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提问人:网友apple_cug 发布时间:2022-01-06

听力原文: Two protesters have been shot dead as thousands of people took to the streets of

Pakistan in violent anti western protests triggered by cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad published in some European newspapers. Both who died were shot by security guards in Lahore when a bank came under attack. Demonstrator in Lahore destroyed vehicles and set fire to businesses, targeting US fast food outlets. They tried to storm the provincial assembly building and were driven back by police firing teargas. Private security guards at a bank fired bullets in stead, killing a number of protesters. Witnesses said the violence was unexpected and unprovoked. The Interior Minister Aftab Khan Sherpao said organizers didn't keep their word to remain peaceful. Islamic leaders distanced themselves from the violence, saying they had nothing to do with it.

Which of the following is NOT true of the protesters?

A.They fired bullets.

B.They damaged cars.

C.They set fire.

D.They attacked restaurants.

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更多“听力原文: Two protesters have been shot dead as thousands of people took to the streets of”相关的问题
听力原文: More than 10, 000 Thai farmers and villagers say they will continue their three
month-old protest in front of the government house in the capital Bangkok until their demands are met. The Thai cabinet on Tuesday endorsed a number of measures including a fund to compensate villagers made landless by dam constructions. But the protesters, who are mostly the poor from northeast Thailand said the measures passed by the government were vague and failed to address several key points, including land ownership disputes in two major provinces.

How long has the protest lasted according to the news?

A.One month.

B.Two months.

C.Three months.

D.Four months.

听力原文:On the second anniversary of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, there has been a bi

听力原文: On the second anniversary of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, there has been a big demonstration in Baghdad calling for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq. The rally, which was organized by the Shiite cleric Muqtada A1-Sadr, drew tens of thousands of demonstrators to the square, where Saddam Hussein's statue was toppled two years ago. Protesters also said they wanted the former Iraqi leader to be put on trial.

"Our demands are ending the occupation of Iraq immediately and the trial of Saddam Hussein and the release of all the Iraqi prisoners."

The demonstration is to______.

A.ask for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq

B.appeal to kill the former leader

C.call for more human rights

D.ask for improvement of working conditions

听力原文: On the second anniversary of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, there has been a b
ig demonstration in Baghdad calling for the withdraw of America troops from Iraq. The rally, which was organized by the Shiite cleric Muqtada A1-Sadr, drew tens of thousands of demonstrators to the square, where Saddam Hussein's statue was toppled two years ago. Protesters also said they wanted the former Iraqi leader to be put on trial.

"Our demands are ending the occupation of Iraq immediately and the trial of Saddam Hussein and the release of all the Iraqi prisoners."

The demonstration is to ______.

A.ask for the withdraw of America troops from Iraq

B.appeal to kill the former leader

C.call for more human rights

D.ask for working conditions improvement

听力原文: On the second anniversary of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, there has been a b
ig demonstration in Baghdad calling for the withdraw of America troops from Iraq. The rally, which was organized by the Shiite cleric Mu-qtada Al-Sadr, drew tens of thousands of demonstrators to the square, where Saddam Hussein's statue was toppled two years ago. Protesters also said they wanted the former Iraqi leader to be put on trial.

"Our demands are ending the occupation of Iraq immediately and the trial of Saddam Hussein and the release of all the Iraqi prisoners."

The demonstration is to

A.ask for the withdraw of America troops from Iraq

B.appeal to kill the former leader

C.call for more human rights

D.ask for working conditions improvement

听力原文: Uzbekistan's government said on Tuesday troops had killed "terrorists" not civil
ians to quell unrest, contradicting witnesses who said they shot hundreds of protesters, including women and children.

An Uzbek opposition party said it had compiled a list of 745 people killed. Witnesses and a human rights activist in the eastern town of Andizhan have put the death toll at about 500.

The unrest, sparked by the trial of 23 Muslim businessmen and blamed by Karimov on Islamic extremists, was the bloodiest chapter in Uzbekistan's post-Soviet history.

Uzbekistan' s prosecutor general said rebels killed 159 people, including three women and two children. It previously said 10 policemen were killed and "many more" rebels.

Residents and a local human rights activist say the rebellion was staged by locals protesting against poverty, corruption and Karimov' s hard line against Muslims.

According to the government source, the unrest was sparked by ______

A.Islamic extremists protesting against poverty

B.the trial of 23 Muslim businessmen

C.the rebellion against Karimov ' s hard line against Muslims

D.rite opposition party protesting against corruption

听力原文: Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ tins canceled her annual vacation in the Scottish capital Edin
burgh because of plans for anti-poverty rallies there to coincide with a summit of the world's richest nations, Buckingham Palace said Saturday.

