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提问人:网友xiaogang0805 发布时间:2022-01-07

"Hi there. How's it going?" "Oh, fine, fine. How about this weather, huh?" "Well, I guess

"Hi there. How's it going?"

"Oh, fine, fine. How about this weather, huh?"

"Well, I guess we can always use the rain."

What's that? This story? Oh, just a little look at small talk. You know, those seemingly meaningless conversations you have dozens of times a day. Maybe you're waiting for the elevator. Or in a line at the bank. It all seems pretty trivial. Idle chatter about traffic doesn't do much more than fill the air with empty words that are quickly forgotten. But you should know that small talk actually has a big place in our lives.

Pat Oliver, assistant professor on arts, says that, "Left unchecked, small talk can be an invasion. It's so powerful. It does something to you." "Every morning after spending an hour and a half on the freeway I start the day with small talk with my secretary," Oliver says, "If I don't make small connection with another person, I can't work."

What causes it? As a rule, you're either trying to force something into your life, or you're using conversation as an invisible force field to keep them out. You can be wanting to connect with another person, and small talk is your introduction to more meaningful conversation.

The way people use small talk is usually determined by where they happen to be at the time. Take the elevator, for instance. Now there's prime territory. Nobody knows anyone and there's no reason to start a conversation, but invariably, someone does. Making conversation in such peaceful social settings, according to Oliver, "can confirm your territory. It's a way of feeling liked and accepted."

The topics of small talk don't matter. In fact, you don't want anything more taxing than the weather or the traffic. It's non-threatening talk in a threatening situation. However, the rules change quickly when you're with lots of people doing lots of talking.

Let's say you're at a party. Now it's time to use small talk as a way of making others feel more comfortable around you, so you don't look silly standing by the food table alone all night.

"Small talk'", as interpreted by the author, ______.

A.is not as idle as it may seem to be

B.is usually meaningless and therefore useless

C.has no real function in communication at all

D.is restricted to certain topics only

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更多“"Hi there. How's it going?" "Oh, fine, fine. How about this weather, huh?" "Well, I guess”相关的问题
听力原文:A: Hi, Ellen. How was your vacation?B: Great! I went to Bangkok.A: Really? Why di

听力原文:A: Hi, Ellen. How was your vacation?

B: Great! I went to Bangkok.

A: Really? Why did you decide to go them?

B: Well, I have a cousin who lives there. She' s been trying to get me to take a vacation down there for a long time, and so, finally, she talked me into it.

A: I've seen some pictures of Bangkok -the architecture there is really interesting, isn't it?

B: Yes, it' s incredible, especially the Grand Palace. The Buddhist temples, too, are very impressive. And I love the spicy Thai food and tropical fruits there.

A: How was the weather when you were there?

B: That' s about the only thing I didn' t enjoy. It was really hot and sticky. In fact, April is its hottest month, The best time to go is dining the cool season, which lasts from November to February.

A: Did you go to some other places beside Bangkok?

B: Sure. I went to Pattaya. It's a famous resort, only two hour's drive from Bangkok. There's plenty to enjoy: fine sand, blue sky, clear water, colorful night life...

A: Well, it sure sounds like you had a great time.

B: Oh, I sure did. And I plan to go back there next year. I' d like to visit Phakot, the biggest island of Thailand. It's world -famous as a seaside resort.


A.She did Ellen decide to go to Bangkok.

B.She enjoys the food there.

C.She was persuaded to do so.

D.She has invited by her close friends.

听力原文:M: Hi, Ellen. How was your vacation?W: Great! I went to Bankok.M: Really? Why did

听力原文:M: Hi, Ellen. How was your vacation?

W: Great! I went to Bankok.

M: Really? Why did you decide to go there?

W: Well, I have a cousin who lives there. She's been trying to get me to take a vacation down there for a long time, and so finally, she talked me into it. M: I've seen some pictures of Bangkok the architecture there is really interesting, isn't it?

W: Yes, it's incredible, especially the Grand Palace. The Buddhist temples, too, are very impressive. And I love the spicy Thai food and tropical fruits there.

M: How was the weather when you were there?

