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提问人:网友chxljtt 发布时间:2022-01-07

听力原文:M: Hi, Grace. Mind if I eat lunch with you?W: No. Mr. Evans, not at all.M: Thanks

听力原文:M: Hi, Grace. Mind if I eat lunch with you?

W: No. Mr. Evans, not at all.

M: Thanks. I just heard that you're studying nutrition and you've got quite a bit of experience working in the cafeteria, so I wonder if you will be interested in a small project we are doing this term.

W: What's the project all about?

M: More and more students have been deciding not to buy the meal here and we want to attract them back. So I want to hear what students would like. Your job would be to find out.

W: Well, if the menus were changed, then maybe I wouldn't have to listen to so much criticism.

M: That makes you perfect for the job. Would you be interested?

W: I'm not sure. What sorts of changes are you thinking of?

M: I'd like to make some changes in the way we prepare our food. For example, just look at what we have to choose from today. You got a fried hamburger and I got fried chicken. They both contain too much fat.

W: But you'd better not get rid of them. They're everybody's favorite.

M: Well, we can certainly keep them, but we need to give the people who are health-conscious some choices. For example, we could also prepare chicken without the fatty skin and serve it on some rice with a light sauce. Do you think that would appeal to students?

W: Well, I'd like that. You're right. You'd better find out what others think. Sorry, I've got to get back to work. I'd like to hear more though. I'll drop by your office later. M: Ok, see you then.


A.The size of the cafeteria,

B.The food served in the cafeteria.

C.The cost of meals in the cafeteria.

D.Career opportunities in cafeterias.

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更多“听力原文:M: Hi, Grace. Mind if I eat lunch with you?W: No. Mr. Evans, not at all.M: Thanks”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Hi, Grace. Mind if I cat lunch with you?W: No. Mr. Evans, not at all.M: Thanks

听力原文:M: Hi, Grace. Mind if I cat lunch with you?

W: No. Mr. Evans, not at all.

M: Thanks. I just beard that you're studying nutrition and you've got quite a bit of experiences working in the cafeteria, so I wonder if you will be interested in a small project we are doing this germ.

W: What's the project all about?

M: More and more students have been deciding not to buy the meal here and we want to attract them back. So I want to hear what students would like. Your job would be to find out.

W: Well, if the menus were changed, then maybe I wouldn't have to listen to so much criticism.

M: That makes you perfect for the job. Would you be interested?

W: I'm not sure. What sorts of changes are you thinking of?

M: I'd like to make some changes in the way we prepare our food. For example, just look at what we have to choose from today. You got a fried hamburger and I got fried chicken; They both contain too much fat.

W: But you'd better not get rid of them. They're everybody's favorite.

M: Well, we can certainly keep them, but we need to give the people who are health-conscious some choices. For example, we could also prepare chicken without the fatty skin and serve it on some rice with a light sauce. Do you think that would appeal to students?

W: Well, I'd like that. You're right. You'd better find out what others think. Sorry, I've got to get hack to work. I'd like to hear more though. I'll drop by your office later.

M: OK. See you then.


A.The size of the cafeteria.

B.The food served in the cafeteria.

C.The cost of meals in the cafeteria.

D.Career opportunities in cafeterias.

听力原文:M: Hi, Grace. Mind if I ear lunch with you?W: No, Mr. Evans, not at all.M: Thanks

听力原文:M: Hi, Grace. Mind if I ear lunch with you?

W: No, Mr. Evans, not at all.

M: Thanks. I just heard that you're studying nutrition and you've got quite a bit of experience working in the cafeteria, so I wonder if you will be interested in a small project we are doing this term,

W: What’s the project all about? M: More and more students have been deciding not to buy the meal here and we want to attract them back. So I want to hear what students would like. Your job would be to find out.

W: Well, if the menus were changed, then maybe I wouldn't have to listen to so much criticism.

M: That makes you perfect for the job. Would you be interested?

W: I'm not sure. What sorts of changes ire you thinking of?

M: I'd like to make some changes in the way we prepare our food. For example, just look at what we have to choose from today. You got a fried hamburger and I got fried chicken. They both contain too much fat.

W: But you'd better not get rid of them. They're everybody's favorite.

M: Well, we can certainly keep them, but we need to give the people who are health-conscious some choices. For example, we could also prepare chicken without the fatty skin and serve it on some rice with a light sauce. Do you think that would appeal to students?

W: Well, I'd like that. You're right. You'd better find out what others think. Sorry, I've got to get back to work. I'd like to hear more though. I'll drop by your office later.

M: Ok, see you then.


A.The size of the cafeteria.

B.The food served in the cafeteria.

C.The cost of meals in the cafeteria.

D.Career opportunities in cafeterias.

听力原文:W1: Good morning, Donald Company. Can I help you?M: This is Jim Blaire from H&

听力原文:W1: Good morning, Donald Company. Can I help you?

M: This is Jim Blaire from H&D. Can I speak to Mrs. Rod?

