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提问人:网友qqgg1227 发布时间:2022-01-06

According to the author, why do babies listen to songs and stories, even though they canno

t understand them?

A.They understand the rhythm.

B.They enjoy the sound.

C.They can remember them easily.

D.They focus on the meaning of their parents words.

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
更多“According to the author, why do babies listen to songs and stories, even though they canno”相关的问题
A.She took the wrong prescription for her condition.

B.She took the medication as directed.

C.She forgot to take her medication last night.

D.She didn"t take the medication with food.

A.Try to buy Jane"s tickets.

B.Sell tickets to the boys" choir concert.

C.Invite Jane to the boys" choir concert.

D.Call the ticket office.

A.She expects the weather to be nice next weekend.

B.She forgot she had so much studying to do.

C.She usually hands in her assignments early.

D.She won"t have much time to study later.


听力原文:Professor Well, today I think wed talk about whether animals besides humans also have language. You see, what makes humans different from other animals is the power of speech. Right? Perhaps it is the power of speech that helped human beings develop into modern society. Now Im going to ask a question that sounds like an easy question but really it isnt. The question is, do animals have language? It is a question worth considering. How do you think of it? First I want to hear your opinions. Mike In my opinion, 1 dont think... um... I think other animals have language like humans do, because... because they cannot communicate thoughts and feelings. Jennifer Mike, I dont agree with you. How do you know that they cant communicate thoughts and feelings? Actually...uh...actually the bee has ways of telling other bees about food. And the dolphin has ways of giving information to other dolphins. One more, the monkey is similar to humans in many ways. It can use a human language system. So...so...I think other animals do have language. But...but...they have a different language system from humans. Professor Sounds very reasonable. Some animals ,seem to have a communication system like...as you said...the bee, the dolphin and the monkey. Does this mean animals have language? To address this question, we need to study these animals carefully. As you all have done the readings, we know... that bees do two kinds of dances to tell other bees their discovery of food. One, when food is close by, the bee does a round dance. In this dance, it moves...uh...moves in a circle inside the hive. A second kind of dance is a...a...tail-wagging dance. In this dance, the bee wiggles the end of its body as it moves in a straight line. The tail-wagging dance is used when the food is more than ten meters away. The bees know from the speed of the tail-wagging dance just how far away the food source is. The line the bee dances on shows the direction that the bees must fly in to find the food. Isnt this interesting? The bees communication system is extremely interesting. Each bee can tell all the other bees where to look for food...and...and if the food is especially good and how much of it there is. But the book mentioned an experiment conducted to study the bees communication system. In this experiment, a food source was placed very high above the bee hive and a bee was put into the food. The bee returned to the hive and did the round dance, but none of the other bees could find the food. So, what does this experiment suggest? Mike Although bees have two ways of telling others about the food source, this experiment shows...uh...shows that bees do not really have a language. You know, in this experiment, the bee cant tell other bees the place of the food, even though...uh...even though it saw the food. Jennifer Well, Mike, only one experiment cannot tell everything. I figure...um...that something might be wrong with the experiment, since, as said in the book, bees do have two dances to tell others the food source. Dances are their communication system. They just have...uh...a different way of communicating. Professor Hmmm, well... for now, there is no further information about the experiment... and... we dont know other experiments done to study bees. But, how about dolphins? Scientists have also made interesting discoveries. The dolphin has three kinds of calls or noises to tell other dolphins about food, danger, or...other things. For communication, however, the dolphins system is much more limited than a persons. And also monkeys. There are some interesting findings too. In mid-1960s, scientists tried to teach a monkey named Washoe to use a sign language. Jennifer Sorry... what language? Professor Uh, its a sign language, the language usually used by the deaf. In this experiment, signs are made with hands, because...because scientists considered that monkeys dont have the same kind of mouth and throat as humans do. After two years, Washoe could make thirty-four signs with her hands. For example, she put signs together to make sentences...and...and used one sign for all things of one kind. Besides, she can generalize her use of the sign. The ability to combine and to generalize is very important in language use. Another monkey named... uh... Lana was also studied. She had learned to use the nearly 100 symbols on the computer board and could make sentences by pressing symbols. Lana also showed that different word orders have different meanings. It seems that monkeys do have language. Is it right? Mike Well, I read about monkeys learning languages. In fact, compared with humans, their language ability is quite limited. They cant express complex thoughts and feelings. And their use of language is rather mechanical. Jennifer [interrupting] Come on...Mike. Being mechanical doesnt mean...that they dont have language. It just proved that they cant communicate as flexibly...as humans. Anyway, they use signs and symbols to communicate. Mike But, Jennifer, a parrot can say a word after you teach it many times. Does it mean the parrot really understands what the word means. Professor Our discussion gets more and more interesting. Do animals have language? The answer to this question rests with how "language" is defined. Language may be defined as any system for exchanging information. If this definition is adopted, then bees, dolphins, and monkeys all have a language. But language may be defined as a system for exchanging information by making new combinations of symbols. If this definition is used, then bees and dolphins do not have language, but monkeys may have one. Animal language, therefore, is a very complex matter. It cannot be concluded whether animals have language or not. Much more research will have to be done before any conclusion can be made.Narrator Listen to part of a discussion in a linguistics class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What is the discussion mainly about?

