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提问人:网友bai4829715 发布时间:2022-01-06

听力原文: Sierra Leonean rebels and a progovernment militia have agreed to stop fighting i

n a bid to protect the country's shaky cease-fire and set a timetable for disarmament. The agreement comes on the first day of renewed peace talks between all sides in the 10-year civil war. Before the talks, the rebels of the Revolutionary United Front had complained of recent attacks on rebel positions by the pro-government Kamajor militia. A U. N. official called the latest agreement a major step in the search for lasting peace in Sierra Leone. The talks follow a meeting in Nigeria earlier this month where the government and the rebels renewed a pledge to abide by last November's cease-fire that allowed 12,000 U. N. peacekeepers to deploy throughout the country. A 1999 peace accord collapsed last year after the rebels took hundreds of U. N. peacekeepers hostage. The rebels have funded much of their war effort through illicit diamond trading, and are notorious for killing and maiming thousands of civilians during the conflict.

The agreement comes on the first day of renewed peace talks between all sides in the _________ civil war.





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更多“听力原文: Sierra Leonean rebels and a progovernment militia have agreed to stop fighting i”相关的问题
Why does the rebels battle the Sierra Leonean Army?A.To overthrow the government.B.To beco

Why does the rebels battle the Sierra Leonean Army?

A.To overthrow the government.

B.To become independent.

C.To control the diamond field.

D.To ask for ransom.

听力原文:She is Sierra's replacement, isn' t she?(A)Yes, she seems a very nice person.(B)Y

听力原文:She is Sierra's replacement, isn' t she?

(A) Yes, she seems a very nice person.

(B) Yes, she will replace the parts.

(C) Yes, he will be transferred.





听力原文:The Sierra de Aracena in the northwest of Andalucia boasts one of the most beauti

听力原文: The Sierra de Aracena in the northwest of Andalucia boasts one of the most beautiful rural landscapes in the region. One of the greenest comers of the sun-baked south, the peaks and valleys here are rich in forests of sweet chestnuts and cork oaks. In spring, wild flowers carpet the meadows, attracting a wealth of bird and insect life.

Despite its outstanding natural beauty, the Sierra de Aracena is barely touched by the tourist trail, and even Andalucians are largely unaware of its hidden treasures.

But take time to explore this region, and you're guaranteed not only space and tranquility, but the warmest of welcomes, particularly in the old-fashioned whitewashed villages, scattered throughout the highlands.

Peaks and valleys in the Sierra de Aracena are rich in ______.

A.forests of chestnuts and cork oaks

B.wild flowers


D.birds and insects

Section C听力原文:Nigeria. Leaders of West African nations have finished an emergency meet

Section C

听力原文: Nigeria. Leaders of West African nations have finished an emergency meeting in Abuja. They called for the deployment of peace-keeping troops across the shared borders of Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia. They want the troops to stop increasing violence and end a refugee crisis. The leaders of Sierra Leone and Guinea accused Liberian president Charles Taylor of supporting armed rebels in their countries. Mr. Taylor has .denied their claims.

Q: who is accused by the leaders of Sierra Leone and Guinea?


A.Liberian President Charles Taylor.

B.U.S. President Bush.

C.The Mayor Lion.

听力原文:Canada, for the 7th consecutive year, runs the best place to live in the world. B

听力原文: Canada, for the 7th consecutive year, runs the best place to live in the world. But if you're a woman, you are better-off in Scandinavia, says the UN human development report 2000 released yesterday. Norway is in 2nd place of all the ranking, followed by the US, Australia, Iceland, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, Japan and Britain. Finland is in 11th place, followed by France, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Luxembourg, Ireland, Italy and New Zealand. At the other end of the scale, the 10 least developed countries that provide the fewest services to their people, from the bottom up, are war- devastated Sierra Leon, Niger, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Burundi, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Chad, Central African Republic, and Mali.

According to the UN Human Development Report, which is the best place for women in the world?


B.The US.



听力原文:All the rescuers found in the mountains of the Sierra de Perija in Venezuela was

听力原文: All the rescuers found in the mountains of the Sierra de Perija in Venezuela was the scattered wreckage of the plane and the charred corpses of its occupants. There were no survivors. The plane not only lost both of its engines—a fact revealed from its last radio messages—but the aircraft exploded on impact, producing a fireball that was seen kilometers away. The aircraft's black box has been found and will be analyzed by experts from Venezuela, who have sent their own investigators to look into the tragedy. West Caribbean Airways is now under the microscope. The company lost another aircraft in March this year in a crash that killed eight people. The airline is in severe financial difficulties and even before this disaster had been told to tighten up its maintenance program by the Colombian Aviation Authority. The company's promised to suspend flights until preliminary investigations are completed.