The palace said the queen would not spend her usual week at Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh in early July because of the planned marches, which are expected to attract thousands of proteins.

Her annual garden party at the city's Holyrood Palace has been postponed until July 28.

The anti-poverty campaigner Bob Gcldof has called for a million protesters to converge in Edinburgh during the July 6-8 summit of the G8 nations at nearby Gleneagles.

The queen's stay at Holyroodhouse is part of the extended summer vacation she takes every year. Much of the time is spent at her Scottish country seat, Balmoral Castle; the palace said she will head there as usual after the delayed garden party.

The Edinburgh march will come after a series of international concerts aimed at drawing attention to poverty in Africa.

G8 summits in recent years have attracted sometimes violent protests by activists, many of them opposed to globalization. At the 2001 summit in Genoa, Italy, demonstrators threw stones and homemade firebombs at riot police, who responded with water cannons and tear gas. Police also shot dead one activist.

According to the news item, the mason Queen Elizabeth 11 canceled hex yearly vacation in Edinburgh this summer is that _____.

A.there will be anti-poverty rallies there at that time

B.G8 summit meeting will be held there at that time

C.the coincidence of the two above two events

D.hex safety will be in question there at that time

听力原文: Queen Elizabeth 11 tins canceled her annual vacation in the Scottish capital Edi
nburgh because of plans for anti-poverty rallies there to coincide with a summit of the world's richest nations, Buckingham Palace said Saturday.

The palace said the queen would not spend her usual week at Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh in early July because of the planned marches, which are expected to attract thousands of proteins.

Her annual garden party at the city's Holyrood Palace has been postponed until July 28.

The anti-poverty campaigner Bob Gcldof has called for a million protesters to converge in Edinburgh during the July 6-8 summit of the G8 nations at nearby Gleneagles.

The queen's stay at Holyroodhouse is part of the extended summer vacation she takes every year. Much of the time is spent at her Scottish country seat, Balmoral Castle; the palace said she will head there as usual after the delayed garden party.

The Edinburgh march will come after a series of international concerts aimed at drawing attention to poverty in Africa.

G8 summits in recent years have attracted sometimes violent protests by activists, many of them opposed to globalization. At the 2001 summit in Genoa, Italy, demonstrators threw stones and homemade firebombs at riot police, who responded with water cannons and tear gas. Police also shot dead one activist.

According to the news item, the mason Queen Elizabeth 11 canceled hex yearly vacation in Edinburgh this summer is that _____.

A.there will be anti-poverty rallies there at that time

B.G8 summit meeting will be held there at that time

C.the coincidence of the two above two events

D.her safety will be in question there at that time

听力原文: Hundreds of demonstrators who've been blocking one of Italy's main railway lines
since Friday in a protest about a local rubbish clump have agreed to end their demonstration. The protest in a small country station just south of Naples blocked the main North-South line and left tens of thousands of Italian rail travelers delayed or stranded. The protesters were angry at the government plans to reopen a local landfill site.

What did the protesters do?

A.They blocked a railway line.

B.They held the rail travelers.

C.They cut water supplies to the trains.

D.They closed a local landfill.

听力原文: About 5,000 Kenyans have demonstrated in the capital Nairobi, objecting to tax h
ikes. The protesters called on the government to scrap new taxes, convene a convention to write a new constitution, stop harassing students and halt ethnic violence. The government says the tax increases are necessary to close a budget deficit.

About ______ Kenyans have demonstrated in the capital Nairobi.





听力原文:Watching his mother drown and then clinging to an inner tube for two days were pa
inful enough. And psychologists say Cuban boy Elian Gonzalez's anxiety is probably being worsened by the persistent public attention he has received since arriving in Miami. Both in the United States and Cuba, protesters chant (吟唱) (29)6-year-old Elian's name and carry his picture on posters. News helicopters buzz his temporary home and crowds of reporters, photographers and TV cameramen follow him everywhere-to his school, to his birthday party, to amusement parks.

Elian was dragged from the Atlantic on November 25,1999. (30)He had been floating on an inner tube for two days after a smugglers' boat bringing illegal migrants to Florida capsized (翻船). His mother was one of the 11 people who died in the disaster. A custody battle between his father in Cuba and relatives in Miami has been raging in the full glare of the news media. "We do know that the effects of traumatic stress can persist for years," said Alan Delamater, professor of pediatrics and psychology at the University o{ Miami. Elian is especially vulnerable because of his young age and probably does not understand fully what is going on, they said. His Miami relatives did not immediately tell him that(31)US immigration authorities had decided last Wednesday that he should be returned to Cuba. They told him they were playing hide-and-seek with the helicopters that buzzed over his house after the ruling was issued.


A.An American protester.

B.A 6-year-old Cuban boy.

C.A TV cameraman.

D.A psychologist.

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