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提问人:网友liangshang 发布时间:2022-01-06

Ice Cores are only useful for giving us information about the current weather conditions.A

Ice Cores are only useful for giving us information about the current weather conditions.




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更多“Ice Cores are only useful for giving us information about the current weather conditions.A”相关的问题
Part B (10 points) You are going to read a text about The Big Melt, followed by a list of

Part B (10 points)

You are going to read a text about The Big Melt, followed by a list of examples. Choose the best example from the list for each numbered subheading. There is one extra example which you do not need to use.

Say goodbye to the world's tropical glaciers and ice caps. Many will vanish within 20 years. When Lonnie Thompson visited Peru's Quelccaya ice cap in 1977, he couldn't help noticing a school-bus-size boulder that was upended by ice pushing against it. Thompson returned to the same spot last year, and the boulder was still there, but it was lying on its side. The ice that once supported the massive rock had retreated far into the distance, leaving behind a giant lake as it melted away.

Foe Thompson, a geologist with Ohio State University's Byrd Polar Research Center, the rolled-back rock was an obvious sign of climate change in the Andes Mountains. "Observing that over 25 years personally really brings it home", he says. "You don't have to be a believer in global warming to see what's happening."

(41) Thawed ice caps in the tropics.

Quelccaya is the largest ice cap in the tropics, but it isn't the only one that is melting, according to decades of research by Thompson's team. No tropical glaciers are currently known to be advancing, and Thompson predicts that many mountaintops will be completely melted within the next 20 years.

(42) Situation in areas other than the tropics.

The phenomenon isn't confined to the tropics. Glaciers in Europe, Russia, new Zealand, the United States, and elsewhere are also melting.

(43) The worsening effects of global warming.

For many scientists, the widespread melt-down is a clear sign that humans are affecting glottal climate, primarily by raising the levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

(44) Receding ice caps.

That's not to say that glaciers, currently found on every continent except Australia, haven't melted in the past as a result of natural variability. These rivers of ice exist in a delicate balance between inputs (accumulating snow and ice) and outputs (melting and "calving" of large chunks of ice). Over time, the balance can tilt in either direction, causing glaciers to advance or retreat. What's different now is the speed at which the scales have tipped. "We've been surprised at how rapid the rate of retreat has been", says Thompson. His team began mapping one of the main glaciers flowing out of the Quelccaya ice cap in 1978, using satellite images and ground surveys.

(45) Thinning ice cores.

And it's not just the margin of the ice cap that is melting. At Quelccaya and Mount Kilimanjaro, the researchers have found that the ice fields are thinning as well. Besides mapping ice caps and glaciers, Thompson and his colleagues have taken core samples from Quelccaya since 1976, when the ice at the drilling location was 154 meters thick.

Thompson and his colleagues have also drilled ice cores from other locations in South America, Africa, and China. Trapped within each of these cores is a climate record spanning more than 8,000 years. It shows that the past 50 years are the warmest in history.

The 4-inch-thick ice cores are now stored in freezers at Ohio State. On the future, says Thompson, that may be the only place to see what's left of the glaciers of Africa and Peru.

A. The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, prepared by hundreds of scientists and approved by government delegates from more than 100 nations, states: "There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities". The report, released in January, says that the planet's average surface temperature increased by about 0.6℃ during the 20th

The past decade has been the warmest for 1,000 years, according to a(n) ________of ice cor

The past decade has been the warmest for 1,000 years, according to a(n) ________of ice cores drilled from a glacier(冰川) in the Himalayas.





Human beings have little direct control over the volume of water in the atmosphere. But we
produce other greenhouse gases that intensify the effect. The IPCC estimates that rising CO2 emissions, mostly from burning fossil fuels, account for about 60 percent of the warming observed since 1850, Carbon dioxide concentration has been increasing by about 0.3 percent a year, and it is now about 30 percent higher than it was before the industrial revolution.

