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提问人:网友tlp070501 发布时间:2022-01-07

When friends come to visit us in the evening, they spend their time telling us they are in

a hurry and looking at their watches. It isn't that our friends are all very busy; it is just that we haven't got a television. People think that we are very strange. " But what do you do in the evening?" they are always asking. The answer is very simple. Both my wife and I have hobbies. We certainly don't spend our evenings staring at the walls. My wife enjoys cooking and painting and often attends evening classes in foreign languages. This is particularly useful as we often go abroad for our holidays. I collect stamps and am always busy with my collection. Both of us enjoy listening to the music and playing chess together.

Sometimes there are power cuts and we have no electricity in the house. This does not worry us as we just light candles and carry on with what we were doing before. Our friends are lost—no television! So they don't know what to do. On such evening our house is very full as they all come to us. They all have a good time. Instead of sitting in silence in front of the television, everybody talks and plays games. Yes, life is possible without television.

The author's friends like______.

A.sitting and playing chess in the evening

B.attending classes in the evening

C.listening to music in the evening

D.watching television in the evening

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更多“When friends come to visit us in the evening, they spend their time telling us they are in”相关的问题
She won’t leave () her friends come back.




Friends come to visit Ruby when she is not going out.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesn't Say.

Friends come to visit Ruby when she is not going out.



C.Doesn't Say.

You should help them ________ when your friends quarrel with each other.A. come into

You should help them ________ when your friends quarrel with each other.

A. come into sight

B. come to terms

C. come into play

D. come to power

Quite a number of people have written to ask me, "How do you face life? Have you ever felt
lonely, lonely 【C1】______ the point of 【C2】______ " I say that once in the past I have. Now life is meaningful for me and full 【C3】______ joy. I have come to understand 【C4】______ Karl Marx meant when he said happiness 【C5】______ in struggle. Work and study give me the greatest 【C6】______ . My only complaint is that time is not 【C7】______ to me. Before and after work I often give acupuncture to 【C8】______ who have come to me help; during lunchtime, I listen to lessons on the radio; when I come home from work there are lessons on TV. The only time 【C9】______ reading and thinking is the evening, but often I have to see friends or answer letters at that time. 【C10】______ I wish I had a 48-hour day!

As a 【C11】______ person I know fully well that time is valuable and life is 【C12】______ . I feel deeply sorry for those people who, 【C13】______ young and healthy, do not 【C14】______ the best years of their life. I often tell myself how wonderful it would be 【C15】______ I could take the hands of these friends and we could advance together in our studies.






听力原文:M:Hey, Alice, my friends(19)just invited me to go to "ka la okay" with them. Woul

听力原文:M:Hey, Alice, my friends(19)just invited me to go to "ka la okay" with them. Would you like to come along?

W:Where are you going? California? Do you mean karaoke? We pronounce it "carry oh key" in English, with the emphasis on the "oh".

M:Oh, I see. Do you want to go to karaoke with us? It'll be fun!

W:(20)I feel nervous when someone hands me a microphone. I freeze. I know I'm not a very good singer.

M:That's strange! I thought Americans were very outgoing.

W:Not me! I'm very shy, especially in front of a group of strangers.

M:Hey, my friends aren't strange!

W:Sure, they are not strange. They are normal. "Strangers" just means "people I don't know". It doesn't mean they are strange! Was it easy for you to sing the first time you went to karaoke?

M:For me it was very easy, I love to sing! But now that you mention it, some of my friends were very shy the first time they went, (21)One of my friends says he has to have some beer before he can sing in front of people. Maybe you should have one or two drinks before singing.

W:Really? One or two beers might help? Well, I may need a dozen of beer.

M:Don't be shy. Just join us. (22)You may first make a song list and practice singing at home before hand.

M:It sounds good. But when will you go?

W:On Friday evening. So you'll come, Ok? W:Okay, I'll give it a try.


A.He will go to California for a travel.

B.He will invite his friend for a dinner.

C.He will go to a party.

D.He will sing songs with friends for fun.

Who seem to be the group of children that are more easily to get addicted with internet?A.

Who seem to be the group of children that are more easily to get addicted with internet?

