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提问人:网友niujunli 发布时间:2022-01-07

听力原文:M: Oh, Susan, you look quite different from what I saw you two years ago.W: Sure,

听力原文:M: Oh, Susan, you look quite different from what I saw you two years ago.

W: Sure, I started jogging regularly one year ago and my weight went from 243 pounds to the 160 pounds now. And that’s how I get the figure today.

Q: What do we know about the woman?


A.She was always in good shape.

B.She stopped exercising one year ago.

C.She lost a lot of weight in one year.

简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
更多“听力原文:M: Oh, Susan, you look quite different from what I saw you two years ago.W: Sure,”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Susan, we’ll go camping this weekend. Would you like to join us?W: Oh, great!

听力原文:M: Susan, we’ll go camping this weekend. Would you like to join us?

W: Oh, great! I like camping very much.

Q: What will they do at the weekend?


A.Go camping.

B.Go sightseeing.

C.Go shopping.

D.Go skating.

听力原文:(Woman) Could you please connect me to Susan Lam's room?(Man) Just a moment, plea

听力原文:(Woman) Could you please connect me to Susan Lam's room?

(Man) Just a moment, please... I'm sorry, I can't find anyone by that name in our records. Are you sure she's staying here?

(Woman) Yes, I'm sure. I was just talking to her a minute ago. Oh, wait, I made a mistake. It's Susan Lim, not Susan Lam.

(Man) Oh, yes, I see her name. Let me connect you to her room.

Where does the man probably work?

A.In a post office

B.In a restaurant

C.In a hotel

D.In a school

听力原文:W: It's such a fine day. Why don't we climb the mountain?M: Oh, I would love to,

听力原文:W: It's such a fine day. Why don't we climb the mountain?

M: Oh, I would love to, Susan, but I have been sick and all that exercise may not be good.

Why doesn't the man want to climb the mountain?

A.He doesn'! like to.

B.The exercise is not good for people.

C.He has been iii.

听力原文:M: Susan, Please pass me a copy of China Daily.W: Here you are.M: I want to find

听力原文:M: Susan, Please pass me a copy of China Daily.

W: Here you are.

M: I want to find what's on this weekend.

W: Is there anything good on?

M: The Beijing Opera is showing on Saturday evening. Do you like Beijing Opera?

W: Oh, yes. Very much. When and where will it be?

M: At 7:30 in Beihai Park.

W: Let's go and see it, OK?

M: Good idea!

When will the Beijing Opera be on?

A.At 7:30 Saturday.

B.At 7:00 Saturday.

C.At 7:00 Sunday.

听力原文:M: What's the matter, Susan?W: Oh, Brian. I've lost my necklace and I've looked e

听力原文:M: What's the matter, Susan?

W: Oh, Brian. I've lost my necklace and I've looked everywhere.

M: Don' t worry. Now why don' t you tell me where you have been…

What is the man most probably going to do next?

A.To buy another necklace immediately.

B.To help looking for the necklace.

C.To punish her.

听力原文:W:Oh, no! It's after seven o'clock and I promised Susan I'd meet her in front of
her office right at six:

M:You'd better cook up a good story or you'll be in big trouble.

Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?


A.Cook Susan's favorite food.

B.Buy a small gift for Susan.

C.Make a good excuse.

D.Get to Susan's office immediately.

听力原文:M: Hello!W: Hi, Paul! It's me. Look, we're having trouble with the car.M: Oh, rea

听力原文:M: Hello!

W: Hi, Paul! It's me. Look, we're having trouble with the car.

M: Oh, really? I'm sorry to hear that. Want me to come and get you?

W: Well, actually we're stuck on the highway.

M: In this terrible weather?

W: Yes, I'm pretty wet.

M: Susan, where are you now?

W: You know the Acro Gas Station at the entrance to the highway?

M: Yes. Wait around and I'll come and get you.

W: OK, great! Sorry about the trouble.

M: Don't worry about it. See you later.

W: See you.


A.On the highway.

B.In a lift.

C.At home.

D.At a railway station.

听力原文:M: Hello!W: Hi, Paul! It's me. Look, we're having trouble with the car.M: Oh, rea

听力原文:M: Hello!

W: Hi, Paul! It's me. Look, we're having trouble with the car.

M: Oh, really? I'm sorry to heat that. Want me to come and get you?

W: Well, actually we're stuck on the highway.

M: In this terrible weather?

W: Yes, I'm pretty wet.

M: Susan, where are you now?

W: You know the Acro Gas Station at the entrance to the highway?

M: Yes. Wait around and I'll come and get you.

W: OK, great! Sorry about the trouble.

M: Don't worry about it. See you later.

W: See you.

Q8. From where is Susan calling Paul?


A.On the highway.

B.In a lift.

C.At home.

D.At a railway station.

听力原文:M: Hello! Can I speak to Susan, please?W: Speaking. Is that you, Tom?M: Yes, it i

听力原文:M: Hello! Can I speak to Susan, please?

W: Speaking. Is that you, Tom?

M: Yes, it is. I am going to New Zealand in two weeks' time, and my wife is going with me.

W: Oh, how lucky you are! How long are you going for?

M: For a couple of months, maybe half a year. My boss wants me to help set up a branch company there. Well, Susan, you have been to New Zealand several times. Can you give us some suggestions or just tell us about that country?

W: I'd love to. We can have a talk sometime.

M: Why not come over to dinner in my house this weekend. My wife wants to meet you as well.

W: All right. What about Saturday?

M: Ok. See you at 6:00 pm, this coming Saturday. Goodbye!


A.San Francisco.

B.New Zealand.



听力原文:(Woman—Susan Man—David)W: What is so interesting in that book, David?M: Oh, Susan

听力原文:(Woman—Susan Man—David)

W: What is so interesting in that book, David?

M: Oh, Susan, it's a book about the changes in weather.

W: We certainly are having different weather this year, aren't we?

M: That's why I borrowed this book from the library. I wanted to read about differences in climate.

W: Does the book talk about cold weather like we've been having?

M: As a matter of fact, it does. It tells how weather seems to come in cycles. There will be periods of very cold winters and very hot summers.

W: Well, we've had both this year, haven't we?

M: Yes, and according to the book, that type of weather will last for several years.

W: Then what happens? Does it just continue to get colder and hotter?

M: No, that was what I was afraid of, but the book says that after the very cold/very hot cycle is over, there will be a time of moderate weather.

W: What do you mean by "moderate"?

M: The book says that the weather will be cold in the winter but not too cold. In the summer, the temperature will not be so high as it was this last summer.

W: Will it last for several years?

M: It seems that it will. It's a cycle, just like we're having now. Then it will go back to the very cold and very hot.

W: I'll look forward to the moderate years, then.

M: Me, too!


A.The climate in cold countries.

B.The weather for tomorrow.

C.The changes in weather.

D.The cold winter.

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