A.How bees communicate with each other through dancing.

B.How monkeys use sign language to communicate.

C.Whether other animals besides humans have language.

D.How human communication differs from animal communication.

What two dances are mentioned in the discussion about the bees communication? [Clink on 2 answers.]

A.A head-wagging dance.

B.A tail-wagging dance.

C.A triangle dance.

D.A round dance.

The modern automobile is a composed of more than 14,000 parts.

A.complex technical system

B.system of complex technical

C.complex technical system that

D.system is technically complex.

Often invisible, always in motion, gas is ______ of matter.

A.the state is most energetic

B.istating the most energetic

C.the most energetic state

D.the state that most energetic


"Looking at Theatre History" → One of the primary ways of approaching the Greek theatre is through archeology, the systematic study of material remains such as architecture, inscriptions, sculpture, vase painting, and other forms of decorative art.A Serious on-site excavations began in Greece around 1870, but W. D?rpfeld did not begin the first extensive study of the Theatre of Dionysus until 1886.B Since that time, more than 167 other Greek theatres have been identified and many of them have been excavated. C Nevertheless, they still do not permit us to describe the precise appearance of the skene (illustrations printed in books are conjectural reconstructions), since many pieces are irrevocably lost because the buildings in later periods became sources of stone for other projects and what remains is usually broken and scattered.D That most of the buildings were remodeled many times has created great problems for those seeking to date both the parts and the successive versions. Despite these drawbacks, archeology provides the most concrete evidence we have about the theatre structures of ancient Greece. But, if they have told us much, archeologists have not completed their work, and many sites have scarcely been touched. → Perhaps the most controversial use of archeological evidence in theatre history is vase paintings, thousands of which have survived from ancient Greece. (Most of those used by theatre scholars are reproduced in Margarete Biebers The History of the Greek and Roman Theatre.) Depicting scenes from mythology and daily life, the vases are the most graphic pictorial evidence we have. But they are also easy to misinterpret. Some scholars have considered any vase that depicts a subject treated in a surviving drama or any scene showing masks, flute players, or ceremonials to be valid evidence of theatrical practice. This is a highly questionable assumption, since the Greeks made widespread use of masks, dances, and music outside the theatre and since the myths on which dramatists drew were known to everyone, including vase painters, who might well depict the same subjects as dramatists without being indebted to them. Those vases showing scenes unquestionably theatrical are few in number. → Written evidence about ancient Greek theatre is often treated as less reliable than archeological evidence because most written accounts are separated so far in time from the events they describe and because they provide no information about their own sources. Of the written evidence, the surviving plays are usually treated as the most reliable. But the oldest surviving manuscripts of Greek plays date from around the tenth century, C.E., some 1500 years after they were first performed. Since printing did not exist during this time span, copies of plays had to be made by hand, and therefore the possibility of textual errors creeping in was magnified. Nevertheless, the scripts offer us our readiest access to the cultural and theatrical conditions out of which they came. But these scripts, like other kinds of evidence, are subject to varying interpretations. Certainly performances embodied a male perspective, for example, since the plays were written, selected, staged, and acted by men. Yet the existing plays feature numerous choruses of women and many feature strong female characters. Because these characters often seem victims of their own powerlessness and appear to be governed, especially in the comedies, by sexual desire, some critics have seen these plays as rationalizations by the male-dominated culture for keeping women segregated and cloistered. Other critics, however, have seen in these same plays an attempt by male authors to force their male audiences to examine and call into question this segregation and cloistering of Athenian women. → By far the majority of written references to Greek theatre date from several hundred years after the events they report. The writers seldom mention their sources of evidence, and thus we do not know what credence to give them. In the absence of material nearer in time to the events, however, historians have used the accounts and have been grateful to have them. Overall, historical treatment of the Greek theatre is something like assembling a jigsaw puzzle from which many pieces are missing: historians arrange what they have and imagine (with the aid of the remaining evidence and logic) what has been lost. As a result, though the broad outlines of Greek theatre history are reasonably clear, many of the details remain open to doubt. Glossary skene: a stage building where actors store their masks and change their costumes

The word thrill in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to______.





The word "allay" in line 13 is closest in meaning to ______.





A.His roommate doesn"t like to talk much.

B.He"s upset with his roommate.

C.Someone other than his roommate caused the problem.

D.He doesn"t want the woman to be friendly with his roommate.

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