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提问人:网友tlp070501 发布时间:2022-01-07

The problem to be taken up and the point at which the search for a solution will begin are

customarily prescribed by the investigator (1)_____ a subject participating in an (2)_____ on thinking (or by the programmer for a computer). (3)_____, prevailing techniques of (4)_____ in the psychology of thinking have invited (5)_____ of the motivational aspects of thinking. The conditions that determine when the person will begin to think in (6)_____ to some other activity, what he will think about, what direction his thinking will take, and when he will regard his search for a solution as successfully terminated (or abandon it as not worth pursuing further) (7)_____ are beginning to attract investigation. (8)_____ much thinking is aimed at (9)_____ ends, special motivational problems are raised by "disinterested" thinking, in which the (10)_____ of an answer to a question is a source of satisfaction in itself.

For computer specialists, the detection of a mismatch between the formula that the program so far has (11)_____ and some formula or set of requirements that (12)_____ a solution is what impels continuation of the search and determines the direction it will (13)_____.

Neo-behaviorists (like psychoanalysts) have made much of secondary (14)_____ value and stimulus generalization; i.e., the tendency of a stimulus pattern to become a source of satisfaction if it resembles or has (15)_____ accompanied some form. of biological gratification. The insufficiency of this kind of explanation becomes apparent, (16)_____, when the importance of novelty, surprise, complexity, incongruity, ambiguity, and (17)_____ is considered. Inconsistency between beliefs, between items of incoming sensory information, or between one's belief and an item of sensory information (18)_____ can be a source of discomfort impelling a (19)_____ for resolution through reorganization of belief (20)_____ or through selective acquisition of new information.





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更多“The problem to be taken up and the point at which the search for a solution will begin are”相关的问题
According to Jean Chatzky, which of the following statements is CORRECT?A.It is easy to ta

According to Jean Chatzky, which of the following statements is CORRECT?

A.It is easy to talk about money problem before marriage.

B.It is wise to show your entire property status before marriage.

C.Money conversations are necessary before marriage.

D.Marriage may end up with a big damage to your life.

请用英文按格式写出你演讲的1)具体目标, 2)中心思想,...

请用英文按格式写出你演讲的1)具体目标, 2)中心思想,和3)分项要点 。 What is the specific purpose statement,central idea and main points of your speech? 【格式】例子见教材200-203 specific purpose: 一句话 (to persuade my audience...) central idea: 一句话 main points: 1. 一句话 2. 一句话 3. 一句话 --------------------------------------------- 【例 子】教材P202 specific purpose具体目标: to persuade my audience that steps should be taken to deal with the problem of childhood obesity. (劝说听众我们该对儿童肥胖问题采取措施) central idea中心思想 : childhood obesity is a serious problem that can be controlled by cnahges in diet and exercise. (儿童肥胖是严重的问题,能够通过改变饮食和锻炼来控制。) main points 分项要点: 1. Childhood obesity is a serious problem in China. (儿童肥胖在中国是个严重问题) a) National surveys show that childhood obesity is growing rapidly. b) the inicrease ini obesity is producing health problems among children. 2. There are two major causes of the increase in chindhood obesity: (有两个主要原因导致儿童肥胖增多) a) One cause is thepopularity of American fast food. b) a second cause is physical inactivity. 3. Solving the problem requires dealing with both causes. (解决问题需要同时应对这两个原因) a) families must make sure children eat healthy food. b) family must also make sure children get enough exercise. (你的分项要点至少2条,不要超过4条。可参考粗体的那三条。不必写再细分的分要点。) ----------------------------------- 得分标准】 具体目标的 【得分标准】 见下列清单(课本P52页) 对6条清单问题都回答“是”,且属于政策问题的说服性演讲,则符合要求。 Is the specific purpose written as a full infinitive phrase? Is the specific purpose phrased as a statement rather than a question? Is the specific purpose free of figurative language? Does the specific purpose indicate precisely what I plan to accomplish in the speech? Is the specific purpose suitable for my audience? Can the specific purpose be accomplished in the time allotted for the speech? 中心思想的 【得分标准】 见下列清单(课本P54页) 对6条清单问题都回答“是”,则符合要求。 Is the central idea written as a complete sentence? Is the central idea phrased as a statement rather than a question? Is the central idea free of figurative language? Does the central idea clearly encapsulate the main points to be discussed in the body of the speech? Can the central idea be adequately discussed in the time allotted for the speech? Is the central idea suiable for my audience? 分项要点的 【得分标准】 见下列清单(课本P94页) 对这几条清单问题都回答“是”,则符合要求。 Are my main points organized according to one of the following methods of organization? 组织要点时,是否用到了以下某种顺序:问题-方案顺序,问题-原因-方案顺序,比较优势顺序,动机序列顺序? Does the body of my speech contain two to three main points? 演讲主体是否包含2-4个要点? Are my main points clearly separate from one another?每个要点之间是否划分明确? As much as possible, have I used the same pattern of wording for all my main points? 每个要点表达是否尽量运用了相同的句式? 【互评提示】请严格打分。 本次作业有事后【订正】机会,只要订正了就能拿满分。 让ta认识到自己可能没做对,让ta找原因。让ta来找我。 但如果放水,影响你自己的成绩,也没帮到ta。 如何订正: 把正确的答案写纸上【课间】交给我,我认可后会改分。也就是说,只要你愿意修改,这次作业就能改到满分 。 严格打分,才是爱ta。