2. The relentless accumulation of greenhouse gases has led the IPCC to project that in the next hundred years average global temperatures will rise by 1 to 3.5 degrees C. That may not

seem like much. Yet the "little ice age," an anomalous cold snap that peaked from 1570 to 1730 and forced European farmers to abandon their fields, was caused by a change of only half a degree.

3. The compeer models used to project greenhouse effects far into the future are still being improved to accommodate a rapidly growing font of knowledge. And it is remarkably difficult to detect a definitive "signature" of human activity in the world's widely fluctuating climate record. To project future climate patterns, scientists use computer simulations of the interactions among land, air, water, ice and sunlight. These general circulation models, or GCMs, consist of equations representing the known laws of atmospheric physics and ocean circulation. For each section of the planet, they calculate the effect of such factors as air temperature, the Earth's rotation, surface friction at sea level, rainfall, and other climatic conditions. A perfect model, if given enough information about conditions on Earth several hundred years ago, could provide an exact description of today's climate. Only very recently have models been developed that are capable of realistically depicting the present global climate without a lot of tinkering— adjustments often called "fudge factors."

4. In part, this is because only the most powerful computers are fast enough to handle the job, and in part because some aspects of climate change are still mysterious. Even avid proponents caution that GCMs are not yet trustworthy for predicting detailed effects in individual regions: Models divide the world's surface into grids that are typically about 200 miles on a side, but ocean eddies, storms and cloud activity take place on far smaller scales. The modelers, therefore, have to compensate with approximations. According to Kevin Trenberth, chief climate analyst at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, all GCMs project global warming, but they can provide only a range of projected temperature change.

5. The role of clouds and airborne suspended particles called aerosols is no easier to factor into models. Clouds shade the Earth's surface, promoting cooling. But, depending on their altitude, density, and other conditions, they can also trap outgoing heat, promoting warming. Aerosols are also equally tricky. Some encourage water vapor in the air to condense into tiny droplets. The resulting clouds are dense and shiny, shading the surface for weeks. Thus, ironically, our own pollution, mainly from combustion of sulfur-bearing coal and oil, may temporarily have spared us some effects of global warming.

6. Yet the warming could be part of the natural roller coaster of average global air temperatures, which have varied by as much as 6 degrees C during the past 150,000 years. Climate fluctuates over thousands of years owing to periodic changes in the sun's energy output and in the Earth's orbit and tilt, both of which influence the amount and intensity of sunlight reaching the surface. Proof of these climate shifts comes from variations in the composition of ice extracted in cores from the depths of ancient glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica and from differences among marine organisms in sediment cores taken from the s

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.The climate in recorded huma

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The climate in recorded human history has generally remained stable.

B.The climate from about 135,000 to 115,000 years ago was in an extremely cold state.

C.The human race has been lucky to have enjoyed the most favorable period Of climate for them to build a socio-economic system.

D.The evidences scientists collected from the ice cores suggest that a civilization cannot have arisen in the period from about 135,000 to 115,000 years ago.

New ice core samples taken from the centre of the Greenland ice-sheet have given a detaile
d record of the last "interglacial (间冰期)" which rail from about 135,000 to 115,000 years ago. The cores, taken from a depth of 2,780 to 2,870 metres, show that during this peroid the climate oscillated(摆动) between three states instead of remaining in one, as in the whole of recorded human history. The middle state was like our own, but the others were either' much colder or warmer.

Worse, it seems that the climate flipped from one condition to another very rapidly. "It apparently took very little time, perhaps less than a decade or two, to shift between the states," Dr. J.C. W. White of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at the University of Colorado wrote earlier this year in the scientific journal, Nature: "We humans have built a remarkable socio-economic system during perhaps the only time when it could be built, when the climate was stable enough to let us develop the agricultural infrastructure(基础设施) required to maintain an advanced society."

We do not know why we have been so blessed. But if the Earth had an operating manual, the chapter on climate might begin with a warning that the system has been adjusted at the factory for optimum comfort-- so don't touch the dials.

