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提问人:网友qsgamdc 发布时间:2022-01-07

Lead Stories Two teams of Canadian engineers are completing their low-budget rockets and h

Lead Stories

Two teams of Canadian engineers are completing their low-budget rockets and have begun seeking volunteer astronauts for a 2003 launch date to go 62 miles into space to win the St. Louis-based X Prize competition (which pays (U. S. ) $10 million). The rockets cost around $3 million to $5 million each to build. [Edmonton Journal, 11-12-02]

Inga Kosak won the first World Extreme Ironing Championship in Munich in September, beating 80 contestants (from 10 countries), who are judged on the degree of difficulty they can create for themselves in order to iron. One ironed while bouncing on a trampoline, another while surfboarding on a river, and another hanging upside down from a tree. The activity's founder, Phil Shaw, says he does it because ironing itself is particularly boring. [Boston Globe, 12-13-02]

Alberta (Canada) judge Shelagh Creagh ruled in October that prison inmate Shane Arthur Wilson could not be punished for carrying around a homemade plastic knife since Wilson said the knife was only for defending himself against prison gangs, because it is reported that escaping from prison is not a crime in that country. [Washington Post, 01-154)3]

Absolutely the Least Substantial Reasorr for a Knife Fight: Police in Mansfield Township and Hackettstown, N. J., charged Emmanuel Nieves, 23, with aggravated assault on Nov. 13 after he allegedly slashed the face of his friend Erik Saporito, 21, as the two men fought after arguing over which one had more hair. [Express-Times, 01-054)3]

Who has founded the activity of extreme ironing?

A.A Canadian engineer.

B.Inga Kosak.

C.Shelagh Creagh.

D.Phil Shaw.

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更多“Lead Stories Two teams of Canadian engineers are completing their low-budget rockets and h”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Hello, I' d like some information about the tour of the historic places tomorr

W: Sure, there are two different tours tomorrow. The first one is at 9 o' clock and the second one is at 2:30 and they both leave from the visitor's center next to the Royal bank building. Which time would you prefer?

M: Since I'm planning to go to Chinatown to buy some tea in the morning, I may not make it to the first tour. So I' d like a ticket for the second one if it is not sold out.

W: There are still a few spaces left. That would be 15 dollars. The bus will pick up participants in front of the visitor's center. I will lead that tour. So I' II see you tomorrow.

Who is the man probably talking to?

A.Tour guide


C.Store clerk

D.Bank teller

______ The murder stories often lead us in a round-about way.A.TB.F

______ The murder stories often lead us in a round-about way.



听力原文:M: Good morning, Percy.W: Trevor, you have one of the most unusual stories I've e

听力原文:M: Good morning, Percy.

W: Trevor, you have one of the most unusual stories I've ever heard. Yet, nowadays, you seem to lead a very ordinary life.

M: Yes, Percy. I’m a dentist. I live and work in London.

W: But at one time you used to have a different job?

M: Yes, I was a soldier.

W: A soldier?

M: That's right.

W: And how long ago was that?

M: Oh, about two thousand years ago.

W: That's right. Trevor Cartridge believes that he was a soldier in the army of Julius Caesar. He remembers coming to Britain with the Roman army two thousand years ago. Trevor, tell us your remarkable story ... in your own words!

M: Well, funnily enough, it all began because I wanted to give up smoking.

W: Give up smoking?

M: Mm, I used to smoke too much and I tried to give up several times, but I always started smoking again a few days later. In the end I went to a hypnotist. He hypnotized me, and I stopped smoking at once I was delighted, as you can imagine.

W: Yes.:

M: That made me very interested in hypnotism, and I talked to the hypnotist about it. He told me that some people could remember their past lives when they were hypnotized, and he asked if I wanted to try. I didn't believe it at first, but in the end I agreed. He hypnotized me, mid sure enough I was a Roman soldier in Caesar's army.

W: You didn't believe it at first?

