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提问人:网友yourkeychen 发布时间:2022-01-06

听力原文:The European Union has drafted a list of US products to be hit with import taxes

听力原文: The European Union has drafted a list of US products to be hit with import taxes in retaliation for tariffs the US has imposed on European steel. EU member governments will review the list before the EU submits it to the World Trade Organization which arbitrates international trade disputes. EU officials will not say which American products will be hit by the EU sanctions. But diplomats monitoring the most recent trans Atlantic trade dispute say they include textiles and steel products. Earlier this month, the Bush administration imposed tariffs of about 30% on some steel imports including European products. The EU has appealed to the WTO to get those duties verturned. But the WTO decision on the matter will take up to a year or more. EU officials say that under WTO rules, the EU has the right to impose retaliatory measures in June, but they say the US can avoid the EU's possible counter-measures if it pays more than 2 billion dollars in compensation to the EU for imposing the steel tariffs in the first place. The officials say Washington could also escape retaliation by lowering US import duties on other EU products. The Bush administration says it will not pay compensation.

The trade dispute between the European Union and the US was caused by ______.

A.US refusal to accept arbitration by WTO.

B.US imposing tariffs on European steel.

C.US refusal to pay compensation to EU.

D.US refusal to lower import duties on EU products.

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听力原文:Two bombs exploded in Algeria Tuesday as a European Union team met with governmen

听力原文: Two bombs exploded in Algeria Tuesday as a European Union team met with government leaders to discuss the wave of civilian massacres. One bomb went off at a bus center in the center of the capital of Algeria, killing one person, and an hour later, another bomb blew up in the coastal town of Annaba, killing 3 others. The Algerians agreed to allow European Union deputy foreign ministers into discuss the situation but again, turned down any UN investigation.


A.A bomb explosion.

B.A traffic accident.



听力原文:Two bombs exploded in Algeria Tuesday as a European Union team met with governmen

听力原文: Two bombs exploded in Algeria Tuesday as a European Union team met with government leaders to discuss the wave of civilian massacres. One bomb went off at a bus center in the center of the capital of Algeria, killing one person, and an hour later, another bomb blew up in the coastal town of Algeria, killing 3 others. The Algerians agreed to allow European Union deputy foreign ministers to discuss the situation but again, turned down any UN investigation.


A.At a railway station.

B.At a bus center.

C.In the countryside.

D.In a coastal town.

听力原文: (23[B])A leaked UN report admits that the situation in Kosovo is bad and getting

听力原文: (23[B])A leaked UN report admits that the situation in Kosovo is bad and getting worse. Tile 1999 NATO effort to prevent Serbs from driving all Albanians out of Kosovo, has resulted in a situation where only UN sponsored peacekeepers are preventing the Albanians from driving the remaining 100;000 Serbs from Kosovo. (24[A])The UN originally opposed the NATO attack. Only about 5,800 of the 200,000 Serbs have returned to Kosovo. But nearly all 850,000 of the Albanians that fled, have come back, to live with nearly a million Albanians that never left. The Albanians want an independent Kosovo, and the expulsion of all non-Albanians. Efforts by the UN and European Union to change the minds of the Kosovo Albanians have been unsuccessful.

What will be the Kosovo situation in the near future?

A.It will be better.

B.It will be worse.

C.It is unclear about that now.

D.It is not mentioned in the news.

听力原文: Two bombs exploded in Algeria Tuesday as a European Union team met with governme
nt leaders to discuss the wave of civilian massacres. One bomb went off at a bus center in the center of the capital of Algiers, killing one person, and an hour later, another bomb blew up in the coastal town of Annaba, killing 3 others. The Algerians agree to allow EU deputy foreign ministers in to discuss the situation but again, turned down any UN investigations

What happened in Algeria Tuesday?

A.A bomb explosion.




