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提问人:网友jianghongke 发布时间:2022-01-07

There isn’t something under the chair.

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听力原文:M: What do you think of my new sweater, Tracy? W: Well, its very nice as far as
I can see, but put it on first, then Ill tell you if it suits you. M: I tried on about twenty times. This one isnt really what I wanted. W: Why did you buy it then? M: The salesman sold it to me before I realised what had happened. He just never stopped talking and he told me some stories about the latest fashion and special reductions. Before I could say anything hed wrapped it up and taken my money. W: Well, it doesnt look too bad. I think it looks good on you. M: But I went out to get a blue sweater with a V-neck, short sleeves and pattern, and I came home with a brown one with a high neck, long sleeves and no pattern. W: You must be easily taken in. Youve got to learn to stand up to these high-pressure salesmen. Theyll sell you all sorts of things you dont want if you dont watch out. M: Next time Ill send my wife. Shell probably sell something to the salesman. W: Thats a good idea. Actually women are good at shopping. Whenever my husband and I buy something important, I have the final say. M: I must admit that women have better taste in shopping. I should simply leave the whole business to them. W: Yes, I agree. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. What is the main idea of this conversation? 10. Why does the man buy a sweater which he doesnt like? 11. Which character is not true about the sweater that the man buys? 12. What is the womans suggestion?10.

A.The one he likes doesn"t suit him.

B.This sweater is on special.

C.This sweater is the most fashionable one.

D.He is tricked by the salesman.

The Internet provides an amazing forum for the free exchange of ideas. Given the relativ
ely a few restrictions governing access【M1】______ and usage, it is the communications modal equivalence of【M2】______ international waters. However I am also troubled by the possible unintended negative consequences. There has been much talk about the "new information age." But much is less widely reported has been the notion that the【M3】______ Internet may be responsible for furthering the fragment of society【M4】______ by alienating its individual users. At first this might sound like an apparent contradiction: how can something which is on the one【M5】______ hand responsible for global unification by enabling the free exchange of ideas alienate the participant?【M6】______ I had a recent discussion with a friend of mine who has what he described as a "problem" with the Internet. When I questioned about him further he said that he was "addicted," and has "forced"【M7】______ himself to go off-line. He said that he felt like an alcoholic, in that moderate use of the Internet was just possible for him. I have not【M8】______ known this fellow to be given to exaggeration, therefore when he described his internet binges, when he would spend over twenty-four hours on line non-stop, it gave me pause to think. He said, "the Internet isnt true, but I was spending all my time on【M9】______ line, so I just had to stop." He went on to say that all of the time that he spent on line might have skewed his sense of reality, and that it made him feel lonely and depressing.【M10】______


If this weekend is yawning ahead of you, offering nothing but the same old routines and ho
usehold duties, then dont despair: boredom is good for you, a new study claims. Far from【C1】______the mind and leading to a lack of productivity, boredom can【C2】______people to seek out ways of being selfless and to engage in prosocial tasks,【C3】______uneasy ones such as giving blood. "Bored people feel that their actions are【C4】______and so they are motivated to engage in meaningful behavior," said Wjjnand van Tilburg, co-author of the paper, A Pragmatic Meaning—Regulation Hypothesis on Boredom and Prosocial Behavior. If prosocial behavior【C5】______this requirement, boredom promotes prosocial behavior. " Investigating the link between boredom and prosocial behavior. is not only highly【C6】______but also counter-intuitive," said Van Tilburg, "Past research has【C7】______boredom almost exclusively with disgusting correlates,【C8】______closer inspection suggests a much richer【C9】______of potential consequences that may well go beyond merely negative outcomes, such as prosocial behavior. Boredom makes people【C10】______different and purposeful activities, and as a result they turn towards more challenging and meaningful activities, turning towards what they【C11】______to be really meaningful in life. Of course, this does not mean that boredom is necessary for prosocial behavior. It is one positive【C12】______of an utterly negative experience, demonstrating the【C13】______character of how people attempt to re-establish a【C14】______of meaningfulness." The paper has been【C15】______by Adrian Savage, an editor at the online life coach site. "Being bored turns your mind【C16】______and encourages reflection. When youre rushing【C17】______theres no time to think. When youre bored, theres nothing else to do but think," he said. "Boredom is nearly always【C18】______to creativity. It isnt true that creativity is mostly【C19】______by having a specific problem to be solved. Its far more likely to arise because the person is bored with the way something has been done a thousand times before and wants to try something new. Boredom stimulates the search for better【C20】______to things like nothing else does."