W1: Hold on, please, Mr. Blaire. I'll put you through.

M: Thanks a lot.

W2: Good morning, Grace Rod speaking.

M: Hello, Grace. This is Jim Blaire.

W2: Oh, hi, Jim. Haven't heard you from you for a long time. How have you been?

M: Fine. Grace, I'm just calling to see if we could fix an appointment for next week.

W2: Sure. We certainly need to discuss next year's acquisition strategy. Wait a minute, I'll get my diary.

M: Is Monday afternoon fine for you?

W2: Sorry. I've got to go to the factory on Monday and on Tuesday I'll be to attend a press conference.

M: How about Wednesday then?

W2: Let me see. Wednesday… no, I have a meeting in the morning, and I have an appointment with my client in the afternoon. I think Thursday might be better. I'll be available after my appointment with someone from the Quality Department at 10 o'clock. Will that suit you?

M: OK, then we'll fix it at 10:30 Friday morning.

Look at the form. below.

You will hear a man calling about making appointment.

Mr. Rod's Schedule for Next Week

Monday: visiting (5)______

Tuesday. press conference

Wednesday: meeting in the morning, appointment with (6)______

Thursday: meeting with Blaire to discuss next year's (7)______

Time: (8)______

Place: Mr. Blaire's office

听力原文:W1: Good morning, Kent & Donald. Can I help you?M: This is Brian Smith from C

听力原文:W1: Good morning, Kent & Donald. Can I help you?

M: This is Brian Smith from C &B. Can I speak to Mrs Cooper.

W1: Hold on, please, Mr Brian. I'll put you through.

M: Thanks a lot.

W2: Good morning, Grace Cooper speaking.

M: Hello, Grace. This is Philip Brian.

W2: Oh, hi, Philip. Haven't heard from you for a long time. How have you been?

M: Fine. Grace, I'm just calling to see if we could fix an appointment for next week.

W2: Sure. We certainly need to discuss next year's marketing strategy. Wait a minute, I'll get my diary.

M: Is Monday afternoon fine for you?

W2: Sorry. I've got to go to the factory on Monday and on Tuesday 1'11 be out of town to attend a seminar.

M: How about Wednesday then?

W2: Let me see. Wednesday... no, I have a meeting in the morning, and I have an appointment with my dentist in the afternoon. I think Thursday might be better. I'll be available after my appointment with someone from the Quality Department at 10 o'clock. Will that suit you?

M: OK, then we'll fix it at 10:30 Friday morning.

W2: No problem. So 10:30 at your office?

M: Yes, I think that would be better. I look forward to seeing you.

W2: Me too. Bye.

M: Bye-bye.

&8226;Look at the form. below.

&8226;You will hear a man calling about making appointment.

Mrs Cooper's Schedule for Next Week

Monday: visiting factory

Tuesday: (9) __________________

Wednesday: meeting in the morning, appointment with (10) __________________

Thursday: at 10:30, meet with (11) __________________ in his office to

discuss next year's (12) __________________

听力原文:M:Hi,Kate! Which Class are you in?W:Hi,Tom! I'm in Class Four,Grade Six.Q:Which C

听力原文:M:Hi,Kate! Which Class are you in?

W:Hi,Tom! I'm in Class Four,Grade Six.

Q:Which Class is Kate in?





听力原文:W: Hi, Peter.M: Hi, Mary. I'm glad to meet you here.Q: What is the relationship b

听力原文:W: Hi, Peter.

M: Hi, Mary. I'm glad to meet you here.

Q: What is the relationship between the speakers?


A.They are friends.

B.They are strangers.

C.They are brother and sister.

听力原文:W: Hi, could you lend me the camera, David?M: Hi, Alice. I'd like to, but it belo

听力原文:W: Hi, could you lend me the camera, David?

M: Hi, Alice. I'd like to, but it belongs to Jane.

Who wanted to borrow the camera?




听力原文:W: Hi, Bill.M: Hi, Levin.W: How about going to movie?M: I'll be glad to. When wil

听力原文:W: Hi, Bill.

M: Hi, Levin.

W: How about going to movie?

M: I'll be glad to. When will the film start?

W: It starts at ten to ten.

M: We still have ten minutes. Let's have a drink first.

W: O.K.

What is the time now?




听力原文:Hi, Bob. What do you think of the movie we saw last Saturday?(4)A.I watched the m

听力原文:Hi, Bob. What do you think of the movie we saw last Saturday?


A.I watched the movie.

B.I'm thinking about the movie.

C.The movie is on.

D.it couldn't be better.

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. Where are you going?W: Oh, hi, Bob. I'm on my way to the library. M:

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. Where are you going?

W: Oh, hi, Bob. I'm on my way to the library.

M: I just wondered if you wanted to go to a concert with me.

W: I'd love to, but I can't. I can't relieve all the work I have today.

Where is the woman going?

A.To the cafeteria.

B.To the movie theater.

C.To her dorm room.

D.To the library.

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