听力原文: A leaked UN report admits that the situation in Kosovo is bad and getting worse.
The 1999 NATO effort to prevent Serbs from driving all Albanians out of Kosovo, has resulted in a situation where only UN sponsored peacekeepers are preventing the Albanians from driving the remaining 100,000 Serbs from Kosovo. The UN originally opposed the NATO attack. Only about 5,800 of the 200,000 Serbs have returned to Kosovo. But nearly all 850,000 of the Albanians that fled, have come back, to live with nearly a million Albanians that never left. The Albanians want an independent Kosovo, and the expulsion of all non-Albanians. Efforts by the UN and European Union to change the minds of the Kosovo Albanians have been unsuccessful.

What will be the Kosovo situation in the near future?

A.It will be better.

B.It will be worse.

C.It is unclear about that now.

D.It is not mentioned in the news.

听力原文: (9)EU foreign ministers have held a meeting in Brussels to urge Serbia to hold o

听力原文: (9)EU foreign ministers have held a meeting in Brussels to urge Serbia to hold on to its European course. The ministers say Serbia could risk isolation if it quits plans to join the EU over the issue of Kosovo. EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana says he hopes the upcoming elections in Serbia will be an opportunity for Serbian voters to show support for the EU course. He adds the situation in Kosovo is better than some have feared, but overall it is still unstable. Solana says EU ministers want the UN Mission in Kosovo to stay in place on the border between Serbia and Kosovo.

What is the aim of the meeting held by EU foreign ministers in Brussels?

A.To urge Serbia to continue its European course.

B.To discuss the upcoming elections in Serbia.

C.To discuss the issue of Kosovo.

D.To determine the border between Serbia and Kosovo.

听力原文: France, Britain and Germany have threatened to halt negotiations and refer Iran
to the UN Security Council, if it resumes work on its nuclear program.

European officials sent a blunt letter to Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Hason Rohany. It made clear that any efforts by Teheran to restart uranium enrichment would mean the end of talks. Prime Minister Tony Blair said at a press conference that Britain would back the punitive measures.

We certainly will support referral to the UN Security Council, if Iran breaches its undertakings and obligations. Quite how that will come about, we got to work out with our colleagues and allies, but those international rules are there for a reason, they got to be adhered to.

Iranian and European negotiators are expected to meet again in the coming weeks to discuss the impasse. The US has agreed to back the negotiations with the understanding that if they fail, the matter would go to the UN Security Council.

Which country will refer Iran to the UN Security Council if it resumes work on its nuclear program?

A.France, Britain and Germany.

B.France, Britain and America.

C.France, America and Germany.

D.America, Britain and Germany.

听力原文: Foreign ministers of Britain, France and Germany will make a fresh bit later tod
ay in Geneva to persuade Iran not to resume its nuclear program. The three European countries struck a deal with Teheran last November to suspend uranium enrichment but Iran now wants to restart the process. From Geneva, here is I. F:

The EU has already warned Iran that if it resumes uranium enrichment it will be referred to the International Atomic Energy Agency. The next step after that will be the UN Security Council and possible economic sanctions. The talks in Geneva are supposed to find a way out of this impasse. Privately EU diplomats believe Iran is desperate to avoid referral to the Security Council. But backing down may be hard for the Iranian negotiators and the election is due next month and the development of nuclear power has support among Iranian voters.

If Iran resumes uranium enrichment, it will first face the examination of ______.


B.UN Security Council

C.International Atomic Energy Agency

D.UN General Assembly

听力原文: The United Nations General Assembly has again called for an end to the United St
ates economic embargo against Cuba. But Washington ignored the demand, insisting the sanctions are a bilateral issue.

Cuba's National Assembly president opened the debate at the United Nations by announcing Havana's new legal campaign against the US embargo. Ricardo Allorcon said his country will Erie a US $ 100 billion law suit against Washington. The case seeks compensation for the enormous suffering inflicted by the 37-year-old economic blockade on the Cuban people. After the debate, the UN General Assembly voted 155 to 2 to demand an end to the sanctions for the eighth straight year. Only the US and Israel opposed the resolution. Washington's key allies, Japan, Canada and the European Union supported the calls for the lifting of the blockade. Washington has ignored the non-binding UN resolutions, insisting its embargo is a bilateral trade policy towards Cuba.