It isn’t expected to start nibbling away at computer data systems until the docks click ov
er to 2000, but the millennium bug has been crawling on the nerves of information technology (IT) workers around the world for some time. And when the 21st century began its one-year countdown, an alarm dock was set for people everywhere to debug their computers to survive any system failures that the new century may trigger.

"The scale of the problem can never be overestimated," said 2hang Qi, director of the IT Products Administration Department under the Ministry of Information Industries. "In China, where some 10 million computers are presently at work, there is plenty of work that urgently needs to be done.'

Official reports say that most of the country's Y2K (Year 2000)-vulnerable sectors, like banks, securities exchanges and aviation industry as well as computer users in big cities, have already fixed their computers for the year 2000 and are now at the stage of testing the new systems. But them are sectors and regions that are lagging in their preparation.

"Whatever reasons they have, all government computer systems should be fixed by March, and tests completed by September," said Zhang.

Even if this time-frame. is adhered to, it cannot guarantee the normal function of computers by the year 2000, according to experts. Although systems may be free of the millennium bug, exchanges made to eradicate the bug could themselves ta~gger untold side-effects.

"My personal understanding is that many companies do not comprehend the urgency of the situation. They think one year is still a long time," said Professor IA Mingshu from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Ironically enough, the Year 2000 problem was caused by people’s same misunderstanding of how fast time elapses.

In the early days of computing, many programmers, assuming their programs would be redundant by 2000, conserved valuable memory space by representing years with only two digits (for example, 99 rather than 1999). The practice causes programs that perform. arithmetic operations to yield incorrect results when working with years outside the range of 1900-1999.

The scope of the Year 2000 challenge spans the entire IT industry. A data mismatch can exist in any level of hardware or software from microcode to application programs, in files and databases, and might be present on any platform. Just imagine if in the first quarter of the year 2000 your company cannot process its 1999 end of-year billing or end-of-year payroll properly; your corporate credit card holders are refused most transactions because their accounts appear delinquent; your 1999 year-end profit data cannot be calculated properly; and your utility companies cut off their services due to your apparent late bin payments.

China's official war against the millennium bug was started in 1995 with corporate actions beginning one year later at the Bank of China. "So far, all the important systems have been fixed," said Doctor Liu Shuzhong of the bank's Year 2000 Project Office. I Au added that the bank has prepared backup facilities to guarantee the normal function of the whole system in case anything urgent happens at the mm of the century. "Our ultimate goal is to protect the interests of our customers," he said.

Alongside efforts from computer users to debug their systems, IT manufacturers have also participated in the war against the millennium bug. I-Lin Chow, manager of IBM China year 2000 Project Office, said that her company has been trying every means possible in the past few years to help its Chinese clients solve the Y2K problems.

"We have opened many training courses on how to solve the problem. We' re also providing various forms of technical support for our clients," she said.

While most attention to solving the Y2K problem has been focused on the IT industry, some experts predict that the mill


B.Securities exchanges industry.

C.Aviation industry.


可以中文回答: 你打算用什么材料来支撑你的观点? 举例...

