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提问人:网友hhz2020 发布时间:2022-07-06

Most students find it hard to get a good score on the exam as it is more difficult and ______ than they expected.





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  • · 有3位网友选择 D,占比30%
  • · 有3位网友选择 C,占比30%
  • · 有3位网友选择 B,占比30%
  • · 有1位网友选择 A,占比10%
匿名网友[112.***.***.157]选择了 A
匿名网友[168.***.***.195]选择了 C
匿名网友[146.***.***.160]选择了 D
匿名网友[29.***.***.117]选择了 D
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匿名网友[217.***.***.25]选择了 B
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匿名网友[147.***.***.21]选择了 A
更多“Most students find it hard to get a good score on the exam as it is more difficult and ______ than t…”相关的问题
If you are attending university in or paying a visit to another city, most probably you ha
ve found the new city different from your hometown. Do you have difficulties adapting to the new environment Do you find your reactions similar to a culture shock Discuss your reactions in class and ask local students to explain what is puzzling to you in the new city. Following that, you are required to produce an essay entitled “How I Have Adapted to a New Environment” in 300 words.

Outside-the-classroom Learning Makes a Big DifferencePutting a bunch of college students i

Outside-the-classroom Learning Makes a Big Difference

Putting a bunch of college students in charge of a $ 300, 000 Dance Marathon, fundraiser sure lysounds a bit risky. When you consider the fact that the money is supposed to be given to. Children in need of medical care, you might call the idea crazy.

Most student leaders don't want to spend a large amount of time on something they care little a bout, said 22-year-old University of Florida student Darren Heitner. He was the Dance Marathon's operations officer for two years.

Yvonne Fangmeyer, director of the student organization office at the University of Wisconsin, conducted a survey in February of students involved in campus organizations. She said the desire for friendship was the most frequently cited reason for joining.

At large universities like Fangmeyer's, which has more than 40, 000 students, the students first of all want to find a way to "belong in their own comer of campus".

Katie Rowley, a Wisconsin senior, confirms the survey's findings. "I wanted to make the cam pus feel smaller by joining an organization where I could not only get involved on campus but also find a group of friends. "

All of this talk of friendship, however, does not mean that students aren't thinking about their resumes. "I think that a lot of people do join to ' fatten up their resume' , " said Heitner. "At the beginning of my college career, I joined a few of these organizations, hoping to get a start in my leadership roles. "

But without passion student leaders can have a difficult time trying to weather the storms that come. For example, in April, several student organizations at Wisconsin teamed up for an event de signed to educate students about homelessness and poverty. Student leaders had to face the problem of solving disagreements, moving the event because of rainy weather, and dealing with the university's complicated bureaucracy.

"Outside-of the classroom learning really makes a big difference. " Fangmeyer said.

An extracurricular activity like raising a fund of $ 300, 000 is risky because most student leaders ______.

A.are lazy

B.are stupid

C.are not rich enough

D.will not take an interest in it

根据短文的内容,回答下列题目 Outside-the-classroom Learning Makes a Big DifferencePutting


Outside-the-classroom Learning Makes a Big Difference

Putting a bunch of college students in charge of a $300,000 Dance Marathon, fundraiser surely sounds a bit risky. When you consider the fact that the money is supposed to be given to. Children in need of medical care, you might call the idea crazy.

Most student leaders don&39;t want to spend a large amount of time on something they care little about, said 22-year-old University of Florida student Darren Heitner. He was the Dance Marathon&39;s operations officer for two years.

Yvonne Fangmeyer, director of the student organization office at the University of Wisconsin,conducted a survey in February of students involved in campus organizations. She said the desire for friendship was the most frequently cited reason for joining.

At large universities like Fangmeyer&39;s, which has more than 40,000 students, the students first of all want to find a way to "belong in their own comer of campus".

Katie Rowley, a Wisconsin senior, confirms the survey&39;s findings. "I wanted to make the campus feel smaller by joining an organization where I could not only get involved on campus but also find a group of friends."

All of this talk of fi&39;iendship, however, does not mean that students aren&39;t thinking about their resumes.

"I think that a lot of people do join to &39;fatten up their resume&39;," said Heitner. "At the beginning of my college career, I joined a few of these organizations, hoping to get a start in my leadership roles."

But without passion student leaders can have a difficult time trying to weather the storms that come. For example, in April, several student organizations at Wisconsin teamed up for an event designed to educate students about homelessness and poverty. Student leaders had to face the problem of solving disagreements, moving the event because of rainy weather, and dealing with the university&39;s complicated bureaucracy.

"Outside-of-the-classroom-learning really makes a big difference," Fangmeyer said.

An extracurricular activity like raising a fund of $300,000 is risky because most student leaders __________. 查看材料

A.are lazy

B.are stupid

C.are not rich enough

D.will not take an interest in it

听力原文:Imagine that someone in your neighbourhood broke the law, and the judge put the w

听力原文: Imagine that someone in your neighbourhood broke the law, and the judge put the whole neighbourhood under suspicion. How fair will that be? Well, it happens everyday to high schoolers. Just because some students have stolen things in shops, all of us are treated like thieves. Even though I'd never steal.