W: That's about the only thing I didn't enjoy. It was really hot and sticky. In fact, April is its hottest month. The best time to go is during the cool season, which lasts from November to February.

M: Did you go to some other places besides Bangkok?

W: Sure. I went to Pattaya. It's a famous resort, only two hours' drive from Bangkok. There's plenty to enjoy: fine sand, blue sky, clear water, colorful night life...

M: Well, it sure sounds like you had a great time.

W: Oh, I sure did. And I plan to go back ~ere next year. I'd like to visit Phuket, the biggest island of Thailand. It's world-famous as a seaside resort.

Why did Ellen decide to go to Bangkok?

A.She loved the food.

B.She enjoyed the weather there.

C.She was persuaded to do so.

D.She was invited by her close friend.

听力原文:W: Hi, John. How was your vacation?M: Great! I went to New York.W: Really? Why di

听力原文:W: Hi, John. How was your vacation?

M: Great! I went to New York.

W: Really? Why did you decide to go there?

M: Well, I went there on business. I also have a friend who lives there. She's been trying to show me around the city for a long time. She talked me into it.

W: What impressed you most during your visit?

M: The beauty there is really incredible, especially the skyscrapers. The food is also very impressive. And I love the shopping environment there.

W: How was the weather when you were there?

M: That's about the only thing I didn't enjoy. It was really hot. In fact, I was almost out of breath when I was under the sun.

W: Did you go to some other places beside the city?

M: Sure. I went to the Yellow Stone National Park. It's a famous place, really attractive. There's plenty to enjoy: green trees, blue sky, clear water etc.

W: Well, it sure sounds like you had a great time.

M: Oh, I sure did. And I plan to go back there next year. I'd like to visit Hawaii. It's world-famous as a seaside resort.


A.To deal with some business on work.

B.To go to see a friend.

C.To visit some beautiful places.

D.To enjoy himself.

听力原文:M: Hi, I have some good news for you.W: What is it?M: The teacher suggests that w

听力原文:M: Hi, I have some good news for you.

W: What is it?

M: The teacher suggests that we go on a trip this Sunday.

W: Oh, wonderful. Where shall we go?

M: How about going to the zoo?

W: I don't think it's a good place. We should go farther this time.

M: Where do you think we should go then?

W: How about the park in the suburb?

M: We've been there last year. Why not go to the mountains instead7

W: That sounds interesting.

M: Then we shall climb the mountains there.

8.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

9.Why do they not go to the park?

10.Which of the following is not mentioned by the two speakers?


A.Teacher and student.


C.Father and daughter.

D.Mother and son.

听力原文:F Amanda Sharpe,M Oh hi, Mandy. I just wanted to ask how the training day went. I

听力原文:F Amanda Sharpe,

M Oh hi, Mandy. I just wanted to ask how the training day went. I'm sorry I couldn't be there.

F Hi, Jim. Yes, we missed you. Well, it was good overall. There was a rather familiar presentation of theory, and then some very informative' case studies to discuss. We also spent time reviewing important staffing issues, and there were some tips given on teamwork that we can definitely put into practice.

M Sounds excellent.

F Yes, although the afternoon session seemed to go on and on. I found it hard to concentrate, but when I looked at the handout afterwards for the main points, it was very brief, and didn't say much. Anyway, there's another one next month. I've suggested the training manager consults with the HR supervisor in setting it up, to make sure it's all relevant. I hope you'll be able to make it.

M Yes, I'll be free for that one.

&8226;Look at the notes below.

&8226;You will hear a man telephoning to ask about a recent training session.


Outcomes of training session

looking at (5) .......................... was useful

advice on (6) .......................... was valuable

the (7) .......................... was too short

next time: involve (8) .......................... in planning

听力原文:M: Hi, Betty, where are you going for your vacation?W: Georgia. I've been waiting

听力原文:M: Hi, Betty, where are you going for your vacation?

W: Georgia. I've been waiting to go there for ages.

M: Now your dream will come true. When are you off?.

W: Next Wednesday evening.

M: How are you getting to the airport? Is anybody seeing you off?.

W: No, I will take a taxi to go there. My plane takes off at 10:30.

