleon.But they didn’t find him and left.

After some time, Napoleon came out from under the furs, unharmed, just as his personal guards came in the door.The furrier turned to Napoleon and said, “Excuse me for asking such a great man this question, but what was it like to be under those furs, knowing that the next moment would surely be your last?”

Napoleon drew himself up to his full height and said to the furrier angrily, “How could you ask such a question of me, the Emperor Napoleon! Guards, take this rude man out, blindfold him and execute him.I myself will give the command to fire!”

The guards took the poor furrier out, stood him up against a wall and blindfolded him.The furrier could see nothing, but he could hear the movements of the guards as they prepared their rifles.He trembled.Then he heard Napoleon clear his throat and call out slowly, “Ready …

aim…” At that moment, knowing that he would die, a feeling he couldn’t describe came to him and tears ran down his cheeks.

After a long period of silence, the furrier heard footsteps approaching him and the blindfold was taken down from his eyes.He saw Napoleon’s eyes looking deeply into his own ——- eyes that seemed to see into every dusty corner of his being.Then Napoleon said softly, “Now you know.”

1.Napoleon ran for his life because _________________________.

A.he was followed by Russian soldiers

B.he couldn’t find his men

C.his personal guards were not with him

D.he saw a little furrier’s shop

2.Napoleon answered the furrier’s question by __________________________.

A.blindfolding him

B.by putting him in a similar situation he himself had experienced just before

C.scolding him

D.shooting him

3.Tears ran down the furrier’s cheeks because ___________________________.

A.he thought he was to be killed at once

B.he heard the movements of Napoleon’s guards

C.he heard the sound of a rifle

D.he was blindfolded and couldn’t see anything

4.When he came out from under the furs, Napoleon was ________________.

A.thankful to the furrier

B.not harmed at all

C.noticed by Russian guards

D.angry about Russian soldiers’ search

5.The Russian soldiers rushed in as soon as _________________________.

A.a furrier saw Napoleon

B.the furrier said to Napoleon that he could hide in a pile of furs

C.Napoleon hid in a big pile of furs

D.Napoleon entered the furrier’s shop

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