In Bogota, Columbia, today, a mass of car bomb, packed with shrapnel, exploded on a busy street. Eight people are dead, forty-five others injured. Police believe that drug lords put the bomb there, angry that the government is sending suspected narcotics traffickers to the United States for trial.


6.What is the American government referred to as in the news?

7.How much does Cuba ask for from America as compensation in this law suit?

8.Why does America ignore the UN's resolution?

9.How many people were killed and injured in the car bomb in Bogota, Columbia?

10.What is the suspected reason for the accident according to the police?


A.U.S. government.


C.National Assembly.

D.General Assembly.

听力原文:VIENNA The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries holds an emergency meeti

听力原文: VIENNA

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries holds an emergency meeting in Vienna Sunday to discuss an increase in the production of crude oil. Delegates from the 11 member nations of OPEC gather for the second time in a month at their Vienna headquarters. The cartel is expected to increase its official output quota, some officials speculate, by one million, or 1.5 million barrels per day, to make up the shortfall caused by a six-week strike in Venezuela, a major supplier to the United States. Saudi Arabia wants a bigger increase, but Algeria and Libya are pressing for a million barrel per day increase, which would represent about a four percent rise over the current output of 23 million barrels per day.


Iraq asked the United Nations to continue providing humanitarian aid despite cutting off exports of crude oil under the UN's oil-for-food programme, UN officials said.

The Iraqi ambassador to the UN, Saeed Hasan, met on Tuesday with programme director Benon Sevan and Iraq "wanted the UN to continue normal operations," UN spokesman Fred Eekhard told reporters.

The spokesman for the programme, John Mills, said "humanitarian supplies will continue to arrive and be distributed in Iraq." On Monday, the UN said that Iraq had stopped pumping oil through the 960-kilometre pipeline to Turkish port of Ceyhan.


For the first time in its 42-year history, the European Union (EU) staged a joint meeting of foreign affairs and defence ministers to debate how the union can acquire a security dimension consistent with its economic strength.

During that meeting, Britain and France proposed that Europe, by either 2002 or 2003, should possess the capacity to deploy a rapid reaction force of some 50,000 troops in a peacekeeping operation in or around the EU.

The proposal received a strong response, which is indicative that the EU is making concrete efforts to bolster its military clout in Europe.


A high percentage of blacks, Hispanics and other minorities in the US military complained in a survey of more than 40,000 US troops, and one in five blacks responding also said they felt race relations played a negative part in their prospects for promotion or assignment. But the survey, taken in 1997, indicated that military personnel felt Pentagon efforts to promote good race relations and equal opportunity were succeeding and that discrimination in uniform. was far less pronounced than in other areas of American life.


Japan's trade surplus plunged 14.4 percent in October from its level a year ago, the government said yesterday.

Government officials blamed the strong yen for severely damaging exports.

The trade surplus dropped to US $11.2 billion, the Finance Ministry reported, making October the seventh month in a row for a drop in the trade surplus. "Japan's exports have been pressed by the sharp appreciation of the yen against the US dollar, which mainly contributed to the surplus fall," said Naoko Ogata, an analyst at the Sakura Research Institute. "With the yen rising to current levels, exporters are finding it difficult to make a profit. "


6. Which country is pressing for an increase of a million barrels per day?

7.What did the Iraqi ambassador ask the United Nations to do?

8.What was proposed at the joint meeting staged by the European Union?

9.What was disclosed in a survey released by the US Defence Department on Tuesday?

10.As compared with the same period last year, how much did Japan's trade surplus drop?


A.Algeria and Libya.

B.Saudi Arabia.

C.Venezuela and Algeria.


听力原文:What are the three biggest markets for American agricultural exports?(36)A.Canada

听力原文:What are the three biggest markets for American agricultural exports?


A.Canada, Japan and Mexico.

B.Canada, Mexico and the European Union.

C.Japan, the European Union and Asia.

D.Japan, Latin America and Asia.

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