M: Are you staying in a hotel in Georgia? Hotels there are particularly expensive and it's hard to book one at this time of year.

W: No, not necessary. My aunt lives there and I'm staying with her. What about you? Are you going anywhere?

M: Yeah. I'm going to Florida on Friday with my parents.

W: How are you getting there? By train?

M: No, by plane.

W: How long are you staying there?

M: It all depends. Maybe a week. See you when we get back. Have a nice time in Georgia.

W: Good luck! Have a nice trip!

M: Thanks. The same to you. Bye!

How will the woman go to Georgia for her holiday?

A.By taxi.

B.With her brother.

C.On her own by plane.

听力原文:Denis: Hi, there, Fiona.Fiona: Hi, Denis.Denis: This semester is coming to the en

听力原文:Denis: Hi, there, Fiona.

Fiona: Hi, Denis.

Denis: This semester is coming to the end at last. After a semester of hard study, I really need a good rest.

Fiona: Have you got any idea for your holiday?

Denis: Yes, I'm going to join an Italian tour.

Fiona: Great.

Denis: How about you?

Fiona: I will go to Australia to study English.

Denis: Why to Australia?

Fiona: Because it is the closest English speaking country to Thailand.

Denis: When will you leave and how long will you stay there?

Fiona: I'm going to leave next Monday and spend the whole holiday there.

Denis: So, that is to say, you are going to study in a summer school.

Fiona: Not exactly a summer school. It is only a more relaxed way to study English in Australia—as part of a vacation. Visitors on a tourist visa can undertake English study for up to three months.

Denis: Besides studying in class, are there any out-of-class activities?

Fiona: Certainly there are. One particular popular option is called Foundation Studies. It combines preparation for undergraduate university studies with improving one's ability to speak, read, understand and listen to English. Another popular option is a "farmstay" where visitors are able to learn English while experiencing life on a cattle or sheep station.

Denis: It must be very interesting. Have you registered for a "farmstay"?

Fiona: Yes, I will stay in a sheep station for two weeks.

Denis: It's so attractive. I should have talked to you earlier. Then maybe we could go to Australia this vacation together.

Fiona: It's a pity. But I am going first and then I can tell about you my experience there. So you may have a better preparation.






听力原文:M: Sue, I haven't seen you for a while. How are you doing?W: Hi, Dave, I have som

听力原文:M: Sue, I haven't seen you for a while. How are you doing?

W: Hi, Dave, I have some excellent news. I won first prize in the computer software competition. We had a party last night. I'm sorry you didn't make it to be there.

M: Oh, yeah, I had an appointment with my supervisor. It was such a great pity. Tell me, what's the prize?

W: I've won a trip to Sydney. You know what? That's been the place of my dreams for so many years.

M: Really? Why do you like it particularly?

W: I love the sunshine on the beach, the soft wind from the sea, and I have friends there. They invite me to visit them every year. I really miss them.

M: That's great! But how will you get there?

W: Fly, of course. It's much too far to swim.

M: I hate flying. What terrifies me most is the thought of not having my feet safe on the ground. And three other things happen: my stomach turns, my face goes pale, and I break into a cold sweat.

W: But if you want to travel, you have to fly.

M: That's tree. But if I were to fly, I'd have to get some medicine from the doctor.

W: That must cause you a lot of trouble. I heard people say that more practice will make the condition better. Why don't you try it?

M: I definitely want to get rid of the problem. But...to fly more often? Oh, the idea itself will kill me.


A.They are talking about joining in a computer software competition.

B.They are talking about the woman's trip to Sydney.

C.They are talking about the man's appointment with this supervisor.

D.They are talking about the man's health.

"HI there. How's it going7" "Oh, fine. Fine. How about this weather, huh?" "Well, I guess

"HI there. How's it going7"

"Oh, fine. Fine. How about this weather, huh?"

"Well, I guess we can always use the rain."

What's that? This story? Oh, just a little look at small talk. You know; those seemingly meaningless conversations you have dozens of times a day. Maybe you're waiting for the elevator. Or in a line at the bank. It all seems pretty trivial. Idle chatter about traffic doesn't do much more than fill the air with empty words that are quickly forgotten. But you should know that small talk actually has a big place in our lives.