可以中文回答: 你打算用什么材料来支撑你的观点? 举例、数据还是证言? (范例见第6章 p73-82。 ) 请至少为这篇演讲搜集3条参考资料, 每条证据请用一句话说明。 并给出你的参考资料出处或链接。 如果来自网络,请给出链接,而非“来自百度”。 回答格式: 我打算用2个例子和1个数据证明。 例子1:xxx 出处 xxxxx 例子2 :xxx 出处 xxxxx 数据1 : xxx 出处: xxxxxx 回答范例: 为了证明 Childhood obesity is a serious problem in China. (儿童肥胖在中国是个严重问题)。 数据1:(组合数据) 根据北大公共卫生学院、首儿所、农业部食物与营养发展研究所、中国营养学会等多家机构的专家联合编写,2017年发布的《中国儿童肥胖报告》: 我国主要大城市0~7岁肥胖儿童估测有476万,7岁以上学龄儿童超重、肥胖达3496万,加起来近4000万。而且,如果不采取有效的干预措施,到2030年,0~7岁肥胖儿童数将增至664万;7岁及以上超重肥胖儿童将增至4948万。 出处: http://health.sina.com.cn/news/2017-05-12/doc-ifyfeivp5617253.shtml 参考资料格式范例(这是学术论文的格式。不必)可以中文回答: 你打算用什么材料来支撑你的观点? 举例...可以中文回答: 你打算用什么材料来支撑你【评分标准】 1 是否达到三条参考资料 2 是否给出链接或出处 ? 3.来源是否可靠、公正、无偏见? 如果参考文献来自网络,请对照清单: 参考文献出处的作者是否能确认?(而非某人或“有专家指出”) 如果作者明确,TA是否是这个话题的专家? 如果作者不是专家,TA的观点是否客观无偏见? 如果作者没有明确,是否能确认文献背后资助的组织? 如果资助的组织是政府,教育机构,还是非赢利团体? 资助机构是在专业度和客观性上口碑如何? 此文献是否有版权日期,出版日期或修订日期? 如如果有日期,这份文献是否足够新,可以拿来引用? 【怎样在网上找资料】 如何用好 Google 等搜索引擎 为什么要少用百度? 知乎精华问答:如何获取信息 ------------------------------- 【参考资源】 怎样判断网上资料是否靠谱? 信息大爆炸时代的生存指南(2):我们应该相信什么? 怎样识别谣言和假新闻? 财新网主编 王烁老师两篇: 假新闻的真相http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/21mEY5EGcCoCBEiVrfSv8g 何谓新闻客观 http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/UztloDQtsToYHjfPPrRVbg 如何提高逻辑思维能力和表达能力? 如何培养思辨能力(critical thinking)?

可先看课件ppt:来自教材第六章 如何用材料支撑观点 如...

可先看课件ppt:来自教材第六章 如何用材料支撑观点 如何用例子来支撑观点 如何用数据来支撑观点 如何用证言来支撑观点 然后中文回答: 你打算用什么材料来支撑你的观点? 举例、数据还是证言? (范例见第6章 p73-82。 ) 请至少为这篇演讲搜集3条参考资料。 每条证据请用一句话说明。 并给出你的参考资料出处或链接。 如果来自网络,请给出链接,而非“来自百度”。如果来自自身经历,出处写:自身经历。 回答格式: 我打算用2个例子和1个数据证明。 例子1:xxx 出处 xxxxx 例子2 :xxx 出处 xxxxx 数据1 : xxx 出处: xxxxxx 回答范例: 为了证明 Childhood obesity is a serious problem in China. (儿童肥胖在中国是个严重问题)。 数据1:(组合数据) 根据北大公共卫生学院、首儿所、农业部食物与营养发展研究所、中国营养学会等多家机构的专家联合编写,2017年发布的《中国儿童肥胖报告》: 我国主要大城市0~7岁肥胖儿童估测有476万,7岁以上学龄儿童超重、肥胖达3496万,加起来近4000万。而且,如果不采取有效的干预措施,到2030年,0~7岁肥胖儿童数将增至664万;7岁及以上超重肥胖儿童将增至4948万。 出处: http://health.sina.com.cn/news/2017-05-12/doc-ifyfeivp5617253.shtml 参考资料格式范例(这是学术论文的格式。这次不强求)可先看课件ppt:来自教材第六章 如何用材料支撑观点 如...可先看课件ppt:来自教材第六章 如何【评分标准】 1 是否达到三条参考资料 2 是否给出链接或出处 ? 3.来源是否可靠、公正、无偏见? 如果参考文献来自网络,请对照清单: 参考文献出处的作者是否能确认?(而非某人或“有专家指出”) 如果作者明确,TA是否是这个话题的专家? 如果作者不是专家,TA的观点是否客观无偏见? 如果作者没有明确,是否能确认文献背后资助的组织? 如果资助的组织是政府,教育机构,还是非赢利团体? 资助机构是在专业度和客观性上口碑如何? 此文献是否有版权日期,出版日期或修订日期? 如如果有日期,这份文献是否足够新,可以拿来引用? 【怎样在网上找资料】 如何用好 Google 等搜索引擎 为什么要少用百度? 知乎精华问答:如何获取信息 ------------------------------- 【参考资源】 怎样判断网上资料是否靠谱? 信息大爆炸时代的生存指南(2):我们应该相信什么? 怎样识别谣言和假新闻? 财新网主编 王烁老师两篇: 假新闻的真相http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/21mEY5EGcCoCBEiVrfSv8g 何谓新闻客观 http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/UztloDQtsToYHjfPPrRVbg 如何提高逻辑思维能力和表达能力? 如何培养思辨能力(critical thinking)?