Unfortunately, we have been "twidling the knobs (旋钮)" for decades. In December 1995 the official Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change (1PCC. , which represents the work of 2,000 top meteorologists from around the world, concluded that global warming due to human activities is probably already taking place. Global warming sounds deceptively favorable to inhabitants of countries which currently experience harsh winters. In fact, with global warming, the world would struggle to cope with the effects of even a steady, gradual warming. This was spelt out to members of the British Royal Society by Sir John Houghton, chairman both of Britain' s Royal Commission of Environmental Pollution and of one of the main IPCC working groups. Houghton pat forward the IPCC picture of seas flooding much of Egypt, southern China and Bangladesh, making "many millions" of people homeless; of horde's of "environmental refugees" and of wars breaking out over dwidling (becoming gradually smaller) fresh water' supplies, as world rainfall patterns changed.

There is at least a chance that the world could adapt to steady warming if it happened slowly enough. However, many scientists, believe that even this prediction from the IPCC is too cautious.

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The climate in recorded human history has generally remained stable.

B.The climate from about 135,000 to 115,000 years ago was in a extremely cold state.

C.The human race has been lucky to have enjoyed the most favorable period of climate for them to build a socio-economic system.

D.The evidences scientists collected from the ice cores suggest that a civilization can not have arisen in the period from about 135,000 to 115,000.

New ice core samples taken from the centre of the Greenland ice-sheet have given a detaile
d record of the last "interglacial(间冰期)" which ran from about 135,000 to 115,000 years ago. The cores, taken from a depth of 2,780 to 2,870 metres, show that during this period the climate oscillated(摆动) between three states instead of remaining in one, as in the whole of recorded human history. The middle state was like our own, but the others were either much colder or warmer.

Worse, it seems that the climate flipped from one Condition to another very rapidly. "It apparently took very little time, perhaps less than a decade or two, to shift between the states," Dr. J. C. W. White of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at the University of Colorado wrote earlier this year in the scientific journal, Nature: "We humans have built a remarkable socio-economic system during perhaps the only time when it could be built, when the climate was stable enough to let us develop the agricultural infrastructure(基础设) required to maintain an advanced society. "

We do not know why we have been so blessed. But if the Earth had an operating manual, the chapter on climate might begin with a warning that the system has been adjusted at the factory for optimum comfort-so don't touch the dials.

Unfortunately, we have been "twiddling the knobs(旋钮)" for decades. In December 1995 the official Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change (IPCC., which represents the work of 2,000 top meteorologists from around the world, concluded that global warming due to human activities is probably already taking place. Global warming sounds deceptively favorable to inhabitants of countries which currently experience harsh winters. In fact, with global warming, the world would struggle to cope with the effects of even a steady, gradual warming. This was spelt out to members of the British Royal Society by Sir John Houghton, chairman both of Britain's Royal Commission of Environmental Pollution and of one of the main IPCC working groups. Houghton put forward the IPCC picture of seas flooding much of Egypt, Southern China and Bangladesh, making "many millions" of people homeless ; of hordes of "environmental refugees" and of wars breaking out over dwindling (becoming gradually smaller) fresh water supplies, as world rainfall patterns changed.

There is at least a chance that the world could adapt to steady warming if it happened slowly enough. However, many scientists, believe that even this prediction from the IPCC is too cautious.

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The climate in recorded human history has generally remained stable.

B.The climate from about 135,000 to 115,000 years ago was in a extremely cold state.

C.The human race has been lucky to have enjoyed the most favorable period of climate for them to build a socio-economic system.

D.The evidences scientists collected from the ice cores suggest that a civilization can not have arisen in the period from about 135,000 to 115,000.