Which one of the following is NOT true according to the accident?

A.All the passengers were dead.

B.Both of the plane's engines' got lost.

C.The aircraft exploded arid caught fire.

D.The black box has not been found yet.

听力原文: Sierra Leone's rebels and pro -government militia- men have begun handing over t
heir weapons to U. N. peacekeepers under an agreement to end recent fighting.

U.N. officials say the process has begun in two districts--Kambia and Port Loko. The United Nations says about one- thousand rebels of the Revolutionary United Front and another one thousand militia members are located in the areas.

Meanwhile, U.N. officials say some 250 Bangladeshi peacekeepers have deployed in the heart of rebel territory in the east of the country.

The disarmament deal follows a peace agreement Tuesday between the rebels and the pro - government Civilian Defense Force, made up of ethnic Kamajors.

The Kamajor fighters had attacked rebel positions in northern and eastern Sierra Leone in recent weeks, prompt- ing U.N. calls for peace.

Tuesday's talks were also aimed at consolidating last November's troubled peace deal between the rebels and the government.

R - U - F rebels have fought government forces for the past 10 years in a conflict centering on control of Sierra Leone's diamond - mining areas. The rebels have become notorious for killing and maiming thousands of civilians.

What have the Sierra rebels and pro - government militiamen done under an agreement to end the recent fighting?

A.They have killed thousands of civilians.

B.They have fought each other again.

C.They have begun handing over their weapons to U. N. peacekeepers.

D.They have found a diamond mine.

听力原文: Sierra Leone’s rebels and pro-government militiamen have begun handing over thei
r weapons to U. N. peacekeepers under an agreement to end recent fighting.

U. N. officials say the process has begun in two districts-Kambia and Port Loko. The United Nations says about one thousand rebels of the Revolutionary United Front and another one thousand militia members are located in the areas.

Meanwhile, U. N. officials say some 2S0 Bangladeshi peacekeepers have deployed in the heart of rebel territory -- in the east of the country.

The disarmament deal follows a peace agreement Tuesday between the rebels and the pro-government Civilian Defense Force, made up of ethnic Kamajors,

The Kamajor fighters had attacked rebel positions in northern and eastern Sierra Leone in recent weeks, prompting U, N. calls for peace.

Tuesday’s talks were also aimed at consolidating last November’s troubled peace deal between the rebels and the government.

R-U-F rebels have fought government forces for the past 10 years in a conflict centering on control of Sierra Leone’s diamond-mining areas. The rebels have become notorious for killing and maiming thousands of civilians.

What have the Sierra rebels and pro-government militiamen done under an agreement to end the recent fighting?

A.They have killed thousands of civilians.

B.They have fought each other again.

C.They have begun handing over their weapons to U. N. peacekeepers.

D.They have found a diamond mine.

听力原文: The United Nations mission in Sierra Leone reports tile rebel Revolutionary Unit
ed Front (RUF) has begun carrying out its promise to return weapons and military equipment it seized a year ago from U.N. peacekeepers.

U.N. officials the country say RUF commanders have handed over rifles and other weapons, vehicles, equipment and uniforms at a U. N. ceremony in the northern town of Makeni, a rebel strong hold that U. N. troops moved in to earlier this year.

A U.N. statement says the leader of the rebel delegation, Colonel Ngulu Kpakai, told the U. N. commander that logistical problems had prevented the return of all the U.N. equipment. He promised to hand over more in the future.

The rebels seized the military equipment when they surrounded and seized hundreds of U. N. peacekeepers. The U. N. troops were later released through negotiations and the rebels pledged to return the equipment during peace talks.

Which one of the following is NOT mentioned in the llst of the military equipment handed over?





听力原文: Inequality of health care is still paramount, says the WHO's latest report. Indt
tstrialized countries account for less than 20 percent of the world' s population but take 90 percent of health spending. In Japan more than five hundred dollars is spent on drugs per person per year. This compares to just three dollars in Sierra Leone. Only slightly more is spent in many sub-Saharan countries. Over the last fifty years, life expectancy has in- creased globally from forty six years to sixty five. But today, instead of the gap being between the developed and developing countries, it's now biggest between the very poorest nations and all other countries. The bur- den of infectious diseases, including HIV, as well as chronic conditions, coupled with a lack of health care, has led to this situation. However, it's children who are most affected. Almost fifty seven million people died in 2002, nearly twenty percent children of less than 5 years of age, and ninety eight percent of these deaths occurred in developing countries.

Developed countries take ______ of the world's health expense.

A.20 %




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