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提问人:网友csgogogo 发布时间:2022-01-06

When was China's official war against the millennium bug started?A.1995.B.1996.C.1997.D.19

When was China's official war against the millennium bug started?





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更多“When was China's official war against the millennium bug started?A.1995.B.1996.C.1997.D.19”相关的问题
金秋十月,晴空万里,阳光普照,第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次全体会议今天上午在北京人民大会堂举行。 你认为,本例在全球传播语境中的最佳翻译是: _____________

A、The 14th National People’s Congress (NPC) kicked off its first plenary session at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing this morning nestled amid vast clear skies and flooding sunshine in the golden autumn of October.

B、The 14th National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s top legislature, kicked off its first plenary session at its seat the Great Hall of the People in Beijing this morning.

C、In the golden autumn of October, the sky was clear and the sun was shining. The first plenary meeting of the 14th National People's Congress was held this morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

D、The first plenary session of the 14th National People's Congress was held this morning in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing in the golden autumn of October, when the sky was clear and sunny.

York House Lawton Street, Liverpool, England 15th January, 2005China National Arts & C

York House

Lawton Street, Liverpool, England

15th January, 2005

China National Arts & Crafts Import and Export Corp.

Shanghai, China

Dear Sirs,

Messrs Jons & Smith of New York inform. us that you are exporters of all cotton bed-sheets and pillowcases. We would like you to send us details of your various ranges, including sizes, colors, prices, and also samples of the different qualities of material used.

We are large dealers in textiles and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of this kind mentioned.

When quoting, please state your terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchases of quantities off not less than 100 dozen of individual items. Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to Liverpool

Yours faithfully,

United Textiles Limited


The purpose of writing the letter is to get【46】the various ranges of China National Arts & Crafts Import and Export Corp. The writer's company is informed that China National Arts & Crafts Import and Export Corp. exports【47】and【48】When quoting, China National Arts & Crafts Import and Export Corp. is required to state their terms of【49】and【50】discount.

Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passag

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the

China has outlined a new approach to foreign investment, with planners saying they will now focus less on attracting large amounts of cash and more on selecting investments that will bring skills and technology into the country. The change in tactics,【B1】______ in an official document published by the National Development and Reform. Commission, comes after more than a year of【B2】______ debate over the role foreign investors should play in China's economy. China has long been one of the world's top【B3】______ for foreign investment, and international companies【B4】______ in more than $70 billion last year, drawn by the country's low costs,【B5】______ prowess and huge domestic market. But the inroads have caused some unease among both ordinary people and officials, who also want to see domestic companies do well. The new foreign-in vestment plan, which isn't a【B6】______ blueprint but rather a statement of broad【B7】______ , does say that regulators will look more closely at foreign takeovers of local companies and other issues of "national economic security" that have received increasing attention recently. But the vision it advances represents neither an attempt to【B8】______ close off China's economy nor a new round of liberalization. The planning agency said【B9】______ . For instance, new investments by foreign companies will face stricter environmental and land-use standards. On the other hand,【B10】______ . The plan said China will continue to open up service industries,【B11】______ . The commission also pledged to improve the business environment by reducing red tape and strengthening enforcement of intellectual-property rights.


What are the useful tips for safety when foreigners in China are on vacation?

A、Sending update messages to everyone that he or she is not home.

B、Thinking about the content of the post before posting on the Moments (朋友圈).

C、Never sharing detailed travel information with irrelevant persons.

D、Switching off the location applications(定位功能) when using social media.

China’s holiday system has undergone several major adjustments and reforms. Nowadays we get __________ days off in National Day.
The most important holiday in China is the Spring Festival. Preparations for New Year begi
n on the final days of the last lunar month, when most families clean their homes, cut their hair and buy new clothes. Houses are festooned with paper scrolls bearing auspicious poetry. On New Year's Eve, all the members of families come together to hold feasts. Jiaozi is popular in the North, while southerners favor a sticky sweet glutinous rice pudding called "Niangao". At midnight on New Year's Eve, people set off firecrackers to greet the arrival of the new year.

On the 15th day of the 1st month of the Lunar calendar is the Lantern Festival. It normally falls at the end of February, when people traditionally come out to see lanterns in the streets or parks and eat round, sweet rice-flour dumplings, called Yuanxiao in China.

The National Day celebrates the anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Celebrations usually take the form. of parties in amusement parks in the daytime and fireworks and grand TV ensembles during the evening. During this time, people can have seven paid-days off.