听力原文:Maggie Hey, Jim, what a coincidence to see you here! Long time no see! Jim Yea
h, me too. Hey, just as old friends, I gotta tell you...you dont look that well. Are you sick or something? Maggie Well, not really. Seems really serious? Jim Um, not that bad. But...whats wrong? Maggie Guess what? Its the same old story of an overworked undergraduate student. I am up to my neck on one project. Jim How did you end up like this? Is the timeframe. limited or its near the deadline? Maggie Actually I am working on a project that has to be done by the end of this month. Jim Oh, thats it. Cant you speak to your professor about that? Maggie About what? The project or something else? Jim Of course the project. Maybe he would allow an extension and you will then have some breathing space. Maggie Fat chance. Youve never met him, right? Jim Exactly. What is he like? Maggie You know, my professor is one of those workaholic types and he expects everyone that works with him has to be the same way. You know, sometimes he sleeps four hours a night but can still keep going during the day. Jim Wow, sounds like your professor is really nuts. I dont mind working hard, but not to the point of killing myself. Hope you can get your project done without any hitches. Maggie What about you? I heard the faculty building is being constructed on campus. A big project it seems by the looks of things, and its nearly completed, I think. Jim Well, not quite there yet. They still have not decided whether they should move there or not. Maggie Whats the Department Deans opinion? Jim He wants me to mark papers and do some administration work for them. I have to make a decision by the end of this week. Maggie That is a tough decision, isnt it? I would jump on the offer if I had one. To work with some of these academic types must be interesting. Jim Sure it is. I would not think twice if I didnt have such a heavy load this semester. Besides, my girlfriend isnt keen on me always spending time at school. Maggie I can understand how she feels. Maybe you can ask for a light load. Perhaps you should request to work only on certain days. Jim Thats true. Then I wouldnt have to work under a workaholic professor any more. Maggie Hey, Jim. Do you think I have any chance of getting some work there? Jim Hmm...are you serious about working there? I thought you were joking.Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between two students. Now get ready to answer the questions, You may use your notes to help you answer

What is the main topic of the discussion?

A.The root of Jim"s health problems.

B.The woman"s problems with her workaholic professor.

C.Jim"s relationship with his own professor.

D.Problems that Jim and the woman have with their workloads.

The difference between "writer" and "reporter" or "journalist" isnt that the journalist re
ports—she【C1】______sources, calls people, takes them out to lunch, and generally【C2】______as an intermediary between her audience and the world of experts. The journalist also writes, of course, but anybody can write.【C3】______few can get their calls returned by key congressmen, top academics, important CEOs. That is the powerful advantage that the journalist has【C4】______her audience: Shes got sources and they dont【C5】______the transaction between the journalist and the audience is that the journalist has the time, talent, and【C6】______to clearly communicate the ideas of newsmakers and experts,【C7】______then is the transaction between the journalist and those newsmakers and experts?【C8】______the journalist, and her institution, are profiting, hopefully handsomely, off their contribution to the enterprise. Its not going too【C9】______to say that the whole business would collapse without their【C10】______. Journalists without sources are, well,【C11】______writers. 【C12】______, those sources are giving up something of value. Theyre giving up【C13】______, for one thing. Some fine folks have spent countless hours【C14】______me through the details of the federal budget. Theyre giving up information that, in other【C15】______, people pay them for—consider a CEO who gives paid lectures or a life-long academic at a private college. They are【C16】______themselves to considerable professional risk, both by telling the journalist things theyre not supposed to share and simply by making themselves【C17】______to being misinterpreted in public. 【C18】______how does the journalist compensate these sources? Well, the【C19】______answer in a market economy would be that the sources to get paid. But, in a brilliant maneuver, journalism as a profession has deemed it【C20】______to pay sources for information.