Pat Oliver, assistant professor on arts, says that, "Left unchecked, small talk can be an invasion. It's so powerful. It does something to you." "Every morning after spending an hour and a half on the freeway I start the day with small talk with my secretary," Oliver says, "If I don't make small connection with another person, I can't work."

What causes it? As a rule, you're either trying to force something into your life, or you're using conversation as an invisible force field to keep them out. You can be wanting to connect with another person, and small talk is your introduction to more meaningful conversation.

The way people use small talk is usually determined by where they happen to be at the time. Take the elevator, for instance. Now there's prime territory. Nobody knows anyone and there's no reason no start a conversation, but invariably, someone does. Making conversation in such peaceful social settings, according to oliver, "can confirm your territory. It's a way of feeling like and accepted."

The topics of small talk don't matter. In fact, you don't want anything more taxing than the weather or tile traffic. It's non-threatening talk in a threatening situation. However, the rules change quickly when you're with lots of people doing lots of talking.

Let's say you're at a party. Now it's time to use small talk as a way of making others feel more comfortable around you, so you don't look silly standing by the food table alone all night.

"Small talk", as interpreted by the author,______.

A.has no real function in communication at all

B.is usually meaningless and therefore useless

C.is not as idle as it may seem to be

D.is restricted to certain topics only

听力原文:M: Hi, Helen, what do you think of our class in children's literature?W: It's pre

听力原文:M: Hi, Helen, what do you think of our class in children's literature?

W: It's pretty good. I was surprised to see you there. Are you also majoring in elementary education?

M: No, I'm not, but as a psychology major, I can use this to fulfill the requirement in developmental psychology.

W: Have you finished the first assignment yet?

M: Not yet. I just bought the books today. How about you?

W: I started this afternoon. It's great fun reading those wonderful children's stories by Dr. Seuss.

M: Dr. Seuss? I don't remember seeing his name on the reading list.

W: His full name is Theodor Seuss Geisel. That's how it's listed in the bibliography. Dr. Seuss is his pen name.

M: I loved reading those stories as a child. It'll be interesting to read them now from a different perspective. I guess it'll give me a good idea about how children think.

W: Those stories are also great for classroom use.

M: How is that?

W: Well, take a typical Dr. Seuss' book like The Cat in the Hat. It has a controlled vocabulary of only 200 words.

M: So that means the children get lots of practice in using a small number of words over and over.

W: Exactly. In fact, The Cat in the Hat was written primarily to show how a controlled vocabulary reader could also be interesting and fun.

M: Well, it sounds that all these courses are going to be interesting and fun. I think I'll get started on this reading list tonight.


A.Art history.

B.Elementary education.

C.American literature.


听力原文:M: Hi, Helen, what do you think of our class in children's literature?W: It looks

听力原文:M: Hi, Helen, what do you think of our class in children's literature?

W: It looks pretty good. I was surprised to see you in there. Are you also majoring in elementary education?

M: No, I'm not, but as a psychology major, I can use this to fulfill the requirement in developmental psychology.

W: Have you finished the first assignment yet?

M: Not yet. I just bought the books today. How bout you?

W: I started this afternoon. It's great fun reading those wonderful children's stories by Dr. Thews.

M: Dr. Thews? I don't remember seeing his name on the reading list.

W: His full name is Theodore Thews Gaisell. That's how it's listed in the bibliography. Dr. Thews is his pen name.

M: I loved reading those stories as a child. It'll be interesting to read them now from a different perspective. I guess it's give me a good idea on how children think.

W: Those stories are also great for classroom use.

M: How is that?

W: Well, take a typical Dr. Thews' book like The Cat in the Hat. It was a controlled vocabulary of only 200 words.

M: So that means the children get lots of practice in using a small number of words over and over.

W: Exactly. In fact, The Cat in the Hat was written primarily to show how a controlled vocabulary reader could also be interesting and fun.

M: Well, it sounds like all these courses are also going to be interesting and fun. I think I'll get started on this reading list tonight.


A.Art history.

B.Elementary education.

C.American literature.


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