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提问人:网友hjy273 发布时间:2022-01-07

Whales鲸Whales are aquatic mammals belonging to order CetaceA.A few species live in fresh


Whales are aquatic mammals belonging to order CetaceA.A few species live in fresh water, but most species live in the seA.They have a streamlined shape and a powerful tail to drive them forwarD.With its two large horizontal fins or flukes, the tail produces the driving force by beating strongly up and down. Flippers at the front are used for steering and balance. The hind limbs of whales have completely disappeared, apart from a few small bones inside the body. Body hair has also disappeared, giving whales a smoother outline and less resistance to water.Instead of hair, whales are insulated by a thick layer of fat, or blubber, under the skin. The blubber may be as much as 61 cm thick on some parts of the body. Besides protecting the animal against the cold, the blubber is an important food reserve.

Most of the best-known whales large creatures.For example, the blue whale reaches a length of more than 30 m.However, many whales, such as dolphins and porpoises, are small.Some are only 1.5 to 1.8 m long.

Whales live entirely in water.Sometimes, whales are stranded on the shore.Although they are air-breathing animals, they soon die because their great weight keeps them from expanding (opening out) the chest cavity.They can breathe easily when afloat, because the water supports most of their weight.

The bottle-nosed whale has been known to stay under water for about two hours.The sperm whale can dive down to depths of 500 fathoms.Such long and deep dives are unusual.Most dives last between 10 and 30 minutes.Whales have special mechanisms that help them to stay under water.When they breathe, they renew about nine-tenths of the air in their lungs.When human beings breathe in, only about one-fourth of the air is renewed.Whales therefore have a fairly large supply of fresh air to start with.They also have an additional oxygen supply in the muscles, where air is loosely held in combination with a pigment called myohaemoglobin.Another thing that helps whales hold their breath for long periods of time is their low sensitivity to carbon dioxide in the blood.(It is the carbon dioxide building up in human blood that affects the brain and makes the human being take another breath.)

When a whale surfaces to renew its air supply, it needs only to push the top of its snout out of the water.This is because the nostril or blowhole is at the top of the heaD.The expelled air is forced out strongly to form. the spout or blow.

Living whales are divided into two groups—tooth whales and whalebone whales.Tooth whales, which include most species, generally have many conical teeth and eat mainly squids and fishes.The killer whale feeds on seals.One African river dolphin feeds mostly on plants.Other tooth whales include the narwhal and the sperm whale.

Whalebone whales have no teeth.Their mouths contain huge comblike fringes of baleen or whalebone.This horny substance is usually black.All whalebone whales feed by straining small animals from the water.The mouth is filled with water and the water is then forced out through the fringes by the tongue.The animals caught in the baleen are swept into the stomach by the tongue. All whalebone whales are large animals, which are usually found in cold seas.They include the blue whales, the right whales, and the rorquals.

The future of many of the larger kinds of whales is uncertain. Whalers have killed so many blue, bowhead, humpback, and right whales that those species are threatened with extinction. Overhunting has also greatly reduced the number of fin and sei whales.Also, if the human population does not stop increasing, people may have to compete with whales for food in the seA.Some nations have begun fishing for krill.Krill is the chief food of wha

A.good bodily resistance to water

B.only a few small bones inside the body

C.neither hind limbs nor body hair

D.a thick layer of fat under the skin

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更多“Whales鲸Whales are aquatic mammals belonging to order CetaceA.A few species live in fresh”相关的问题
An Unusual Experience at SeaIt was early one morning in February 1972 when Mayoral and his

An Unusual Experience at Sea

It was early one morning in February 1972 when Mayoral and his partner Santos Luis Perez set out to fish in Laguna San lgnacio. Hundreds of gray whales were swimming in the three-mile-long, one-mile-wide inlet. This was usual between December and April, for the whales breed in the protected inlets of Baja, the final destination of their annual 6,000-mile migration from the Arctic. Mayoral and Perez stayed as for as possible from the spouting (喷涌) creatures, because the whales were said to smash boats with their powerful flukes (鲸尾的叶). Mayoral, who had 16 years' experience at sea, knew no one who had been close to a healthy gray whale and lived.

