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提问人:网友wzm87816 发布时间:2022-01-06

听力原文:W: Grace is so annoying, though she doesn't mean to hurt anybody. She is always c

orrecting other people. She thinks she is a know-it-all.

M: I feel the same way. Though sometimes her comments are wise, they are hurtful.

Q: What does the man think of Grace?


A.Annoying and mean.

B.Kind and friendly.

C.Intelligent but mean.

D.Intelligent but annoying.

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听力原文:W: Grace is so annoying, though she doesn't mean to hurt anybody. She is always c
orrecting other people. She thinks she is a know-it-all.

M: I feel the same way, Though sometimes her comments are wise, they are hurtful.

Q: What does the man think of Grace?


A.Annoying and mean.

B.Kind and friendly.

C.Intelligent but mean.

D.Intelligent but annoying.

听力原文:M: Miss Grace, I'm glad that you've made it through that heavy snow.W: Yes, I was

听力原文:M: Miss Grace, I'm glad that you've made it through that heavy snow.

W: Yes, I was not expecting so much snow here and it is colder than I expected. I was unable to book a taxi from the hotel, so I had to get up early and come by bus.

M: We are having extraordinary weather this winter. Even so, you are on time for your appointment. During this interview, I would like to give you a brief overview of our MBA program and job requirements. You'll want to know this background information, then I'll need to get some information from you. If you have questions, please feel free to ask them.

W: All right.

M: You are aware that we have a special purpose for this MBA program. We want to help young professionals find direction and position. The student should earn a certificate upon completion of the program.

W: There is definitely a shortage of trained personnel in this area.

M: From your resume, I notice that you have experience in the business world as well as in teaching MBA courses. What do you consider to be your strong points?

W: My present employer says I am creative but practical. He has commented more than once I'm the best CEO he's ever had.

M: If you are hired, what would you plan to do for our students?

W: I would hope to help the students become diligent and efficient employees. I would give them a solid foundation in managerial expertise as well as professional knowledge.

M: Miss Grace, you will be taking a cut in salary by coming here. Would you mind telling me why you are considering a change of jobs? Is it because of your health? Many people come to this city for the mild climate, and of course for the clean air. This winter is an exception, though.

W: No, I just love to work with young people, and I'd like to share with them my work experience.


A.It is very mild.

B.It is warm.

C.It is snowy.

D.It is overcast.

听力原文:W: Hi, Jim. Have you ever read the works of Ernest Hemingway?M: Oh, I like Heming

听力原文:W: Hi, Jim. Have you ever read the works of Ernest Hemingway?

M: Oh, I like Hemingway very much, his style, the Hemingway theme with a Hemingway hero.

W: You are really my bosom friend. Yes. Hemingway wrote all his life about one theme, that is "grace under pressure". The world Hemingway created is a world of violence, despair and death, a world in which man cannot find the meaning of life.

M: Yes. I have the same feeling with you. But his hero is not a coward, a weeper. In face of inevitable defeat, keeping a stiff upper-lip means a kind of victory.

W: So he often has stoic endurance. Even in defeat he can maintain some dignity; in spite of defeat he continues to fight with the despairing courage, which enables him to behave like a man, to assert his dignity in face of adversity. From him we can see the spirit of the noble--Hemingway type of individualism.

M: It is a kind of tragic beauty. I am deeply touched by their spirit, even though it's futile to fight.

W: At least they give us a stir, give us an inspiration: never give up.

M: Yes. Hemingway is a myth in his own times, and a myth in American literature. But he ended his life to the whole world's shock.

W: He died a strong man, a hero. Few have such a despairing courage, and he did this with "grace under pres sure".

What is the conversation mainly about?

A.The writing skills of Ernest Hemingway.

B.The life and profession of Hemmingway.

C.The hardship suffered by Hemingway.

D.Hemingway's theme and writing style.

听力原文:M: Have you seen Ted Green's new ear?W: No. When did you see it?M: He gave me a r

听力原文:M: Have you seen Ted Green's new ear?

W: No. When did you see it?

M: He gave me a ride to the store yesterday. Oh, I forgot to tell you. Ted and Grace have invited us to their house next Sunday. They took a lot of movies on their trip to China and they want to show them to us.

W: That will be fun. Let's take the children, too.

M: No. I have already asked them. They want to stay home and see their favorite actor on TV. They like him a lot.

Who has seen the new car?

A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.Ted Green.

听力原文:W: I think panda is more interesting than elephant and tiger.M: So it is. What an

听力原文:W: I think panda is more interesting than elephant and tiger.

M: So it is.

What animal do they like best?




听力原文:W: That was quite a game.The stadium was really full.M: And being there in person

听力原文:W: That was quite a game.The stadium was really full.

M: And being there in person was so much more fun than watching the game on TV.

Q: How did the two speakers find the game?


A.Extremely good.

B.Not so much fun.

C.Very foolish.

D.Quite tedious.

听力原文:M:The bank is so crowded that it is so hard to pull me through in the line。W:Well

听力原文:M:The bank is so crowded that it is so hard to pull me through in the line。

W:Well! Usually it is the case in the morning.You can shift your time to avoid the peak hour.

Q:What does the woman suggest the man do?


A.Pull through the crowds.

B.Come to the bank in the morning.

C.Choose another bank.

D.Choose other time.

听力原文:W: This room is so stuffy, I can hardly breathe.M: I think they should prohibit s

听力原文:W: This room is so stuffy, I can hardly breathe.

M: I think they should prohibit smoking here, don't you?

Q: Why is the woman complaining?


A.Too many people are smoking.

B.The breeze is so strong.

C.The window is closed.

D.The room is full.

听力原文:M: Bob is surely so swift in class.W: You bet. The professor never catches him of

听力原文:M: Bob is surely so swift in class.

W: You bet. The professor never catches him off guard.

W: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.Bob is very good at running,

B.Bob works as a guard.

C.Bob never skips the professor's class.

D.Bob is very smart.

听力原文:W: Professor Hook was so strange today.M: I noticed that too. He was talking so q

听力原文:W: Professor Hook was so strange today.

M: I noticed that too. He was talking so quietly and then not giving us any homework at all. Can you believe that?

Q: What can be inferred about Professor Hook?


A.He usually talks quietly.

B.He usually assigns homework.

C.He didn't come to class today.

D.He came to class late today.

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