A.Children who are popular among a lot of friends, because they need to communicate with them even when they are online.

B.Children who come from big families since they can get the attention they desire but fail to get from real life.

C.Children who are not welcome among peers since online communication and games can satisfy their needs in a way real life can not.

D.Children who like to play basketball, football and other sports activities since online game can make all these more fascinating.

听力原文: Funerals are always sad. But the tendency in Western countries is against making
any show of one's feelings at the funeral. The idea behind this is that the person dead would wish this last meeting of his friends in his honor and remembrance to be full of tender, happy recollections of his life, to be creative and inspirational rather than given Over to grief and mourning. Friends are careful not to show their sorrow too much, for this would only increase the pain of the nearest relatives. Yet it is hardly possible to avoid all sadness, and one should not to try to be artificially cheerful. It is not necessary at a funeral to speak to the bereaved persons at all, unless one happens to come very close to them, when a pressure of the hand, or a few low words of comfort or sympathy are enough. In contrast to Chinese custom, all forms of noise and excitement are out of place, and a solemn quiet prevails. There are usually no invitations to the funeral. Anyone may go who wishes, unless the announcement in the newspapers states that it will be private. In general, the best friends of the person who has died take the front seats, more casual friends and acquaintances the back ones.

Which is NOT necessary at a funeral in Western countries, according to the passage?

A.To be artificially cheerful

B.To avoid all the sadness.

C.To speak to the bereaved.

D.To take the front seat.

You may come into an empty office after you are told that the school principal is expectin
g you in her office; you may be called at the last minute to come to class after you were told that the class is cancelled for the teacher's illness; you may even be given a loving letter, and then find out later it is written by some of your best friends, what is wrong? Nothing, it's just April 1st.

We all know April 1st can also be called April fool's Day. But do you know where it came from? Do you know this day used to be a nation's New Year?

This is the case in France in sixteenth-century, which, when you think about it, may make more sense, for April is the time when spring returns. And the idea of beginning a year with spring would so easily be understood. The celebration for the New Year is pretty much the same as it is today. People hold and join all sorts of parties, singing and dancing into the late night.

Then in 1562, a new calendar was introduced by Pope Gregory for the Christian world. And the New Year began to be celebrated on January first. For any nation, the celebration of New Year is something that can not be replaced by other occasions. And the change of the New Year's date would not be accepted in an easy way. That's also why some people chose not to believe it when hearing the news. So they insist to celebrate New Year on April first, others played tricks on them and called them April fools.

Americans play small tricks on friends and strangers in a similar way on the first of April. One commonly-played trick is pointing down to a friend's shoe and saying, your shoelace is untied. And the examples we mentioned at the beginning of our passage is among the limitless ways for children to play tricks on their classmates, friends and so on. Most April fool jokes are in good fun and not meant to harm anyone. The cleverest April fool joke is the one where everyone laughs, especially the person upon whom the joke is played.

The examples the author mentions in the first paragraph is to ______ .

A.criticize the lack of good manners of the American school kids

B.warn us not to believe others without confirmation

C.highlight the idea that we should be nice to those people around us

D.introduce the of April Fool's Day in an way that would interest the readers

This past fall semester, at Duke University, there...

This past fall semester, at Duke University, there were two students who were taking Organic Chemistry. They did pretty well on all of the tests and the midterms and labs,etc., such that going into the final they had a solid “A” . There two friends were so confident going into the final that the weekend before finals’ week,even though the Chemistry final was on Monday, they decided to go up to the University of Virginia and have a party with some friends up there. So they did this and had a great time. However, with the aftereffects of alcohol and everything, they overslept all day Sunday and didn’t make it back to Duke until early Monday morning.

Rather than taking the final then, what they did was to find Professor Aldric after the final and explain to him why they missed the final. They told him that they went up to UVA for the weekend, and had planned to come back in time to study,but they had a flat tire (爆胎)on the way back and didn’t have a spare and couldn’t get help for a long time and so were late getting back to campus.

Aldric thought this over and then agreed that they could make up the final on the following day. The two guys were overjoyed and relieved. So, they studied that night and went in the next day at the time that Aldric had told them. He placed them in separate rooms and handed each of them a test booklet and told them to begin.