As Mayoral rowed to catch the outgoing (退出去的) tide, he saw, straight ahead, a whale approaching. Heart pounding, the 31-year-old turned the little wooden boat and pulled hard for shore. Try as he might, however, he could not row over the huge beast. In moments, it overtook them. Expecting the worst, the fishermen dropped to their knees and made the sign of the cross. The whale raised its nine-foot head out of the water and looked at them. Then, remarkably, it began to rub gently against the boat.

Sinking and resurfacing(重新露出水面) on opposite sides of the boat, the whale continued its gentle rubbing for almost an hour. At first the men prayed, frozen in fear. But gradually Mayoral 's terror gave way to curiosity. He was tempted to reach out and touch this oddly unthreatening monster, but a lifetime of caution kept him still.

At last, having finished with whatever its purpose had been, the whale disappeared below the surface. Some time passed before either man spoke. Then they headed home. To his wife, Mayoral said only, "No fish today."

But word spread through the cluster of small wooden houses near the salt-water lake. A strange thing had happened: one of the whales had tried to touch the men, and the men had returned unharmed. Why?

In nights to come, by faint kerosene lamps, Mayoral and Perez told the story. They and other fishermen struggled to understand. What did the whale want?

We know from the passage that the whales traveled 6,000 miles from the Arctic to the inlets of Baja ______.

A.just to have a change in environment

B.to give birth to baby whales in winter

C.to escape from the cold water for a while

D.to find a warm place to settle down

An Unusual Experience at Sea It was early one morning in February 1972 when Mayoral and hi

An Unusual Experience at Sea

It was early one morning in February 1972 when Mayoral and his partner Santos Luis Perez set out to fish in Laguna San Ignacio. Hundreds of gray whales were swimming in the three-mile-long, one-mile-wide inlet. This was usual between December and April, for the whales breed in the protected inlets of Baja, the final destination of their annual 6,000-mile migration from the Arctic. Mayoral and Perez stayed as for as possible from the spouting (喷涌) creatures, because the whales were said to smash boats with their powerful flukes (鲸尾的叶). Mayoral, who had 16 years' experience at sea, knew no one who had been close to a healthy gray whale and lived.

As Mayoral rowed to catch the outgoing (退出去的) tide, he saw, straight ahead, a whale approaching. Heart pounding, the 31-year-old turned the little wooden boat and pulled hard for shore. Try as he might, however, he could not row over the huge beast. In moments, it overtook them. Expecting the worst, the fishermen dropped to their knees and made the sign of the cross. The whale raised its nine-foot head out of the water and looked at them. Then, remarkably, it began to rub gently against the boat.

Sinking and resurfacing (重新露出水面) on opposite sides of the boat, the whale continued its gentle rubbing for almost an hour. At first the men prayed, frozen in fear. But gradually Mayoral's terror gave way to curiosity. He was tempted to reach out and touch this oddly unthreatening monster, but a lifetime of caution kept him still.

At last, having finished with whatever its purpose had been, the whale disappeared below the surface. Some time passed before either man spoke. Then they headed home. To his wife, Mayoral said only, "No fish today."

But word spread through the cluster of small wooden houses near the salt-water lake. A strange thing had happened: one of the whales had tried to touch the men, and the men had returned unharmed. Why?

In nights to come, by faint kerosene lamps, Mayoral and Perez told the story. They and other fishermen struggled to understand. What did the whale want?

We know from the passage that the whales traveled 6,000 miles from the Arctic to the inlets of Baja ______.

A.just to have a change in environment

B.to give birth to baby whales in winter

C.to escape from the cold water for a while

D.to find a warm place to settle down

The Migration of the California Grey WhaleOne of nature's greatest achievements is the Cal

The Migration of the California Grey Whale

One of nature's greatest achievements is the California grey whale. At birth a grey whale calf(小仔) weighs 2,000 pounds and is fourteen feet long. Every day the calf consumes fifty gallons of the mother's milk and gains fifty pounds of weight. At maturity this whale will weigh 80,000 pounds, be fifty feet long and eat several tons of food each day. The California grey whale spends most of its sixty-year life span on the road.