Store employees looked at me like I'm some kind of hardened criminal. For example, during one lunch period, my friend Denny and I went to the Graben Gore Restaurant to have a hot dog. We arrived to find a line of students waiting outside. A new sign in the window told the story."No More Than Two Students At A Time". After 15 minutes, we finally got in. But the store manager laid the evil eye on us. I asked him about the new sign, and he said, "You kids are stealing too much stuff. " You kids? Too much stuff? We were not only assumed to be thieves, but brilliant, greedy thieves. The most annoying thing though, is the way employees watched my friends and me. It's horrible.

Once, at a drug store, I was looking around and found a guy standing on a large box, stocking the shelves.He was watching my hands, more than he was watching his own. I showed him that my hands were empty. He got down off his box and rushed off, as if he was going to get the store manager. How crazy is that!


33. What does the speaker find to be unfair?

34. What measure did the Graben Gore Restaurant take to stop stealing?

35. What happened in a drug store that greatly annoyed the speaker?


A.Hardworking students being accused of cheating.

B.Boy students being often treated as law-breakers.

C.Innocent people being suspected groundlessly.

D.Junior employees being made to work overtime.

听力原文:M: Amy, are you interested in joining us for the party this weekend? W: Id love
to. But I have tutoring then. M: Tutoring? I can hardly imagine that you need a help with a class. W: I mean Im tutoring someone else. I go downtown to tutor a few students at high school. M: I find that hard to believe. And what subject do you tutor, math or something else? W: Right. You see, the city is trying to raise the standards for its math classes. The problem is, a lot of the kids are far behind when they get to juniour high school. M: Yeah, I have read such report in the newspaper. But does the time schedule conflict with your own classes? W: I only have three students for forty minutes each weekend. Most of the tutors there are students at university, so our classes arent over there. And we are volunteers, so the programme doesnt cost a lot and the city education department likes us. M: Can you afford to take that much time away from your own studying? W: Some weeks are kind of hard especially when the examination is approaching. But anyway I may as well get used to teaching easy materials to the students, so as to get the practical experience. M: And it must be nice to help people. W: Definitely. Forty minutes a week isnt much time, but all the three of my students have improved in the months weve worked together. Its really inspiring. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. What will the woman do on the weekend? 10. What is the problem with the kids in juniour high school? 11. How does the woman cope with the tutoring and her own studying? 12. What does the woman think of her teaching?9.

A.They cannot find a good math teacher.

B.They cannot pass the examination.

C.They cannot catch up with the lessons.

D.They cannot meet the requirements.

听力原文:Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between two students. Student A Hello
, I am a new student here. Student B Hello, what can I do for you? Student A Can you tell me what the Student Union does? Student B Well, were part of the National Union of students, which represents students interests across the country. We provide services for all students at this college. Student A What kind of services? Student B There are advisors and welfare staff, entertainment, sports clubs, union societies, meetings, campaigns, and special interest groups. We offer everything from ballroom dancing to karate, jazz, and political debates. Student A Sounds great. But do we need to pay for the services? Student B No, actually. Were a non-profit organization and we dont charge any fees for our services. Student A Thats terrific! How can you help overseas students? Student B As Ive said, we have welfare officers who are used to the sort of problems overseas students may have. They know where to get advice on a particular situation, or basically give whatever help is asked for. Student A I am from the Philippines and I hope I can meet other Filipino students who are here. I play chess and many sports, especially badminton, basketball and wrestling. Please tell me how to find out about these things? Student B There is a Filipino society at the college. It is made up of Filipino students and other students who have an interest in the Philippines. Student A So, what kind of activities do they have? Student B They hold regular meetings and have lots of social activities, such as meals, plays and dances. Student A So wonderful! And what about the sports? Does the Union offer the ones Im interested in? Student B Yes, we do. There are basketball and wrestling teams. If you want to play in one of the college teams, you have to go to training sessions and compete for a place. For badminton, you can either go to the Badminton Club or book a court to play with friends Student A Is there also a chess club or team? Student B No, Im afraid not. Student A Oh, its a pity. But I do like playing chess very much. Do you know any way I can find some players to play with? Student B Um...You might try putting a notice up on our notice board and see if you can find some other players. Student A Ah...that sounds good! So, I just write a notice reading "Chess player wanted" and then put it up on the notice board? Student B Yeah, you can do it like that. But Im afraid youll have to give your notice to a Union office first, so that its fair for everyone who wants to use the notice board. Student A Ok, I think Ill do it later. Well, thank you very much for your help. Student B Youre welcome. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 30. Where does the conversation most probably take place? 31. Which office helps overseas students with their particular problems? 32. What kind of sport is NOT mentioned in the conversation? 33. Where can the student find his compatriots at the college? 34. Which of the following can be inferred when the man says this? Student B ...youll have to give your notice to a Union office first, so that its fair for everyone who wants to use the notice board.Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between two students. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a student dorm.