The Dragon Boat Festival falls in May on the Lunar Calendar, is in memory of Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet and statesman of the State of Chu during the Warring States period. Qu Yuan drowned himself to protest his fatuous king. In order to protect his body from being eaten by fish, people launched dragon-like boats and threw rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves into the river. Nowadays, people still eat Zongzi to remember him, and the dragon boat contests enjoy great popularity.

What do Chinese people often do before the New Year?

Taiwan lies ______ the southern coast of China, and it’s really _____ island. Is that

A. Is that so

B.in, a

C.in, an

D.on ,an

E.off ,an

?Look at the statements below and at the five articles.?Which (A, B, C, D or E) does each

?Look at the statements below and at the five articles.

?Which (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement 1-8 refer to?

?For each statement 1-8, mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet.

?You will need to use some of these letters more than once.


As the market economy system is being established and widely recognized in China, the production and import of autos in the country start to fluctuate according to the demand for them. Auto import is in fact a direct indicator of the country's changing demand for these products. During the period of 1983—1985, the import of commercial vehicles and cars grew by three to four times every year. During the period of 1989—1990, China only imported 60,000—80,000 vehicles a year, 20% of that in 1985. In 1992 and 1993, the auto import leaped to 210,000 and 310,000 units.


The domestic vehicle makers have become more mature than before and ready to compete with their overseas rivals. This can also explain the dropping auto imports over the past few years. Generally speaking, imported vehicles have accounted for fewer shares on the Chinese market over the previous 20 years. The share of imported vehicles might take another rise when China's auto demand surges again in the coming years, it would not be possible for imported cars to dominate the local market again. Imported cars are in fact playing a less important role in China.


The vehicle population in China grew from 1.78 million units in 1980 to 12.19 million in 1997 at an annual rate of 12%. The number of vehicles owned by per 1,000 citizens also increased from 1.4 units to 9.9 units. Chart 3 demonstrates the close relationship between the increase of vehicle population in the country and the growth of national economy. Generally speaking, the growth rate of vehicle population remains slightly higher than that of GDP, and the growth of passenger vehicles is always higher than that of all vehicles as a whole.


The development of the world automotive industry shows that the per capita vehicle ownership has much to do with the national economy situation. When the economy was first taking off in a country, very few people owned vehicles and the elasticity co-efficiency (EC) between vehicle demand and economic growth was slightly over 1. 0. Trucks and buses accounted for most of the vehicle demand. In the second phase when the growth of national economy was gaining speed, people's demand for vehicles grew up, and the EC remained unchanged or rose significantly. During the 3rd phase when per capita income increased to a certain level, more families owned cars. There will be a great rise in per capita vehicle ownership.


In view of the close relationship between development of auto market and that of national economy, two factors are vitally important for the prediction of China' s vehicle population in the future. Firstly, one should give a quantitative description of this relationship by analyzing the industrial history in the other countries and territories. Secondly, one should make correct judgment about what phase of development China's current auto industry is in.

It is unlikely for imported cars to dominate the Chinese market because the domestic vehicle makers become more competitive.

【填空题】UN China Public Statement on 2019 Novel Co...

【填空题】UN China Public Statement on 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) A Message of Hope and Solidarity To all my friends across China, At this difficult time, we need to come together in common 1)____________; we need to stand together in compassion and 2)______________. I understand you will be feeling anxious about the current 3)_________________ of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. But I urge all of you to follow the guidance from the World Health Organization and 4)________________! At the United Nations, we are working together with the government and partners to procure much-needed medical 5)_______________________. And we are also discussing how best to support China with the longer-term socio-economic impacts. In particular, we stand by to 6)__________________ the recovery of the health and education systems, which are under tremendous strain. As we continue our efforts in poverty reduction across China, we also give special attention to the vulnerable groups. I also want to take this 7)________________ to commend all the frontline health and emergency service workers who are working tirelessly to respond to the outbreak. And I wish all of you who are unwell 8)____________________________ . To the world, I want to emphasize the need for international solidarity, and to support China and those other countries that might be impacted in these difficult 9)_______________ . Importantly, we must avoid the stigmatization of people that are 10)___________________ of the situation. As United Nations Secretary-General has said: “At this time of heightened anxiety, we must avoid 11)_______________, and stand together in solidarity and compassion.” I urge everyone to follow the advice of the Government of China and “stay calm, rest assured, and stay confident.” At the United Nations, we are working very closely with the Chinese authorities. We continue to have confidence in China’s capacity to 12)_____________________ this outbreak. I urge all of you to follow the guidance of the World Health Organization: To greet each other without physical contact; Maintain a distance of one metre between you and others; Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer; Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze; And finally, when you wear a mask, learn how to put it on, take it off and 13)_________________ of it correctly. Zhongguo Jia You! Wuhan Jia You!