In the United States the science of climate change still remains a controversial issue. Pa
rt of the problems is that it is complex and hard to isolate its parts. We do know how vital it is to life. The atmosphere forms a gaseous, protective envelope around earth protecting the earth from the cold of space, from harmful ultraviolet light, and from all but the largest meteors. After traveling over 93 million miles, solar energy strikes the atmosphere and earth's surface, warming the planet and creating what is known as the "bio sphere" which is the region of earth capable of sustaining life. Atmospheric circulation is one important reason that life on earth can exist at higher latitudes because equatorial heat is transported poleward, moderating the climate.

The atmosphere is not just a protector but also a great transporter. The transport of water vapor in the atmosphere is an important mechanism by which heat energy is redistributed poleward. Heat energy absorbed at the equator is deposited at the poles and the temperature gradient between these regions is reduced. The circulation of the atmosphere and the weather it generates is but one example of the many complex, interdependent events of nature. The web of life depends on the proper functioning of these natural mechanisms for its continued existence.

Some argue that climate change is too complicated to be attributed only to human activity. For example, fossil studies of radiolaria, a group of one-celled animals characterized by silicon-containing shells, have given scientists a fairly accurate account of climatic conditions in the distant past. Geologists found these 450,000-year-old microorganisms pre served in cores of sediment taken beneath the floor of the Indian Ocean. They provide a re cord of cycles of climatic changes, determined by the alternating layers of species of warm and cold-preferring radiolaria. We now have confirmation that changes in the earth's orbital geometry caused the ice ages.

This does not let us off the hook because although we can hardly alter the basic forces at work that alter climate, even small contributions by humans can have dramatic effects. Given nature's interconnectedness, it is possible that the most serious threats have yet to be recognized.

The first paragraph of the text deals mainly with the earth atmosphere's.

A.sheltering effect

B.reviving effect

C.invigorating effect

D.cleansing effect

In the United States the science of climate change still remains a controversial issue. Pa
rt of the problem is that it is complex and hard to isolate its parts. We do know how vital it is to life. The atmosphere forms a gaseous, protective envelope around earth protecting the earth from the cold of space, from harmful ultraviolet light, and from all but the largest meteors. After traveling over 93 million miles, solar energy strikes the atmosphere and earth's surface, warming the planet and creating what is known as the "biosphere" which is the region of earth capable of sustaining life. Atmospheric circulation is one important reason that life on earth can exist at higher latitudes because equatorial heat is transported poleward, moderating the climate.

The atmosphere is not just a protector but also a great transporter. The transport of water vapor in the atmosphere is an important mechanism by which heat energy is redistributed poleward. Heat energy absorbed at the equator is deposited at the poles and the temperature gradient between these regions is reduced. The circulation of the atmosphere and the weather it generates is but one example of the many complex, interdependent events of nature. The web of life depends on the proper functioning of these natural mechanisms for its continued existence.

Some argue that climate change is too complicated to be attributed only to human activity. For example, fossil studies of radiolaria, a group of one-celled animals characterized by silicon-containing shells, have given scientists a fairly accurate account of climatic conditions in the distant past. Geologists found these 450, 000-year-old microorganisms preserved in cores of sediment taken beneath the floor of the Indian Ocean. They provide a record of cycles of climatic changes, determined by the alternating layers of species of warm and cold-preferring radiolaria. We now have confirmation that changes in the earth's orbital geometry caused the ice ages.

This does not let us off the hook because although we can hardly alter the basic forces at work that alter climate, even small contributions by humans can have dramatic effects. Given nature's interconnectedness, it is possible that the most serious threats have yet to be recognized.

The first paragraph of the text deals mainly with the earth atmosphere's ______.

A.sheltering effect

B.reviving effect

C.invigorating effect

D.cleansing effect

The author implies that in the 1920s and 1930s home deliveries of ice ______.A.decreased i

The author implies that in the 1920s and 1930s home deliveries of ice ______.

A.decreased in number

B.were on an irregular schedule

C.increased in cost

D.occurred only in the summer

Advertising and selling are only the tip of the marketing _____.


B.ice cream



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