In America, you can achieve if you are prepared. You can soar(高飞)as far as your knowledg

In America, you can achieve if you are prepared. You can soar(高飞)as far as your knowledge, drive and social skills will take you. The hitch is that although most of our children are born with incredible potential, far too many of them never see their promises fulfilled because their brains dont get enough stimulation(刺激)early in life. Jon Fine, CEO and president of United Way of King County, showed slides(幻灯片)of two brains during a speech Friday. One showed the brain of a child who received lots of stimulation, and the other the brain of a neglected child. There was a marked difference in the development of the temporal lobe(颞叶), which meant the child who hadnt had rich experiences in his or her early childhood would have trouble processing information. High-quality early education is the surest way to reduce the high school dropout rate because children start learning the moment they enter the world. It could keep more people out of prison and help grow the talent well need to rebuild our economy, mend our environment and write brilliant music. Think about something as simple as vocabulary. How do children acquire the kind of deep and broad repository(储存)of words and language skills that are the foundation of success in school and in life? Obviously, since you need it to succeed in school, waiting until you are in school to learn isnt the best option. Kids learn at home from their parents, and parents arent equally prepared to teach. Kids who arrive at school behind rarely catch up.

Which is the best title of this passage?

A.The Importance of Early Education.

B.The Equal Chance in America.

C.Family Education in America.

D.The Cause of the High-school Dropout Rate.

Everything is arranged______a good order, isnt it?A.withB.inC.atD.for

Everything is arranged______a good order, isnt it?





The function of the sentence "A nice day, isnt it?" is______.A.directiveB.informativeC.pha

The function of the sentence "A nice day, isnt it?" is______.





听力原文:Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between two students. Maggie Hey, Jim
, what a coincidence to see you here! Long time no see! Jim Yeah, me too. Hey, just as old friends, I gotta tell you...you dont look that well. Are you sick or something? Maggie Well, not really. Seems really serious? Jim Um, not that bad. But...whats wrong? Maggie Guess what? Its the same old story of an overworked undergraduate student. I am up to my neck on one project. Jim How did you end up like this? Is the timeframe. limited or its near the deadline? Maggie Actually I am working on a project that has to be done by the end of this month. Jim Oh, thats it. Cant you speak to your professor about that? Maggie About what? The project or something else? Jim Of course the project. Maybe he would allow an extension and you will then have some breathing space. Maggie Fat chance. Youve never met him, right? Jim Exactly. What is he like? Maggie You know, my professor is one of those workaholic types and he expects everyone that works with him has to be the same way. You know, sometimes he sleeps four hours a night but can still keep going during the day. Jim Wow, sounds like your professor is really nuts. I dont mind working hard, but not to the point of killing myself. Hope you can get your project done without any hitches. Maggie What about you? I heard the faculty building is being constructed on campus. A big project it seems by the looks of things, and its nearly completed, I think. Jim Well, not quite there yet. They still have not decided whether they should move there or not. Maggie Whats the Department Deans opinion? Jim He wants me to mark papers and do some administration work for them. I have to make a decision by the end of this week. Maggie That is a tough decision, isnt it? I would jump on the offer if I had one. To work with some of these academic types must be interesting. Jim Sure it is. I would not think twice if I didnt have such a heavy load this semester. Besides, my girlfriend isnt keen on me always spending time at school. Maggie I can understand how she feels. Maybe you can ask for a light load. Perhaps you should request to work only on certain days. Jim Thats true. Then I wouldnt have to work under a workaholic professor any more. Maggie Hey, Jim. Do you think I have any chance of getting some work there? Jim Hmm...are you serious about working there? I thought you were joking. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 6. What is the main topic of the discussion? 7. What decision does the man need to make? 8. What would Jims girlfriend prefer him to do? 9. What can be inferred about the womans work intention? Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Maggie Hey, Jim. Do you think I have any chance of getting some work there? Jim Hmm...are you serious about working there? I thought you were joking. 10. Why does Jim say this? Jim I thought you were joking.Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between two students. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What is the main topic of the discussion?

A.The root of Jim"s health problems.

B.The woman"s problems with her workaholic professor.

C.Jim"s relationship with his own professor.

D.Problems that Jim and the woman have with their workloads.

Which of the following games isnt typical in Britain?A.rugbyB.soccerC.BasketballD.cricket

Which of the following games isnt typical in Britain?





I guess she has exaggerated the weather condition. It isnt all ______ cold.A.thatB.thoseC.

I guess she has exaggerated the weather condition. It isnt all ______ cold.





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