A new study in the journal of Experimental Psychology suggested that it's not just humans that can tell the difference between languages. It turns out that rats can distinguish between Japanese and Dutch. That's what researchers at the Park Scientific Barcelona found. When they trained rats to press a little lever in response to a specific language, some rats were given Japanese while others heard Dutch. When the rats later listened to both languages they ignored the unfamiliar one. Human babies easily pick up on the distinctive rhythm of a language as they are learning to talk. Rats obviously don't use language. So this finding suggests that some of the skills that make human language possible probably evolved for other reasons.


An examination of old bones in America has led scientists to suggest that sperm whales diving deep beneath the surface of the ocean can suffer from decompression sickness or the bends just as human divers do. Researchers found evidence of damage in the bones of whales dating back over a period of more than 100 years. The pitting and erosion of the bones matched the conditions associated with the bends in which too rapid ascent from the ocean depth can cause agonizing pain or death.


Another powerful earthquake has struck Japan's northwestern Niigata Prefecture, site of the quake, Saturday. That was the nation's most deadly earthquake in 9 years. The latest temblor measuring 5.6 on the open-ended Richter Scale occurred early Monday local time. There were no immediate damage reports. On Sunday, Japan's Prime Minister announced he asked parliament for emergency funding to help people recover from Saturday's earthquake which left at least 23 people dead and thousands more injured. The quake forced about 65,000 people to evacuate their homes and cut off power, communications and transportation. It was the worst in Japan since the 1995 earthquake in the city of Kobe.


The American Secretary of State is in China for talks expected to focus on the deadlock over North Korea's nuclear program. China has hosted previous six-nation talks aimed at resolving the crisis over what North Korea describes as its nuclear deterrent. Pyongyang has refused to resume negotiation and says US-led international naval exercise due to begin on Monday off the Japanese coast are evidence of Washington's hostile intent. Speaking earlier in Tokyo, Mr. Secretary denied the accusation and said it was urgent to resume the multilateral talks with North Korea.


The US dollar has continued to fall on international currency markets, hitting the lowest level it's reached against the Euro since the European single currency began trading in 1999. It slipped to 1 dollar 34.6 cents against the Euro. That's down more than a third from its highest point in 2002. The head of the European Central Bank described the plunge as brutal and financial analysts say the dollar could soon lose its status as the world's dominant currency. But the United States Treasury Secretary insists that the government is addressing the issue.


6. What does this news item mainly suggest?

7.What can sperm whales suffer from when diving deep?

8.Which of the following statements is NOT a feature of the earthquake?

9.What can we infer from the news?

10.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the news?


A.Only humans can tell the difference between languages.

B.Rats can use language.

C.Rats can distinguish between English and Chinese.

D.The distinction of linguistic rhythm is a skill owned not only by humans.

UN China Public Statement on 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)A Message of Hope and Sol
UN China Public Statement on 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)A Message of Hope and Sol

UN China Public Statement on 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

A Message of Hope and Solidarity

To all my friends across China,

At this difficult time, we need to come together in common 1)____________; we need to stand together in compassion and 2)______________. I understand you will be feeling anxious about the current 3)_________________ of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. But I urge all of you to follow the guidance from the World Health Organization and 4)________________!

At the United Nations, we are working together with the government and partners to procure much-needed medical 5)_______________________. And we are also discussing how best to support China with the longer-term socio-economic impacts. In particular, we stand by to 6)__________________ the recovery of the health and education systems, which are under tremendous strain.

As we continue our efforts in poverty reduction across China, we also give special attention to the vulnerable groups. I also want to take this 7)________________ to commend all the frontline health and emergency service workers who are working tirelessly to respond to the outbreak. And I wish all of you who are unwell 8)____________________________ .

To the world, I want to emphasize the need for international solidarity, and to support China and those other countries that might be impacted in these difficult 9)_______________ . Importantly, we must avoid the stigmatization of people that are 10)___________________ of the situation.

As United Nations Secretary-General has said: “At this time of heightened anxiety, we must avoid 11)_______________, and stand together in solidarity and compassion.” I urge everyone to follow the advice of the Government of China and “stay calm, rest assured, and stay confident.” At the United Nations, we are working very closely with the Chinese authorities. We continue to have confidence in China’s capacity to 12)_____________________ this outbreak. I urge all of you to follow the guidance of the World Health Organization:

To greet each other without physical contact;

Maintain a distance of one metre between you and others;

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer;

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze;

And finally, when you wear a mask, learn how to put it on, take it off and 13)_________________ of it correctly.

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