可先看课件ppt:来自教材第六章 如何用材料支撑观点 如...

可先看课件ppt:来自教材第六章 如何用材料支撑观点 如何用例子来支撑观点 如何用数据来支撑观点 如何用证言来支撑观点 然后中文回答: 你打算用什么材料来支撑你的观点? 举例、数据还是证言? (范例见第6章 p73-82。 ) 请至少为这篇演讲搜集3条参考资料, 每条证据请用一句话说明。 并给出你的参考资料出处或链接。 如果来自网络,请给出链接,而非“来自百度”。 回答格式: 我打算用2个例子和1个数据证明。 例子1:xxx 出处 xxxxx 例子2 :xxx 出处 xxxxx 数据1 : xxx 出处: xxxxxx 回答范例: 为了证明 Childhood obesity is a serious problem in China. (儿童肥胖在中国是个严重问题)。 数据1:(组合数据) 根据北大公共卫生学院、首儿所、农业部食物与营养发展研究所、中国营养学会等多家机构的专家联合编写,2017年发布的《中国儿童肥胖报告》: 我国主要大城市0~7岁肥胖儿童估测有476万,7岁以上学龄儿童超重、肥胖达3496万,加起来近4000万。而且,如果不采取有效的干预措施,到2030年,0~7岁肥胖儿童数将增至664万;7岁及以上超重肥胖儿童将增至4948万。 出处: http://health.sina.com.cn/news/2017-05-12/doc-ifyfeivp5617253.shtml 参考资料格式范例(这是学术论文的格式。这次不强求)可先看课件ppt:来自教材第六章 如何用材料支撑观点 如...可先看课件ppt:来自教材第六章 如何【评分标准】 1 是否达到三条参考资料 2 是否给出链接或出处 ? 3.来源是否可靠、公正、无偏见? 如果参考文献来自网络,请对照清单: 参考文献出处的作者是否能确认?(而非某人或“有专家指出”) 如果作者明确,TA是否是这个话题的专家? 如果作者不是专家,TA的观点是否客观无偏见? 如果作者没有明确,是否能确认文献背后资助的组织? 如果资助的组织是政府,教育机构,还是非赢利团体? 资助机构是在专业度和客观性上口碑如何? 此文献是否有版权日期,出版日期或修订日期? 如如果有日期,这份文献是否足够新,可以拿来引用? 【怎样在网上找资料】 如何用好 Google 等搜索引擎 为什么要少用百度? 知乎精华问答:如何获取信息 ------------------------------- 【参考资源】 怎样判断网上资料是否靠谱? 信息大爆炸时代的生存指南(2):我们应该相信什么? 怎样识别谣言和假新闻? 财新网主编 王烁老师两篇: 假新闻的真相http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/21mEY5EGcCoCBEiVrfSv8g 何谓新闻客观 http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/UztloDQtsToYHjfPPrRVbg 如何提高逻辑思维能力和表达能力? 如何培养思辨能力(critical thinking)?


A.TA <tb>









Tiens ! Tu_____ ta toilette ?

A.void & TA::operator==(const TA &a);

B.TA & TA::operator==(const TA &a);

C.bool & TA::operator==(const TA &a);

D.bool TA::operator==(const TA &a);

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