M: I didn't believe it before we tried the experiment. Now I'm absolutely convinced it's true.


A.Caesar's army.

B.Give up smoking.


D.Ordinary life.

听力原文:M: Good morning, Percy.W: Trevor, you have one of the most unusual stories I've e

听力原文:M: Good morning, Percy.

W: Trevor, you have one of the most unusual stories I've ever heard. Yet, nowadays, you seem to lead a very ordinary life.

M: Yes, Percy. I'm a dentist. I live and work in London.

W: But at one time you used to have a different job?

M: Yes, I was a soldier.

W: A soldier?

M: That's right.

W: And how long ago was that?

M: Oh, about two thousand years ago.

W: That's right. Trevor Cartridge believes that he was a soldier in the array of Julius Caesar. He remembers coming to Britain with the Roman army two thousand years ago, Trevor, tell us your remark able story...in your awn words!

M: Well, funnily enough, it all began because I wanted to give up smoking.

W: Give up smoking?

M: Mm, I used to smoke too much and I tried to give up several times, but I always started smoking again a few days later. In the end I went to a hypnotist. He hypnotized me, and I stopped smoking at once I was delighted, ms you can imagine.

W: Yes?

M: That made me very interested in hypnotism, and I talked to the hypnotist about it. He told me that some people could remember their past lives when they were hypnotized, and he asked if I wanted to try. I didn't believe it at first, but in the end I agreed, He hypnotized me, and sure enough I was a Roman soldier in Caesar's army.

W: You didn't believe it at first?

M: I didn't believe it before we tried the experiment. Now I’m absolutely convinced it's true.


A.Caesar's army.

B.Give up smoking.


D.Ordinary life.

Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each p

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: For two months after he started the website digg. com, Kevin Rose didn't need an alarm clock. "By 6 a. m. , I was up and on the computer," he recalls. "(26)It was the sheer fear of not knowing what was on my own home page."

Here's why: experienced editors do not deliberate over Digg's front page. It's strictly a popularity contest. Users post news stories and images found anywhere from the websites of big newspapers to small blogs—and with the click of a button, other users either "digg" the items (meaning they like them) or "bury" them (meaning they don't).

(27)Kevin Rose started Digg as an "experiment". But he quit his day job within months, Today, the site gets 35 million different visitors a month. When he started Digg, he thought, "If this can pay my rent and I can stay cool in my apartment and drink my tea and have an awesome little office, that'd be more than I could ask for." As a child in Las Vegas, Rose was "the most unpopular kid in school". In the early '90s, he persuaded his parents to buy him his own computer, which he used to talk technology in chat rooms.

(28)Like many websites, Digg hasn't yet figured out how to transform. its traffic into profit. Nonetheless, it continues to develop. Digg now recommends stories to users based on other stories they like. It also lets them vote on questions they want to ask politicians and famous people.


A.Because he was excited about the website.

B.Because he was keen on computers.

C.Because he was anxious about the website.

D.Because he was eager to succeed in the website.

What can be inferred from the news?A.American teas are fermented.B.Green tea can lower cho

What can be inferred from the news?

A.American teas are fermented.

B.Green tea can lower cholesterol.

C.Heavy smoking can lead to cancer.

D.Tea can break apart cancel cells.

If you want to read some less important news without any details, you can read ______.A.th

If you want to read some less important news without any details, you can read ______.

A.the lead paragraphs of the news stories on front pages

B.the headlines inside the pages

C.the lead paragraphs of the news stories

D.the headlines of some current news on the front pages

1. What did Dalong order?

A、Two roast turkeys.

B、Two roast geese.



"Me-Books Publishing Company" is very unusual because______.A.it makes the reader the lead

"Me-Books Publishing Company" is very unusual because______.

A.it makes the reader the leading character in the story

B.it makes use of computer in designing the story

C.it is printed as a hardcover book

D.the stories are all very interesting and attractive

There _____ two cups of tea on the table.A、isB、areC、was




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