They looked at the first problem, which was something simple about free radical formation and was worth 5 points. “Cool," they thought, “this is going to be easy. " They did that problem and then turned the page. They were unprepared, however, for what they saw on the next page. It said: (95 points) Which tire was flat?

The two students decided to visit their friends at the weekend beacause_______

A.they didn’t want to take the exam

B.they were invited by their friends

C.they were not worried about the exam at all

D.they forget the arrangement of the final exam

They didn’t return as planned because_______.A.they got lost on their way back

B.they slept beyond the time to come back

C.their car broke down on their way back

D.they couldn’t get help when they were in difficulty

How did the Professor arrange the make-up exam?A.He made the exam booklet very long.

B.He gave them different exam papers.

C.He asked a very surprising question.

D.He gave them very limited time to finish the paper.

When they took the first glance at the exam booklet, they thought_______.A.it was easy

B.it was too much

C.it was too difficiult

D.it was reasonable

It can be inferred from the passage that_______.A.the students didn’t like Professor Aldric

B.the two students had difficulties in their studies

C.Professor Aldric was very clever and humorous

D.the two students would surely pass the make-up exam

Thank you all. Mr. Vice President; Secretary Gates; Madam Speaker; Justices of the Supreme
Court; members of my Cabinet and administration; members of Congress; Admiral Mullen and the Joint Chiefs; Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, a first responder on September the 11th, 2001; directors of the Pentagon Memorial Fund—Mr. Chairman, families and friends of the fallen; distinguished guests; fellow citizens: Laura and I are honored to be with you. //

Seven years ago at this hour, a doomed airliner plunged from the sky, split the rock and steel of this building, and changed our world forever. The years that followed have seen justice delivered to evil men and battles fought in distant lands. But each year on this day, our thoughts return to this place. Here, we remember those who died. And here, on this solemn anniversary, we dedicate a memorial that will enshrine their memory for all time. //

Building this memorial took vision and determination—and Americans from every corner of our country answered the call. Two young architects in New York City came up with the design. A foundry near St. Louis cast the steel. An Iraqi immigrant in Illinois gave the metal its luster. And citizens from across our nation made contributions large and small to build this graceful monument. //

The Pentagon Memorial will stand as an everlasting tribute to 184 innocent souls who perished on these grounds. The benches here bear each of their names. And beneath each bench is a shimmering pool filled with the water of life—a testament to those who were taken from us, and to their memories that will live on in our hearts. //

For the families and friends of the fallen, this memorial will be a place of remembrance. Parents will come here to remember children who boarded Flight 77 for a field trip and never emerged from the wreckage. Husbands and wives will come here to remember spouses who left for work one morning and never returned home. People from across our nation will come here to remember friends and loved ones who never had the chance to say goodbye. //

A memorial can never replace what those of you mourning a loved one have lost. We pray that you will find some comfort amid the peace of these grounds. We pray that you will find strength in knowing that our nation will always grieve with you. For all our citizens, this memorial will be a reminder of the resilience of the American spirit. As we walk among the benches, we will remember there could have been many more lives lost. //

On a day when buildings fell, heroes rose: Pentagon employees ran into smoke-filled corridors to guide their friends to safety. Firefighters rushed up the stairs of the World Trade Center as the towers neared collapse. Passengers aboard Flight 93 charged the cockpit and laid down their lives to spare countless others. One of the worst days in America's history saw some of the bravest acts in Americans' history. We'll always honor the heroes of 9/11. And here at this hallowed place, we pledge that we will never forget their sacrifice. //

We also honor those who raised their hands and made the noble decision to defend our nation in a time of war. When our enemies attacked the Pentagon, they pierced the rings of this building. But they could not break the resolve of the United States Armed Forces. Since 9/11, our troops have taken the fight to the terrorists abroad so we do not have to face them here at home. Thanks to the brave men and women, and all those who work to keep us safe, there has not been another attack on our soil in 2,557 days. //

For future generations, this memorial will be a place of learning. The day will come when most Americans have no living memory of the events of September the llth. When they visit this memorial, they will learn that the 21st century began with a great struggle between the forces of freedom and the force

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