Every year thousands of grey whales make the longest migration of any animal, traveling 7,000 miles each way between the Arctic(北极圈)and Baja, California. The grey whales spend the long summer days in their Arctic feeding grounds in the Bering Sea between Alaska and Russia. Unlike a fish, the whale is warm-blooded and must therefore maintain a relatively high internal body temperature. In the cold Arctic waters the grey whale is protected by an outer layer of blubber(鲸脂)which averages six inches in thickness. Other whales such as the Greenland Night whale have been found with a two-foot thick layer of blubber covering their bodies.

During these summer months in the Arctic the grey whales fatten themselves by consuming enormous quantities of small shrimp-like animals called amphipods (端足目动物). Recent observations of a young grey whale, Gigi II, held in captivity (囚禁) at Sea World in San Diego during 1971 and 1972, suggest that the grey whale feeds by sweeping its enormous head over the bottom. The amphipods on which it feeds are either stirred off the bottom or leap off the bottom to escapee. These animals and the surrounding water are sucked into the whale's mouth. As the water is expelled from the mouth, it passes through coarse baleen (鲸须) fibres. The small animals are trapped and swallowed.

In October as the days get shorter and ice begins to form. over the Arctic feeding grounds, the California grey whale begins its long journey south to the warm waters of Baja, California. During this three-month long trip the whales traveling in groups stay dose to the shore of North America, swimming both day and night and averaging about 100 miles per day.

Occasionally the whale will take a look around above the water or "skyhop". Either by beating its tail flukes (尾鳍) rapidly or by resting its tail on the bottom, the whale pushes its upper eight to ten feet of body out of the water and takes a look around. At other times the whale will leap its fifty-foot body almost clear of the water, creating a huge splash as it reenters the water. This "breaching" (跃出水面) may be to dislodge(驱逐)whale lice(虱子) or barnacles (附着甲壳动物) or possibly part of a courtship display.

During the trip south the grey whales that are sexually mature, at least three years old, and not pregnant already, form. mating groups. These groups are composed of three whales, two males and a female. The dominant male couples with the female while the second male is kept busy positioning the two whales on their sides facing each other and keeping them together during the sex act. This is no small job, since each whale can be fifty feet long and weighs forty tons.

During December and January the grey whales arrive at the warm lagoons(环礁湖)along the coast of Baja, California. The whales swim miles inland along narrow shallow channels. These channels are the breeding grounds of the California grey whale. The calf has been gestating (孕育) in the pregnant female for the last thirteen months, that is, since her last journey south. The expectant cow is aided in the birth of the calf by another female that acts as a midwife (助产士). At birth the calf sinks toward the sea floor. Being a mammal (哺乳动物) the whale must breathe at the surface. The midwife guides the baby whale to the surface for its first gulp of air. The calf then finds its mother's nipples (乳头) and rich whale milk is forced into its mouth. During the next two mont





Human‘s brains are larger in proportion to their bodies than _______. A. whales B. a whale C. that of whales D. those of whales

Scientists are sure thatA.the number of the whales is rising slowly by a small percentage.

Scientists are sure that

A.the number of the whales is rising slowly by a small percentage.

B.greater scrutiny of the whale population explains the growing number.

C.the whales are in an irrevocable decline despite all their efforts.

D.the whales have other summer habitats besides Sakhalin’s offshore.

By upsetting the balance of the climax stage, man will ______ the indiscriminate hunting o
f whales for food.





Many species of whales will not breed unless ______.A.they are in the same group for a lon

Many species of whales will not breed unless ______.

A.they are in the same group for a long term

B.they are isolated from other species

C.they are in the company of many other whales

D.there are enough genes available

Which of the following is NOT a possible reason for whales dying?A.Pneumonia.B.Brain infec

Which of the following is NOT a possible reason for whales dying?


B.Brain infection.



A.Because the whales hunt too close to the shores.B.Because the whales failed to detec

A.Because the whales hunt too close to the shores.

B.Because the whales failed to detect the sloping coastlines.

C.Because human activities affect whales' lives deeply:

D.The reason is still unknown.

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