B.At a Student Union office.

C.In a classroom.

D.At a student club.

Alfred Binet used a large number of children in his tests because he wanted to find our___

A.who were the most stupid

B.the differences between them

C.who were the cleverest students

D.a norm

Aid to Reading"Thanks for replying so quickly. Not only do you guys have an outstanding pr

Aid to Reading

"Thanks for replying so quickly. Not only do you guys have an outstanding product but you also back it up with amazing customer service. I wish everyone in business was as customer service oriented as you."

Jonathan Smithson, ON, Mexico.

"I love the product. I have already increased my reading speed by about 100 wpm. What a time saver! I have recommended it to anyone that talks about needing to read lots of material."

Steven Judd, Oklahoma, AUSTRALIA.

"I am a speed reading training instructor and have used Ace Reader myself for the past few years. I also recommend it to all of my students as the best speed reading software on the market. My kids use it and have seen speed increases and really love the word games. I highly recommend this program."

Pam Mullan, Red Creek, NEW ZEALAND.

"I teach speed reading and reading improvement; this is the second year I have used this program with my students. I find that the students who focus on the program increase their reading speed ... most double their speed, and some triple their speed. They enjoy the word games, as well. "

Deanna Fleck, Edmond, OK, USA.

What are all these people talking about?

A.Reading software.

B.A reading course.

C.A good service.

D.A class program.

Our society values boys and their experience more than it values girls, and this is【C1】___
___ in the education system. But education is not responsible for this and it is necessary to【C2】______ the point that it isn't the teachers'【C3】______that schools are【C4】______ for the interests of boys. I thought that if I could show that every【C5】______ of society believes that boys are more important -- and【C6】______ more attention -- then I would have "set the【C7】______"for the discussion about sexism【C8】______ it appears in education.

I had absolutely no doubt【C9】______ I could go into the classroom and find evidence that teachers operate on the【C10】______ that boys were more important. (This does not mean that hey 【C11】______ this. It was not【C12】______ conscious thing on their 【C13】______ )If I sked teachers to tell me about the students they taught, they would always begin 【C14】______ the names of the boys. If I interviewed them they would probably tell me that they thought the boys

were【C15】______ , and that boys were more enjoyable although more【C16】______ to teach. Most of them said they planned their【C17】______ with the interests of the boys【C18】______ because if they didn't, there would be【C19】______ in the classroom. When they taught something the girls were interested in, there was always a【C20】______ .






听力原文:M: Good morning everyone. Well I think we can start straightaway by getting Rosie
to do her presentation. Would you like to start, Rosie?

W: Yes, well, um, we've done a survey on local entertainment. Basically, we tried to find out how students feel about the entertainment in the town and how much they use it. So we've called our project "Out and About"...

M: Yes, that's a good title!

W: We wanted to find out how well students use the entertainment facilities in town... whether they get to see the latest plays, films... that kind of thing. Actually there were a lot of areas to choose from but in the end we limited ourselves to looking at two general categories: cinema and theatre.

M: Right.

W: OK. Well, first of all the cinema. In the town, there are three main places where you can see films. There's the new multi-screen cinema complex, the old park cinema, and a late-night odeon. In terms of audience size, the multi-screen complex accounts for 75% of all cinema seats, the park cinema accounts for 20% of seats and the late-night odeon has just 5% of seats.

M: Yes, as is shown in your chart.

W: As you probably know, the complex and the park show all the latest films, while the late-night cinema tends to show cult films. So, when we interviewed the students, we thought the complex would be the most popular choice of cinema... but surprisingly it was the late-night odeon. Most students said that if they wanted to see a film, they waited for it to show at the park because the complex is more expensive and further out of town so you have to pay more to get there as well.

M: Yes, and that adds to the cost, of course, and distracts from the popularity, evidently.

W: Well, next, we looked at theatres. There's the Stage Theatre in town, which is very old and architecturally quite beautiful. And there's also the large, modem theatre, the Ashtop, that has recently been built. But the thing about the theatres is that there's a whole variety of seat prices. Also, the types of performance vary... so students tend to buy seats at both and like using both for different reasons and if they want cheap seats at the Ashtop, they can just sit further from the front.

M: And anything else?

W: Yes. What we did find that was very interesting is that there are periods during the year when students seem to go to the theatre and periods when they go to the cinema and we really think that's to do with the budget. There's a peak around November and December when they go to the theatre more and then a period in April and May when neither is particularly popular and then theatre viewing seems to tail off virtually while the cinema becomes quite popular in June and July.

M: Mmm. I think you're probably right about your conclusions...


A.The entertainment on campus.

B.The entertainment facilities students use in town.

C.The kinds of films and plays students enjoy.

D.The cinemas and theatres students like to go to.

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